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Chapter 467 Hero's Choice!

I've been typing and forgot to post the chapters.

Brothers who are capable, support Xiaochuan and subscribe!


Hey, I still have work to do tonight, so I can’t sleep anymore!

However, for the sake of my wife and the unborn child, and for the brothers who have always supported Xiaozhou,

No matter how difficult it is, the boat will persevere!

Maybe Xiaozhou has few talents, but here, I still have the audacity to ask for support!


Outside Songshan City, on the south, north, and west sides, there are densely packed Qing military camps!

To the east, not far away, is a deserted and continuous beach, and further to the east, there is the endless sea!

The grain road has long been cut off, and Songshan City has completely become an isolated city!

However, although the Qing army had been trapped in Songshan City for nearly a month, Huang Taiji did not launch a general attack on the main force of the Ming army in Songshan City. Instead, he continuously sent out scouts to harass with small groups of elites!

Countless sentries of the Ming army fell under the sword of the Qing army's scouts!

Although various units of the Ming army tried to break out several times, they were all suppressed back with thunderous force by the Qing army!

There is a cloud in Songshan City!

But on the other hand, the Qing army was living at ease!

In the past month, several batches of grain and grass mobilized by the Ming army from Ningyuan and Tashan were all stopped intact by the Qing army, but not even a sparrow could fly into Songshan City!

Although the generals of the Qing army asked for battle many times, they were all suppressed by Huang Taiji!

On this day, in the royal tent of Huang Taiji, Huang Taiji, Dorgon, Duduo, Jierhalang, Abatai, Ning Wanwo, and several Manchu officials were discussing the next step of the war.


On the map in the middle, the area around Songshan City is marked with dense red dots. These are where the Qing army stationed troops!

"Your Majesty, in Songshan City, the Ming army is running out of food and grass, and its morale is low! Why don't our army take advantage of the situation, seize this small city in one go, and completely defeat Hong Chengchou? Why are we still grinding here? This, this is not a waste of time.

Fighter?" Duduo looked at Huang Taiji's calm and calm appearance, feeling anxious and hateful in his heart. He couldn't help but vent the doubts and resentment in his heart.

Huang Taiji glanced at Duduo and smiled slightly, "Fifteenth brother, after so many years, you are still so impatient! Haha, don't be anxious, sit down and speak slowly!"

Seeing Huang Taiji's inscrutable appearance, Duduo really didn't dare to make a mistake, so he quickly sat down, held his hands in his hands and apologized: "Your Majesty, I was so excited that I said something stupid, please forgive me!"

Huang Taiji shook his head, "It doesn't matter! My fifteenth brother sincerely cares about my Qing Dynasty. I have always known it in my heart!"

After he finished speaking, he turned to look at Dorgon and said, "Fourteenth brother, what do you think of the current war situation?"

Dorgon hurriedly stood up, cupped his hands and said, "Your Majesty is wise enough to wait for work in leisure. He is indeed extremely wise and this servant admires him very much!"

"Haha!" Huang Taiji ignored Dorgon's clichés. He probably knew his fourteenth brother better than Dorgon himself! If at this time, Dorgon could say something out of his mouth

Come on, that’s what you’ve seen!

"Brother Qi, where are you?" Huang Taiji turned to look at Abatai.

Huang Taiji is the eighth child and Abatai is the seventh child. It is normal to call him "Seventh Brother"!

Although Huang Taiji is unparalleled in his power, on weekdays, on the surface, he has a good attitude towards the brothers, nephews and nephews around him!

In every military meeting, he would give these people a chance to speak. He would take the good ones and avoid the bad ones. This was quite commendable!

And Abatai was born as a concubine, and had a weak temperament. He had no interest in or ability for a 'big position', but he was brave and good at fighting. Huang Taiji also relied on him very much!

"Your Majesty, I also agree with Prince Rui's opinion! At this time, the Ming army's food route has been cut off by our army. In the past few days, scouts have frequently sent back news that the food and grass in Songshan City is no longer enough to support Hong Chengchou's hundreds of thousands of troops.

It’s time! The time for us to launch a general attack is almost ripe! But, just..."

Abatai glanced at Huang Taiji and hesitated to speak!

"They are all members of our own family, what is there to hide? Go on!" Huang Taiji waved his hand.

"Yes!" Abatai cupped his hand and said: "Your Majesty, these days, this servant has been worried! Then Liu Ruyi's troops retreated into Tashan City. How come it is so quiet these days?

I have fought against this man before, and I know his temperament. He is not someone who will just sit back and wait to be killed!"

As soon as Abatai said this, the expressions of everyone in the tent changed.

The name Liu Ruyi can be said to be a nightmare for the Manchus in the past few years!

Jinan City, Pinggu, Aobai, Azige...

The defeats of the Qing Dynasty in recent years are directly related to this guy!

"Although Liu Ruyi is cunning and despicable, at this time, our army has occupied the right time, place and people. Even if he has three heads and six arms, he can hardly pose a threat to us again! I don't think he can come out of Tashan City at this moment.

, I must be waiting and watching! If there is a result here in Songshan, he will definitely run away immediately! Alas! What a pity! He can't kill this thief!" Duduo sighed.

He fought Liu Ruyi over and over again, but was defeated every time. Although Duduo hated Liu Ruyi deeply, he did not dare to challenge Liu Ruyi rashly again!

Otherwise, with his temperament, he would have led his troops to sweep Tashan City where Liu Ruyi was!

Abatai shook his head, "What Prince Yu said is not unreasonable! It's just that Liu Ruyi is completely different from other Ming army generals! For him, in many cases, we can't reason with ordinary people! If he really can

Seeing that Hong Chengchou's hundreds of thousands of troops were completely wiped out without saving him, what was he thinking..."

Ji'erhalang also said: "Your Majesty, Liu Ruyi is a serious concern of our Qing Dynasty! We must find an opportunity to get rid of this guy! Otherwise, we will not be able to feel at ease!"

Huang Taiji frowned, pondered for a long time, looked up at Dorgon and said, "Fourteenth brother, what do you think?"

Dorgon glanced at Huang Taiji, and he knew that this moment was not just now, and he had to express his position.

After thinking for a moment, Dorgon cupped his hands and said: "Your Majesty, in my opinion, if Liu Ruyi doesn't come out, there must be something he has planned! Just like in Shimen Mountain, he stuck to the left wing, but was reluctant to rescue the main force of the Ming army! Servant

Guess, this person has quite a smart mind! Maybe, what he is planning is not what we care about, that’s not even sure!"

Huang Taiji nodded, "What the fourteenth brother said is true! I have sent people to investigate Liu Ruyi in many ways! It can be said that it is not easy for this person to get started! It is completely based on killing and stepping on other people's achievements.

Come up on your shoulders! He is really capable of being a hero! It's a pity that he can't be used by our Qing Dynasty!"

Huang Taiji sighed regretfully and said: "At this time, he is in Tashan City. According to his temperament, he must have built a strong defensive offensive! His colorful stone weapons are sharp. If we go to pick him now

It's not wise to cause trouble! But Hong Chengchou is in control! As long as we take down Hong Chengchou's main force, even if Liu Ruyi has three heads and six arms, it will be difficult to cause another storm in the land of Liaodong! "

"Your Majesty!" Dorgon nodded.

Huang Taiji's analysis has been very thorough. If Liu Ruyi has the intention of "sitting on a mountain and watching tigers fight", then ignore him!

As long as the frontal battlefield is stabilized, Liu Ruyi is just a clown!

"Your Majesty, your Majesty!" several Manchu nobles also praised.

Huang Taiji smiled slightly, but he took out a piece of white silk from his sleeve, and it was stained with blood!

"Take it over and show them!" Huang Taiji said to a chamberlain beside him.

"Yes!" The little eunuch hurriedly handed the piece of white silk to the hands of Dorgon and others.

This is a blood letter, written by Bai Guangen, Tang Tong, Ma Ke, and three Ming army generals who are currently in Songshan City!

The meaning is very simple. They are willing to submit to the Qing Dynasty, cooperate with the Qing army, create chaos, and help the Qing army capture Songshan City in one fell swoop!

Several people couldn't help but be overjoyed after watching it.

"Your Majesty, God is really helping me! It seems that if we take Songshan City, we will have to save a lot of energy!"

"The Emperor is wise! This servant is willing to serve as the Emperor's pawn!"

The smile on Huang Taiji's face got even bigger, and he waved his hand to signal the others to be quiet, "Although Bai Guangen and the others are just wine and rice bags, since their hearts are open to me, we can't chill their hearts! Prince Zheng,

I will personally issue a secret order to appease these people. As for the specific plan to attack the city, we will discuss it later, and you will be responsible for this matter!"

"Hey! I obey the order!" Jierhalang hurriedly kowtowed in agreement!

As Huang Taiji's playmate and close confidant since childhood, it is most appropriate for Jierhalang to do this!

"Haha! The sage said, if you gain the right, you will get more help, but if you lose the right, you will get less help! The Ming Dynasty is angry and resentful, and its energy is exhausted. However, we, the Qing Dynasty, are prosperous. Whether we can complete the great cause of our ancestors depends on your hard work!"

Tai Chi stood up, walked among several people and cupped their hands.

"I am willing to die for the Qing Dynasty! I am willing to die for the Emperor!"

Several Manchu nobles fell to their knees one after another!

Huang Taiji came to the map and was about to point his fingers and speak. Suddenly, soldiers outside the tent shouted: "Report~~~! Shengjing City, eight hundred miles away, urgent!"

Huang Taiji's expression changed. Shengjing City, what will happen at this time? It will take 800 miles to rush? Could it be possible, could it be the body of the beloved concubine...

Huang Taiji didn't dare to think too much and quickly waved his hand: "Come in!"


After a moment, a Gesheha held up a secret letter with both hands and said: "Your Majesty, an elite Ming army attacked Shengjing City yesterday, kidnapped several concubines, and even set fire to the palace!"


As soon as Geshiha said this, the entire tent exploded instantly!

Even Huang Taiji's face changed, his body staggered and he almost fell to the ground!

The two accompanying young eunuchs hurriedly stepped forward to hold Huang Taiji's body. Huang Taiji walked quickly and strenuously to Geshiha, grabbed the secret letter in his hand, and quickly opened it and browsed it!

But in a moment, his tears actually flowed out!

"My beloved concubine, my beloved concubine..."

Suddenly, Huang Taiji said "Wow..." and spit out a large ball of blood. The whites of his eyes rolled up and he was about to faint on the ground!

The two young eunuchs hurriedly supported Huang Taiji's huge body and slapped his back hard to help him calm down!

After a long time, Huang Taiji finally woke up!

"Your Majesty, what on earth happened here?" Several Manchu nobles had not figured out the situation yet. Jierhalang, relying on his closeness to Huang Taiji, stepped forward and asked in a low voice.

Huang Taiji pointed to the secret letter, "See it for yourself! Show it to them too!"

The secret message sent by Sony was quickly passed among several nobles, and everyone suddenly became furious!

"Your Majesty, these smart dogs are simply too rampant! It's tolerable, but what can't be tolerated! Your Majesty, this servant will lead our headquarters to capture these evil thieves!"

"Your Majesty, this servant is willing to send troops to kill these evil thieves and welcome back Concubine Chen and the other empresses!"


Even Dorgon couldn't sit still and said with a cold face: "Your Majesty, I am willing to lead troops back to Shengjing to help Shengjing! Kill the evil thieves!"

Huang Taiji has taken in more air and less out. He has a deep relationship with Hailanzhu and his wife. It can be said that he loves Hailanzhu as much as his bones. Hearing that Hailanzhu was kidnapped was like a knife in his heart!

But he forced himself to support his body, biting his lips until they bled, forcing his consciousness to remain clear, and said with difficulty: "I'm afraid it's too late to call back for reinforcements now! If the Ming army dares to do this, there must be some back-up plan.

!Right now, we should focus on the overall situation! Prince Rui!”

"The slave is here!" Dorgon quickly knelt down on the ground!

"I, my body, I'm afraid, I'm afraid it's going to die! The battle situation in Songjin will be your responsibility! You must, must, must..."

Huang Taiji couldn't hold on anymore, his body tilted and he fainted!

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty..."

There was chaos in the big tent!



This chapter has been completed!
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