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Chapter 535 Hao Yao's Plan!

Thanks to brothers like Xiaosha Fugitive, Qq2005, yue123454321, Mudi Langyan, Fengxing456, ah393e, zhy888, Eagle Dance and other brothers for their monthly votes and support!

Thanks to the brothers and sisters who have always supported the boat!

Bow and kowtow!


At this time, Liu Ruyi, who was stationed in the center of the Caishi Army, obviously did not know the situation on top of Luoyang City. All his energy was concentrated on the frontal battlefield!

Although Liu Ruyi and the Caishi Army have been leading Li Zicheng and the Refugee Army by the nose with their powerful power and precise planning, but the Refugee Army has been around for more than ten years, and they will never be where they are today.

Those who are easy to catch!

Unless every last drop of their blood is shed, this war will never end!

At this time, on the frontal battlefield, the fighting between the two sides has completely entered a fever pitch!

Despite the fierce artillery fire and precise cannon strikes of the Colored Stone Army, the huge crowds of the Refugee Army rushed to the front of the Colored Stone Army like a colony of ants who were not afraid of death. Like moths rushing to the flame, they fought desperately against the Colored Stone Army.

The soldiers of the army are entangled together!

The three positions of the center, left wing, right wing, and Caishi Army have been completely covered by the crowds of the refugee army!

However, although the battle ahead seemed fierce, Liu Ruyi's brows furrowed slightly!

Because, after Liu Ruyi's careful observation, most of the refugee troops charging forward were hungry people with ragged clothes and dull eyes. They almost reacted instinctively, striding forward, and then there was no way back!

Although the war at this time seems tragic, in fact, the refugee army's crowd offensive, equipment, physical strength, and combat power are not on the same level as the Caishi Army. This is more like a unilateral bloody massacre by the Caishi Army.


As for these cannon fodder of the refugee army, it seems more like they are using their lives to consume the physical strength of the Colored Stone Army soldiers!

"Master Guo, look, look over there! It seems that another refugee army is rushing up!" Li Xuan pointed at the direction of the Caishi Army's right-wing battle formation and shouted to Liu Ruyi.

Liu Ruyi took a closer look, and sure enough, one mile away from the battle formation in front of Pu Sheng's White Tiger Camp, the refugee army had a team of about four to five thousand people, running towards the front battlefield in a menacing manner!

However, this team is completely different from the cannon fodder of the refugee army in front!

They have about three thousand cavalry, relying on the cavalry. Surrounding the cavalry are some elite and strong men wearing leather armor and holding broadswords and spears. At this time, although they charge very quickly, their formation remains unchanged.

Stay stable!

It's like a white swan was born among a flock of ducks. Amidst the chaos of the refugee army, this team couldn't even be noticed!

A sneer suddenly appeared on the corner of Liu Ruyi's mouth, 'Li Zicheng is a mortal after all! He still can't perform his cannon fodder tactics to the extreme, so soon, he will have a heavy stake!'

The Caishi Army's right-wing battle formation is Hao Yaoqi's main attack range. If this team is not Hao Yaoqi's personal army, then it should at least be Hao Yaoqi's close personal guard!

Liu Ruyi took a deep breath and tried to make her mind clearer, "Here we come! Inform Pu Sheng to be careful! Order the artillery battalion to increase the bombing intensity on the right wing! Also~~, quickly send someone to attack Xiao Liu'er





Liu Ruyi guessed well. At this time, it was Hao Yaoqi himself who led the elite of the refugee army to rush forward!

The war has progressed to this extent, and almost all the pressure has fallen on the heads of the refugee army!

This morning, before the armies set off for the expedition, Li Zicheng personally called Hao Yaoqi to his side and encouraged him with Wen Yan!

The implication is very clear!

At this time, the rebel army was suffering. Yuan Zongdi and Liu Tichun on the right were too young, not powerful enough, and their troops were not strong enough, so it was difficult for them to do much. In the middle, Ma Shouying and He Yilong's Gezuo camps were outsiders after all. In this kind of situation

Under the circumstances, we cannot count on them at all!

The only thing left is the old banner of the rebel army - Hao Yaoqi's headquarters!

Li Zicheng hoped that with the help of the chaotic situation created by the large number of hungry people on the frontal battlefield, Hao Yaoqi's troops could advance with elite troops and violently attack the Caishi Army's right defense line, striving to open a gap in the shortest possible time. Then Liu Zongmin and Li Zongmin

The elite cavalry from the old battalion will arrive in the shortest possible time, and with lightning speed, they will completely tear apart the Caishi Army's defense line!

And once the cavalry of the Refugee Army rushes into the Caishi Army's battle formation, then the Refugee Army has already won most of the battle!

"Hurry, hurry up! No ink stains! Please cheer me up! If this battle is successful, Chuang Wang Paul and others will be rich and prosperous for the rest of their lives!" Hao Yaoqi rode on a black horse and shouted to his side.


Thinking of King Chuang's heartfelt words of encouragement before leaving, Hao Yaoqi's heart was filled with passion!

He is tall and muscular. Although he looks like a rough guy, his thoughts are extremely delicate!

At this time, although the situation of the rebel army seems to be critical, the premise of all this is just that Liu Ruyi's Caishi Army is causing trouble in the front!

As long as Liu Ruyi's colorful stone army can be defeated, the future of the rebel army will be bright!

He was born in a rough place and fought a bloody journey to get to where he is today. Hao Yaoqi also knew in his heart that 'wealth can only be found in danger'!

How much you want to get, then how much you have to pay!

Although Liu Ruyi's colorful stone army is very strong, it is not invincible!

At this time, after these two days of attack and testing, Hao Yaoqi has discovered the biggest 'weakness' of the Caishi Army, which is that the Caishi Army does not have many cavalry!

Although the artillery fire of the Caishi Army was fierce, the cannons were sharp, and the defensive position seemed very solid, Hao Yaoqi, who had experienced hundreds of battles, understood in his heart!

These things are just appearances!

Although the artillery, cannons, and positions may appear to be invulnerable, it is not a city wall built as high as Luoyang City, making it difficult to find loopholes!

These 'simple' advantages, placed on such a huge battlefield, will no longer be an advantage once they are broken through by sharp cavalry!

As long as the men under his command can break through the Caishi Army's frontal defense line and allow the elite cavalry under his command to rush in, then~~~the seemingly fancy firearms of the Caishi Army will have no effect at all.

, and had no choice but to let them slaughter him!

At this time, after more than 100,000 hungry civilians had accumulated corpses in front of them, and the Caishi Army's artillery fire and musketry had entered a period of exhaustion, Hao Yaoqi knew that his opportunity had come!


Running forward all the way, in less than a quarter of an hour, Hao Yaoqi led his five thousand elite men and arrived near the battlefield!

At this time, the hungry people of the refugee army in front had already used their blood to clear the road. The front was densely packed with corpses everywhere!

There were also many soldiers from the Caishi Army who had already rushed out of the trenches, gripped their spears tightly, and fought together with the hungry people of the Refugee Army in groups of three or five!

Hao Yaoqi waved his hand to signal the army to stop advancing, but a cruel smile appeared at the corner of his mouth!

"General, these officers and soldiers are so rampant! Let's take action!" A guard officer could not stand the one-sided massacre ahead and couldn't help but said to Hao Yaoqi.

Hao Yaoqi shook his head slightly, but the sneer on his face became even worse, "Don't be anxious! Let them be rampant for a while! Tell the whole army to rest for a quarter of an hour. When they come out again, it's time for us to take action!"



Hao Yaoqi’s eyes are really poisonous!

At this time, due to the desperate charge of the refugee army, Pu Sheng's White Tiger Camp could no longer suppress the refugee army's offensive with cannons!

Although the muskets of the Caishi Army are very powerful and sharp, due to the limitations of the times, they are not flintlock guns. Loading, reloading, lighting the match, aiming and shooting all require time and process!

If under this situation, the Caishi Army can have ten Maxim heavy machine guns, let alone hundreds of thousands of refugee troops, there are millions, then what's the harm? It just becomes a living target!

But unfortunately, this is not realistic!

If you want to suppress the momentum of the refugee army, you can only fight against it with your flesh and blood!

Pu Sheng, who had experienced hundreds of battles, naturally understood this truth, so he had to pull out the only three thousand spearmen under his command and stand in front of the battle formation, resisting the torrent of the refugee army with his flesh and blood, thereby gaining space and time for the gun soldiers.


On this vast battlefield, the mobility of the human body is so small after all that, to a certain extent, it can even be ignored!

The advance of the spearmen of the Caishi Army was like a sharp steel knife, stuck in the chests of the hungry civilians of the refugee army!

As long as they want to move forward, they will inevitably have to confront these spearmen!

But the spearmen of the Caishi Army are all wearing armor, and their spears are all made of fine steel produced in Laiwu. Each of them is also equipped with a sharp waist knife!

They formed groups of three or five, forming small-scale fighting groups. Although the hungry people of these refugee armies were several times as strong as them, they were unable to move forward at all, and they lost their lives one after another!

In this way, the situation is again in the hands of the Caishi Army!

Starting from the morning, after nearly two hours of fighting, the blood has already dyed the yellow earth under the feet dark red, and the thick smell of blood blows on people's faces along with the shrill cold wind.

Entering everyone’s heart!

The refugee army had long been numb, but the Caishi army became more courageous as they fought!

Massacre is inevitable!

Even if some of the hungry cannon fodder in the refugee army want to retreat and escape, those elites of the refugee army who have been supervising the battle behind them will be able to cut off their heads quickly and without hesitation. That action is simply better than the spear of the Colored Stone Army.

Soldiers and soldiers need to be ten thousand times more familiar with it!

When it prospers, the people suffer! When it dies, the people suffer even more!

Living in troubled times, and eating King Chuang's decapitation meal, the outcome was already doomed!

But at this moment, even Pu Sheng didn't realize it!

When the pikemen burst forward, and when the musketry soldiers reloaded their ammunition, although it was impossible to break through the pikemen's front line of defense with manpower, there was another type of soldier that could, with lightning speed, cover the ground in the shortest possible time.

Inside, tear open the defense line that Pu Sheng originally thought was impregnable!

That's right, that's the three thousand veteran army elite cavalry in Hao Yaoqi's hands!


At this moment, the ground in the north suddenly began to stir, accompanied by the howling north wind, as if the earth was falling apart. A group of tall dark figures, like evil spirits killed from hell, waved the bright steel in their hands desperately.

The knife, with the wind-like speed of the war horse under his command, rushed towards the battle formation of the Colored Stone Army like lightning...



This chapter has been completed!
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