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Chapter 138 Twenty Years of Astronomy

In the busy 20th year of Astronomy, the New Year has arrived, and it is another year of the Zhengdan court meeting. However, this time is different from the past. The shogunate has successively won the victory and completely retaken the lost Yamashiro country. Moreover, it is the first time since the Ming Dynasty coup that the shogunate has truly taken control of the Yamashiro country.

With the power, all the royal materials belonging to the imperial court and the shogunate in the entire mountain city were taken back. What's more, it happened to coincide with the autumn harvest, and a large sum of money was paid into the account, which made both the imperial court and the shogunate very satisfied.

Since the Onin Rebellion and the decline of the shogunate, the life of the imperial court has become increasingly difficult. After the Ming Dynasty coup, the reputation of the shogunate was lost, and the imperial court also lived in poverty for decades. There were many jokes in Kyoto about the emperor selling paintings and ministers selling vegetables.

In 2006, until now, Kujo Aimichi was still hiding in Settsu and living as an ascetic because of his bankruptcy. When Kira Yoshitsune regained the lost imperial palace for the imperial court and the shogunate, everyone in the imperial court and the shogunate must acknowledge his gratitude.

This year's Great Court Meeting was held with great grandeur. Not only the daimyo of the Kinai region sent donations, but also remote samurai families from distant countries such as Kyushu, Shimazu, and Southern Mutsu also sent tributes. Usually, these daimyo would interrupt at intervals.

In the year, the shogunate had nothing to say to the shogunate if the daimyo did not come to pay homage to them. It was useless to say anything without the right to speak. Now that the shogunate had won the battle, these daimyo decisively followed suit.

Kira Yoshitoshi was very particular about what he wore as a Shogo. At this time, he was wearing formal attire for going to court. The crimson robes worn by the Shogo were extremely bright. Yamamoto Tokiyuki went there as an important companion of the family.

Also attending the court meeting was Nakajo Tokihide. As a powerful member of the shogunate, he had been appointed to judge the public, which was also the official duty of the Nakajo family.

In the past few months, Nakajo Tokihide also followed Kira Yoshitoki in Kyoto, but his role was different. He participated in the shogunate in the shogunate's evaluators, and traveled between the shogunate and Sakamoto on behalf of the Kira family as a way to smooth communication.

Soon after, he was summoned by Ashikaga Yoshito alone. It was obvious that Ashikaga Yoshito had the intention of poaching people. However, Nakajo Tokihide was unmoved by the hint of recruitment, which made Ashikaga Yoshito very angry.

At the beginning of the new year, the imperial court and the shogunate jointly issued an edict prohibiting burials in temples and other matters. Japan's land is scarce and prohibiting burials is the right thing to do. Ashikaga Yoshito took this opportunity to announce the return of the shogunate and kicked off the ceremony.

The active era of the shogunate.

At the same time, another force that did not belong to Japan entered Kyoto for the first time. The Portuguese Jesuit missionary Francisco de Xavier, officially translated as Saint Francis Xavier in the Ming Dynasty, this famous missionary from

Kyushu came to Kyoto to seek permission from the imperial court and shogunate to preach.

Xavier arrived in Sakai Town in early December and stayed for more than half a month under the warm hospitality of Sakai Town's tycoon Hibi House, Konishi Lonzo, and then rushed to Kyoto before the first month of the year. His original intention was to take advantage of the New Year.

He carried out vigorous activities in Kyoto, and his activities really had an effect. With the help of money from Sakai merchants, Xavier met with the emperor and the general one after another.

Kira Yoshi also happened to meet him when he came to see Ashikaga Yoshito. As a historical celebrity, it was quite refreshing to meet the ancient sages. Of course, he did not intend to provoke this religion that was more troublesome than the Ichigo Sect, so he could only sit back and watch this missionary.

The scholar left disappointed.

The missionary rights that Xavier sought were not allowed by the imperial court and the shogunate. The Nanman religion was allowed to preach nationwide and establish dioceses. This was simply a fantasy in this transitional country known as the Kingdom of God. The Satsuma area of ​​​​Minami Kyushu was once the spread of iron cannons to the east.

Some Nanman temples were built, and at first many farmers thought they were new sects of Buddhism and accepted baptism.

Later, some people gradually discovered that Nanman Temple was not the same thing at all, and denounced the gods and Buddhas as false gods and pagans. This immediately aroused the dissatisfaction of the farmers. Nanman Temple in Minami Kyushu was burned down one after another. The Shimadzu family did not send anyone to investigate the matter.

, later I discovered that the teachings of the Nanman missionaries were very different from Japanese religion, so I stopped asking any more questions.

Medieval Japan was a traditional Buddhist country. It also accepted the ideas of Taoism and Confucianism. It was a typical oriental cultural society. The Nanman religion was destined to be suppressed and excluded here. Even if Kira Yoshiki couldn't remember the details, he knew roughly when these things happened.

Missionaries would be unlucky. If they had too much contact with them, they might get some not-so-good honors in the future, but Portuguese businessmen still had to contact them.

"I heard that the Portuguese gave the Otomo family a cannon. This cannon was said to be so powerful that the town of Otomo named it 'National Collapse'. It would be great if the Portuguese could also give him a cannon." Kira Yoshito thought to himself.

Otomo's family had little wealth, and as far as he knew, the Portuguese's artillery was mediocre, and Spain, which emerged later, was a more powerful country.

Since the introduction of iron cannons to Kyushu in the twelfth year of Tianwen, Portuguese merchants have traveled to Kyushu more and more frequently. In recent years, they have begun to settle in Hirado and Nagasaki, and built Nanman Temple and Hospital. This is a trend that does not belong to Japan.

Internal forces are driving this era forward.

"The southern barbarian merchants of Kyushu and the great red deer of Owari seem to have a deep connection with each other. The legend of Nanami must also come from there!" For some reason, he suddenly felt a sense of crisis, as if the train of the times was coming.

Moving forward at high speed, can he adapt to this new era?

Ashikaga Yoshitō was very active in the Shodan court, and all the officials in the shogunate could understand the shogunate's complacency. Although he was still some distance away from the expulsion of the three buildings he had established, he had already taken a substantial first step.

This step is also an important step for the shogunate to restore its authoritarian power.

Ashikaga Yoshito's childhood was gray. Not long after he was born, he caught up with his father Ashikaga Yoshiharu and Hosokawa Harumoto. He hid with his father in Sakamoto when he was young. Kuchiki lived a wandering life. Count him.

The number of escapes is truly a history of blood and tears.

In the 10th year of Tenmon, he ran against Hosokawa Harumoto and fled to Sakamoto. In the 11th year of Tenmon, both parties returned to Kyoto in harmony. In the 12th year of Tenmon, he fled to Sakamoto due to the turmoil in the Gyeonggi region. In that year, he was able to return to Kyoto because of the annihilation of Kizawa Nagamasa. In the 15th year of Tenmon,

Because of the war at the Shrine Temple, he fled to Sakamoto again, accepted his father's transfer to serve as the general of the conquest of barbarians, and followed his father back to Cisho Temple.

In Tianwen's sixteenth year, he was in conflict with Hosokawa Harumoto again. After fleeing to Sakamoto, he reconciled with Hosokawa Harumoto a few months later. He returned to Kyoto again, and then finally became harmonious with Hosokawa Harumoto. Tianwen

In the 18th year, Miyoshi Chokei rose again, fought a battle at Eguchi and scared the general to Sakamoto. How could a general who could run away and be so timid be looked upon by the world?

Ashikaga Yoshitō could not tolerate the decline of the shogunate, and he wanted to recapture Kyoto for this reason. After experiencing a series of miserable lives of escape and escape, Ashikaga Yoshitō returned to Kyoto and would never allow himself to escape back to Sakamoto. He would lose his face.

A person who values ​​things more than life, in his opinion, a shameless general would be worse off alive than dead.

Living in Kyoto is indeed thousands of times better than Sakamoto in the countryside of Omi. This advantage does not lie in material improvement, but in spiritual satisfaction. Living a free and unrestrained life with no traffic every day finally made him realize what he had experienced in Ashikaga in Luen Yuan.

Some feelings during the reign of Lord Yoshimitsu, the gorgeous Kitayama Kinkakuji Temple is a reflection of that glorious era.

When the name of the Ashikaga clan was announced at the Shodan court meeting, the eyes of the various samurai who came to the shogunate to donate money changed their eyes on him. Especially the Imperial Household general, the Imperial Guards' Sasuke Haruitsugu, who accompanied the Shodan court meeting, had no regard for this sworn brother.

Kira Yoshishi looked at him differently. His eyes looked at Kira Yoshihide with a creepy feeling, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Kira Yoshi became famous, and his outstanding performance in the Kinki battle last year immediately swept across Japan like a strong wind blowing at level 12, including Asakura Sotetsu, the famous general of the Asakura family, in his "Southi Night Talk"

The book records the fame of Yoshitoki Kira. For a time, Yoshitoki Kira became the hottest topic this year. Yoshitoki Kira became completely popular. Countless people came to visit him just to see this legendary military commander.


In addition to the normal interactions with the court ministers and the famous families of the shogunate, some frustrated wandering samurai also came to visit one after another. Unfortunately, these wandering warriors were either not clean or had conflicts with their masters and were exiled. In short,

It's just that they don't have good moral integrity. They won't touch this kind of people casually when they are just and righteous.

The lively Zhengdan court meeting ended after more than ten days. Kira Yoshitoshi only stayed in Kyoto for five days. In addition to the usual donations to the shogunate and the court, he presented three hundred gu and two hundred gu to his relatives, Zhongyuan.

At home, the Konoe family sent a hundred kanmon. Another thing worth mentioning is that Yoshitoki Kira sent a gift to Ashikaga Katsuhime. In addition to clothing and accessories for girls, daily necessities such as rouge, gouache, and various snacks and specialties, etc.

The cost was equivalent to 500 gu, and even Konoe Haritsugu, who was so wealthy, came over to thank him.

"I, Haritsugu, would like to thank Yoshitoki for his kindness on behalf of Katsu. I feel sorry for making Yoshitoki spend so much money!"

"Your Highness, Haritsugu, is too modest! This is just what I, Yoshitoshi, as an elder brother, can do for Katsuki." On the surface, Kira Yoshitoshi was still talking to Konoe Haritsugu in a friendly manner, but in his heart, he was already scolding her.

He said, "I'm going to see my sister. Why did you come over to join in the fun? You even brought Sheng Ji to thank me. I'll wipe it!"

This chapter has been completed!
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