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Chapter 536 A knife on the end of the word forbearance!

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"No! It's the cavalry! It's the cavalry!"

"The cavalry of the refugee army is coming! Brothers, be careful!"

The pikemen in front noticed the abnormality first and couldn't help shouting loudly!

"Brothers, don't panic, don't panic! Form a formation, form a formation!" an officer kept shouting!

The Caishi Army has fought against the Qing Army many times, so it’s not like they don’t have experience against cavalry!

Under this situation, the cavalry of the refugee army on the opposite side has already increased its speed and its sharpness has become unstoppable. Escape or blindly deal with it, there is only a dead end!

At this time, the most effective way is to quickly form a formation and use the overall strength to deal with the sharp edge of the refugee army cavalry!

But it is a pity that these spearmen of the Caishi Army are not the veterans of hundreds of battles that Liu Ruyi brought out with his own hands. Although there are officers shouting loudly around them, there are still many people, like headless flies, everywhere


Some of the fierce soldiers even picked up their spears regardless of the situation and charged towards the sharpness of the refugee cavalry. However, they were soon swallowed up by the faint black iron hooves!

Hao Yaoqi was riding on a tall black horse, and the shining steel knife in his hand was already stained with blood. Seeing that the surprise attack was successful, his face showed a long-lost smile, and he shouted: "My dear men,

Charge forward, charge forward! Don't stop, don't give these officers and dogs time to react! Quick, quick! Charge in! Cut off the heads of those gun soldiers!"

If the war on the right wing of the Caishi Army is compared to the duel between the two masters, Hao Yaoqi and Pu Sheng, although Pu Sheng has the tools and people, he is at an advantage in all aspects and seems to have the chance to win.

But in front of a lone wolf like Hao Yaoqi, his sense of crisis and his ability to seize opportunities are obviously not as decisive and sensitive as Hao Yaoqi!

On the battlefield, things are changing rapidly!

Even if you have an overwhelming advantage, there will be a day when your boat capsizes in the gutter!

As powerful as Napoleon and the overlord Xiang Yu, they all paid the heaviest price for their rashness, recklessness, and hesitation!

At this time, facing the lone wolf Hao Yaoqi, Pu Sheng was obviously no match for him!

'Use your own strengths to attack the enemy's weaknesses! Make use of your strengths and avoid weaknesses, act decisively and viciously, dare to use all your chips when the wind seems to be against you and there is no chance!'

Hao Yaoqi's move is very similar to Liu Ruyi's acting style back then!

This opportunist's fighting style gambles on vision, gambles on consciousness, and gambles on the courage to give up all courage!

Therefore, it is no wonder that the mature and prudent Pu Sheng would be defeated in front of him!

Because, in this battle, he really did not lose unfairly!


However, even if Hao Yaoqi successfully counterattacked, Pu Sheng would not give up!

"The cannon soldiers retreat! The pike soldiers move forward in formation! Stop them, stop them! Never let them come! Anyone who dares to panic will be killed without mercy!" Pu Sheng was already anxious and roared loudly and almost hysterically!

To be honest, his ability is not outstanding among the Colored Stone Army!

He doesn't have Wen Cheng's calmness and decisiveness, nor Zhang Mu's shrewdness and bravery, nor Xu Xianhui's courage to move forward, nor Cao Jizhou's gentleness and smoothness. The advantage he has is that he has no advantages and is extremely average in all aspects!

The reason why he ascended to his current high position and became one of the five generals of the Caishi Army was more because of his qualifications to follow Liu Ruyi and his loyalty to Liu Ruyi!

Just earlier, Pu Sheng also received a reminder from Liu Ruyi that the refugee army was likely to fight for their lives on the right wing!

Pu Sheng also attached great importance to this and strictly ordered all armies to take strict precautions!

However, due to the desperate charge of the refugee army cannon fodder, Pu Sheng was greedy for credit for a moment, and still exposed this flaw that was not a flaw, and was exploited by the ruthless and decisive Hao Yaoqi!

At this time, although there were obstacles from trench walls, the refugee army's elite cavalry, under the cover of 'cannon fodder' and infantry, had broken through these obstacles and charged into the Caishi Army's position!

Although each of the Caishi Army's cannon soldiers was equipped with a short sword, facing the wind-like impact of these cavalry, the cannons and short swords in their hands could not be of much use. Although they fought tooth and nail to fight the enemy, they were even more vulnerable.

There were so many people, but they fell to the sword of the elite cavalry of the refugee army without any reason!

Pu Sheng's heart was dripping with blood!

These soldiers from the White Tiger Camp are all his father-in-law and fellow villagers, all his brothers and nephews! They ended up here so easily because of their own mistakes!

Pu Sheng simply couldn't imagine how he would face Liu Ruyi's trust? How would he face the parents of these soldiers who died in battle!

"In the personal barracks, everyone is ready to come forward. Today, I am going to fight with this bastard Hao Yaoqi!" Pu Sheng pulled out the steel knife from his waist so hard that his steel teeth were about to break!

At this point, he has no face to face the Shandong elders. The only choice he can make is to use his life to wash away his shame!

There are about 500 people in Pu Sheng's personal camp. Most of them are soldiers who followed him in Liaodong. Some are elite soldiers recruited in Shandong over the years. These people are all highly skilled in martial arts, well-equipped, and tough.

Not afraid of death!

Although Hao Yaoqi's cavalry are sharp, their numbers are not large. The most important thing is that they are currently scattered on the Caishi Army's position. If they can rely on their most elite soldiers, they can kill this evil Hao Yaoqi.

Thief, then Park Shengbu may not have a chance to make a comeback!


Without the slightest hesitation, like a red tide, Pu Sheng led the five hundred most elite soldiers under his command and rushed into the chaotic battle formation like the wind!

"Brothers, kill! Kill all these mud-legged people!"

"Whoever kills the thief Hao Waoqi will personally go to the Duke of Guo to plead for his merit!"

The bright red mandarin duck war coat rustled with the cold wind. Pu Sheng was already a little crazy. He raised the steel knife in his hand high, guided his men, and rushed towards the center of the battle formation quickly!

At this time, Hao Yaoqi's three thousand cavalry had already taken the initiative in the battle formation. Although they did not have a complete upper hand, they could almost grasp the situation in terms of the overall situation!

The cavalry of the refugee army laughed unscrupulously, raised their sabers high, and kept harvesting the lives of the soldiers of the Colored Stone Army!

But soon, the red tide from the south suddenly opened a hole in the refugee army's cavalry formation!

"General, look, look over there, there seems to be a big shot in the army coming!" A soldier with sharp eyes was the first to see Pu Sheng, who was wearing a bright silver armor, and he hurriedly shouted to Hao Yaoqi.

Hao Yaoqi was also trying to find the leader of the Caishi Army at this time, but unexpectedly, Pu Sheng actually came to his door. He couldn't help but be overjoyed, "Boys, the fat guy is here! You fucking cheered me up.

!I will reward you with a thousand taels of silver for anyone who captures that dog official alive!"

"Ouch~~~!" Hao Yaoqi's wealth was obviously not comparable to Liu Ruyi's, but for these refugee army cavalry, one thousand taels of silver was already an astronomical figure. After hearing Hao Yaoqi's promise, they

He couldn't help but roar loudly, like a group of red-eyed wolves that smelled blood, attacking Pu Sheng's personal camp from all directions!

Pu Sheng also sneered. Although Hao Yaoqi's cavalry were sharp, they were unable to gain speed in the ravine-ridden position of Baihu Camp, which offset their greatest advantage!

Now, it is still unclear who will win!

Whoever wants to truly win this battle will have to look at whose hand the steel knife is stronger!

"My sons, the evil thief Hao Yaoqi is right in front. The time has come to prove the prestige of the White Tiger Camp of our Colorful Stone Army. Follow me and kill the thief!" Pu Sheng roared loudly and took the lead in rushing towards Hao Yaoqi's direction!

Although his ability is mediocre, he is still a strong-willed man after all, and his charging momentum is no worse than anyone else!

At this time, seeing Pu Sheng's bravery, the morale of the elite soldiers under his command was greatly boosted. They roared at the top of their lungs, followed Pu Sheng closely, and rushed into Hao Yaoqi's cavalry formation like crazy!

The black and red torrents collided violently in an instant!


At this time, at the edge of the slope one mile east of the White Tiger Camp position, Xiao Liuer had already led nearly 5,000 Caishi Army cavalry and had been waiting here for a long time!

Hao Da and Zhang Mu, who had just made great achievements, also followed Xiao Liuer.

However, seeing the miserable situation of Baihu Camp at this time, Zhang Mu couldn't sit still and hurriedly said to Xiao Liu'er on the side: "General, I'm afraid the brothers in Baihu Camp can't stand it any longer! Why don't we rush over to rescue them quickly?

! Hao Yaoqi is really despicable, I will chop off his head!"

Seeing his brothers falling tragically into a pool of blood one after another, Zhang Mu clenched his teeth and sweat dripped from his big fists like cattail leaf fans. He wanted to rush into the refugee army's battle formation and chop down Hao Yaoqi immediately.

dog head!

Hao Daye also said: "Sixth Master, we can't hesitate any longer! The brothers in Baihu camp can't bear it anymore! They have too few spearmen and they can't bear it!"

Xiao Liu'er's expression was also extremely gloomy. His character was that if someone stabbed me, I would have to repay him ten times!

In the past, when faced with this situation, Xiao Liuer would have taken the lead, led the army into the battle formation, and crushed Hao Yaoqi's eggs with his own hands!

But remembering Liu Ruyi's solemn instructions before setting off, Xiao Liuer had to grit his teeth and endure the bad breath!

"No! Don't be anxious! Don't act rashly! Hao Yaoqi owes us, and I will definitely ask him to repay us ten times and a hundred times! However, now is not the time! You can recharge your batteries for the time being and wait patiently!"

In these years of fighting in the south and the north, following Liu Ruyi in various conquests, the number of lives lost at the hands of Xiao Liu'er was not only 1,000, but only 800!

With his brain and hands soaked in blood, the simple and even silly boy back then has grown into a qualified 'hunter'. At this moment, Xiao Liu'er's body has a hint of general demeanor!

After following Liu Ruyi for so many years, Xiao Liuer deeply understands that patience is for the sake of explosion. The longer the patience is, the more intense the explosion will be!

The word ‘forbearance’ has a knife on it!

The concession now is just to accumulate energy for the next explosion!

Zhang Mu and Hao Dazhong saw Xiao Liuer's firm refusal and did not dare to ask any more questions. They just looked at the situation in the direction of Baihu Camp with concern.

At this time, a soldier beside him said urgently: "General, look, look to the north! There are cavalry, many cavalry coming!"



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