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Chapter 521: Nine Deaths Live

Yan Ruozhen escaped from the tent with Huang Fengmo on his back, and fought with Huan. Unfortunately, he alerted a Western soldier. As soon as the whistle blew, the nearby soldiers rushed over.

Huanyi sprinkled calming powder and super pepper, and fled with Yan Ruocheng and others.

The Western soldiers set off signal fireworks, and the enemy surrounded the entire forest. Huan had no choice but to let Yan Ruocheng escape first, carrying Huang Fengmo on his back. He wanted to distract the pursuing soldiers and rescue the remaining four companions.

Yan Ruocheng was wandering through the dark forest with Huang Fengmo on his back, not knowing which direction to run for safety. He thought he could find the passage to another mountain by heading in the direction with the sound of water.

Unfortunately, she was so unlucky that she found a very large and long waterfall, and she was standing on the land at the top of the waterfall.

She wanted to retreat, but she was really unlucky to see a Western ghost. A line of Western soldiers caught up with her just like this, and they thought they had a Western gun pointed at her.

She heard the Western soldiers shouting at her, asking her to surrender.

Huang Fengmo was already dying on his back. If he was captured again, he would definitely die. However, he might escape death by jumping off the waterfall.

In the cold moonlight, two people fell directly from the waterfall. The sound of falling water was covered by the roar of the waterfall. It was completely unknown whether the two people were alive or dead.

After one night, Huan successfully escaped from the mountain with his four companions. I thought that Yan Ruozhen and Huang Fengmohui should be one step ahead of them and return to the gathering place.

They waited here for a long time, but there was no sign of anyone. Huan and Shangguan Moxuan went back to look for her whereabouts. However, they overheard that Yan Ruocheng and Huang Fengmo jumped off the waterfall last night.

So, several people went to the lower reaches of the waterfall, but still found nothing. Yan Ruocheng and Huang Fengmo seemed to have evaporated from the world, and there was no news at all.

In the palace, the shadow guard came to convey the news to Huang Chenling.

Yan Ruozhen jumped off the waterfall with Huang Fengmo, which shocked him and almost caused a mental breakdown. He had a glimmer of hope that if she jumped like this, she would still be safe. This incident also aroused Huang Chenling's fighting spirit.

, we must drive the Western soldiers out of the Central Plains. No more hesitation, no matter how much we sacrifice, we must drive the enemy out.

There is a cave in the middle of this large waterfall in the forest. There is a water curtain cave in the middle, which leads to another mountainous area.

That day, Bo Gandou was enjoying the cool in the Shuilian Cave, but he was shocked when two people fell from the outside. Fortunately, the two people fell on the bamboo shed he built between the waterfalls, and almost fell under the Qianzhang Waterfall.

His body was shattered into pieces in the pile of rocks.

He recognized this woman as the girl who came to borrow the snake-repelling herb before. Since they were destined, he tried his best to save both of them.

In a large hut in a small hidden valley.

The medicine pot kept boiling the medicinal soup, and the medicinal smell was very strong, floating throughout the room.

Yan Ruocheng slowly opened his eyes from the coma, and when he moved his body a little, his whole body was in pain. He closed his eyes tightly for a while, and then looked around again.

"Where is this? What place?"

She propped herself up and took a look at her injuries. It was just a bruise and no damage to the meridian bone. Moreover, it had been treated with a bandage and medicine.

"It turns out that nothing will happen if you jump off such a high waterfall." She said to herself.

Hey, where is Huang Fengmo?

She looked at her surroundings and then remembered that Huang Fengmo was not around. She quickly got out of bed and walked out to look for someone.

The thatched hut is very large, and is filled with various kinds of herbs outside. It is a lush green environment with the fragrance of birds and flowers. It is so quiet that you can clearly hear the singing of birds. It is like a paradise. The environment here is the living environment she has dreamed of.

"I'm not dreaming, or I'm already dead, and the place I'm standing on is the land of immortals." She looked at it in fascination and began to think wildly.

A butterfly flew in front of her eyes, which brought her back to her senses, and she automatically slapped her face vigorously.

"Oh, it turns out that I'm not dreaming, nor am I dead. What hurts is that I'm alive. Don't worry about it, I'm looking for Feng Mo." She murmured to herself to find someone.

After searching from room to room, I found him in the last room. His whole body was bandaged, and herbs for trauma had been applied. His lips were very pale, and even though they were cracked in several places, there was no blood. He looked like he was dying.

"Feng Mo, Feng Mo, wake up?" Yan Ruocheng held his big hand and called to him. However, there was no reaction at all.

Bo Jiandou came in from the outside and said: "Girl, he hurt his head and suffered serious trauma all over his body. It is a great blessing to be able to save a life. He didn't wake up so quickly."

"Old uncle, it turns out you saved us!" Yan Ruocheng recognized him as the old uncle who was a worldly expert from before.

"Actually, it was my bamboo shed that saved you two. Your weight almost crushed it. You will definitely die if you fall on the rocks below the waterfall." Bo Jiandou explained.

"God bless me, it seems my luck is good." After hearing this, Yan Ruocheng felt regretful for his impulsiveness. He almost died.

"Why do you want to kill yourself, girl, and lead him to jump off the waterfall?" Bo Dundou asked in confusion.

"I'm not seeking death, I was forced to jump down by the Western soldiers above. Old uncle, are you so safe? The top of the mountain is surrounded by Western soldiers." Yan Ruozhen explained.

"It's absolutely safe. No one knows that there is a water curtain cave between the waterfalls. No outsiders have ever been here, except for the two of you." Bo Dundou said confidently.

"That's good. We can let him recover slowly." Yan Ruocheng touched Huang Fengmo's swollen face and said.

In the past few days, Yan Ruozhen was beside Bo Gendou, watching how he helped Huang Fengmo apply acupuncture and use acupoint stimulation methods to wake him up as soon as possible.

"Old uncle, can I ask you your name again? You didn't tell me last time. You said you would tell me if we were destined to meet each other. So I still dare to ask. Besides, I call you old uncle every day.

, you don’t like it, don’t you? You don’t look too old?” Yan Ruocheng coaxed sweetly, trying to figure out his name.

Bo Jindou said with a smile: "Hahaha, girl, you have such a sweet mouth. You are so good at coaxing people. I have been coaxed by you to make me happy even at this age. My name is Bo Jindou. My last name is Bo and my given name is Lao. In fact, your name is Lao

Uncle is right too."

"Uncle Dou, I saw you using that acupuncture point stimulation method the day before yesterday. Can you teach me how to use this method to help Feng Mo heal in the future?" Yan Ruocheng asked pleadingly.

"You want to learn, but I will only have two apprentices in my life, and I have no intention of passing on my medical skills to an outsider." Bo Jiandou shook his head, expressing his disapproval of her request.

"Oh, I knew it wouldn't be that easy. It would be great if Brother Ruoxian and Miss Yun were your apprentices." Yan Ruozhen muttered to himself dejectedly.

"Who are Brother Xian and Miss Yun you are talking about?" Bo Dundou asked curiously.

"They are a brother and sister. I once studied medicine with Brother Xian, and his medical skills are also very good, but compared with you, Uncle Dou, there is a world of difference. Brother Xian's name is Xian Jianlu, and Miss Yun's name is Yun

Creek." Yan Ruocheng said slowly.

After hearing this, Bo Gendou burst into laughter the next second.

Yan Ruocheng looked at him and laughed, with a look of astonishment on his face. He didn't know why he was laughing.

"It's fate, it's fate! It's God's will. Hahaha, you are the disciple of my stupid apprentice. Between heaven and earth, fate is really destined." Bo Gendou explained with a smile.

At this time, Yan Ruocheng also laughed, and it turned out that he had made a big circle, and this old uncle was Xian Jianlu's master.

"Junior, I want to pay my respects to my uncle." Yan Ruocheng immediately knelt down to him regardless of the situation.

"No need to be polite, just get up." Bo Jiandou said.

"I'm sorry, my uncle refused to teach me that method of stimulating acupuncture points. This junior won't be able to get up." Yan Ruozhen took the opportunity to request him again.

"Okay, then don't get up." Bo Jiandou was never threatened by others. Yan Ruocheng made him unhappy with this step, so he turned around and left.

"Scared? You were joking just now, uncle, don't be angry, junior, get up immediately. Don't leave!" Yan Ruocheng hurriedly followed.

A few days later, Huang Fengmo still didn't wake up. However, his complexion improved, and the wounds had slowly scabbed over, and they were not as inflamed as before.

On this day, she slowly fed him little by little medicinal soup, and looked at him gloomily, muttering to herself: "Husband, when will you wake up? I'm so worried about you. I wanted to teach you

Uncle Zu taught me one or two medical skills, but I offended him and refused to teach me anything. Do you think that apart from his superb medical skills, he is also very impersonal in his life? No wonder he wants to live in seclusion alone."

The person on the bed reacted a little and moved his fingers slightly.

Yan Ruocheng noticed that his fingers were responding and continued: "Husband, I know you heard me. If you move your fingers just a little bit, wake up. I will be by your side."

Huang Fengmo gradually saw the light from a very dark road, and slightly opened his eyes.

Yan Ruozhen's big round eyes stared at him worriedly.

"Husband, husband, husband..." As she called, he slowly woke up and his eyes really opened.

He touched her face with his hand, put her head in his arms, and said weakly in her ear: "It's great, I'm not dead yet, I can see you again, Ruocheng."

"Of course you're not dead, how could I let you die? You're just a fool." Yan Ruocheng hugged him and hugged his chest tightly.

The two hugged each other tightly on the bed, until she pressed the pain on Huang Fengmo's wound, and then she had no choice but to let go of each other.

"Does it hurt?" Yan Ruocheng touched his wound, breathed gently, and kissed it gently.

"It doesn't hurt. It won't hurt as long as you are here." Huang Fengmo forced a smile and touched her head.

Outside, Bo Jiandou was holding the medicine. He turned around helplessly and vomited, "That's why I love someone in seclusion. Love is the most inconsiderate thing in the world."

This chapter has been completed!
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