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Chapter 232 The days of making soy sauce are over

Chapter 232 The days of soy sauce are over

Zhu Neng turned his horse and hurried back, his face flushed, and he said with shame and anger: "Your Majesty, we...we...can't make it through!"

Zhu Di was stunned and said in surprise: "Can't cross? Why can't I cross? Isn't that bridge in good condition?"

Zhu Neng murmured: "Your Majesty, the people from the Qiaotou Inspection Department said that the imperial court has issued an order not to allow kings to go to Beijing for funerals. They said..."

When Zhu Di heard this, his face suddenly turned as red as a chicken's blood. He was a little redder than Zhu Neng's face, which was a little darker. He said angrily: "This is unreasonable! What nonsense! The imperial court does not allow the kings to go to the capital for the funeral? How is it possible?

How can there be such a truth in the world? When my father dies, can’t I, a son, wear sackcloth and show filial piety to pay my last respects to my father?"

As soon as Zhu Di picked up the reins of his horse, he rushed towards the bridge, followed immediately by a group of guards. Before Zhu Neng had finished speaking, the inspector just now said that the imperial emissary had arrived at the Wazi River because he knew that the kings

After receiving the obituary, he must immediately return to the capital for the funeral. If he issued an order to stop him, he would probably miss it. Therefore, the imperial court sent a large number of envoys far away from the capital, blocking various land and water transportation routes to intercept various vassal kings. They had already sent people to invite those

The waiting edict came.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, please stay!"

As soon as he saw Zhu Di rushing towards him with a dark face, followed by a group of guards, the inspector at the bridge knew that this must be His Royal Highness Prince Yan, and hurriedly rushed to meet him: "Your Majesty, the imperial envoy..."

"Get out of my way!"

Zhu Di roared angrily, making the inspector tremble in fright. He quickly stepped aside. Zhu Di turned his horse and rushed towards the bridge.

"King Yan, stay!"

At this time, the imperial emissary had already received the news and rushed to the bridge. When he saw King Yan rushing towards him on horseback, he immediately shouted loudly.

The imperial emissary strode up to the bridge alone. Zhu Di had already ridden his horse to climb the bridge. When he saw the man coming from the opposite side, he immediately reined in the horse. The horse neighed loudly, but Zhu Di suddenly reined in the reins.

The man stood up, then stepped hard on the wooden bridge with a pair of iron hooves, and stood firmly. The man on the opposite side did not stop, but walked forward steadily step by step, and only stopped when he reached the center of the bridge.

At this end of the bridge, there were the inspection officers, the people waiting for inspection, and the guards under King Yan. On the opposite end of the bridge, a group of soldiers wearing uniforms of the imperial guards appeared. Zhu Di stood at the end of the bridge, one man and one horse, and the man opposite stood

In the center of the bridge, although he faced the majestic Zhu Di, he was not intimidated by his majesty at all, and his demeanor remained calm.

This is just a small official, wearing the green robe of a ninth-grade civil servant. He is very young, in his early thirties, with a white face and a slight beard. He is not an extraordinary person. But on his shoulders, he carries four small flags and four blue silk banners.

The small flag fluttered in the wind, just like the flag on the shoulders of the general on the stage. On his waist, there were four small flags hanging. The golden light shone as he walked. They were made of basswood and painted with gold paint.

There is only one word on the brand, gold medal and triangular blue flag: "Order!"

King’s flag!

The emperor actually used the king's order flag. The person holding the king's order flag has the power to punish disobedient officials on the spot!

There were many people on both sides of the wooden bridge, but they did not make any sound. Everyone watched with bated breath. Only the wind on the flowing water bridge under the bridge did not care whether you were a vassal king or an imperial envoy representing the emperor's life and death.

Still flowing and blowing without any scruples.

"His Royal Highness, King Yan, the late emperor has issued an edict. All kings are crying in their own countries. There is no need to go to the capital. Please rush back to the place where you established the vassal state immediately."


Zhu Di's forehead aroused like an earthworm, he gripped the reins tightly, and said angrily: "This is a false edict! This is a false edict! I am the son of the late emperor. My father has passed away. A son cannot keep filial piety before his death, nor can he wear sackcloth and carry filial piety."

To bid farewell to your father? How can there be such a truth in the world?"

The young official wasn't angry either. He just smiled faintly and said, "I wish the prince to know that the late emperor has been buried in Xiaoling Mausoleum. Even if the prince rushes to Yingtian Mansion now, it is too late. Please be more careful with your words. Please tell me about the official biography."

Is this a fake edict? Your Majesty, please take a look first and see if the royal flag on the official’s body is fake."

Zhu Di shouted without hesitation: "How could my father issue such an unreasonable decree? Even if it is not a false edict, it is a false edict!"

The little official wearing the royal flag smiled and said solemnly: "Did King Yan say that the current emperor is correcting his edict?"

Even though Zhu Di was in a rage, he couldn't help but be shocked when he heard his words that contained murderous intent, and said: "Everyone in the world knows that I am humble and benevolent. How could I give such an unreasonable instruction? This must be...

This must be because the emperor has a treacherous minister around him, who is trying to alienate the family ties of the royal family with false edicts!"

The young official rolled his eyes and said coldly: "When the late emperor passed away, King Yan, as the prince, was heartbroken. In anger, he made disrespectful remarks. It is human nature. It is not for one's own benefit to be a lowly official. But this emperor

The fate is not fake, His Highness King Yan should return to Peiping immediately. If the prince refuses to obey the order and breaks through the Wazi Bridge, I will not dare to bear the charge of resisting the order for His Highness."

"You...you..." Zhu Di pointed at the young official, his fingers trembling, and he couldn't say a word for a long time.

Seeing this, Zhu Neng was afraid that Zhu Di would be reckless and gain people's control. He hurriedly dismounted and ran to the bridge. He grabbed Zhu Di's horse reins and begged: "Your Majesty, since the emperor does not allow the kings to go to Beijing for the funeral, we... will go back to Peiping to set up shop."

Let’s sacrifice, Your Majesty, this is the Emperor’s decree and we have to obey it.”

Zhu Di's body shivered for a long time, and his fingers hung down feebly. The water flowing under the bridge seemed to make a whimpering sound. Seeing this, Zhu Neng quickly took the reins of the horse and led Zhu Di's war horse back.

The soldiers and civilians at the bridge head stepped out of the way and looked at Zhu Di silently. The war horses walked down the bridge head. Zhu Di raised his face to look at the sky. Suddenly he roared, raised his hand and whip, and drove the horse away like an arrow from the string. Zhu Di

Neng was so surprised that he quickly got on his horse and led the guards to catch up.

The little official at the bridge sneered, curled his lips in disdain, turned and walked away.

Zhu Neng led his people to chase over a hilltop, and saw King Yan's war horse parked there. There was no one on the saddle. He couldn't help but feel nervous, and quickly rode his horse to catch up. He saw Zhu Di kneeling in the weeds, facing the direction of Jinling.

He beat his chest with both hands and cried loudly: "I am not allowed to go to the funeral after my father dies. How can there be such a truth in the world? As a son of a man, I am not allowed to fulfill my filial piety before his death. We are all close relatives of flesh and blood. Why are you so insulting to me?"

Zhu Neng and others looked at each other and stood there quietly, not daring to say a word.


Xia Xun was very happy and happy these days. The late emperor was buried and the new emperor ascended the throne. After the busiest few days passed, he took leave to rest because the wound on his shoulder had not healed. He had been enjoying himself at home like an old man these past few days.

Thank you for coming today. Now that the relationship has been established, you are more generous than before. Xia Xun, Zi Qi, thank you, and Xiao Huo. The four of them are sitting in the newly completed back garden, with the willows above their heads blocking the sun and the trees at their feet.

There was a smooth mat, and a Kang table was placed on the mat, which was filled with fresh fruits and several cups of tea.

Several people were chatting about some of the drastic changes in government affairs that Zhu Yunwen had just made after taking the throne.

The emperor issued an edict to upgrade the six ministers from the second rank to the first rank, and the subordinate officials were naturally promoted in sequence; the ministers of the fifth rank and above, as well as the state and county magistrates, recommended talents and appointed officials on a large scale; but at the same time, redundant officials were eliminated in the merger of prefectures and counties.

Qi Tai, the minister of the Ministry of War, was promoted to Minister of the Ministry of War, edited by Hanlin, and Emperor Huang Zicheng was promoted to Taichang Qing, and joined the army and state affairs; his sentence was reduced and his prison sentence was reduced. Many officials who had been sentenced to death for corruption and bribery were pardoned and only sentenced to exile.

; These measures have been praised by many officials, saying that the current emperor's lenient policies have relieved the harsh policies of the late emperor's reign, like the spring breeze blowing on the face, resolving the severe frost.

Xia Xun rested on Zi Qi's lap and told him one by one what had happened in the court recently. Peng Ziqi and Xiao Di were both happy after hearing this and said: "In this way, the current emperor is really a wise king.


Xie Xie sneered silently after hearing this. Xia Xun glanced at her and said with a smile: "What do you want to say?"

Xie Yufei snorted without saying anything. Xia Xun said: "There are no outsiders here, why not talk?"

After hearing these words, Xie Yufei felt sweet in her heart and said: "I feel that this is just the emperor trying to win people's hearts, but what he did may not be that wise."

Xia Xun smiled and said, "Oh? To be honest, it's not wise."

Xie Yufei said: "Well, the six ministers have been promoted from the second rank to the first rank. In the past, only military generals who had made military exploits could have the first rank. This is to separate civil servants and military generals. In fact, civilian officials are usually in charge of political affairs. When it comes to real power,

, are still above the military generals and their relatives, and now the civil service positions are put on an equal footing. From now on, the civil service officials will definitely dominate the military generals. It seems to be balanced, but in fact it breaks the balance. Of course, those civil servants are shaking their pens and trying to flatter themselves? Look at this imperial edict again

, civil servants of the fifth rank or above and those recommended by state and county officials, why do you specifically specify that they must be civil servants?"

Xiaodi couldn't help but said: "What's wrong with using civilian officials more? I think military commanders are illiterate and very rude. Look, my young master is a scholar. He is so sensible. This world is all run by scholars. Wouldn't it be a lot less peaceful?


Xie Yufei rolled her eyes and said: "As small as a family or as large as a country, there must be a balance. No matter which side it is, if it is too strong and has no checks and balances, it will not be a good thing. They can still recommend talents.

Who should be recommended? Of course it must be someone who is tied to a rope, someone who is willing to listen to what they say. But here we have to annex prefectures and counties and cut redundant personnel. What is the purpose?

In our Ming Dynasty, there are only four or five officials in a county, plus more than a dozen officials, and the management can only be about 20 people. This is the official who manages a county. Is that really the case? If you reduce the number of officials, you will have to rely more on it.

Some of the local gentry, those who studied and became officials, were from poor backgrounds. If they say that they encouraged the emperor to make this decision without any selfish motives, I don't believe it.

When it comes to redundant staff, it is not that there are none, but they are all white staff. They are helpers hired by the official officials and relatives installed there. If we do not clean up these helpers who are not here, we will clean up even fewer officials. This kind of thing is not

More and more? Furthermore, look at it, which yamen officials are mainly being abolished? Those from the Criminal Department, the Household Department, the Inspection Department, the Salt Tax, Tea Tax and Zero Tax Department. These yamen are not the chiefs.

Those in the criminal justice system are those who manage people's households, or those who collect taxes. Our Ming Dynasty's thirty-one tax has not been so low since ancient times. It needs to be abolished. You said that there will be no one available for them, and management will be relaxed.

Who benefits?

You must also note that the emperor is not just cutting jobs but not increasing them. These yamen have laid off many people, but some yamen have doubled the number of people. Didn’t I just say that? The number of officials in places like the Imperial College and the Hanlin Academy was more than doubled.

Their power is also much greater than before. Where will the talents recommended by the local state and county officials be placed? Naturally, they have all been placed in the local government offices to work as pens. Who do you think this benefits?"

Xie Yufei curled her lips and said disdainfully: "Scholars, huh, those scholars have darker hearts than the military generals who don't study, and they talk so much about benevolence, justice and morality that they hide all their ugly thoughts."

At this point, she let out an ouch, stuck out her tongue, and said to Xia Xun embarrassedly: "I...I didn't tell you..."

Xiaodi and Ziqi both laughed secretly in their hearts after hearing this: "He is not a real scholar."

Zi Qi thought for a while and said: "At least it saves you from a reduced sentence and jail time. Is this a good thing? When the late emperor was there, the criminal law was really cruel."

Xie Yufei cheered up and said: "That's natural. This is indeed a good thing. I used to cheat the world... uh..."

Although several people had known about her past affairs and she had told the truth, she was still a little embarrassed: "Before... I was also very scared, but it was just holding my head... It's fine now. From now on, officials and citizens will be punished with five punishments

In other words, the judicial department made judgments in accordance with the "Da Ming Code" and was not allowed to be more severe. The "Da Gao" with harsh punishments was quietly abolished. However, the former emperor's legislation most involved the death penalty when officials broke the law and committed corruption.

Privately speaking, the biggest benefit from this change is to be an official. The current emperor grew up in the palace and does not know the affairs of the people. He has just ascended the throne. Would he have thought of this? I very much doubt that the officials he trusts most are all civil servants.

I look behind this..."

Xia Xun coughed and said seriously: "As for lenient sentences and reduced prison sentences, I still agree with it. I agree with both hands and feet. You know, I am also an official."

The three girls all giggled after hearing this. At this time, Manager Xiao walked in. Xia Xun was joking with the three girls. Seeing him come in, she sat up and said, "What's the matter?"

Manager Xiao said: "Young master, an official from the Jinyiwei Yamen has come, saying he is named Liu and wants to see you."

Xia Xun said happily: "Is it Liu Yujue? Please invite him in quickly."

Manager Xiao hesitated and said: "This..."

When Xia Xun saw that Zi Qi, Thank You and others were not wearing formal attire, they were just wearing the Yanju uniforms worn by the family members at home, he couldn't help but burst into laughter: "I also have family members, so naturally it's not easy for me to bring male guests into my backyard.

Just do as the Romans do, and never be too independent."

He stood up, walked to the edge of the table, put on his shoes, and went to the living room to greet him. When he got there, he saw that it was Liu Yujue. Xia Xun smiled and said, "Yujue, why are you free to see me today? Don't leave in a hurry. I

Ask someone to prepare a banquet and let’s have a good chat.”

Liu Yujue said: "Brother, no, I'm here to deliver the order. Your Excellency also told me to do other things, so I have to do it immediately."

Xia Xun said: "What order are you passing?"

Liu Yujue said: "My lord wants you to go back to the Yamen immediately."

Xia Xun said in a daze: "My vacation is not over yet."

Liu Yujue said: "My lord, there is something very important..."

He looked around, leaned over, lowered his voice, and said enviously: "The emperor wants to see you by name!"

This chapter has been completed!
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