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Chapter 997

Xia Xun rushed all the way to Beijing, first asked someone to take Xiaoying back to the hotel, and then rushed directly to the palace.

The Emperor's Palace was the original Prince Yan's Mansion and the Great Yuan Palace back then. The future Daming Palace will be here. However, there is no need to tear down all the buildings and completely rebuild it. The main purpose is to expand and renovate the front palace and main hall. There are not many parts in the harem that need to be demolished and rebuilt.

, so this was the first part to be built. Now it has been completed. The emperor lived here after arriving in Beijing.

When Xia Xun entered the palace to meet the emperor, the emperor was surrounded by many ministers who were accompanying him, discussing some issues about the construction of Beijing and the transportation of grain from the south to the north. When he heard that Xia Xun had arrived, Zhu Di was extremely happy, and immediately stopped the discussion and called him to see him.


As soon as Xia Xun saw the emperor, he left his post without authorization and went to Oara to rescue people. He asked the emperor for forgiveness. Zhu Di had no intention of punishing him, so he replied with a smile: "Wenxuan's strategy in northern Xinjiang is meritorious, and it is natural to sacrifice public life for private interests."

There have been mistakes, but since the merits and demerits are equal to each other, we will not be held accountable.”

Since the emperor took the initiative to excuse him, others could not say anything else. Zhu Di gave Xia Xun a seat and asked him about the situation in Liaodong.

Through memorials and the collection of various information, Zhu Di actually had a considerable understanding of the situation in the north, but of course it was not as detailed and comprehensive as Xia Xun's detailed introduction.

Zhu Di listened very attentively, and from time to time he put forward his own opinions on some issues that needed attention now and policies that needed to be adjusted according to changes in the current situation in the future, and asked people to write them down, so that he could call the ministers to discuss these issues properly when he came back.

Find a way.

This report took about an hour and a half, and the emperor said happily: "The situation in Northern Xinjiang has now been opened up. Wenxuan has worked hard and made great achievements. The future transformation and construction will not be a one-day effort, and there is no need to rush it."

.You have just rushed back and are tired from the journey. Go back to the hotel to rest first, and come see me tomorrow to accompany me to see the construction of the Temple of Heaven!"

Xia Xun bowed in response, and Zhu Di said to the ministers in the palace: "All my dear friends, please leave as well!"

All the ministers agreed and bowed to the emperor to say goodbye. Although Xia Xun agreed, he stayed there without moving until everyone else had left. Seeing that he was hesitant to speak, Zhu Di couldn't help asking: "Why, Wenxuan is still here?"

Do you have something to tell me?"


Xia Xun made up his mind and bowed deeply to Zhu Di. He said in a deep voice: "Your Majesty, the people just talked so much that it is inconvenient for me to ask. Before I decided to go to Wala to rescue people, I didn't know whether I could return safely from this trip, so I went to the post office.

I left a secret letter, I wonder if the emperor has ever seen it?"

Zhu Di was silent for a moment and replied: "I already know what you want to say. The court has laws and regulations, but laws and regulations require evidence. I cannot punish ministers based on your words!"

Xia Xun said: "Then, if I ask for an order to investigate and handle this case, I will definitely find out the truth about this case and provide justice to the soldiers and people of Liaodong!"

Zhu Di frowned slightly and said, "I have ordered people to investigate this matter. Wenxuan will just wait for the news!"

Xia Xun had no choice but to cup his hands and say: "Yes, if that's the case, then...I'll retire!"

Zhu Di looked at Xia Xun's slowly exiting figure and sighed softly.

Of course he had read Xia Xun's letter explaining his funeral. He didn't need to investigate at all to know that this matter was most definitely true.

Xia Xun, who rushed to Wala with the ambition to die, would never tell nonsense in his "suicide note". Xia Xun and Ji Gang had no personal enmity. If it was to fight for power and favor, a person with a death wish would have reached this point.

How could he falsely accuse others if he was indifferent. Furthermore, with Ji Gang's personality and personality, it was very possible for him to do such a thing. He knew very well that Xia Xun had a sense of injustice in his heart and was mourning for the many soldiers who sacrificed for no reason.


However, until now, he still trusts and relies heavily on Ji Gang. What happened has happened, and the overall situation in Northern Xinjiang has not deteriorated to the point of being uncontrollable. The ending is still quite perfect. Is it necessary to pursue this matter again and kill himself?

? It is true that Ji Gang is eager to ask for credit, but if none of his ministers have the intention to ask for credit, how can the emperor motivate his ministers?

What Zhu Di was even more worried about was that Ji Gang was considered an important minister with a well-known reputation in both the government and the public. If he was to be killed, his charges would have to be made public. But how could the Ming Dynasty secretly instigate the secrets that caused Oara and Tatars to fight each other to be made public?

To the public?

Furthermore, once the sacrifice could have been avoided, but because the minister claimed credit, the war situation worsened, causing unnecessary casualties of many soldiers, will the families of the dead soldiers and the disabled soldiers themselves be chilled by this? If the court again in the future

If there is any order, the soldiers will have doubts, and the court's prestige will be shaken, wouldn't it mean that the country is shaken? Can killing a Ji Gang compensate for such terrible consequences?

What if someone uses this incident to instigate dissatisfaction between the army and the people of Liaodong against the imperial court? This kind of thing is very possible. How can those Tatar nobles who have been deprived of their military rights and move to Liaodong miss this opportunity? By then, rumors will spread..., Liaodong's

The situation was too complicated, and there were too many Tatar people taken in at once. If the army did not hide at this time, the consequences would be worrying.

Zhu Di didn't want to chill Xia Xun, but due to various considerations, he didn't want to kill Ji Gang and cause a greater shock. Now Liaodong must be stabilized. Furthermore, Xia Xun and Ji Gang were both his most favored ministers, and he also

Not wanting to kill himself, he was in a dilemma, so he had no choice but to use the "drag" tactic to suppress the matter first.

Everyone thinks that the emperor can live, kill and seize everything, but the emperor cannot do whatever he wants!


Xia Xun left the palace, looked up to the sky and sighed: "The emperor still has great favor and trust in Ji Gang!"

In order to protect himself, he killed the Jin Yiwei officials without authorization, which was a capital crime, but the emperor tolerated him. Now that Ji Gang has taken radical measures to claim credit, which resulted in many unnecessary sacrifices for the Liaodong soldiers, the emperor can naturally tolerate him.

The emperor is also a human being, how can he be immobile and completely impartial?

If nothing else goes wrong, the problem of the nomadic people outside the Great Wall should be solved smoothly. Even if there are changes in the future of the Oara, as long as the Tatars fall into the hands of the Ming Dynasty, the Oara will not be able to grow enough to cause trouble to the Central Plains like it did in history. He

The only unfulfilled wish now is to kill Ji Gang.

This man is immortal, has no worries about the country, and will not cause any great harm. In fact, without him Xia Xun in the original history, Ji Gang's ending would still be an unsatisfactory death, and it would not cause much harm to the Ming Dynasty.

But he and Ji Gang were jointly responsible for the affairs in Northern Xinjiang. Those soldiers who did not have to be sacrificed but had turned into corpses were a responsibility to him. Others could ignore it, but he could not ignore it. He had to plead for these soldiers.

It is his responsibility to seek justice. Only by fulfilling this responsibility can he live with peace of mind.

Xia Xun walked away, thinking only: "I wonder how far Mu En's investigation of Ji Gang has progressed!"

When Ji Gang stepped back from His Highness, he found that Xia Xun had not left, and he immediately felt alarmed. But no matter how slow he walked, there was always time to walk out, so how could he know what Xia Xun was going to say to the emperor?

Ji Gang had a ghost in his heart. He was naturally guilty. He was afraid of Xia Xun's accusations against him, and he didn't know how the emperor would feel after hearing this, so he felt quite uneasy. Just when he was hesitating to leave, Zhao Wang Zhu Gaosui came around from a corner of the palace wall.

When he came out and saw Ji Gang, he chuckled and said, "Master Ji, your steps are slow, what's bothering you?"

Ji Gang looked up and said with a smile: "It turns out to be His Royal Highness King Zhao. Excuse me for asking, I have been feeling cold and weak these past few days, so I am not very energetic!"

Zhu Gaosui smiled and said: "The seasons in the north are not as good as those in the south. Don't think that the spring is warm and the flowers are blooming, so you should change your winter clothes immediately. Spring covers up the autumn frost. Look, what you are wearing now is a bit thin. I have some excellent anti-cold medicines in the palace.

, you can come back to my palace to take some back!"

Ji Gang was moved and said: "Thank you for your concern, Your Highness!"

After some exchange of words and watching Zhu Gaosui leave, Ji Gang looked at his back and smiled sarcastically.

He was very clear about Zhu Gaosui's intention to recruit him, but his response to Zhu Gaosui was just conceited and conciliatory.

In his opinion, although King Zhu Gaoxu of Han failed, he did have the capital to compete with the prince, and actually threatened the prince's status several times. However, this Zhu Gaosui was far less ambitious and talented than the King of Han, so he

He has ruled Beijing for ten years and has not yet ended. He only has a Beijing branch. He has not been able to recruit many confidants, which shows his ability.

Probably Zhu Gaosui thought that his place of enthronement was Beijing, and the emperor wanted to move the capital to Beijing, which made him have rich associations and felt that he had an opportunity. However, Ji Gang concluded that once the emperor moved the capital to Beijing, he would definitely move Zhao to Beijing as soon as possible.

The king was driven away from Beijing, and another place was granted to Zui as a vassal state. It was impossible for Zhu Di to let the struggle for the heir apparent happen again. Poor Zhu Gaosui had no consciousness, and Ji Gang would not be loyal to such a waste.

Because of Zhu Gaosui's interruption, Ji Gang could no longer linger in the palace, so he had to walk outside the palace, thinking to himself along the way. Ji Gang couldn't help but secretly sigh: "The emperor still has great trust in Yang Xu!"

Yang Xu was going to Liaodong according to the order, but he actually turned around and went to Oala on the way. Is this the case of abandoning official duties and pursuing private interests? This is simply disobeying the imperial order! Even if the emperor only pretended to do so, he could just rebuke him verbally. As a result, the emperor

He didn't even say a harsh word. Before the ministers could plead for Yang Xu, he excused himself first.

Ji Gang thought to himself: "It seems that if I sent people to Liaodong before, even if I collected evidence that Yang Xu acted arbitrarily and powerfully in Liaodong, it would be difficult to overthrow him. Well, what Yang Xu said in Liaodong

, has angered the scholars all over the world, and now the public sentiment is fierce, which is just for my use. I have to ask Shen Wendu to contact the Jiangnan scholars immediately, provide funds and help, stir up trouble, and make this matter more noisy. As soon as the scholars move,

It can influence all civil and military officials!"

Ji Gang's eyes narrowed slightly: "Arutai of Tatar and Wansongling of Oara, these two people already hate Yang Xu to death. I can use them to create more Yang Xu to attract the hearts of nomadic tribes and develop private

Evidence of force. First use the power of Shilin to force Yang Xu to hand over power and reduce his influence in the court, and then use the evidence collected from Tatar, Oara and Liaodong to make the emperor fear him. By then...


Ji Gang sneered twice and suddenly sped up!


When Xia Xun returned to Guanyi, Sai'er was already waiting at the door.

When Xiaoying came back, Qiaoyun and Sai'er naturally knew that he was going back to Beijing. Qiaoyun was his concubine, so it was inconvenient to wait at the entrance of the post house, but because they didn't know when he would be back, they were restless.

Yes, when Sai'er saw this, he volunteered and ran to the entrance of the hotel to wait.

As soon as Xia Xun got off the horse, Sai'er, who was standing under the porch, cheered and ran back quickly, leaving Xia Xun stunned.

Xia Xun walked into the hotel and saw Tang Sai'er flying to the courtyard where he lived like a little magpie. He shouted something inside, then turned around and looked at him with a smile. After a moment,

, Qiaoyun happily welcomed her out, and Xiaoying followed her with a smile.


When Qiao Yun saw Xia Xun, she burst into tears of joy and wanted to throw herself into his arms. But she was afraid that it would be rude and would offend the master, so she couldn't help but hesitate to stop.

Although she is Xia Xun's concubine, she still regards herself as a little maid, so she is always a little bit reluctant to let go in front of Xia Xun. Such a heartless behavior just now is a breakthrough for her.

He returned. When he saw Xia Xun opening his arms, with encouragement and a gentle smile in his eyes, Qiao Yun paused slightly before throwing herself into his arms.

Xia Xun laughed and said, "Let's go to the hall to talk."

Xia Xun stepped forward, but the hand holding Qiaoyun's waist did not let go. Qiaoyun was Ming'er's dowry girl, and she was not of high origin, but she was not only pretty, but also because she had served Ming'er since she was a child.

Accompany her in reading and literacy. So not only are she well versed in poems and writings, but she also shows everyone's elegance in dealing with others. If it weren't for this inherently limited status as a maid, regardless of talent, learning and appearance, how would she be worse than others?

It is precisely because of her destined identity as a maid that although she has a beautiful appearance and good talents, her temperament is first-rate gentle and well-behaved, and she is humble in everything she does. Therefore, Xia Xun likes her very much and feels pity for her.

, Men always pity timid little girls more. So seeing her showing her rare true feelings today, Xia Xun also deliberately used this move to express his love for her.

This made Qiao Yun feel a little frightened.

Sai'er followed Xia Xun and reported cheerfully: "Do you know, foster father, that Mrs. Yun is pregnant with the baby, hehe!"


Xia Xun was surprised and happy. He stopped quickly, looked at Qiaoyun and said, "Is it true?"

Qiaoyun originally wanted to wait until there was no one around to tell the good news to the master, but she didn't want Sai'er, a fast-talking girl, to tell her the good news first. She nodded shyly and happily, and said softly: "Well, I have hired a doctor.

The person who checked the pulse is pregnant!"

Xia Xun was overjoyed and laughed loudly and said: "Okay! Okay! My family is going to have another imported child. If this continues, one day I will be able to create a nation by myself, hahahaha..."

Xiaoying heard this and laughed. She didn't know what she thought of, but she suddenly blushed. She probably thought of "As far away as You'an, Wenxiuwuyan!"

Tang Sai'er didn't think so much, and interrupted: "I just told Sister Xiaoying that Mrs. Yun will definitely give birth to a boy this time."

At this time, they had already entered the main hall, and Xia Xun asked curiously: "How did you know that Qiao Yun would be a boy?"

Sai'er said: "It's just a girl to be lazy, but Mrs. Yun has never been lazy. Look at her walking now, she is still brisk and strong, not heavy at all. Those who give birth to girls, once they are pregnant, they walk and eat

Yes, he talks lazily."

Xia Xun smiled and said: "This is not possible."

Turning to Qiaoyun, Xia Xun said seriously: "But it doesn't matter whether you are a boy or a girl. They are all my flesh and blood, and I will love them all the same. Don't worry too much about this. In fact, I prefer girls."

There’s more.”

Sai'er blinked at Xiaoying, made a face and said, "How about it, Sister Xiaoying, am I right?"

Xia Xun asked: "What didn't you say? Huh? Sister Xiaoying? Haha, Sai'er, you can't call her sister Xiaoying anymore. It's almost enough to call her Aunt Ying."

Sai'er said in astonishment: "How could I be demoted for a lifetime for no reason?"

Xiaoying's face suddenly turned red. After she came back, she hadn't told Qiaoyun and Xiaoying that she was Xia Xun's woman. How could she say such a thing? When Xia Xun said it, she felt a little embarrassed.

, Xia Xun didn't care, and said with a smile: "Sai'er, it's not that you are a generation younger, but that Xiaoying is a generation older. Haha, what would you call me if you didn't call me aunt?"

"A generation older? What's the point?"

Sai'er hadn't figured out the key yet, but Qiaoyun had already figured it out. When he saw Xiaoying's shy look, there was no need to ask any more questions. Qiaoyun was so well-behaved that he immediately pulled Xiaoying and congratulated her repeatedly.

This made Sakura even more embarrassed, so she hurriedly found an excuse and ran away.

Sai'er stood aside pouting, but became indignant.

Although she was young, because her father had a high status in the religious circles, she had a very high seniority in Putai County. Later she became a disciple of Granny Qiu, and her seniority was even more frightening. Granny Qiu was a disciple of Granny Qiu in Jinling.

She has so many apprentices, all of them are older than her, but who is not allowed to call her senior sister? Now, it’s a lifetime short for nothing.

Alas! Who asked me to recognize him as my adoptive father...

Sai'er regretted more and more.


Liaodong. Tingshan Academy.

Numerous scholars and Confucian scholars sat cross-legged on futons, with rows of students standing respectfully behind them.

Liu Jingting, the director of Tingshan Academy, stood at the top, speaking passionately and generously: "Speaking of it, the war between nomads outside the Great Wall and farmers in the Central Plains has been around for a long time. During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, this kind of thing has been recorded in the annals of history many times.

However, at that time, the princes of the Central Plains stood side by side, and there were constant disputes. There were still very few records of foreign races in history books.

Later, when the First Emperor of Qin unified the six kingdoms, he began to send General Meng Tian to drive the Xiongnu to the north. The First Emperor of Qin started from Lintao in the west and reached Liaodong in the east. He made great efforts to build the Great Wall for more than ten thousand miles to prevent the Xiongnu from advancing southward. Everyone, the First Emperor unified the six kingdoms with force.

Although powerful, he still wanted to build the Great Wall to ward off the Xiongnu. This shows the harm the Xiongnu did to the Central Plains.

Later, Liu Bang of the Han Dynasty was trapped in Baishan Mountain and was forced to adopt a marriage strategy and marry the princess to the Xiongnu Chanyu to escape. At this time, the northern demons frequently appeared in the Central Plains. In order to recuperate and accumulate strength, Emperor Gaozu of the Han Dynasty and Emperor Wen of the Han Dynasty

, Emperor Jing has been adopting a humiliating "marriage" policy, sending a large amount of property every year. But even so, it cannot satisfy the endless greed of the Xiongnu. From time to time, they will invade southward, kidnap my people, and harm my people.

By the time of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, he had finally accumulated enough national power. In order to get rid of the Xiongnu's insatiable extortion, he launched a counterattack and expelled them to the north of the desert. From then on, the Xiongnu fled far away, and there was no Khan in the south of the desert. However, by the time of the Three Kingdoms, Wuhuan again

They came to invade, Cao Cao defeated Wuhuan in the north, and the wolves died down for a while. When the Eight Kings rebelled in the late Jin Dynasty and the Central Plains was weak, they came again.

The Huns invaded and captured Chang'an. The northern nomads established sixteen dynasties in the Central Plains. They not only enslaved the Han people, but even exterminated them. The Han people almost wanted to be exterminated! At this time, it was Ran Min who issued the "Tu Hu Order",

Call on the men of the Central Plains to fight against the Hu invaders who enter the country every day and every month, and eventually drive millions of Di, Qiang, and Huns out of the Central Plains!"

Like a storyteller, the Liushan chief spoke with great emotion and emotion about the dangerous situation that the Han nation was facing at that time. He also talked about Ran Min's great achievements at that time and the tragic scenes of the war at that time. He listened to the masters.

Everyone's blood was boiling. These old masters were all so excited, not to mention the young students.

When he talked about the Di, Qiang, and Xiongnu escaping from the Central Plains, Xianbei, who had taken advantage of the opportunity to rise, came back and attacked Ran Min. Ran Min was trapped, so he distributed the general's grain to the people, and led 10,000 horsemen out of the city to fight for grain, but was killed by Xianbei.

Surrounded by an army of 140,000 people, Ran Min led his troops to fight bravely. He alone killed more than 300 people in a row. In the end, due to the exhaustion of his war horse, he fell off and was captured. None of the soldiers in the army surrendered, and they fought until the last man.

At that time, all the teachers and students in Tingshan Academy had tears in their eyes.

Liu Jingting also said that Ran Min was killed in the Nexing Mountain. After Ran Min's death, all the vegetation in the seven miles to the left and right of the Nexing Mountain withered and locusts arose. From May to December, no rain fell from the sky. The Yan Kingdom was established by the Xianbei people.

Lord Murong Jun was shocked when he heard the news, and quickly sent people to the place to worship Ran Min, and named Ran Min the King of Wu Miao. As a result, it snowed heavily that day, which was more than knee-deep (this is an official historical record, not a fabrication by the author), and everyone

He was even more fascinated by it.

Liu Jingting said solemnly: "After Ran Min's death, the ministers of Ran State committed suicide one after another, and none of them surrendered to Yan State. Since the Qin, Han, Wei and Jin Dynasties, there has never been a martyred minister who committed suicide because of the country's subjugation. It started with Ran Min. How many times did Ran Wei commit suicide?

Unwilling to be enslaved by the Yan people, one hundred thousand Han people fled to the south of the Yangtze River and defected to the Eastern Jin Dynasty. Because the generals of the Eastern Jin Dynasty failed to arrive in time to rescue them, hundreds of thousands of people were intercepted by the Yan army on the way and died. The Jin general committed suicide to express his gratitude.

Everyone in the world, this is the blood of the Han people and the integrity of the Han people!"

Wan Shiyu, who was sitting between two pillars in the side corridor and was listening, leaned forward slightly and glanced at Ding Yu who was standing aside. The two looked at each other and smiled.

Chief Liu Shan, who gave an impassioned speech on the stage, once scolded the Wanshi Territory in front of Xia Xun for refusing to provide free relief to the Wala people, which resulted in the flood of victims. He was a cold-blooded butcher and a cruel executioner, but Xia Xun scolded him in the end.

Xia Xun did not vent his anger by yelling. After that, he asked people to take these stubborn old masters around to listen to the voices of the surrendered Mongolian herdsmen and the persecuted Han people, and let him witness with his own eyes.

Those Han serfs who were rescued from the Mongolian pastoral tents during the process of household registration and resettlement listened to their bloody and tearful accusations.

Hearing is believing, seeing is believing, let them go out from the study room. Go to the people in person and witness the bloody reality with their own eyes, so that they can wake up to this old master who is dedicated to "loving the world universally, and the benevolent are invincible" as his own mission

He was brainwashed by Xia Xun and became an extreme nationalist from then on. People like him are passionate, impulsive and simple. It is easy to go from one extreme to another.

There are many similar people, belonging to different academies and county schools, government schools, and state schools. Similar lectures are being held in various places. Under the instruction of Xia Xun, Wanshiyu, while inciting the national sentiment of the people of Liaodong, also sent out

A large number of scholars and monks carried out another round of brainwashing on the Tatars who surrendered to Liaodong, which can be described as a two-pronged approach.

The old master on the stage then went on to talk about the Tang Dynasty when Chang'an fell to Tubo, and the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period when Shatuo divided the world. After that, the Khitan rose and confronted the Song Dynasty for hundreds of years. The Jurchens established the Jin Kingdom, which destroyed the Northern Song Dynasty, and then Mongolia rose.

The annihilation of the Southern Song Dynasty, all the way down, is an example of the endless invasion of our Central Plains by foreign races.

Finally, Chief Liu Shan added: "Prairie people are like wolves, but they are ten times more ferocious than wolves. When wolves are full, they will not ask for more, but people know how to reserve and enjoy, so their greed has no end. We are the only ones.

Only when the Han people become stronger can they be intimidated! Show kindness to them blindly. When you are strong, they will pretend to be convinced. Once you are weak, even for a moment, they will pounce on you and beat you hard.

The ground will bite you. This has been the case for thousands of years. Therefore, when we have the opportunity, we should completely pull out their fangs and cut off their sharp claws. Any behavior that tolerates adultery is a sinner of the nation!


Amidst the warm cheers, Liu Jingting stepped aside and said loudly: "Now, I would like to invite a commoner who was kidnapped as a slave in Tartar when he was fourteen years old and suffered all kinds of persecution. Now he has just been rescued by our Liaodong soldiers.

Come up and tell everyone about his personal experience!"

Wan Shiyu smiled slightly and said to Ding Yu: "Here we can ask some students to continue giving lectures in place of Master, and select some Confucius professors like Mr. Liu Shan to enter the customs for a 'study tour' in the near future."

Ding Yu nodded slightly and agreed.

How could Xia Xun not know the reaction of Jiangnan Shilin? He thought this was a good thing. If this incident had not intensified, the scholars there would have always lived in their fantasies. After such a debate, their attention was drawn to

Come to the north of the Great Wall and ask them to learn more about the real situation that happened on the border of Ming Dynasty, so that you can change the minds of some scholars.

Of course, Xia Xun would not blindly rely on their self-realization. When he left Liaodong, he had already asked Wanshiyu to arrange for a large number of Liaodong scholars to go to the Central Plains to give lectures in the near future.

The persecuted common people, the scholars reasoned, the common people presented the facts, and competed with Mr. Dong Heng, the scholars of the Central Plains who preached the way of benevolence and forgiveness.

He does not believe that the scholars in the Central Plains are all people who have not changed from the past. As long as some of them can be changed through this kind of efforts, the Ming Dynasty will undergo earth-shaking changes in the future, not to mention that this process itself can strengthen Liaodong.

The influence of Shilin.

A culture and an idea are bound to be affected by the environment in which they live. Although the rise of scholars in Liaodong is inherited from Confucian culture, it will inevitably form a unique cultural system that is different from the scholars in the Central Plains. That is

Hope for the future of Ming Dynasty!


When Wanshiyu was preparing to send scholars from Liaodong to the pass to conduct propaganda in the name of study tour, the people arranged by Ji Gang also set out on the road. Previously, he had arranged for people to secretly go to Liaodong to collect Xia Xun's black materials. In order to ensure success this time, he They also sent people to Shenyang Guard to contact Arutai, and to Oara to contact Wansongling, trying to create more evidence of crimes and capture Xia Xun in one fell swoop.

At the same time, he naturally would not give up the Jiangnan scholars who could be used. He wrote a personal letter to Shen Wendu, asking Shen Wendu to use the Jiangnan scholars to create greater public opinion that was unfavorable to Xia Xun.

After Shen Wendu took refuge with Ji Gang, he used Ji Gang's power and his shrewd mind to earn Ji Gang countless wealth. In the process, Shen Wendu himself also made a fortune. Although it is still not as good as his father Shen Wansan's He is as rich as anyone in the country, and he is already one of the few wealthy people in Jiangnan.

Huaibei Saltworks, Panjia.

Mr. Pan Qiren sat in the main seat, but in the guest seat sat a fair-faced and beardless young man. Under him sat an unspectacular middle-aged man with a harmless smile. The fair-faced and beardless young man sat there. The man crossed his legs and drank tea slowly. The person speaking was the middle-aged man below him.

"Mr. Pan, Shen Wendu has repeatedly blackmailed you, causing you to lose huge tens of thousands. We have found out clearly about this matter. Lianghuai Salt Factory respects Mr. Pan, and we know Mr. Pan's shrewdness. I believe you will not fail. Leave some evidence, and then let others blackmail you willingly. Haha, leave evidence, of course, so that it will play a big role one day. Now, our factory supervisor is here in person. This sincerity and this weight, are they enough?"

Pan Qinian remained silent, and Chen Dong leaned forward slightly. His eyes shone brightly: "Mr. Pan, you think our Dongchang can't deal with the Jin Yiwei?"

Pan Qinian has always taken good care of himself. Now he is over seventy years old. His face is as moist as if he was in his fifties, but his hair and beard are mostly white.

Pan Qiqin sighed softly and said: "Master Qianhu, it's not that I am unwilling to help, but there is really no evidence. Then Shen Wendu asked for salt under the banner of Ji Gang. It's just a matter of words, how dare I do that? Ask him for a warrant? If we say witness, all it takes is a false accusation. He is so old and cannot afford it!"

Mu En frowned, feeling faintly angry.

Pan Qinian stroked his beard, glanced at Mu En and Chen Dong quickly, and said to himself: "I heard... that our Ming Dynasty took advantage of the conflict between the Tatar and Oara tigers in the north to sneak in. These two ferocious tigers were subdued. Ji Gang was one of them who made great efforts and made great contributions. The factory owner and the great men of thousands of households were loyal to the country and devoted themselves to eradicating the traitors. The old man admired him endlessly. However, Ji Gang was in full swing and faced his sharpness. The wise man Don’t take it…”

"Ha ha ha ha……"

When Mu En heard that this was his concern, he couldn't help laughing and said: "My father-in-law is on a business trip from Jinling to Beijing. He passed by here and thought that visiting Mr. Pan might be able to provide him with some more information to bring down the powerful traitors." Strong evidence, it seems that Mr. Pan still doesn’t trust me!”

Pan Qinian quickly leaned forward and said: "The factory manager's words are serious, how dare I do this!"

Mu En winked at Chen Dong with a smile and said, "Take that thing out and show it to Mr. Pan!"

Chen Dong hesitated and said: "Manufacturer?"

Mu En nodded, gently moved the tea leaves, lowered his head and took a sip.

Chen Dong hesitated for a moment and then took out something from his arms. It was wrapped several layers of soft tanned cowhide and tied with a silk ribbon. Chen Dong tore off the silk ribbon, peeled off the cowhide layer by layer, and took it out.

The same thing comes.

Pan Qinian looked at it curiously, not knowing what they were going to bring out, but when he saw it, it was a letter.

Chen Dong took the letter in his hand and looked at Mu En. Mu En raised his chin slightly and said, "Tell Mr. Pan to take a look!"

After serving as factory supervisor for so long, even a pig should have cultivated the aura of a superior person. What's more, Mu En can serve the emperor and has Zhu Di's trust in running the East Factory. Now every move has its own dignity. Chen Dong is not

If he dared to disobey, he presented the letter to Pan Qinian with both hands.

Pan Yanshang took it curiously, looked down at the cover, and was shocked. He stood up and said in confusion: "This... this is a secret memorial presented to the emperor! How dare the common people look at it? Please take it back quickly."

, take it back quickly!"

Mu En waved his hand and said: "Hey! The father of our factory asked you to read it, so just read it. Isn't this memorial not handed over to the emperor yet? Look!"


Pan Qinian was still terrified, but Mu En stopped looking at him.

When Chen Dong saw it, he said: "The factory owner asked you to read it, so just go ahead and read it. I wrote this memorial in advance, how to word it, and what crimes and evidence to list. The factory owner discussed it carefully with me and other Dongchang stallholders.

When this memorial was written, it was written by Mr. Factory's master. How many people have read it? Now that the memorial has not entered the palace gate, Mr. Factory asked you to read it, so just read it! "

Pan Qinian, the largest salt merchant in Huaihe River and Huaihe River, who was extremely wealthy, usually received many high-ranking officials. He was a well-informed man. Although he was a little frightened when he saw the memorial to the emperor, he did not act like a country bumpkin.

The fuss and fuss, and the panic-stricken Yi Yi were probably intentional. Now that I heard what Chen Dong said, I no longer persisted.

Pan Qinian opened the letter, took out the secret memorial, held it in his hand, looked into the sky and bowed three times, then unfolded it, squinted his presbyopic eyes and read it carefully. Mr. Pan read quickly, and after reading several lines of text, his expression changed slightly.

Okay. After reading a few lines more, I heard a soft cry of "ah", stopped, looked at Mu En in shock, then looked at Chen Dong, and said in amazement: "This... actually happened?"

Chen Dong smiled slightly and said, "We have obtained conclusive evidence, what do you think?"

After hearing this, Pan Qinian's face suddenly became uncertain.

Mu En said slowly and calmly: "On this basis, he can be sentenced to death! However, since he has done many evil things, he must reveal all his crimes to the world one by one, so that all the people in the world know that he deserves to die! What's more,

These crimes can kill Ji Gang, but they cannot kill many of his accomplices. At least Shen Wendu will slip through the net, but if you, Mr. Pan, provide evidence, that will not be the case!"

There was only a quick flash in Pan Qinian's heart, then his expression became determined, and he shouted loudly outside the hall: "Here comes someone!"

The steward of the Pan family came in from outside. Pan Qinian called him in front of him and whispered a few words, then took out a bunch of keys from his waist and handed it to his hand. The steward nodded and walked out quickly. Mu En and Chen

Dong glanced at each other, with a happy look on his face.

In a moment, Pan's steward came back from outside in a hurry, holding a brocade box. Seeing how panting he was, he must have been running back and forth. Pan Qinian took the brocade box, placed it on the table, and took it off his waist.

A goldfish, reach out and press the fish's eye, a hook-shaped key pops out from the fish's mouth, carefully open the brocade box, the box is empty, only a folded piece of paper is placed at the bottom of the box.

Pan Qinian took out the piece of paper from the box, opened it, took a look at it, then raised it respectfully and said: "I have carefully kept this warrant for six years, and I will give it to the factory owner today!"

Chen Dong took the piece of paper and looked at it, his face became even more joyful. He turned around and presented it to Mu En. After reading it, Mu En burst out laughing. He stood up with a smile on his face and said to Pan Qinian: "Mr. Pan, Guotong III, some If the retribution of bad karma has not yet appeared, it is because the time has not come yet. When the time comes, retribution will come naturally! Don’t worry! This person named Shen will never bother you again in the future, hahahaha..."

Mu En turned around and left, followed closely by Chen Dong holding the knife. Pan Qinian smiled and cupped his hand. He also believed that the Shen family wolf who came to Pan's house from time to time to suck a few mouthfuls of blood and chew a piece of meat would never bother him again. He did.


Mu En stayed in a local inn. This is the gathering place of the Lianghuai Salt Fields. Salt merchants from all over the country and merchants of all sizes gather here all year round. Therefore, the inn business is booming. There are dozens of the most high-end inns. They Living in one of these houses won't attract anyone's attention.

Just after returning to the inn, Dongchang Fanzi came in and reported: "Mr. Factory, we were ordered to monitor Shen Wendu and found that someone from afar came to visit him!"

Shen Wendu is currently in the Lianghuai Salt Farm. He handles a lot of business for Ji Gang, but his biggest source of income is the salt farm, so he has to stay here for most of the year. He takes a bite from the East and bites from the West. Everyone hates him to the bone, but Don't dare to offend him.

Now he has built a house here and married a concubine. Since Mu En received Xia Xun's secret message, he has begun to deploy all-out reconnaissance on Ji Gang, and Shen Wendu has already been under their close surveillance.

After listening to the report, Mu En asked: "Has the identity of the visitor been found out?"

Na Fanzi smiled slightly and said: "That guest is from the north. Judging from his behavior, he is probably from Jinyiwei!"

After hearing this, Mu En walked around the room. Chen Dong's eyes followed his figure. Seeing that he was silent for a long time, he couldn't help but ask: "Manufacturer, what do you think we should do? Are you pretending not to know?" ,still……"

Mu En stopped and said in a deep voice: "Catch him!"

Mu En opened one hand into a claw, and then clenched it into a fist: "Grab them all, don't let anyone go!"

Chen Dong reminded: "Mr. Factory, the Emperor has not issued an order yet. If something goes wrong, do you think..."

Mu En shook his head and said coldly: "Jinyiwei has always been domineering, now it's our turn to be proud and proud! Go! Give all the snakes, insects, rats, and ants in Shen Wendu's house to our factory! Just because of his many things Such evil deeds, even if his discipline is like a mountain with poor discipline, he will still be knocked down this time!"

p: Another 10,000, please ask for monthly votes again

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