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Chapter 996 In Spring (Ten Thousand Words for the Moon)

Chapter 996 In Spring

This winter, just like in previous years, endless leaves have fallen and thousands of trees are rustling.

What is different from previous years is that there are fewer people in Saibei Maodong this year. The whole north is very busy, busy killing people, busy escaping, busy fighting for power, busy grabbing profits...

Not long after Xia Xun left Mrs. Huo'a's camp, people from the Oara tribe arrived to report that several armies of the Ming Dynasty had rushed to their base in Bahe, leaving their tribes in the best winter grazing place.

All my old homes were confiscated.

The leaders of the Oara tribes were shocked when they heard the news. They didn't care to continue the fight with the Tatars. They hurried back to the army and rushed back to Oara. Tupolo and Mrs. Huo'a had already known the exact news from Xia Xun.

They were also anxious when something happened in their lair, but they all knew that since Xia Xun told him about it, it meant that the Ming army had arrived at Bahe. Even if they returned immediately, it would be too late. They had to deal with the aftermath right now.

Work hard for the best interests.

Who said people on the grasslands don't have political wisdom? After weighing the matter, both of them wisely suppressed their anxiety. Until the news officially came, they were "shocked" and "furious" like other tribal leaders.

, but on the way back, the two people began to walk around other tribes, meeting with the leaders of the tribes, and negotiating in secret.

There are many tribes in Mongolia, the so-called Three Kings of Wara and Hashha. It is just that this tribe is strong, and then many tribes rely on it and form alliances. Such a loose governance method is doomed for each specific tribe.

, their leaders have absolute control over their headquarters, and they can choose new political allies and form interest groups on their own.

What Mrs. Huo'a and Batu Buluo have to do is to win the support of these tribes as much as possible. Now of course they can't reveal too much information, so they can only condemn Tuoduo Buhua and Samur to openly communicate with each other.

The intention before everyone in the world is the same. If you reveal its mysterious color, you will no longer be able to confuse foolish men and women.

Genghis Khan was sowing seeds everywhere, and the descendants of the Golden Family are far from extinct. Even if this Totuo Buhuahan is true, killing him will not help. As long as the Oara people are willing, as long as the Golden Family still has the power to confuse people on the grassland, sooner or later they will

You can find another one, or even concoct a fake one. What's more, this Tuotuo Buhua is fake and has value of use.

Keeping the Tuotuo No Spend No Kill in the hearts of the Wala people and placing him under the control of Tu Polo and Mrs. Huo A can break the myths of all the prairie people who still have illusions about the Golden Family and let them witness it with their own eyes.

: The sacred can also be trampled on. This move is more cruel than swords and guns. If you kill a few of them, they can regenerate. If you steal a few of their cattle and sheep, they can raise them again. Once the spiritual pillar is shattered, it can no longer be restored.

Of course, these are only temporary means. As for the reason why they didn't get it right in one step, it was because Ji Gang suddenly changed the plan, and as a result, their strength was not exhausted, and the court now had to concentrate on managing the Tatars. Xia Xun had to make up for it and lost a few

Let them go down the bait and tell them to continue killing each other. Once the problem on the Tatar side is solved, and we have free hands, the fighting here should be almost done.

After the affairs in Wala were "satisfactoryly resolved" and the root causes of many troubles and civil wars were laid, Hami, Beelse Bali, Nurgan Dusi, Shanxi Dusi, and Shaanxi Dusi began to withdraw their troops. They stayed on the grassland for a whole winter.

, those who ate the Wala, robbed the Wala, and harmed the Wala, and incidentally did a lot of work for them to improve the human race, and finally prepared to get out.

At this time, the ice and snow melted, and the breath of spring had blown to the north of the country.

Xia Xun is also about to set off from Liaodong and return to Beijing.


A long-distance cart rolled by, with complete saddles and harness, and guards in bright armor guarding the front and rear.

Sakura put her head at the window and looked at everything on the street greedily.

Old men and old women, still wearing old sheepskin coats, appeared diligently on the street, carrying rattan baskets on their shoulders, picking up cow dung and sheep dung along the way.

Livestock dealers coming from the Tatar grasslands drove cattle, sheep and horses through the streets, and the cows and sheep bleated loudly.

Carloads of grain transported from the sea also passed by. On both sides of the road were all kinds of businesses, stalls, and shops, making it very lively.

We walked all the way and when we got out of the city, we saw mountains not far away.

The mountain yin is still covered with snow, but the wild grass and vegetables on the mountain yang are already growing like crazy.

Even in the white snow on the mountainside, spring has already appeared. The azaleas all over the mountains and plains are so red that they are like a gorgeous morning glow, but underneath it is still a piece of snow. White and red form a pleasing sight.


On the broad Liao River, the once three-foot frozen river surface has begun to thaw. The central part of the river has reappeared with surging water, washing the ice on both sides until it became crystal clear. At some point, there was a roar and a large piece of ice collapsed.

The water turned into many crystal-clear ice cubes, rushing happily into the distance as the river flowed, smashing into pieces along the way.

This was the north, but it was not the grassland she was familiar with. The scenes she saw were both familiar and unfamiliar.

It's strange because the spring on the grassland is not like this when people wake up after a winter. It's familiar because the wind here, the sky here, the smell here. She likes it here, it's like her hometown.

But she still has to leave and follow her man after all, because her man's place is her home.

Home and hometown, of course, home is more intimate.

Thinking of her man, Sakura felt sweet in her heart. It turns out that love between a man and a woman is such a feeling!

Before she became his woman, she never knew that although she had longed for and fantasized about it, she didn't know how lacking her imagination was until she actually experienced it. From a virgin to a man, in fact, it was physically and mentally difficult.

The changes are not big, but the physical and mental changes from a virgin to a woman are really too big...

Just when Sakura was thinking about it, her face became hot, and there was a crisp sound on her butt!

"Ouch!" Xiaoying exclaimed and turned around to glare at Xia Xun angrily.

Xia Xun smiled and said, "Are you going to lie by the window all the time? We are out of town now. Come, sit with me for a while."

Xiaoying pouted and turned to sit next to Xia Xun. Xia Xun held her waist as if to let her sit on his lap. Xiaoying rolled her eyes at Xia Xun and pointed at the rolled up curtains.

Xia Xun smiled, stretched out his hand to pull the curtain cord, and lowered the curtain. There were gaps in the bamboo curtain, but you could see things clearly from the inside out, but you couldn't see anything from the outside in. Only then did Xiao Ying meekly throw herself in.

In his arms.

As plump as it is, as soft as boneless, her plump and graceful body is the best piece of fragrant nephrite in the world. It is soft and gentle, and her round and perky pink buttocks sit on her lap, and she gently strokes it to feel a kind of softness.

Indescribably flexible, Xia Xun's big hands only lightly caressed Wan Wanxiang's buttocks. Before she could wave her hand, he slid up and caressed Xiaoying's pair, which, except for Su Ying's, were enough to make Xia Xun proud.

The ** of all other wives and concubines.

"What, you don't want to leave here?"

"No, there is nothing to be reluctant to part with."

Xiao Ying said against her will and reached out to grab Xia Xun's big hand that was making trouble on her chest. She couldn't resist Xia Xun's teasing. As long as Xia Xun used a little trick, she could make her body soft and her flowers gurgling. But in this car

How can I **? Wouldn’t it be extremely uncomfortable at that time?

Thinking about it while tilting her head, Xiaoying suddenly became worried. She turned to Xia Xun and said hesitantly: "Brother, you said... you said madam and the others..."


"Will they laugh at me?"

Xia Xun was startled and asked: "Why are you laughing at me?"

Xiaoying hesitated to speak, thought for a while, turned around, rolled up her clothes nervously, and said hesitantly: "I came out with you to help you, but...but..."

Xia Xun's face became solemn and he said in a deep voice: "Yes, if you didn't say it, I would have forgotten it. Ming'er probably won't say anything about you, but thank you and Ziqi, it's all just words.

A woman."

Sakura panicked and said, "Brother, what should I do?"

Xia Xun said seriously: "How about, after returning to Jinling, you go back to Moling Town first? I will pick you up when the right opportunity comes."

Sakura asked: "Well... it works. But... when is the right opportunity?"

Xia Xun said leisurely: "Maybe March and May, maybe three years to five years..."


"Maybe thirty or fifty years!"

Sakura was angry and laughing, slapped him in the face, and said angrily: "Ignore you, you are teasing me again!"

Xia Xun laughed heartily and said: "Soldiers will block us, water will block us, and water will cover us. It doesn't matter who we are when we come out. You are my woman now. This is a fact that no one can change. What do you care about? Besides, Zi Qi

, Thank you, they are not unreasonable masters. If they are joking with you, why don't you just be generous? My little Sakura has the broadest mind!"

Following this double entendre, Xia Xun fingered Xiao Ying's proud breasts, causing Xiao Ying to squeal again...

Xia Xun smiled and hugged her, Xiaoying sat in his arms, her slightly uneasy heart gradually calmed down, Xia Xun still caressed her, but his mind was quietly immersed in thinking about the situation in Liaodong, and returned to Beijing

Afterwards, these will all be reported to the emperor in detail, so naturally we have to take the time to sort them out!


After a winter, the Chief Secretary of Liaodong had almost done the work of re-registering Tatar households, accepting resettlement, appointing officials, and setting up management systems. He was unable to save the Tatar people who were on the verge of death, and was unable to resist the Ming Dynasty's force.

Lu Tai reluctantly handed over his power and was kindly invited by Xia Xun to live with the Chief of Guards in Shenyang. He still retained his title but completely lost his power.

Speaking of which, Arutai was actually very lucky. In fact, in the original history, more than ten years later, the son of Mahamu Tuhuan unified Oara and invaded the east again. Arutai fought in Oara in the west and in Uwu in the east.

Liangha Sanwei, whose subordinates had no food and clothing, dispersed one after another, either to the Ming Dynasty or to the Oara. In the end, there were only more than 13,000 people in the Arutai tribe left in the declining mountains. They moved to Muna Mountain and were impoverished.

He was killed by Tuohuan's troops, and Oara unified the Tatars.

Now, not only can he die a good death, but his wealth and splendor have not diminished at all. He is really a lucky man. But he didn't know that his future fate would be so miserable, so he hated Xia Xun in his heart.

Xia Xun is not afraid of his hatred. This guy can only stay in Shenyang as an apartment house in the future. Are he still afraid of him making circles and cursing him? Even if this old guy curses, he only repeats a few words over and over again. Compared with the literati in Jiangnan who are scolding now

In my own words, I scolded him in all kinds of ways and whipped him in, but his skills were far behind.

Arutai became the hand-off shopkeeper. Although he was unwilling to do so, he did not have to worry about the many headaches. These matters had to be taken care of by the Liaodong Dusi. Ever since the imperial court formulated the policy against the Tatars, the Liaodong Dusi began to

It is not difficult to raise money to transport food by sea and use both soft and hard methods to subjugate the Tatars. What is difficult is returning home. This must be reflected in successive policies.

Reserve grain and grass to avoid spring famine and prevent large numbers of herdsmen from starving to death due to famine after the military catastrophe. This is the first step to win the hearts and minds of the people.

The transportation of grain was all left to the salt merchants and grain merchants. The imperial court now had too many large-scale projects to take care of this aspect. The grain was transported to Liaodong and directly bartered, exchanging ginseng, dongzhu, cattle and sheep from Liaodong.

Furs and other items can be very profitable for merchants, not to mention those who don't like to exchange for Northeastern specialties can still trade them with salt.

Therefore, a large number of merchants rushed to take on the task of transporting grain to Liaodong. With the spring breeze, they set off one after another. They not only purchased rice grain from Jiangnan, but also purchased rice grain from Southeast Asia and other countries. In the process, it directly further promoted

It promoted the development of overseas trade and grain trade, and also promoted the development of maritime transportation.

Grain ships were transported to Liaodong by sea in batches. The large amount of grain stabilized the price of grain in Liaodong. At the same time, the large amount of grain imported also prevented some profiteers from raising prices wantonly and taking advantage of the Tatar herdsmen in the market transactions, which incited

to arouse the wrath of the newly surrendered Tatar herdsmen.

Grain was shipped in, and cattle, sheep, livestock, fur products and other products were continuously shipped out. This process also promoted the further development of Liaodong's economy. For the first time, the people of Liaodong discovered that war does not necessarily make people miserable, but sometimes it will

Make them richer.

At present, the most traded goods between Liaodong and Tatar are horses. War horses are an important military item. Ordinary merchants were originally not allowed to trade. This power was limited to the imperial court. However, the imperial court did not aim at making profits. Its trading methods were

The role of transactions was heavily bureaucratized and trade efficiency was extremely low. Xia Xun specifically requested an order to relax this condition in view of the special circumstances of Liaodong.

In order to encourage the trading of horses, the Chief Secretary of Liaodong increased the taxes on the cattle and sheep trade and at the same time lowered the taxes on the horse trade, promoting its development through economic means. As a result, a large number of Mongolian horses passed through merchants with developed economic minds and flexible economic means.

Entered into the pass.

In the same way of raising livestock, raising horses is more profitable than raising cattle and sheep. After tasting this benefit, the eyes of the poor herdsmen lit up. In this spring, the number of herdsmen focusing on raising and grazing horses has increased significantly.

Many ministers in the DPRK have raised objections about opening the door to horse market transactions and stimulating herdsmen to raise horses. Some ministers believe that nomads are powerful because they have horses, so they should not be stimulated to raise a large number of horses, but should be raised

The main ones are cattle and sheep. Tatar herdsmen are encouraged to raise more cattle and sheep, and use cattle and sheep to trade various daily necessities. Horses are weapons of war. If the Tatars have too many horses, they will kill people.

Very uneasy.

After receiving the minister's opinion, the emperor was not in a hurry to express his position, because after so many years of understanding, he knew that everything Xia Xun did must have his thoughts in it. His thoughts were often tricky and different from ordinary people, but

If you think about it carefully, it makes sense. So Zhu Di just forwarded the opinions of the ministers to Xia Xun.

As expected, Xia Xun wrote a letter stating his views. As soon as the memorial was published, those ministers who had objections immediately had no objections. Xia Xun said in the letter: People on the grassland must graze to survive. The grassland is vast and different from the captive animals in the Central Plains.

For livestock, horses are necessary for grazing, so even if you use all possible means to restrict herdsmen from raising horses, or even if the prices of horses are reduced to worthless, they will still keep a certain number of horses.

The number of horses will be at least one for each person, regardless of gender, old or young, each person will have one horse. This means that if there is a war, they will not only have enough horses, but it will not be difficult to have two or even three horses per person. Therefore,

As long as they wanted to fight, they always had enough horses to fight, so this restriction was meaningless as far as the herders were concerned.

As for the Central Plains, there is currently a serious shortage of horses, not only in the military, but also among the people. As a result, the price of horses has been very high, and there is still not enough for use. Once the horse breeding areas are restricted, the breeding of horses will not be reduced.

The horses used by herdsmen for fighting can only make the supply of horses in the Central Plains more difficult. But what about encouraging them to raise horses?

The grassland is only so big, and there are only so many herders grazing. Their pasture is limited, and the number of livestock each person can graze is also limited. If they raise more horses, they will not have the energy or enough pasture to raise more cattle and sheep.

Isn't it great to raise horses for trading, exchange for grain, cloth, and various daily necessities to live a better life?

Once they have malicious intentions and want to cause chaos under the gathering of thoughtful people, the extra horses will not help their combat effectiveness at all. At this time, cattle and sheep are their most important material guarantee. Therefore, if they raise more horses, they will have to raise less

Cattle, sheep, and daily necessities are more dependent on the farming people.

At present, when they have just surrendered and their hearts are still unstable, is it better to ask them to be self-sufficient in food, clothing, housing and transportation, or is it better to ask them to leave their belly problems to Ming Dynasty?

Of course, this is also a means of transition. At this stage, their uneven development is beneficial to the rule. When the antagonism and estrangement between the two sides are gradually eliminated, the Central Plains also has enough horses, and the supply and demand relationship will change, and supply will exceed demand.

, the market for horses was not good, so herdsmen naturally switched to raising cattle and sheep.

Although Zhu Di was a master of great talent and strategy, and he was far more clear-minded than Xia Xun in some aspects, Xia Xun's methods contained a lot of experience and wisdom from later generations, including the laws of market economy. Xia Xun's analysis was well-founded and coherent.

, some methods had such far-reaching purposes that even Zhu Di was amazed when he saw them, and the matter was settled.

Nowadays, based on the experience of transforming and relocating the Liaodong tribes, combined with the characteristics of the Tatar tribes, the Chief Secretary of Liaodong has formulated many new policies according to the time and local conditions, reorganized the Tatar tribes and herdsmen, and designated new

The leader demarcated the nomadic range, and in the barter transaction, converted some of the herdsmen to trade full-time.

There are also some herdsmen who have completely lost their means of grazing animals and have become farmers and tenants. Another group of herdsmen whose families have lost their young labor force or their main means of production can only be kidnapped by others or take the initiative to become

Only the slaves of others can survive, and now they are being recruited as workers by the factories and workshops that are gradually emerging in Liaodong.

With the development of trade in Liaodong, many people are no longer satisfied with selling fur and other rough-processed specialties directly into the pass, because the profit is too little, so some people have long started to operate large fur-making workshops. Their success has led to more

Many people have become enlightened, and they begin to think that just buying a large amount of land, collecting fixed land rents, or setting up large ranches and selling livestock to make profits is far less direct and fast than the money earned from processing trade.

Therefore, some people have already begun to transform, and various types of factories and workshops have appeared. The most lacking thing in such factories is the proletarian labor force, which is dedicated to working, so they are happy to recruit these homeless and idle people.

The common people who can work become their own workers. In this way, there will be fewer people on the grassland, and the competition for turf and water sources will be less fierce. It will be easier for the Chief Secretary of Liaodong to resettle those who continue to make a living as nomads.

Just like before, Xia Xun only grasped the general direction and let go of specific matters. Even if they encountered some difficulties in some details, Xia Xun would not remind them in advance, but would let them do it.

A big chaos broke out. Soon, the Chief Secretary of Liaodong in Wanshi Domain became more and more comfortable in dealing with this new Liaodong whose ruling territory had expanded several times.

Haste makes waste, and we can only do this for the time being. Digestion is a long-term process. As for the expansion of Shanxi Chief Secretary, Shaanxi Chief Secretary and Beizhili, we can even draw a new layout with Daning as the center.

Secretary General, thoroughly decompose Tatar. This is not a problem that can be solved in three or two years.

So, it's time for him to leave.

Xia Xun's thoughts were long, he went through the situation of Tatar and Wala in detail, and heaved a sigh of satisfaction.

"Huh? Stop it! What's going on there?"

Xia Xun woke up from his thoughts and accidentally looked out the window. He immediately knocked on the window and asked someone to stop the car, and then rolled up the curtain cage.

Not far away is a small mountain peak. There is a peak on the mountain peak, and there is a bush next to the road. This is the mountain sun. The snow on the bush has melted away, and the branches are sprouting, and there is a new green. There is an artificial path in the bush.

The road we took leads to the mountainside. There is a piece of land with no trees growing on the mountainside. At this moment, a huge grave is being piled up there. The black and yellow new soil is surrounded by some soul-calling flags. On the mountain

It was fluttering in the wind. In front of the tomb, there were many people dressed as soldiers with filial ties on their heads, as if a sacrificial activity was being held.

Who would have to die to build such a big tomb? The garrison from the nearby garrison was called to come to the ceremony. Xia Xun couldn't remember any important military figures who had died recently, so he wanted to ask someone. The convoy stopped, and a

The guard ran up the mountainside along the path, and after a while he hurriedly returned. When he got to the car, he whispered: "My lord, this is the Xingshan Station. The troops going to the Tatars for mediation came from various guard posts."

The Xingshanyi garrison also mobilized many soldiers to fight the tribes who refused to surrender. Now that the army returned, the Xingshanyi soldiers brought back the corpses of Paoze who died in the battle, a total of seventy-nine, and they were all buried here.


Xia Xun's heart sank slightly, he was silent for a moment, slowly stood up, and said seriously: "Follow me, let's worship the fallen soldiers together!"

In front of the tomb, a glass of water and wine slowly poured down from Xia Xun's hand. After putting down the wine glass, Xia Xun took a stick of incense from the hands of the Xingshanyi soldiers who were so excited that they were filled with tears, and bowed solemnly to the huge tomb.

I prayed three times and prayed silently in my heart: "Sacrifice is inevitable when we defend our country. However, we could have avoided some unnecessary casualties this time! The heroes and heroes are not far away. Please listen to Xia Xun's words. When I go back this time, I

I will definitely seek justice for you!"

p: 10,000 words, please give me a monthly ticket! Please give me a recommendation vote!

***:Sword slaughters the sky

Introduction: Aquamarine Star Continent has tens of thousands of sects and strong men. In order to avenge blood, Xiao Pojun was reborn with the world's best treasure sword tower. He entered the tower, practiced, and transformed from a mediocre boy to a monster-like genius.

.A passionate battle, a top-notch collision between geniuses, with a long sword, you are proud of the world, and you are the only one in the world. The sword points, the heroes restrain their hands, and all living beings pay homage!

Iron-blooded and lonely ghosts in the blue smoke sing long songs and fight with swords to slay evil spirits.

The military robes are rolled up under the southern rock, and the blue front is three feet tall and laughs at the world of mortals.

Let’s see how Xiao Pojun reaches the pinnacle of the world, proud of the wind and clouds, and slaughters the sky with his sword!

Please appreciate it!


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