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Chapter 998 The Great Bell of Yongle

A huge cave nearly ten meters deep is connected in sequence by seven sections of "outer fan", shaped like a seven-level pagoda.

The production of the "inner model" of the big bell took the longest time. First, the most famous calligrapher in the world was asked to copy all the scriptures and the bell preface written by Zhu Di himself, as well as the Twelve Great Wishes on paper.

The craftsmen then designed the scraper mold according to the radius and thickness of the different sections of the bell body, evenly coated it with fine mud, and pasted the rice paper with the scriptures written on it onto the fine mud layer, creating nearly 230,000 words of scripture.

Carve the Yin characters one by one, and then heat the template and bake it into a pottery mold.

The "outer frame" of the big bell is huge because of the huge body. The clay mold is divided into seven sections. After molding, it is dried in the shade at low temperature, baked into pottery, and then spliced. The entire splicing process must be seamless, even if there is a slight gap or a centimeter difference.

, will cause "fire" and lead to casting failure.

The entire cave wall around the "outer fan" was compacted layer by layer with plant ash and Sanhe soil. Otherwise, it would not be able to withstand the strong pressure generated in the process of casting such a giant bell.

Today is the trial casting. First, cast a bell that is exactly the same as the Yongle Bell. The only difference is that there will be no scriptures on the inner wall of this bell, because the one that takes the longest to make and uses the most effort is full of scriptures.

Once the casting fails, the "inner model" will be destroyed, so it will not be used in trial casting.

There are four casting openings in total on the giant pit. Four long clay troughs extend all the way to the heights, connecting dozens of furnaces together. The fire is raging, and the heat wave rising from the furnaces causes the sky above the bell foundry to rise.

The air in the sky is distorted, and when you look up at the clouds in the sky, you will feel like you are looking at the reflection in the water.

Under the furnace, countless craftsmen are adding coal to the furnace, and others are blowing air into the furnace desperately to ensure that the temperature of the furnace is always maintained at the highest level. The craftsmen are running around nervously, working in a hurry.

Final preparations before starting the furnace.

The contents of various metal components such as gold, silver, copper, iron, tin, lead, zinc, silicon, and magnesium added to the dozens of furnaces that were led to the four casting troughs were exactly the same, and the initial weighing was accurate.

When it comes to the standard of "money", for a huge bell weighing 46 tons, the metal composition in each furnace is actually accurate to one pound, one tael, and one penny.

The emperor, his relatives, and all the civil and military officials stood on the tower of Deshengmen in the distance, watching the heat wave rising, and watching the countless people working nervously around the dozens of blast furnaces.

Although today is a trial casting, everyone is very nervous. This is an unprecedented giant bell. There is no ready-made experience to follow in all aspects of smelting and casting. If this trial casting fails, we must carefully study the defects of each link and explore from scratch.

, then I don’t know how long we have to wait. If the trial casting is successful, the real Yongle Bell can naturally come out at any time.

"The furnace is on!"

A loud shout suddenly rang out on the busy but unusually quiet construction site, and a large flag from a high place came down with a clang. Dozens of furnaces were turned on at the same time, a heat wave swept through the night, the fire was flowing with gold, and the iron was boiling.

Zhu Di took a few steps forward involuntarily, stood holding on to the wall and watched with bated breath.

Zhu Gaosui, Zhu Zhanji, Xia Xun, Ji Gang and others also rushed forward in unison. Song Li, the minister of the Ministry of Industry, tightened his face and looked at the deep pit for a moment.

The fire was pure green, the flames soared into the sky, gold flowers splashed, copper juice surged, and floods of metal rushed in from the melting furnaces. Injecting the long horizontal lines of clay, I saw four shocking red torrents rolling towards the deep pit.

The molds inside and outside the pit were preheated at high temperature at the same time. When the tens of millions of dendrobium gold soup filled with the furnace rushed forward and poured into the pit, this huge bell was cast in one go. The estimate of the gold liquid was very accurate, worthy of

It can be filled with mud, and the gold liquid overflows slightly, and there is no more gold liquid flowing in dozens of melting furnaces.

On the city wall, many court officials couldn't help cheering, but the dark face of Song Li, the minister of industry, was still bluffing, staring nervously ahead, showing no sign of joy. Soon, others noticed Song Li's appearance

, we will know whether the casting is successful. It is too early to say at this time, and I can’t help but become nervous.

In the first step of casting, there was no explosion or misfire, which is certainly a great success. However, it is too early to say whether a large bell has been cast. The subsequent cooling process is also a critical step.

Now there is a ball of unextinguished ground fire and flames in the mud chamber. The cooling rate must be strictly controlled to prevent the bell from exploding. The world-famous Russian bell cast in the 18th century became a problem because of a problem with the cooling process.

A dumb clock that can only read but not ring.

At this time, the pit where the Yongle Bell was born was still a completely natural automatic cooling system, which was technically more difficult. Craftsmen must always pay attention to the cooling process of the bell and take some measures at any time to slow down the cooling rate of the bell or increase the cooling rate of the bell.

clock cooling rate.

This process was very long, and all the craftsmen were busy nervously. Song Li watched nervously for a long time, until a craftsman came to him and whispered something, then he took a long breath and walked to Zhu Di.

Next to him, he cupped his hands and said: "Your Majesty, please go to the tower to drink tea and rest for a while. There should be no problem with the big bell cooling down. Now, we just have to wait for the bell body to cool down completely and test its sound!"

Zhu Di nodded, suppressed his nervousness, and returned to the tower.

All the ministers were given seats, and tea and snacks were served. Everyone ate, talked about random topics, and waited for the big clock to cool down. Everyone's nervousness eased a little, but the results of the last step of testing the sound were not yet known. Everyone's

My heart is still hanging on.

If it is an ordinary bell and the chime is deviated, it does not matter as long as it is not too outrageous. It can be tuned by polishing, scraping and other methods after the bell is cast. And this huge bell is filled with scriptures, and polishing and scraping will inevitably

It destroys the scriptures, so it must be formed at one time. In this case, if the tone is not beautiful enough and the bell is not loud enough, then it cannot be adjusted later and it will only become a useless bell.

After a long time, the craftsman rushed in again to report that the bell body had completely cooled down.

The emperor and the ministers walked out of the tower one after another. Huge brackets had been erected around the huge pit. Eight giant pillars supported a trapezoidal frame. Dozens of iron ropes hung from the rack to tie the bell buttons.

, there were more than ten horses tied to each iron chain. Seeing the emperor appear at the top of the city, someone whipped and shouted, more than a hundred horses rushed out at the same time, and the huge bell with the clay mold removed jumped into the sky with a bang.

The giant bell slowly rose from the bottom of the pit. The giant bell, which had taken off its clay mold, had a dignified sheen of metal all over its body. It was thick and simple, and even its slight shaking seemed to have a huge force.

Song Li swallowed nervously and turned to look at Zhu Di. Zhu Di stared intently at the huge bell. After a long time, he waved his hand heavily and said decisively: "Strike the bell!"


There was a roar, and the melodious bells suddenly spread to the heaven and earth.

Suddenly, all the sounds stopped, and everyone held their breath to listen to the bell. The deep buzzing sound carried a solemn and sacred atmosphere for a long time.

The sound of the bell flew into the sky and poured into the nine cities, shaking everyone's heart. Gradually, everyone's face was filled with smiles.

Xia Xun secretly calculated that after this collision, the bell continued to ring for three minutes.

The sound of the bell gradually weakened, and Zhu Di suddenly burst into laughter. His laughter became louder and louder. All civil and military officials bowed down and said in unison: "God bless the Ming Dynasty, congratulations to the emperor!"

Zhu Di laughed loudly, waved his big hand, and said happily: "Reward! All those who participated in the bell casting will be greatly rewarded!"

At this moment, Mu En climbed up the city wall like a groundhog awakened by the sound of a bell, and looked here...


Zhu Di looked at the thing in his hand, and the more he looked at it, the angrier he became, because the joy brought by the success of casting the bell had been swept away.

Investigation at the East Jiji Factory: When Ji Gang's confidant Ji Younan was appointed as the Fusi of Nanzhen, he was ordered by Ji Gang to intercept a large number of new-style firecrackers and weapons and armor, and hid them in Ji Gang's private house. The Jinyiwei commanded the Jinshi Saihazhi, and the Jinyiwei Nanzhen Fushi Liu Yujue attached

Shang Ji Gang obtained weapons and armor records and witness lists from the Ordnance Bureau.

According to the Dongjishi Factory, salt merchants in Lianghuai Salt Fields, Anfeng Salt Fields, Shangji Salt Fields and other places filed a complaint: Shen Wendu, a member of the Ji Gang Party Committee, took the salt from the salt fields with the Ji Gang Jiaozhao, and demanded excessive amounts of salt. Over the past few years, he had demanded salt worth hundreds of millions.

Pan Qinian and others from the Lianghuai Salt Farm are attached as witnesses, as well as a copy of the Discipline and Correctional Edict.

Dongji Shichang's investigation: In regular years, Ji Gang took advantage of his power to requisition water transport ships without authorization to transport private goods for him, and the proceeds went into his own pocket. Chen Xuan, the governor of water transport in the Ming Dynasty, attached personal and physical evidence.

Dongji Shichang's investigation: Ji Gang Ji was used to picket hundreds of officials and investigate rebellion, frame up, and extort hundreds of wealthy businessmen in Jiangnan. As for raiding private merchants and seizing people's property, there are countless cases. Huang Zhen, the Metropolitan Procuratorate, verified that it was true, and the victims were also included.

Personal and physical evidence of wealthy businessmen.

According to the Dongji Shichang: Governor Xue Lu took a concubine. When Ji Gang saw the beauty of the woman, he wanted to take it away. He was very angry. He met Xue Lu by chance in the palace and actually beat him, causing Governor Xue to have a split brain and almost die. So far, he has left

Hidden illness.

Governor Xue Lu, whose official position was above Ji Gang, was the hero of the Jingnan War, but he was afraid of Ji Gang's authority, so he had to swallow his anger. There were many civil and military officials in the court who were insulted and oppressed by Ji Gang, many like Xue Lu, who dared to get angry but dared not speak out.

According to the Dong Ji Shi Factory investigation: Ji Gang was in charge of the palace talent show, and secretly intercepted the girls from the talent show, and brought them into his private house for enjoyment. She is now Ji Gang's concubine.

According to the Dongjishi Factory, Ji Gang castrated more than a hundred young children from good families and put them into the back house to serve the family members, performing the same rituals as the emperor, overstepping their bounds, and being disrespectful!

Checked by Dongjishi Factory:...

As Zhu Di watched, his hands couldn't help but tremble. His face became tighter and tighter, and his face became greener and greener, like the color of gold and iron emitted by the trial-cast bell.

Falsely conveying imperial edicts, keeping eunuchs, intercepting beautiful women, oppressing ministers... Why? Why? I trust him so much, why can he... be so lawless! In his eyes, who am I?

One by one, each one was like a slap on Zhu Di's face!

Zhu Di never expected that the person he had always trusted and protected could be so lawless, but he was unaware of it and always regarded Ji Gang as an available minister who could be infinitely trusted.

At this moment, in his heart there was not only anger and sadness, but also the blinded shame and endless annoyance!

All along, in Zhu Di's mind, Ji Gang may have been too keen on utilitarianism, but how can there be a perfect person in the world?

In his mind, Ji Gang has always been the most well-behaved, obedient, and considerate of his courtiers. Although Ji Gang is not as good as Xie Jin's literary talent, not as good as Yang Rong's political ability, not as good as Zhang Fu's military exploits, not as good as Xia Xun's talent and strategy,

But he is the best at understanding the will of God and obeys orders completely!

Unexpectedly, what I thought was a loyal guard dog turned out to be an unfamiliar white-eyed wolf!

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Zhu Di laughed sadly and indignantly, and then hit the imperial case hard like a heavy iron fist: "Bang!"

Zhu Di's eyes were red and he roared sternly: "Ji Gang, you thief, how dare you bully me like this!"


Xia Xun argued hard with Emperor Yongle and demanded severe punishment for Ji Gang. Ji Gang knew about it the next day.

At that time, he was in the Tianjin Guards. It was spring, and the construction of the Jinyiwei Yamen had begun. He had to be present and could not stay by the emperor's side all day long. However, when he was with the emperor, he had already paid a lot of money to bribe some guards. The eunuchs were the eyes and ears, and the eunuchs were the eyes and ears in the court.

Few things could be hidden from him.

After hearing the news, Ji Gang was filled with hatred. However, the emperor's obvious protection made him put his mind at ease. As long as the emperor had no intention of punishing him, who else could do anything to him?

Although he had put his mind at ease, his hatred for Xia Xun increased. Ji Gang was a master who was determined to retaliate, and he gritted his teeth and immediately wanted to retaliate.

But it was not easy for Xia Xun to bring him down, and it was even more difficult for him to bring him down. He had used tricks many times before, but they all failed. Now that Xia Xun is more favored than before, how to cure him?

After thinking about it, Ji Gang felt that only by focusing on the king's taboos could he possibly bring down Xia Xun.

Ji Gang racked his brains and planned carefully for two days, and finally came up with a vicious plan to connect with Arutai and frame Xia Xun. Although Arutai is now a toothless tiger, he has surrendered to the Tatar tribe in Liaodong.

You can still command some people.

Use this power to attract people's hearts under the banner of Xia Xun, and then backhandedly blame Xia Xun. As long as the operation is clever and the hands and feet are clean, Xia Xun vigorously cultivates his cronies in Liaodong and develops personal armed forces. Even if

The emperor doesn't completely believe it, as long as he has suspicion in his heart...

Ji Gang laughed ferociously a few times, and immediately spread paper and ink, hoping to draw up a detailed plan and send people to Liaodong to implement it. Ji Gang rolled up his sleeves, and just picked up a piece of ink, with a "bang", his

The housekeeper knocked open the door and rushed in.

Ji Gang was startled, but before he could ask any questions, the steward said hurriedly: "Master, there are many officials coming outside..."

Before the word "soldier" came out of his mouth, he let out a loud scream, flew out with claws and teeth, and suddenly threw himself on a screen facing the door. He knocked the screen down and fell to the ground, unable to get up.

Ji Gang was furious, Huo Di stood up and shouted sternly: "Who is so presumptuous!

There was an official boot at the door. The official boot was hanging in the air, as if to invite him to appreciate it. He paused for a moment, shook it gently, and moved his ankle. Black satin, white top, fine workmanship.

, the craftsmanship is excellent, and it is probably worth two taels of cash. The official boots were slowly put down, and a man slowly walked in.

This man's appearance is not surprising, he has a smile on his face, he is just dressed in brocade clothes, which is particularly dazzling to the eyes.

Ji Gang's eyes shrank, and he suddenly felt an ominous feeling, and said in a deep voice: "Chen Dong?"


There was a rush of footsteps, and more than a dozen people wearing pointed hats, white leather boots, brown drags, and red belts rushed in, holding knives, shackles, or chains, and crowded around Chen Dong.

The study room was immediately packed to the brim.

"Ji Gang! You have committed a crime! This criminal officer is sent by the Emperor to bring you to justice!"

Ji Gang was shocked and angry, and asked: "What crime did I commit?"

Chen Dong lazily picked his ears and said with a smile: "You still have to ask me what crime you committed? Could it be that you have done all kinds of evil and you can't even remember what crime you have committed?"

After Chen Dong finished speaking, his face darkened and he shouted sternly: "Take him down!"

Just as Ji Gang raised his arms, seven or eight sharp steel knives were placed on his body.

Ji Gang thought about it again, suppressed his anger, gave up resistance, and the iron chain clattered onto his shoulders.

Ji Gang really doesn't know what he did. Resistance is impossible, and talking nonsense is even more impossible. He has done too many evil things. God knows which things were brought to the imperial court. Once he says the wrong thing, wouldn't he feel guilty?

Expose the shortcomings. For now, we can only tie our hands and wait until we get to the imperial court and know the truth behind our arrest, and then we can explain to the emperor.

But when he was brought to the front hall and saw the two concubines Qing Mo and Yin He, as well as the two eunuchs Xiao Du and Wang Xiaoxiao, his expression changed. He noticed countless words

The disciples did not stop there. They were still searching up and down the mansion. It looked like they would not stop until the mansion was turned upside down. Ji Gang's heart sank to the bottom.

If there was no conclusive evidence and the emperor had already convicted him, how could his house be confiscated?

The two concubines Qing Mo and Yin He, as well as the two eunuchs Xiao Du and Xiao Xiao, were taken to the front hall first... Could it be that the emperor knew about the eunuchs who were intercepting the beautiful women and eunuchs without authorization?

Ji Gang was thinking wildly, and the more he thought about it, the paler his face became. The only hope at the moment was to wait until he saw the emperor to see him again. Ji Gang's eyes rolled around, wondering whether to pretend to be pitiful and play the emotional card after seeing the emperor, or to cry and wipe away tears.

Show off your hard work and achievements, or confess your guilt with tears in your eyes, swearing to change your mind.

But he was disappointed. He was put directly into the prison of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce. The emperor did not see him at all!

The evidence that Mu En collected was conclusive. There were not only witnesses and physical evidence, but also so many high-ranking officials from the court were involved. How could there be any reason to make a false accusation in this matter? Is there any need to deliberately interrogate him?

Even so, Zhu Di still held on to a little fantasy. But when he saw the two beautiful girls Qing Mo and Yin He, and the two eunuchs Xiaodu and Xiaoxiao who were as horrified as little quails, this last trace of fantasy was gone.

It burst like a bubble.

In his left hand, he held the warrant issued by Jigang Jiaozhao to request salt from Lianghuai salt merchants, and in his right hand, he held the autographed letter from Ji Gang brought by the Jin Yiwei who was caught by Mu En from Shen Wendu's house. It explained in detail how to use Jiangnan scholars.

Lin's verbal and written methods to suppress Xia Xun, and then looking at Qing Mo, Yin He and Xiao Du in front of him, little Zhu Di finally smiled.

Zhu Di smiled so helplessly. He hid his disappointment, pain and anger deep in his heart, leaving only a helpless bitter smile on his face.

Putting down the two pieces of evidence, Zhu Di slowly picked up the ink pen, which seemed to be very heavy.

The imperial pen was moistened with cinnabar, and Zhu Di was silent for a long time before he decisively made a mark on Mu En's memorial.

The pen is so powerful that it penetrates the back of the paper like a hook, and is as red as blood!


The heavy cell door opened, and Ji Gang was sitting in a cell, motionless.

At first, if there was any slight disturbance, he would rush to the fence and wait eagerly, hoping for the emperor's pardon. Even if the emperor wanted to bring him to trial in person, it would be better than being locked up in prison like this, but he was disappointed again and again.

This time, the cell door opened again, but he was already numb.

The footsteps stopped in front of his cell, and then there was a clatter and the sound of a key. Ji Gang slowly raised his head and looked at the cell door. He saw four Dongchang fans wearing pointed hats and white boots.

Standing at the door, like four little ghosts in the palace of the king of hell, Ji Gang felt hot in his heart: "Is the emperor finally going to interrogate me?"


Deshengmen was called Jiandemen in the Yuan Dynasty.

The Deshengmen Archery Tower stands majestically on the city platform more than four feet high. It has gray tube tiles, green sheared edges and double eaves on the top of the mountain. It is seven rooms wide and has five bays at the back. There are four rows of arrow windows on the three exterior walls.

, a total of eighty-two holes.

Deshengmen faces north, and the north belongs to Xuanwu, which is mainly about weapons.

An ox cart slowly came from the city towards Deshengmen. The people escorting it were all Dongchang fans. There were no less than a hundred fans. They all wore pointed hats and white boots. If they were carrying another

A mourning stick is used, and the whole thing is a scene of a funeral of a dutiful son.

Not far from Deshengmen is the bell foundry of the Ministry of Industry of the Ming Dynasty.

After the successful trial casting, today is the time to officially cast the Yongle Bell.

The bullock cart stopped in the bell foundry, and a man was pulled out of the cart. His hands were tied tightly behind his back with beef tendons, and his eyes were covered with a black belt.

As soon as the man stood still, Fanzi gave him a hard shove and shouted: "Let's go!"

Put two hands on his shoulders and hold him forward.

Ji Gang's eyes were blindfolded and he couldn't see anything. He just walked forward in a daze, walking away when he was allowed to go, stopping when he was allowed to go, and going around and around.

At this time, he was walking up step by step. Ji Gang thought to himself: "Is this going to the Golden Palace? No, I remember the steps are not that steep..."

One level, two levels, tenth level, twentieth level...

Ji Gang was even more surprised: "How can there be such a high step on the Golden Palace? Where is this?"

He had noticed that the steps under his feet were a little soft, and they would make a "thumping" sound when he stepped on them. These were wooden steps, definitely not the stone steps of the Golden Palace. At the same time, he felt waves of heat coming towards his face. Now

It was still early spring, and the heat wave was actually much hotter than the hot summer days.

Suddenly, two hands on his shoulders put a little more force on him to stop him, and then the belt that blindfolded his eyes was removed. There was a thud of footsteps behind him, and the person who was escorting him retreated.

The dazzling sunlight first made Ji Gang squint his eyes. The moment he squinted his eyes, he saw a person standing opposite. That person was very familiar, very familiar.

He squinted, and the portrait in front of him gradually became clearer. Ji Gang couldn't help but open his eyes in shock. The person standing in front of him was actually his old enemy Xia Xun. Then he noticed that Ibanzi was standing far away opposite, and in the middle stood

Before Mu En could even glance at this dead eunuch who had ruined his future, Ji Gang changed his expression of horror.

Only then did he notice that he was standing on a high platform, with two blast furnaces on his left and right, and a protective platform made of gravel and yellow mud three feet away. The heat wave was still rolling towards his face.

It seemed that his hair and eyebrows were curling up from the heat, and he could even smell the paste of the hair.

It seems to be... it seems to be...

Ji Gang looked around blankly, then looked at Xia Xun standing opposite, and suddenly felt an inexplicable fear in his heart. He shouted to Xia Xun standing opposite: "Why am I here? Where is the emperor?

I want to see the emperor!"

Xia Xun looked at Ji Gang calmly, shook his head gently, and slowly unfolded an imperial edict in his hand with an expressionless expression.

When Ji Gang saw the imperial edict, he immediately knew something was wrong and involuntarily took three steps back.

Xia Xun did not ask him to kneel down, but unfolded the imperial edict and read it in a deep voice: "The emperor is destined to be carried by heaven, and the edict says: According to the report from Dongji Shichang Mu'en and others, Ji Gang deceived the emperor, was disrespectful, exceeded his authority, overstepped his authority, falsified the edict, and was greedy for ink.

Blackmail, using eunuchs, hiding beautiful women, hiding weapons, bullying ministers, disregarding integrity, being fatherless and without a king, all kinds of specialties, too many to list, nothing more than this is so heartbreaking!"

It was as hot as midsummer on the high platform, but Ji Gang's face was completely drained of blood when he heard this. He was dripping with cold sweat, and beads of sweat as big as soybeans fell to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, Xia Xun recounted his major crimes one by one, with a total of eighteen major crimes and twenty-four minor crimes. When Xia Xun finished reciting these crimes one by one, Ji Gang's face turned pale and he was about to collapse.

"If you don't know what happened in the past, it will cause harm in the future. Those who are responsible for the crime cannot be punished. There is clear evidence for all this! How can I not know the rewards and punishments? Ji Gang's crimes are so heinous that he should have been ordered to go to the city cao on the day he was hooked.

He died in an awkward position, and he was punished in accordance with the law. Thinking of his merits in appeasing Nannan, he couldn't bear to torture him any more. After listening to the order, he jumped into the furnace and committed suicide. His flesh and blood merged into the bell, and he will forever serve as a warning for future generations! I admire this!"

After Xia Xun recited the imperial edict, he slowly put it away and looked up at Ji Gang. Ji Gang's face was ashen and dull. It seemed that he didn't hear the words clearly at all. The disheveled hair was flying upwards due to the heat wave, making

He looked even more crazy, like a beggar.

Xia Xun narrowed his eyes slightly and said in a deep voice: "Ji Gang, did you hear clearly?"

Ji Gang's eyes moved for a moment, then he slowly raised his head and said in a sleepy voice: "Isn't there... the crime of Liaodong?"

Xia Xun breathed a sigh of relief, and slowly raised his eyes, higher than Ji Gang, looking at the sky that was rhythmically moving like water under the heat, and said calmly: "If you announce your crime in Liaodong, it will arouse public resentment and harm the imperial court.

Ling Yu, if you jump to death, won't you commit endless sins?"

Xia Xun smiled softly, lowered his gaze, looked at Ji Gang, and said word for word: "Don't worry! The spirits of the soldiers who died in vain are watching you in the sky. Your sins will not be exposed to the world, and they will also watch.


"Haha, I lost! Yang Xu, after fighting with you for more than ten years, I finally... lost..."

Ji Gang's sad voice was as ethereal as a ghost: "Why bother? Why do you have to block my way, why do you have to be in trouble with me! What good will it do to you if you kill me?"

Ji Gang smiled nervously and looked at Xia Xun bitterly: "Are you very proud of yourself? You think this is a great disaster for the country and the people, right? Haha, you kill a thousand people and damage yourself by 800! Yang Xu,

You are smart all your life, but do you know that getting rid of me so eagerly will not do you any good?"

Xia Xun raised his eyebrows: "Oh?"

Ji Gang's eyes flashed with vicious light, and he said: "When the emperor gets angry, do you think he will think about why Yang Xu wants to kill Ji Gang and seek justice for the Liaodong soldiers? There will be so many people soon."

, found so many crimes for you?"

Ji Gang stared at Xia Xun with a bit of madness in his eyes: "Dongji Office, Jinyiwei, Metropolitan Procuratorate, Lianghuai Salt Merchants, Governor Xue Lu... all of them are actually driven by your words, and you are in Liaodong.

Unparalleled popularity..."

Ji Gang laughed wildly and said to Xia Xun: "Do you think the emperor will be afraid of this? Even if the emperor is confident that he can suppress you, the emperor is old, will he worry about whether his descendants will suppress you?

Where are you? Yang Xu, Yang Xu, you are so smart!"

Xia Xun smiled faintly and said in a low voice: "The ancients said that when a person is about to die, his words are also good. I wonder if Brother Ji is giving Yang some advice, or is he trying to stir up my inner demons?"

Ji Gang's eyes revealed a ferocious look: "What do you think?"

Xia Xun smiled again and said calmly: "Okay, then I will consider it as advice to me. From now on, when the bell rings every day, I will remember Brother Ji's sincere teachings!"

Xia Xun breathed a sigh of relief, looked at the sky, and said, "It's getting late, Brother Ji, it's time to hit the road. If..., do you need me to give you a ride?"


Ji Gang flexed his arms. The roasted beef tendons were a little dry due to the heat, and there was a squeaking sound when he flexed his arms.

"Ji was a great man in life, and a great ghost in death! Isn't it a happy thing to be integrated with the Yongle Bell and live forever? Haha! Haha..."

Ji Gang laughed crazily and strode towards the melting furnace!

At this moment, what came to his mind were the scenes of Putai County, Daming Lake, Jinling City, and Ci Lao Mountain, where he and Yang Xu chatted and fought side by side. Each scene was vividly in his mind.

The thought suddenly came to his mind: "If... I could go back ten years, would I take a completely different life path?"

"No! No! I am Ji Gang, and I have my own way! If I have to live for a hundred years, I will not die, but I will live happily! Ha, ha ha ha..."

The furnace mouth was close, still only ten feet away, and the heat was so intense that one could even close his nostrils, and his eyes were sore from the heat. Ji Gang's crazy laughter was choked, and he roared, and suddenly there was a movement under his feet.

With all his strength, he leaped forward with all his might, and soared into the air, almost leaping to the top of the melting furnace. He paused in the air for a moment, and then he was smashed down like a stone.

A scream and a puff of smoke.

When the green smoke floated to the furnace mouth, it was already very light...

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