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Chapter 468 The woman who grew up on the grassland!


Completely opposite to the chaos in King Huang Taiji's tent, Liu Ruyi and his Colored Stone Army finally got a moment of precious rest after successfully encircling and suppressing 6,000 Qing pursuers.

It was already late at night, and Liu Ruyi's army set up camp by a large river thirty miles away on the west side of the valley.

This big river should be a branch of the source of the Liao River, but this area should be undeveloped virgin land. The scouts received very little information, and Liu Ruyi couldn't name it!

This is a flat river valley. To the north, there are rolling mountains. To the west, there is lush green grass. It should be the southern section of the Horqin Grassland. To the south, the grassland is much sparser. If you continue to go south,

It should be a desert area!

After living on this land for nearly a month, Liu Ruyi is somewhat familiar with the terrain here!

Along the river, along the green, along the grass, you can definitely find food, but if you encounter the desert, you should stay away!

After all, next time, I might not be so lucky to meet that kind of Khitan tribe again!

Since they had been exposed in Shengjing City, Pu Ling and several of his tribesmen did not come here with Liu Ruyi. They still had to deal with the aftermath in Shengjing City!

This matter is also easy to understand.

When Liu Ruyi is done, she can pat her butt and leave, but they still have to continue to hang out in Shengjing City!

It was dark at night, and the soldiers were all very tired. They ate some horse meat casually, and then most of them fell asleep!

Liu Ruyi was in good spirits. Although there were no pursuers, there would be no danger for the time being, but Liu Ruyi couldn't sleep for some reason!

In the battle in the valley, although the Caishi Army won a complete victory, in order to attract the Qing army into the urn, the Caishi Army paid the price of 200 deaths!

And among them, most of them are the most elite gun soldiers!

This is hard for Liu Ruyi to accept!

At this time, Wang Pu's Datong Army was still clearing the battlefield in the valley, searching for the remnants of the Qing army, but Liu Ruyi's mind had drifted to the distant Songjin battlefield!

The Battle of Songjin can be said to be the last battle in which the Ming and Qing Dynasties devoted all their national power!

Although he took advantage of the trick and gained a lot from the sneak attack on Shengjing, in fact, his help to Hong Chengchou and the main force of the Ming army on the front battlefield was really limited!

But to this extent, Liu Ruyi didn't think that her choice was wrong!

After all, if Liu Ruyi retreated into Songshan City with the army and defended it to the death, he might not be able to withstand the Qing army's offensive!

The Manchu and Qing cavalry were too strong. It could be said that they had absolute dominance in this land. It was difficult for the Ming army to compete with them!

Although Wu Sangui has some strength, his temperament is such that he will never show off easily!

Liu Ruyi has no confidence in cooperating with him!

If Xiao Wu was stabbed in the back, Liu Ruyi would probably not be able to recover!

As a result, without the protection of cavalry, the Ming army's logistics defense line will inevitably be in danger! Even if it can barely survive for a few months and win one or two small victories, the overall situation will still not change!

Once the Qing army seizes the opportunity, it will never come back!

This kind of ending is absolutely unacceptable to Liu Ruyi!

After all, even if the main force of Hong Chengchou's Ming army was wiped out, Liu Ruyi would still have room to fight back as long as he had the colored stone army in hand!

But if they were trapped in Songshan City and the Caishi Army was brought in, then~~ even Liu Ruyi would probably become a prisoner of the Qing army!

Vital force, this is now the most fundamental source of Ming Dynasty’s military power!

Although this shows that Liu Ruyi is very "selfish", in this era where her father does not support her and her mother does not love her, who can Liu Ruyi trust?

Relying on yourself is the only way to survive!

"Hey~~~! What a pity! The navy has not taken shape! Otherwise, if there is a strong navy in hand, what's the point of being in Gangsongshan City? What's the matter even if the Qing Dynasty has 100,000 cavalry?"

Liu Ruyi let out a long sigh and smiled self-deprecatingly, "In the final analysis, I still have a weak foundation and my time is still short!"

The night on the grassland was very cold. In Liu Ruyi's tent, a steaming brazier was lit. The burning pine wood crackled, dispelling a little chill!

Liu Ruyi took out a short dagger from her boots, cut off a piece of half-cooked horse meat, placed it on the charcoal fire of the brazier, and grilled it quietly.

Hai Lanzhu was sleeping soundly on the blanket nearby, revealing two cute dimples.

Liu Ruyi moved the brazier closer to her to give her more warmth. It would save her her weak body from surviving this barren land!

Bumbutai did not stay in Liu Ruyi's big tent, but was taken to a side tent, guarded by Wan Niang and several women under her command.

Regarding that woman, Liu Ruyi has no intention of getting involved in the near future!

The famous Queen Xiaozhuang Wen is really under too much pressure!

Liu Ruyi didn't want to have such a power-hungry and scheming woman by her side. Liu Ruyi might not be able to sleep well!

In comparison, Hailanzhu is cuter!

At the very least, she allowed Liu Ruyi to experience what a real woman feels like!

The charcoal fire was burning "crackingly", and the fat in the horse meat continued to drip onto the charcoal fire, adding to the burning power of the charcoal fire!

Liu Ruyi randomly cut off a piece of fat horse meat, sprinkled it with a little salt, put it in his mouth and chewed it!

Horse meat is already very jerky, and this horse meat was stored in the desert. Over the past few days, it has become even more jerky and hard to bite, like chewing wax!

However, Liu Ruyi couldn't care less. He swallowed a piece of horse meat and took a sip of strong wine. The spicy taste of the strong wine could temporarily relieve the sharp nerves on the tip of his tongue.

A large piece of horse meat was eaten in his belly, and his belly was full. Liu Ruyi's energy improved a lot, and her strength was full of 4+1 limbs.

After taking a few gulps of liquor, Liu Ruyi casually leaned on the blanket and looked at Hai Lanzhu's soft side face quietly.

It is undeniable that this woman is really very delicate.

Although she is already in her early thirties, the years seem to have left no mark on her face at all!

Her skin is as white as a baby, as delicate as a baby, her long eyelashes tremble slightly, and her rosy mouth is slightly raised, I don't know, she is dreaming of some sweet dream!

However, with today's inhumane flame massacre, I'm afraid it would be difficult for her to have a sweet dream, right? A nightmare, it's almost the same!

Liu Ruyi made a malicious guess, but distant nostalgia arose in her heart!

At this moment, thousands of miles away in Shandong, my mother, Zi Xin, Nu Niang and others, are they okay?

Presumably, they must also be concerned about their own safety!

There are also Xin'er and Yi'er, they, they should be almost one year old!

It's a pity that the number of times I have actually hugged them is not enough with the palm of my hand. Maybe they have already forgotten what they are like as a father.

Liu Ruyi smiled and shook her head. In this situation, how could her thoughts wander to where?

Right now, there are more important things that need to be solved!

The revolution has not yet succeeded, and it is not the time for children to love each other!

When the army marches here, it can basically be regarded as a dot!

At this time, there were two paths before Liu Ruyi.

The first one is to quickly return to Tashan, join Pu Sheng, watch the battle between Songjin and look for opportunities again!

The second is to stay in the hinterland of the Qing Dynasty. Relying on these horses and the mobility of the Caishi Army at this time, we can effectively attack the mobile forces of the Qing Dynasty! Just like the guerrillas behind enemy lines in later generations, if

Being able to kill and intercept one or two batches of food, wages, and materials for the Qing army might have a better effect and positive impact than returning to Songjin directly to join the war!

However, at this moment, Liu Ruyi's gunpowder, mountain-opening mines, and projectiles have all been used up. The price to pay for staying is also very heavy!

But if he goes back now, Liu Ruyi doesn't know the situation of Songjin's battle at this time, and he doesn't have any confidence in his heart!

If Hong Chengchou can hold on, that's fine, but if he can't, then the day lily will be cold too!

But relatively speaking, the first one is more certain!

After all, if Hong Chengchou failed to hold on and Liu Ruyi stayed in the hinterland of the Qing Dynasty, the danger would be much greater. If he was attacked by the Qing cavalry, a fierce battle would be inevitable. It is hard to say whether he could escape!

But if you retreat to Tashan, it will have no positive effect on the frontal battle situation!

For a moment, Liu Ruyi didn't know what to choose and fell silently into thought...



In the early morning, when the first ray of sunlight shined across her eyes, Liu Ruyi woke up from her sleep!

This is a habit that has been developed over the years, although Liu Ruyi only slept for more than an hour last night.

However, Liu Ruyi suddenly discovered that in her arms, she was actually holding a soft and delicate body, a very sensual plump mass that felt great to the touch!

Liu Ruyi couldn't help but pinched it gently, "Huh..." Hai Lanzhu hummed softly, and her plump body trembled slightly.

"Are you awake?" Liu Ruyi stretched out her hand and sat aside.

Hai Lanzhu also stood up gently, her pretty face slightly blushing, but she didn't dare to look into Liu Ruyi's eyes.

Liu Ruyi couldn't help but smile, "Yesterday, didn't you scold me very harshly? What? Did you change your temper today? Haha!"

Hearing this, Hai Lanzhu couldn't help but rolled her eyes at Liu Ruyi angrily, "Thank you for taking care of me last night!"

"Haha! I didn't do anything last night, right? Why did I just take care of you?" Liu Ruyi said with a bad smile.

"You..." Hailanzhu called out sweetly and quickly turned away from her pretty face.

In fact, since Liu Ruyi defeated the Qing pursuers yesterday, Hai Lanzhu has basically given up!

She no longer fantasizes that she can return to Shengjing and become Concubine Chen who is above all others again!

The woman who grew up on the grassland is much stronger than Liu Ruyi imagined!

Women are always the ones who experience it most directly when it comes to the law of the jungle!

Hai Lanzhu understood that the man in front of her was the one she would rely on in her future life, and she was not bad to herself!

That's it...

Hai Lanzhu thought of her gentleness just now, but was rewarded with Liu Ruyi's teasing. She couldn't help but feel angry again, pouted her lips, and did not look at Liu Ruyi.

"Haha! Drink some! The cool breeze in the morning will help you get rid of the cold, which will be good for your health!" Liu Ruyi smiled and handed the flask to Hai Lanzhu's hand, "It's actually not good for women to drink in the morning! But it's not good for your health!

, you are weak, and now we are in the wilderness again, and I have no good solution! Just make do with it!"

Liu Ruyi smiled and held Hai Lanzhu's soft little hand, "There shouldn't be a big problem with your body! Maybe it's because of your mood! If you think about it more openly, there is nothing in this world that you can't live with! You follow me,

I won’t treat you badly! When you return to Jinan, let those famous doctors prescribe you some prescriptions and treat you, and you should be fine!”

"Haha! Don't think that I am so bad! Although Huang Taiji and I are at odds with each other, it is undeniable that he is a man, and for the time being, he can be considered a good man!"

Liu Ruyi smiled and looked into Hai Lanzhu's eyes, "His eyes are very accurate. You~~ are a good woman worth cherishing!"

"..." Hai Lanzhu trembled, but tears fell.



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