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Chapter 137 Problems from the public side

There were two people named Ashikaga Ususaburo in history. The first was the third generation governor of the Ashikaga family, Ashikaga Ususaburo Yoshiji. He served as the guardian of Mikawa in the Kamakura shogunate and single-handedly established the foundation of the Mikawa Ashikaga family. Many relatives of the Ashikaga family were

It comes from Mikawa, such as Kira, Imagawa, Hosokawa, Isshiki, and Nimu all come from Mikawa country. This is the contribution of Ashikaga Yoshiji.

The second one is the ancestor of Kira Yoshitoki, the second-generation governor of the Kira family, Ashikaga Ususaburo Mitsuru, also known as Kira Mitsuru. He is also the grandson of Ashikaga Ususaburo Yoshiji. He serves as the Echizen guardian of the Kamakura shogunate and the imperial family.

His uncle, the son-in-law of Ashikaga Taishi, the fourth generation head of the Ashikaga family, fought for the Ashikaga family and died in the Frost Moon riot.

And he, Kira Kamisaburo Yoshitoki, was the third one. One can imagine how much pressure he was under with these two glorious ancestors in front of him! As for Goichimon, it involves the internal structure of the Ashikaga Shogun family.


The structure of the Ashikaga shogun's family rises in a ladder shape. The top one is naturally Ashikaga Yoshito of the Ashikaga shogun's family. He serves as the elder of the Genji family and is the leader of the Ashikaga family's first family, followed by the imperial family. For example, in Kanto, one hundred troubles

After many years of Kamakura Kōkō, he was almost wiped out and fled to Furukawa to become Furukawa Kōkō.

Another example is Horikoshi Kōkō and the derived Hirashima Kōkō. The current Hirashima Kōkō Ashikaga Yoshivi is an uncle of Ashikaga Yoshito, and he is also the one who has the right to inherit the shogun. His son is the famous puppet Ashikaga Yoshie.

The unlucky man who served as a general for a few days.

Under the Goichimon are members of the Ichimon clan, that is, members of the same clan who have a distinguished status but do not have the right to inherit, including the Shiba clan (Owari Ashikaga family), the Kira clan (Kamitsu Ashikaga clan), the Hatakeyama clan, the Shibukawa clan, the Ishibashi clan, and the Ishido clan.

Ueno clan, Isshiki clan.

Ikmon clan is their formal name, and less formal names such as the Kira clan, Ishibashi clan, and Shibukawa clan included in the Imperial family are the shogunate who thought that you were relatively noble and had no real power, so they were named from Ikmon clan.

Just give me a less formal name.

In fact, they are just a clan without the right to inherit. The so-called "Shogun has no son Kira Tsugumi, and Kira has no son Imagawa Tsugumi" is a trick played by the Imagawa family to improve their reputation.

The last and lowest level is the Ashikaga family, also known as Domonzo, which means you are allowed to use the Ashikaga family's family crest, but the family status is lower, including the Hosokawa clan, the Niki clan, the Imagawa clan, and the Kashiwagi clan.

, Arakawa clan.

Among these families, the good ones are like the Hosokawa clan in the Third Household, the Imagawa clan who is a giant in Tokaido boasts that his family is noble, the bad ones are like the Niki clan, and the Arakawa clan who was later resurrected by the Kira family after extermination.

The clan (Yoshihiro Arakawa) and the extinct Kashiwagi clan are basically ignored.

The Kira family is now carried directly from the first gate to the imperial gate by Ashikaga Yoshito. He got this flag seal to tell everyone that he, Kira Yoshito, was the imperial gate of the Ashikaga Shogun family, but this is not entirely true.

It's a good thing, the Kira family's imperial family is in an incomplete form.

At present, his residence can be called the Imperial Palace, but he cannot call himself Gongfang, and he is not the imperial family of Ashikaga with the Miao name. He can only use Ashikaga to visit the Imperial family on some important occasions. In this way, this flag seal becomes

It’s a hot potato that’s hard to get.

Ashikaga Kamisaburo Yoshitoki, this rhythm not only required him to change to Ashikaga, but also made others mistakenly think that he was Ashikaga. What's worse is that he is not completely a Goichimon and ranks at the bottom among the Ashikaga clan. If

If something unexpected happens in the future, it is very likely that he will be reduced to a bunch of inconspicuous members by Ashikaga Takauji just like he did two hundred years ago.

Of course Kira Yoshitoki doesn't want to be used as a weapon by anyone, not even Ashikaga Yoshito. Now that the shogunate doesn't particularly rely on him to win the battle, he has to be more careful to put away his little tail and wait for the next time the shogunate needs him.

time to make further plans.

So he didn't hide it. He pointed at the flag seal and said casually: "This is the calligraphy treasure of His Highness Gongfang."

"Old Minister, I have already guessed it." Yamamoto Tokiyuki brought his head closer to take a closer look, and finally stretched out his hand to brush off the dust on the horse print, "The Lord has also learned to play tricks on you. This flag seal is to trick the owner of the hall.

Put it on the fire to roast, have you thought about how to deal with it?"

"Master, do you think this is His Highness Gongfang's trick?" Ji Liangyi shook his head and smiled bitterly: "His Royal Highness Gongfang would really give me a difficult problem and throw a hot potato for me to catch, but this is not suitable for use now.

I'll put him away."

"Oh? Did you think of it so quickly?" Yamamoto Tokiyuki turned his head to look at him and nodded happily, "Tell me what you think."

Kira Yoshishi shook his head and said with a wry smile: "I don't have any special thoughts. It's better to have something like fame than nothing. Since the father-in-law gave me this great gift, of course I should cherish it especially."

"As long as you can see clearly, none of the Ashikaga generals are easy to worry about. Now that you have come to Kyoto, you should study more. Master, why don't you visit Sanjo Nishikata Nagon Miuchi, Saionji right general Gongchao, and follow

How about these two learning singing?" Yamamoto Kansuke said.

"I know, I still have to go to Myoshinji Temple and Daitokuji Temple to practice Zen and learn Buddhism, and to visit Takeno Shoou in Sakai Town to learn tea ceremony. The Ogasawara family in Kyoto will be free of bow and horse rumors, and their two brushes are not as good as the ones passed down from my family.

Yes! There are also Yamashina Yantsugi’s medicine and Cuju, and of course the military strategy and art of war that the master has to teach... It’s really painful to have so many things to learn.”

Kira Yoshitsune rubbed his forehead in distress, with a large number of retainers following him and thousands of mouths waiting for food. In this small place in the Kinei, he had to take care of everything. Among the many benefits of going to Luo, one of them was that he could learn various skills.

This time he finally fulfilled his original promise and plunged into it.

The practice of swordsmanship can only go so far. In the words of Yamamoto Kansuke, as a household governor, as long as his swordsmanship can be used to defend himself and keep fit, the battlefield is not the place where swordsmanship can show its power. With Kira Yoshitoki's talent, he only needs to practice half a day.

Progress can be made gradually over time, and it is enough to practice for a few years before learning advanced skills.

In the next two months, he had to brace himself up to cope with new challenges. He shuttled among various cultural figures in Kyoto. Kira Yoshitoki, who concentrated on his studies, really turned a deaf ear to what was going on outside the window. He didn't do it every day.

Buried in the collection of songs and Buddhist scriptures, he studied military strategy and medicine, and studied the art of tea soup, which was temporarily unavailable due to the war in Kinki. He also dabbled in several other subjects.

Ashikaga Katsuhime and Keijuin moved out of Sakamoto Imperial Palace with a group of servants. They wanted to live in the newly built Nijo Imperial Palace in Kyoto. That was the new residence Ashikaga Yoshitō prepared for himself. Not only did it cost a lot of money and manpower to build it, but also spent a lot of time building it.

After working on the interior decoration of Nijo Imperial Palace for several months, I managed to bring my mother and adopted sister over to move in before the end of the year.

The busy work continued until the winter passed and the new year came. The two Yari had the happiest time with Yamashina Huangmon Yantsugi. In addition to his official position, he had long been responsible for internal affairs and external affairs.

The royal family raised funds, thus developing the ability of being an all-round talker. It was very pleasant to talk to him. He also taught Kira Yoshitoki medicine and Cuju with all his heart. In addition, he was also a master of Chinese studies and singing, and Kira Yoshitoki liked him very much.

Discuss culture with him.

Hosokawa Harumoto was defeated by Matsunaga Hide before winter. Not only did the two brothers Matsunaga Nagayori lose face, hundreds of people died. Fortunately, the Matsunaga brothers did not continue the pursuit, allowing him to return to Yamashiro Country in dignity.

However, because of his poor performance, the shogunate was deeply disappointed with him. His legitimate son, Seishomaru, was taken by Ashikaga Yoshitō and taught by the shogunate ministers personally. Hosokawa Harumoto not only lost his power, but also lost his son, and could only go to

Looking for comfort from his wife.

Although Hosokawa Harumoto was defeated, the situation of the Miyoshi family did not improve. After winter, the Miyoshi family, eager to end the war, fought a fierce battle with the Hatakeyama family under the command of Miyoshi Yoshihide. Both sides had conflicts with each other.

The damage finally drove back the unconscious governor of the Hatakeyama family. After this stop, the Miyoshi family suffered heavy losses and was unable to continue the expedition to Kyoto. They could only disband the army and return to Shikoku. With the advent of winter, Astronomical Nineteenth Year

The war has come to an end.

Hatakeyama Takamasa felt that he had been unjustly defeated, and he shouted without giving up: "I will come back next year!" The two poles shouted so that everyone in Miyoshi's family felt sleepy and uneasy, so Miyoshi Yoshihide could only lead Shikoku first.

The regiment celebrated the New Year in their hometown, and then gathered with the Miyoshi retainers group in Sakai Town for a meeting with Miyoshi Chokei.

The hard-planned plan came to nothing and did not lead the shogunate to come out. It was just that Hosokawa Harumoto came over to make soy sauce, which disappointed them. The second-in-command Hatakeyama Takamasa didn't know whether he took the wrong medicine and had to fight with the Miyoshi family to decide whether it was male or female. Miyoshi grew up.

Qing could only say that he was shot even while lying down, and at this time, the Rokkaku family, who had been in soy sauce for more than a year, finally jumped out at the right time.

Shortly after the first snow fell in Kinki, the sick Rokkaku Sadeyori asked his son Rokkaku Yoshiken to step forward to mediate the peace between the shogunate and the Miyoshi family, and also invited Haruhide Kanshuji from the court to be the peacemaker.

Man, the two of them had a great time running back and forth between Kyoto and Sakai Town more than a dozen times this winter. In the end, both parties reluctantly agreed to the matter of peace.

Miyoshi Nagakei recognized the shogunate's control of Yamashiro Kingdom, and the shogunate also recognized his control over Settsu and Izumi. Then Miyoshi Nagakei also got his wish to get the imperial minister, Ashikaga Yoshito, as always, refused to marry his sister to Miyoshi.

Changqing's eldest son's proposal meant that both sides gained something.

In fact, everyone knows that this harmony is a matter of face and heart. Miyoshi Nagakei once said that he would never make peace with the shogunate. It has only been a few months since he reached peace with himself. It is strange that there are no ghosts in it. Both families are fighting for time for themselves.

The shogunate needs time to restore its prestige and strength, and the Miyoshi family needs time to defeat the troublesome Hatakeyama Takamasa.

The only failure of the peace this time was that Hosokawa Harumoto's handling did not lead to it. Miyoshi Nagakei temporarily had no time to interfere with Hosokawa Harumoto's business, which forced Kira Yoshitoki and Ashikaga Yoshito's plan to be postponed.

Discuss again.

Hosokawa Fujitaka and others in Sakamoto Castle finally formulated a new Raku Shichi Ordinance at the end of October, and it was officially implemented in Sakamoto Castle Town and Sakamoto Port. The official documents of the Raku Shichi Ordinance were posted at major intersections near Sakamoto Castle for the convenience of town residents. Sakamoto

The purpose of the Leshi Order is very simple, which is to abolish the monopoly behavior of dealers.

The trading rights of Sakamoto Port have always been controlled by merchants, and the unexpected castle towns were also infiltrated by them. As the managers and largest commercial agents of Sakamoto Port, they control the trade transfer of the entire port. Any merchant who comes to his territory will

They must obey his rules. They are actually an organization similar to the Sakai Town Congregation. This is something Kira Yoshitoki would never allow.

In order to completely eliminate the huge hidden danger of dual management of zasho and castle lords in Sakamoto Castle Town and Sakamoto Port, from the beginning of the 19th century, Kira Yoshitoki proposed the plan to follow the example of Rokkaku Sadeyori's Kannonji Castle Town and issue a city order, aiming to eliminate zasho

It has the exclusive privilege to fully control the fiscal, taxation, litigation and other powers of Sakamoto Port Town.

After half a year of careful investigation and research by Hosokawa Fujitaka and others, the newly issued Sakamoto Raku City Order finally came up with a complete set of decrees. The Sakamoto Raku City Order was not issued immediately, but was implemented on a trial basis for a period of time.

The trial implementation will begin on October 1, and specific regulations will be finalized after two months of trial implementation.

This chapter has been completed!
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