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Chapter 400 Difficult choice

In the spring of March, the ice and snow melt. As the sun moves northward, the warm sunshine falls on Dewa Country. The spring water of Mogami River surges and enters the small flood season. Farmers in Dewa Country are busy cultivating the land and sowing seeds. For example, in Dewa Country, only one season of rice can be grown in a year.

The latitude is too high, the weather is too cold, and the lack of sunshine still has a great impact. Every autumn harvest has to be done to dry the grain before it snows and put it into the barn. Sometimes if you are unlucky and encounter wind and snow, it will be terrible.

Growing food in the Northeast is like fighting. Farmers spend a long winter hiding in thatched houses, looking forward to more good weather when spring comes and the ice and snow will melt as soon as possible, so that they can seize the world's best rice.

The farmers work hard, but fortunately they still have the Mogami River. The melted snow water soaks into the land, and a small amount flows into the river to nourish the water and soil along the bank.

Yoshitsune of the Dabaoji Temple in Qingshui City was upset. He had just conquered the territory of the Qingshui clan at the end of last autumn. As a newly transferred lord, he had to get familiar with a lot of government affairs. The Kira family's military strength made it easy to kill people, but after killing them, they failed.

Leaving him to deal with this mess made him unable to sleep well for many nights in a row.

The worst is yet to come. Just in time for the heavy snowfall in winter, the mountains are closed, and news suddenly spreads in the Qingshui area that several members of the Qingshui clan are raising a rebellion on behalf of the remnant party. This can make Dabao Temple Yi Zeng very worried.

, the snow outside was so cold that it was almost up to the knees. A group of lonely ministers and villains were about to rebel at this time. Should he, the lord, go and crusade?

If he doesn't go on a crusade, he always worries that the new dependents in the territory will have similar thoughts. But if he really sends troops to crusade, he will have to face the violent snowstorm outside, and send troops through the thick snow in the winter when water turns to ice.

Punishing the traitors was simply asking for death. Not to mention that the Genedai retainers would not agree, even the soldiers below would not go with him. If he really made this choice, the Genedai retainers would probably think that the head of the family governor was burned out.

After thinking about it, there was no good solution. At this moment, his sister suddenly came back to visit relatives. Naturally, he was very happy that his sister came back suddenly after not seeing him for several years. However, his sister conveyed the warning to her husband, Onodera Kagemichi.

It will explode completely after the spring flowers bloom. And he will make it clear that he will never help.

Dabaoji Yoshizo was confused for a moment, and asked his brother-in-law how he got the news, but he learned from him that Mogami Yoshimori was behind it, and most of the Dewa people, including Tendo Yorisada, supported him unanimously. Onodera Kagemichi was also determined to do it at this time.

He made a supportive decision and sent his wife back home to visit relatives just to help him out of being a relative for many years.

Hearing that his brother-in-law and powerful ally had abandoned him at this time, Dabaoji Yoshizo was in a terrible mood. On the contrary, his sister slowly persuaded him to calm down and told him that this alliance was a last resort.

, the people of Deyu Country have always made the decision, and this tacit understanding has never been broken by everyone fighting back and forth.

But since Dabaoji Yoshizog invited reinforcements from Echigo to turn the situation around, Uesugi Masatora's 15,000-strong army brutally killed the Shimizu Yoshiko clan. They swept across the Shimizu clan's old territories with lightning speed, and transferred Dabaoji Yoshizō to

The seal to the old territory of Shimizu is obviously to pit the Daihoji family against the people of Dewa country, and to push Daihoji Yoshizou to the front line of the confrontation in Dewa country. Onodera Kagemichi is now very suspicious of Dabaoji Yoshizou's intentions, and whether he is willing to go beyond the limits.

The lackey behind.

Hearing his sister question him so unceremoniously, Daihoji Yoshitsune immediately understood what was going on. It turned out that he had violated the tacit understanding of the people of Dewa by seeking medical attention in a hurry. He secretly cursed these bastards of the country for being hypocritical, and even wanted to go against him at every turn.

I have never seen them be so polite when they annexed me, and now they are going to attack me because I invited reinforcements.

After Onodera Kagemichi said this, he also knew that he had no way out. There were only two options in front of him. He was willing to be Echigo's lackey, or join their Deyu Alliance to join forces to fight against Echigo.

Dragon, how can this decision be so easy? Dabaoji Yoshizou is not an idiot. He obviously sees how powerful Uesugi Masatora is and wants to go against him. It is simply seeking death.

Not to mention that the original territory of the Daihoji family to the west of Haguro Mountain has been completely annexed by Echigo. All wealthy land servants loyal to the Daihoji family were packed up and sent to Qingshui Territory. The remaining Japanese land servants were basically bribed by the Kira family's silver bullet offensive.

The entire Haguro Mountain is exposed to the surveillance of the Kira Army. If Daihoji Yoshizou chooses to rebel at this time, not only will he not be able to hurt the four thousand Kira Army next to Sakata Port, but the Kira Army will also easily capture Haguro Mountain.

Without the cover of Haguro Mountain, the old territory of Dabaoji Temple in the south will also fall into the hands of the Kira Army. He is not a fool, how could he fall into such evil traps? In comparison, he might as well join the Kira family and become a loyal minister. With that

The methods of the Zhen Fu Gong will never treat them badly, the Dabao Temple clan.

Seeing that her brother gradually calmed down from panic, and looked at her with a bit of teasing, her mood immediately dropped a lot. Knowing that this little bargaining chip was not enough to make her brother submit, she gritted her teeth and took out the trump card they had prepared.

, said in a low voice: "Brother, you probably don't know yet! Dewa Country is planning a large-scale attack on my brother and Shonai. Does brother know that the participants include the Mogami family of Yamagata Castle and the Mogami Hachisuke, the Date family of Yonezawa Castle, and us?"

The Onodera family and the Minato Anton family further north also expressed their support!"

"What! Are you saying that all the people of Dewa country unite to attack me? Why is that! Isn't it normal for territory to change? As long as we samurai can keep the territory, we should be fine!" Daihoji Yoshimasu was very panicked, and he didn't expect it at all.

How could they have such a violent reaction?

"Brother, what are you thinking about? The first thing the Kira Army did when they invaded Dewa Country was to massacre the Shimizu clan. This has never happened in hundreds of years! The cruelty and tyranny of the Kira Army far exceeded the imagination of the people of Dewa Country like us.

It was after seeing what they did that my husband decided to break with Echigo, and for this reason he wanted to drive them away even if he went to war with his brother!"

Dabaoji Yoshizō was furious and shouted loudly: "But how can you drive them away! Are you crazy to resist even though you have seen Uesugi Danmasa's strength? Do you want to be exterminated like that idiot Yoshitaka Shimizu?"

"Brother, please calm down! This is my husband's letter. Please read it. After reading it, you will understand!" Mrs. Dabaoji took out the letter that had been hidden for a long time and handed it to her brother. This was her last resort to see if she could achieve this.

Daihoji Yoshizo's new letter almost fainted from anger. His good brother-in-law attached a document signed by the Mogami family to the letter. It was obvious that it was a copied copy. This time the anti-Etsubo alliance gathered

All the lords of the entire Dewa Kingdom are targeting the Kira Army and his retainer Ohoji Yoshizou, and Shimizu Ikaku will launch at the same time. At that time, the internal and external forces will cooperate to seize the Shimizu Territory, and then join forces to attack the village and jointly divide this piece of fat.

At the same time, this covenant also contains an important message. For the first time, it is formally written to prohibit other countries from intervening in Deyu affairs. If there is an attack by a powerful external force, an offensive and defensive alliance must be formed to jointly deal with the powerful enemy. It also has a large number of names of gods written on it.

The oath was sworn in, which seems to be a blood-based alliance. It is self-evident to whom this regulation is directed.

In the attached letter, Onodera Kagemichi told him that there was no need to be anxious about which side to choose. They, the Dewa people, had no intention of forcing him to betray the powerful Echigo. They only wanted him to stay in Qingshui Castle and not come out to Shouchi after Qingshui Ichiku made a fuss.

The Kira Army asked for help. These Chinese soldiers would take the opportunity to ambush the Qingshui Territory, wait for an opportunity to give the Kira Army a head-on attack, and then seize the opportunity to seize the Miura Castle and control the village. At that time, Daihoji Yoshitsune can take advantage of the situation and make a posture of being forced to surrender. Onodera View Road

I will risk my life to guarantee that the family property of Dabao Temple Yi Zeng will not be taken away by others.

"Do you think I'm a fool? Just one letter to lure me into a trap! In the end, my territory was taken away by you! Don't even think about it! Humph!"

"Brother, please think about it again!" Mrs. Dabaoji hurriedly left knowing that there would be no results. Although Dabaoji Yizeng did not agree to the proposal, she did not obviously mean to break up with her. She just folded the letter and put it away in a hurry.

I take it out and read it several times every day.

Half of the winter has passed, until early spring arrives, and the rivers thaw, and Dewa Country enters the charming season of spring, when flowers bloom and everything revives. As expected, Shimizu Ichiku's noisy movements are getting louder and louder, and the letters for help received by Daihoji Yoshizog are getting bigger and bigger.

Increasingly, many originally neutral Chinese people started to incite, and even the retainers under the Dabao Temple family showed signs of instability.

Dabaoji Yoshizou was really panicked now. He could not worry about Shimizu Ikaku or refuse Onodera Kagemichi's invitation, but he had to consider the wishes of the Dabaoji retainers group, so he urgently convened the genealogical retainers group to discuss countermeasures. At the meeting

The retainers of the Gendai family all complained that the Kira family was too harsh on them. They were transferred from the feng shui treasure land in the village to the quiet Qingshui collar, and their lives were not as prosperous as before. Everyone still misses the previous territory.

Dabao Temple Yi Zeng also looked at the disciples with a sad face, and sighed: "I understand what you mean, why don't we miss our previous territory? The water and soil in the village are more fertile than here, and Weipu City is hundreds of times better than this clear water. But.

What else can we do since we have transferred it?"

Saragoshi Wei, the leader of Saragoshi Castle, a sect of Dabao Temple Yizo, said: "There is another way to retake the village and take back the territory that belongs to us!"

"How is this possible! That place is occupied by the Kira family." Dabaoji Yoshizou did not make any excuses in front of the family members. Anyway, he himself knew the situation of his family very well.

The Lord of Kannonji Castle came to Tsujihide and said with a smile: "This is true. Although we have surrendered to the Kira family, it is only a temporary move. Sooner or later, we will have to establish our own business. If the Kira family treats us better, we will postpone it.

A few years, almost a few years ahead of schedule, we will eventually break away anyway, since the Kira family is not good to us, why can't we raise the flag of rebellion now?"

"No! Very bad! If the Kira family's army comes to encircle and suppress us, won't my family and you all end up with the same fate as Shimizu Yoshitaka? Very bad!" Dabaoji Yoshitaka shook his head. He would not be so stupid.

After doing this kind of thing, it took him a long time to come back to his senses. He looked at the Kanadai retainers with burning eyes and said angrily: "I also wonder why you are so quiet today. It turns out that you have been colluding with the Mogami family and the Onodera family for a long time. They gave

How many benefits do you offer to persuade me? How many benefits do you promise to share with you afterwards? Tell me clearly one by one!"

The family members of the family were shocked by the acuity of the family governor. They did not expect that he could find the flaw so quickly. The atmosphere in the evaluation room was awkward for a while. Many people shrank their heads and did not dare to look up, for fear that Dabao Temple Yi Zeng would notice that he was there.

Person No. 1, but no one spoke a word, which only made Dabao Temple Yi Zeng more atmosphere, and he was about to leave with a wave of his sleeves.

Aboneng saw that the situation was not good and said quickly: "Lord, please stay! I have something to say! Now it is a foregone conclusion that the army of Deyu Kingdom will be mobilized. There are twelve thousand people in several armies. We and the Dabaoji family are completely

If you can't withstand such a large army, if you don't make a decision now, you will really be doomed!"

"Even if my family is deprived of its foundation, it is better to be able to seek refuge with the Lord of the Town and come back again than you bastards who want to scheme against our family! Look what you have done! Are you planning to take advantage of this opportunity by colluding with other martial arts families to plot against our family?

You are claustrophobically confining our family and setting up a puppet to control our Dabaoji family! Speak! Why are you not talking anymore!" What Dabaoji Yoshitsune said were heart-wrenching words. How could they, the family members of this generation, dare to deal with it? They all lowered their heads.

Dare not make a sound.

Governor Abe Yoshiki now has no way out, so he can only grit his teeth and say: "Actually, we don't want the lord to take the lead in raising the flag of rebellion. One side of my subordinates only needs the lord to invite support and retreat with them into the manor to seize the city. At that time, I will find a way to seize the city."

If we have the opportunity to seize the walled city, we can regain the dominance of the village."

Dabaoji Yoshizō laughed angrily and kept shaking his head and said: "If I had listened to you, I would have died without a burial place! How capable are those people from the Dewa Kingdom to kill me! How dare you retreat to Miura City?

Waiting for an opportunity to seize the city is a dead end. Do you think the people of Dewa can stop the army of Lord Jinfu, the command of Danmasa Uesugi, and the bravery of that bastard Shigenaga Honjo?

Looking at the entire Ideha, there is almost no one who can stand up to Honjo Shigenaga's three thousand troops. The only ones who can barely fight are Date, Mogami, Tendo, and the elites of Onodera! Don't forget, the town government

There are tens of thousands of these powerful troops under my command. They have experienced the combined battles of Takeda, Hojo, and Ichibuki clan, and they are the best elites in the world. What can I do to resist them when the time comes?

One more thing, don’t forget that Sakata Port is within the sphere of influence of the Kira Navy. Come to think of it, by then Date, Mogami, Onodera and others can leave with a pat on their backs, and our family will betray the Kira family again.

The hatred of Shouchi will not be taken in by any of them, and our family will be the first to die under the Kira family's soldiers! Even if our family chooses to survive and escape to the remote territory north of Mutsu, we will inevitably lose the chance to repeat the past.

The last chance to seize the throne! By then, will you still follow my family and become ministers of the subjugated country? You will definitely kneel down in front of Kira’s army and surrender as soon as possible!” (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to

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