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Chapter 233 Ten thousand years is too long

Chapter 233 Ten thousand years is too long

When Xia Xun heard that Emperor Jianwen wanted to see him, he was quite surprised. Emperor Jianwen had just sat on the dragon throne and was busy with everything. How could he have time to think of a little person like him? It was true that the tree wanted to be quiet but the wind was not stopping, but the tree was a little small.

, the wind got stronger again, Xia Xun did not dare to neglect, and hurried back to the inner house. With the help of several women, he dressed neatly, led the horse out, and followed Liu Yujue out of the house.

When asked along the way, Liu Yujue didn't know the details. He just felt that it was a great honor to be summoned by the emperor. He envied Xia Xun and was happy for him. Xia Xun rushed to Jinling City like a gourd, and Liu Yujue

There were other things to do, so Xia Xun went straight to Si Yamen, the commander of the Jinyi Guards.

Luo Kedi was dressed in a formal official uniform, with a dash of heroism in his coolness. When he saw him coming, he smiled slightly and said: "I know that your wounds have not healed, but the emperor has summoned you, but it is a big matter and cannot be ignored. Let's go. This is it."

Follow me into the palace."

After thinking about it, he worriedly told him: "When you meet the emperor, answer any questions you have, and just give some sincere and respectful lectures. There is no need to be too afraid. The emperor wants to use you to do things, and this is also the reason for the rise of my Jin Yiwei."

Hajime, just do your best."

Xia Xun still didn't know why, but he couldn't ask Master Qian Shi about it, so he had to agree and follow him on foot to the palace.

If Xia Xun aroused Emperor Jianwen's interest, it was Li Jinglong's memorial that aroused it.

On the first day of Xia Xun's leave, Emperor Huang Zicheng invited Zhuo Jing, the Minister of Household Affairs, to come over and have a chat over tea.

Zhuo Jing was a Jinshi in the 21st year of Hongwu. He came second in the palace examination and was a well-known scholar. Huang Zicheng was a scholar in the 18th year of Hongwu. He ranked third in the palace examination and was the third best scholar. He was also a learned and talented scholar.

The two have always had a deep friendship.

During the conversation, Huang Zicheng said to Zhuo Jing: "The power of the various vassals is actually a thorn in the side of the imperial court. Although the emperor has reduced their military power, they have commanded the army for many years, and many of the generals in the army are soldiers they have led for a long time.

, this is very inappropriate."

Zhuo Jing was a good friend with him. They usually exchanged their views on government affairs, and they had already reached a consensus that if the vassals were strong, they would be the source of trouble. When he heard this, he said: "What Brother Yixing said is true. Among the vassals, if

When it comes to leading troops for a long time, only the Yan vassal, and Prince Yiwen, King Qin, and King Jin have passed away one after another. King Yan has now become the head of the vassals, and is even more threatening. In my opinion, it is better to transfer the Yan vassal

Leaving Peiping and removing fuel from the cauldron can avert the disaster."

Huang Zicheng said happily: "The words of courtesy are reasonable. I am benevolent and filial. I know clearly that the troubles in the court's heart are affecting my close relatives, but I can't be cruel. As ministers, we should share your worries for the king. As a brother, I have already had my heart.

The emperor advises me, but I am the emperor's teacher. If I come forward, people will inevitably misunderstand that it is the emperor's instruction. Is it okay for you to speak frankly?"

Huang Zicheng was the teacher of the current emperor. Zhuo Jing understood what he said and immediately agreed.

Early the next morning, that is, the day Xia Xun went home on leave, the General Affairs Office received a memorial from Zhuo Jing, the Minister of Household Affairs. When the General Affairs Office saw that the matter discussed in this memorial was very important, they did not dare to neglect it and hurriedly

Make a registration and submit it to the palace as an urgent matter. The eunuch in the palace's library saw this and knew that the matter was important. He quickly registered it in the register, copied a copy, and then combined this memorial with several important documents that the emperor had no time to deal with.

The memorial was also submitted to the emperor.

Because Jianwen had just ascended the throne, there were too many things to do in order to organize the funeral and establish the New Deal. Many memorials had not been reviewed in time. The chamberlain Xiao Fuzi was holding a thick stack of memorials. He fell down halfway and quickly got up to sort them out. What a great memorial. The recommendation to reduce the feudal lords that was originally placed at the top was now placed in the middle. As a result, the memorial that Zhu Yunwen saw first was not this memorial.

Zhu Yunwen was reviewing the memorial, and when he saw the battle report of his cousin Li Jinglong, he opened it and looked at it carefully. He saw that Yang Xu was mentioned in it, and felt that this person was very familiar. After thinking about it carefully, he remembered the family troubles in the Yang family. When he went to the court, he had to put in a good word for this Yang Xu in front of the emperor's grandfather, and that was how he got out of trouble.

Only later did he find out that his master was on the side of the Yang family, and he felt quite regretful about his mistake at that time. But now it seems that this man is a loyal person to the country, and he is not unjust in giving him a favor. Now that the late emperor has passed away, it is not appropriate to praise him lavishly, but Yang Xu is already dead. If the court does not express anything, it will inevitably make people think that the emperor is ungrateful. After thinking about it, he wrote on the memorial and promoted Yang Xu to be a hereditary member of the Hundred Households. , rewarded with hundreds of banknotes and ten pieces of silk.

After putting down this memorandum and approving a few more copies, he saw Zhuo Jing, the Minister of Household Affairs,'s plan to reduce the vassal state: "...The King of Yan is extremely wise and thoughtful, has great talents, and is as cool as Emperor Gao. Beiping is a resort, and the soldiers and horses are strong. It is tied to gold, the place where the Yuan Dynasty arose. Now it is appropriate to move the King of Yan to Nanchang. If there is a change, it will be easy to control... There are few people who will be budding but have not moved. Those who measure the time and move to the right are also powerful. The power is not strong. It’s impossible to judge, it’s almost too clear to detect…”

When he saw this memorial, Zhu Yunwen couldn't sit still. He had just ascended the throne. Although he was looking forward to getting rid of this thorn in his flesh and eyes day and night, he was afraid that he would mention it impatiently and make his ministers think that the emperor was cold-blooded. Now there are ministers It's good to give advice first. While I was happy, I suddenly thought that Zhuo Jing's memorial was issued through regular channels. I don't know how many people in the General Affairs Department and the clerk's office have read it. In case there are other people's eyes and ears... …

Zhu Yunwen hesitated for a long time and ordered to summon Zhuo Jing, the Minister of Household Affairs. When he saw Zhuo Jing, Zhu Yunwen slapped the case and reprimanded: "The King of Yan is my closest relative. How can you make such suggestions, alienate the royal family, and hurt the feelings of my uncle and nephew?" "

Zhuo Jing kowtowed and said: "The emperor has no family affairs. Every move, word and deed is of concern to the world. The suggestions and suggestions given by the minister are the best plan for the world. I hope that your majesty will observe them clearly and act on them."

Zhu Yunwen said angrily: "Nonsense! If the emperor's grandfather saw you alienating the emperor's relatives when he was here, and made such an outrageous statement, he would behead you. I think you are wholeheartedly planning for the imperial court, and your loyalty is commendable. This I won’t be held accountable for this time, just step down! This memorial will be kept but not published!”

After Zhuo Jing drank away, Zhu Yunwen picked up the memorial and turned around to find Huang Zicheng and Qi Tai, his two confidants.


Moved King Yan to Nanchang? What next?

That's too slow! If we go step by step like this, when will we finish cutting all the uncles?

Zhu Yunwen has been a master who has been seizing the day for ten thousand years. How can he bear the trick of pulling out the ladder step by step? What he wants is to get it right in one step and eliminate future troubles forever. Now that Zhuo Jing is on the road, he has I raised the matter with my close ministers for fair and honest reasons and discussed countermeasures.

After meeting two close associates, Taifu Huang Zicheng and Minister of War Qi Tai, Zhu Yunwen took out Zhuo Jing's memorial and said: "Two gentlemen, Zhuo Jing, the minister of the Ministry of Revenue, has proposed to reduce the vassal and put forward countermeasures. I am very convinced.

For hesitation, I wonder what you two gentlemen think?"

After the two of them read the memorial, Huang Zicheng said: "Your Majesty, I believe that it is imperative to reduce the vassal state. However, Zhuo Jing's strategy of moving the vassal state is just a scholar's opinion and should not be used. I think it is for the sake of our Ming Dynasty.

Jiangshan Sheji will be considered for thousands of years, and we should solve it once and for all and eliminate future troubles forever."

Zhu Yunwen said happily: "Sir, if you have any advice, please tell me in detail."

Huang Zicheng said confidently: "Now the vassals have obediently handed over their military power, but they are still powerful in the vassal state. Now that the imperial court is strong, there is no danger. If the imperial court becomes weak one day, how can the vassals not be dissatisfied? Transfer from east to west.

, transferring from the south to the north is just a temporary measure. If we want to solve the problem once and for all, we should cut all the vassals to the bottom. Without the title of king, there will be no capital for rebellion. "

Zhu Yunwen was overjoyed. Unexpectedly, when he asked about the specific strategy of reducing the vassal vassal, the two confidants had their own opinions and they were not the same.

Qi Tai believed that although all the vassals had complied with the order to prevent the vassals from going to Beijing for the funeral and to seize the military power of the vassals, the vassal kings were inevitably a little suspicious of the emperor's two measures. At this time, the imperial court only wanted to

A little action will let the vassals understand the emperor's true intentions, and inevitably some people will jump over the wall in a hurry.

Among the vassals, King Zhu Di of Yan is the oldest and has the most prestige. He has lived in Peiping for a long time. Although he has been deprived of his military power, many of his old subordinates are still in the army. Once he rebels against the emperor's reduction of vassals, there will definitely be trouble.

It would be a huge disaster, so if we want to cut down the vassals, we should start with the King of Yan first, and take the lead in solving this biggest threat with lightning speed. As long as the King of Yan is cut off, it will be difficult for the other vassals to succeed.

Huang Zicheng believed that because King Yan had lived in Peiping for a long time and had many subordinates in the army, if he was rash to attack him, the risk would be greater. It would be better to appease King Yan first, cut off his wings at the same time, and start with other kings to deal with them.

The royal capital was cut off, and in the end only King Yan was left alone. He could not make a sound alone, and the court could capture him without any effort.

Although Qi Tai was also a scholar, he had been in charge of the army after all and knew a little about military affairs. After hearing his old friend's foolish opinion, he said: "If you shoot a man, shoot a horse first, and if you capture a thief, capture the king first. The King of Yan is the king of all

We are the leader and the most powerful. If we remove the Yan vassal, the other kings will definitely be discouraged. How can they dare to be disobedient again? This is the final move!"

Huang Zicheng said eloquently: "The King of Yan has always been respectful and has done nothing illegal. It is so difficult to find fault with him. Moreover, the King of Yan went out to the fortress twice and had military exploits. Now he is innocent and has been killed. How can he convince the public? The court will reward and punish him.

Everyone should be righteous and punished for no fault. How could it be done by the Holy Emperor? Although the King of Yan is strong, he has not seen any counterattack so far. If he cuts it off rashly, it will be hard to stop the world's mouth."

Qi Tai said: "What can we do if we force him to rebel?"

Huang Zicheng smiled slyly and said: "First cut off King Yan's left and right wings. By then, he will be surrounded by imperial soldiers and horses. Do you think he can stir up any trouble? If he really rebels at that time, wouldn't he?

Is it just right to tell the truth? Righteousness is on the side of the imperial court, and we have a good reputation, but we just got rid of him justifiably!"

Qi Tai just wanted to cut off the vassal state directly and successfully, but Huang Zicheng had many other considerations. He wanted to cut off the vassal state, but also wanted to do it in a reasonable manner without damaging the emperor's reputation. At best, this is called perfection, and he has the best of both worlds.

, to put it at worst, this is like being a prostitute and building a memorial arch.

The two of them had their own opinions and couldn't make up their minds. Zhu Yunwen was unsure of his decision. He only listened to what the father said was right, and what his mother-in-law said was right. He was also wavering in his mind and couldn't decide. They argued like this for several days. The two scholars quoted scriptures and said,

He talked endlessly, looking like a rebellious scholar, and there was a lot of debate about morality that would be difficult to reach a conclusion even after three years. No one could be convinced. Zhu Yunwen was caught in the middle, like a frustrated little daughter-in-law. After all, she couldn't come up with anything.

Get the idea right.

At this time, a great scholar who was admired and admired by Zhu Yunwen came, this person was Fang Xiaoru.


Fang Xiaoru studied under Song Lian, a Hanlin scholar who was "the first civil servant who founded the Ming Dynasty". Since then, he has been a professor at Hanzhong Fuxue in Shaanxi Province. He was a ninth-grade official, but his moral knowledge was famous all over the world. After Jianwen became emperor, he immediately issued an order to summon him

Entering the capital, he had just arrived in the capital at this moment.

Fang Xiaoru was in his early forties, described as Qing Qu, and had a scholarly air. Zhu Yunwen was overjoyed when he saw him, and immediately promoted him to three levels and appointed him as a minister of the Imperial Academy. He was qualified to enter and leave the palace and pay homage to the emperor. He was given a seat in the palace and was honored as "Xi".

Mr. Zhi was unknown, and Fang Xiaoru was extremely grateful and suddenly felt a sense of knowing him.

Zhu Yunwen had great trust in Fang Xiaoru, a great scholar. As soon as he saw him coming, he immediately told him everything he had planned with Qi Tai and Huang Zicheng, and asked for his opinion. Although Fang Xiaoru was a famous great scholar, his official position was too high after all.

Xiao, this was the first time to discuss secretly in front of the emperor, so he was a little nervous and frightened. He calmed down, carefully considered the words of Qi Tai and Huang Zicheng, and said: "The emperor promoted Confucianism and culture, and promoted liberal arts. The atmosphere is very different from that of the previous emperor.

, everyone in the world praises him. If we talk about this method of civil administration, it is nothing more than the word 'property'. The Yan vassal is strong, but there is no reason. If you rashly eliminate the King of Yan, you will definitely be criticized by others and damage your majesty's reputation."

He paused and saw Emperor Jianwen listening attentively, nodding slightly, obviously agreeing with the famous words of the master, and he was determined, so he continued following this train of thought: "It is important to be safe when cutting down vassals. Get rid of the kings first, and then

It is a step-by-step approach, easy first and then difficult. Once the vassals surrender, no matter how strong the King of Yan is, it will be difficult for him to fight alone! At that time, the emperor only gave a slight hint, and the King of Yan is afraid that he will take the initiative to ask for the reduction of the vassal. If he really dares to rebel, it will be just like

What Mr. Huang said is just to leave the evidence to the court, what kind of trouble can it stir up?"

There were three carriages, two to the left and one to the left. Zhu Yunzhen was very democratic and immediately stood on the side with more people. He nodded repeatedly and said: "What Mr. Xiaozhi said is true. In Ai Qing's opinion, the plan to reduce the vassal should be based on

Who starts?"

Fang Xiaoru had been away from the center for a long time and was concentrating on studying books in Shaanxi. He couldn't come up with any suggestions. He hesitated for a moment and looked at Huang Zicheng. Huang Zicheng was very happy to see that he had the same opinion as him. He quickly came out to help and said: "Your Majesty, I thought

, you can first cut off the Zhou vassal, which is the head of all the vassals in the interior. The feudal state is located in the Central Plains, and is the place to compete with the world. By controlling this place in the hands of the imperial court, it will just block Yanshan Mountain in the north and block the way of the King of Yan to the south. Furthermore,

, King Zhou is the brother of King Yan’s mother, and the relationship between the two kings is the closest. If Zhou Fan is eliminated, King Yan will lose an arm, and his power will be further weakened."

Zhu Yunwen heard this and Long Yan was very happy and asked quickly: "Wonderful plan, wonderful plan, I have Mr. Xiao Zhizhi, Mr. Yi Xing and Mr. Shan Li to help me, so why worry about the big thing failing?"

The plan has been decided, and it is time to deal with the King of Zhou. However, although the King of Zhou is not as cautious as King Yan, it is not easy to find some accusations of undermining his title. King Zhou actually went to Fengyang privately during the Hongwu period.

This was a serious crime that could be regarded as treason. However, Emperor Hongwu was still there at that time. Although he severely reprimanded his son, he did not go into details. How could he bring up the old matter again now?

Zhu Yunwen then thought of the Jin Yiwei. Luo Kedi couldn't help but be overjoyed when he was summoned by Emperor Jianwen. He had known that the new emperor would inevitably cut down the vassal vassal when he ascended the throne, and he would definitely use the Jin Yiwei when the time came. However, he did not expect that the emperor was so impatient. Less than a month after he ascended the throne, he

Ready to take action.

Zhu Yunwen immediately summoned Luo Kedi and asked him to investigate King Zhou's illegal activities. Luo Kedi agreed wholeheartedly. Zhu Yunwen was still uneasy and said: "This matter is of great importance. You are currently the person in charge of Jinyiwei. It's easy for him to do so."

If we can’t leave the center, who will you send to handle this matter?”

Luo Kedi said: "I have a general under my command. His surname is Yang Mingxu. He has a calm personality and is experienced in doing things. He can hold a big position."

"Yang Xu?"

Zhu Yunwen suddenly thought of the memorial he had seen two days ago, and asked curiously: "Didn't Yang Xu die in the battle on Shuangyu Island? Is there still a Yang Xu among your Jinyi guards?"

Luo Kedi said: "Your Majesty, there is only one Yang Xu among the Jinyi Guards. At that time, the imperial navy really thought that he had died for his country. Who knew that he was lucky enough to be seriously injured and survived. He fell into the water and drifted, but was fortunately saved by a fisherman.

He got up and was raised for many days, but he actually recovered his life.

Zhu Yunzhen thought to himself: "Yang Xu, the descendant of Jiujiang, joined the Shuangyu bandit gang as an internal agent. He was able to work among the bandits without revealing his feet. He is indeed a bold, careful, and clever person. I asked him to collect evidence of the Zhou king's crime.

I'm qualified." He nodded happily and agreed.

Then he thought that he had just ascended the throne, and his popularity among the people was not enough. For such an important event, he should meet this Yang Xu. When Yang Xu had a conflict with his family and was almost imprisoned, he was the one who stood up for him with his words.

After relieving the siege, if Yang Xu was summoned and praised personally, wouldn't Yang Xu burst into tears of gratitude? He would naturally break his body into pieces to repay Jun's kindness. After the decision was made, Zhu Yunwen told Luo Kedi to bring Yang Xu to meet Jun.

In this way, Xia Xun received the favor of the holy family who entered the palace to meet the saint.


Xia Xun returned to the palace this time, but the owner had changed. Xia Xun looked at the halls, pillars, plants and trees in the palace, and felt sad in his heart.

That emperor who made people tremble at the sight of him, that old man who was kind and peaceful in front of his beloved grandson, no matter whether others slandered or praised him, feared or respected him, his distinctive personality charm was...

What is unforgettable is that I just went to Hangzhou once, and when I came back, that all-powerful man had turned into a piece of loess, walking in the palace, things are the same but people are not. It really makes people feel that life is impermanent.


When Xia Xun followed Luo Kedi down the palace corridor, Zhu Yunwen was discussing politics in Jinshen Hall.

Frankly speaking, Zhu Yunwen really wanted to do a great cause that was beneficial to the country and the people, and to achieve the great cause of a generation of emperors. His New Deal was not completely without merit, but no matter how it was compared with Zhu Yuanzhang's sagacity and wisdom.

, compared with Zhu Yuanzhang's experience among the people and being familiar with the people's sentiments, he was far behind. Therefore, many policies either lacked foresight or were deceived by civil servants and sold private goods to the emperor, but he did not know the truth.


For example, at this moment, after instigating the emperor to abolish a large number of salt and tea tax bureaus and punish yamen, officials in the DPRK and China, mainly officials from Jiangsu and Zhejiang, started to think about land tax again.

Several officials from Jiangsu and Zhejiang gathered around Zhu Yunwen. They first flattered and touted the new policy after Jianwen proclaimed himself emperor, and how the new policy was like nectar, and how the people all over the world were rejoicing. These nonsense words made Zhu Yunwen smile, and he really thought he was a holy king on earth.

, the topic turned to Jiangnan taxes.

The taxes in Suzhou, Songjiang, Huzhou, and Jiaxing in the south of the Yangtze River are higher than other places because these areas are the richest. Of course, some people say that Zhu Yuanzhang set the taxes in these four places particularly high because they are here.

It was Zhang Shicheng's territory. Zhu Yuanzhang regretted that the people in Jiangnan supported Zhang Shicheng, so he punished him after the founding of the country.

However, when Zhu Yuanzhang only had one corner of the country, the world was divided into pieces, each with its own master. According to this statement, almost every force and rebel army, including the Northern Yuan Dynasty, had their base at that time. Zhu Yuanzhang wanted to punish

, to impose heavy taxes, it seems that except for the territory he originally owned, heavy taxes should be levied everywhere.

Moreover, the taxes in the Ming Dynasty were extremely low. Whether it was land tax or business tax, it was thirty to one tax. The heavy taxes in wealthy areas such as Suzhou and Songjiang were relative to this general tax rate. The above four areas have always been in Jiangnan and even

The richest regions in the world may not say that this "heavy tax" is so heavy that these regions cannot bear it and hinders local economic development.

Precisely because these areas are wealthy and people have money to send their children to school, the most scholars are produced here, and accordingly the most people are officials in the court. Therefore, when Zhu Yuanzhang was still alive, he once made regulations: Officials with native places in Suzhou, Songjiang and other Jiangnan areas

It is forbidden to serve as an official in the Ministry of Household Affairs, because in several major anti-corruption cases in the imperial court, "the subordinate officials in the Ministry of Household Affairs are all traitors in eastern Zhejiang. They move up and down in the caves and do their best. They are also good at calculating, depending on their superiors."

"Like puppets", Zhu Yuanzhang worried that they would control finances and favor their hometown, thereby sacrificing the interests of the court.

Now that Zhu Yuanzhang is dead, Zhu Yuanzhang Hongwu, and Zhu Yunwen Jianwen, it can be seen from this year title that he wants to go in the opposite direction and create a great cause different from Naizu. These officials are ready to make a move and talk loudly in front of Zhu Yunwen

The heavy taxation in the south of the Yangtze River made the people miserable and destitute, so I asked the emperor to be kind and reduce the taxes in the south of the Yangtze River.

You must know that there are actually differences in heavy taxes in Jiangnan. The taxes on private land there are not high, and the taxes on official land are higher. This is also in line with the rules since ancient times. However, Jiangnan has the most officials, and the proportion of official land in Jiangnan is also extremely high.

Gao, after calculating this account, it is extremely important to the vital interests of their family. Zhu Yuanzhang knew the details, so no one dared to propose tax reduction or exemption in Jiangnan in front of him. However, Zhu Yunwen did not know these situations. According to those officials,

What the children said was reasonable and they couldn't help but nod their heads.

Xiao Fuzi, who was serving Emperor Jianwen, was pouring tea for the emperor. Hearing the miserable situation described by these officials was a bit exaggerated, he couldn't help but interjected: "The land of fish and rice in the south of the Yangtze River, rice is harvested twice a year."

, but is it fair to pay the same grain tax as those in Sichuan, Shaanxi, Yunnan and Guizhou? If the people in Songjiang, Suzhou are so miserable, wouldn’t the people in Sichuan, Shaanxi, Yunnan and Guizhou have already starved to death?”

An imperial envoy was furious when he heard this and scolded sternly: "How dare you, an eunuch and an eunuch, dare to discuss the government arbitrarily? When the late emperor was still alive, who would dare to do this? Are you bullying my emperor to be weak?"

When Zhu Yunwen heard this, his face turned red and he slapped the table and said: "You bastard, who asked you to interrupt!"

Xiao Fuzi was only an eleven or twelve-year-old child. First he was scolded by the minister, and then saw the emperor getting angry. He knocked over the tea cup in a panic, and the hot water flowed out and flowed onto Zhu Yunwen's thigh, which made him jump.

When he got up, Xiao Fuzi turned pale with fright, hurriedly knelt on the ground, and kowtowed repeatedly: "Your Majesty, have mercy on me, Your Majesty, have mercy on me, I'm a talkative slave, I'm a talkative slave." As he said this, he slapped himself hard in the face.

Zhu Yunwen was humiliated by his words, and he was already furious. He was scalded with boiling water again, and became even more furious. He shouted sternly: "Pull him down, pull him down, pull down this eunuch who talks about government affairs and corrupts the rules."

Beat him to death!"

"Your Majesty, spare your life! Your Majesty, please spare your life!" Xiao Fuzi was so frightened that two warriors rushed out of the door and dragged him out without any explanation.

One of the officials said contemptuously: "The skin of the body is the mother of the skin. These eunuchs mutilate their bodies, are unfaithful, unfilial, unkind, unjust, have incomplete limbs, and have a broken heart. How can they be any good thing?"

Another person said: "A small chamberlain's casual words may not lead to death, but the emperor can prevent eunuchs from interfering in politics and prevent eunuchs from being poisoned. This killing will serve as a warning to hundreds of people, but it will be of great benefit to our Ming Dynasty."

At this time, he was flattering, and the sound of banging with a stick and Xiao Fuzi's cry of pain could be heard outside. Zhu Yunwen shouted angrily: "Pull further away and fight!"

He dusted off his robe, sat down again, took a few deep breaths, and then said: "My dear friends, please continue speaking."

Zhu Yunwen was taught by his master since he was a child, and he hated the eunuchs who caused troubles since the Han and Tang Dynasties. He had a kind of discrimination and contempt for eunuchs from the bottom of his heart, and did not regard them as human beings. Everyone said that Jianwen was kind, but his kindness was divided into objects.

, Zhu Yunwen issued an edict to implement leniency throughout the country and to reduce the number of prison sentences. At the same time, he also issued an edict specifically instructing local authorities that if eunuchs were found to be tyrannical and harming the people under orders, they would be captured and sent to the capital for severe punishment.

After his edict, the death penalty for many criminal officials was changed to a felony, a felony was changed to a misdemeanor, and a misdemeanor was changed to not guilty. The Ministry of Punishment and the Metropolitan Procuratorate reduced the number of prisoners to two-thirds less than in previous years. But at the same time, he

However, the discipline of eunuchs was more severe than that of Zhu Yuanzhang. Just like Zhu Yunwen merged prefectures and counties, cut redundant personnel, and at the same time increased the number of officials in departments he considered important, his lenient and benevolent policies also affected different targets.

Different standards, but the pen is in the hands of civil servants. The civil servants all say that he is kind. If everyone says the same thing a thousand times, he has become a living Bodhisattva who benefits everyone.

When Xia Xun and Luo Kedi walked outside Jinshen Hall, they saw two guards, one holding his ankle and the other holding his hair, nonchalantly carrying a bloody corpse out. The thin corpse was limp.

, a twisted and pale face hanging outward, Xia Xun glanced at it, suddenly trembled, stopped suddenly, and said in a voiceless voice: "Xiao Fuzi! Two brothers, this... what is going on?


Xia Xun has not been on duty in the palace for a long time. The two guards on duty today did not recognize him, but when they saw that he was wearing a flying fish robe, they knew he was the brother of the Jin Yiwei. They politely replied: "Who knows that this little eunuch is because of

If something offends the emperor, and the emperor orders you to be beaten to death, then you will be beaten to death."

"Your Majesty..., Xiao Fuzi..." Xia Xun's throat and hair were choked and he couldn't say a word. The two guards nodded politely to him and dragged the body out. Xia Xun turned his head and looked at

Chased far away.

"Yang Xu!"

Someone in front called him, Xia Xun turned his head and saw Luo Kedi stopping and looking at him sternly, looking very unhappy, so he gritted his teeth and followed with his head lowered.


"Well, according to the opinions of all the ministers, Jiangsu and Zhejiang have the most important taxes. It is appropriate to pay more attention to them and reduce them. Every mother should not be worth more than a fight, so let's settle it."

Zhu Yunwen closed the coffin and concluded, and the officials quickly complimented and praised him again. The goal was achieved, and then they retired according to the courtesy. Then a chamberlain reported tremblingly: "Your Majesty, Luo Keene, Yang Xu is waiting for you outside the palace."

After Zhu Yunwen heard this, he smiled and said: "Send them to come in!"

Luo Kedi and Xia Xun entered the Jinshen Hall one after another and bowed to the young emperor. Zhu Yunwen smiled and said: "I love you Pingshen."

He looked at Yang Xu and said, "I once met you in front of the late emperor. At that time, you were on duty in the palace, right?"

Xia Xun's face turned slightly pale, and he bowed expressionlessly and said: "Yes, the emperor has a good memory. At that time, Wei Chen was just a guard in front of the palace, but he remembered it in the emperor's heart."

Zhu Yunwen saw that his face was pale, his expression was solemn, and his voice was a little stiff. Maybe he saw that he was a little nervous, and he felt very proud, so he laughed and said: "The late emperor is much more serious than me. I really don't know that you are in front of the late emperor."

, how did you sustain it? Don't be so panicked. I have been destined to you for a long time. I remember that you had a conflict with the Yang family because of your parents, and the matter went to the court. At that time, I still said it in front of the late emperor.

I have spoken words of fairness to you."

Xia Xun bowed and said, "Your Majesty's benevolence and virtue will be remembered by all the ministers."

Zhu Yunwen's expression became serious and he said: "You can bear the grievances of your parents and resist the pressure of the family. This is the most filial piety. A king, a king, a minister, a father, a son, a son. A person who is so filial must be a loyal person and can conquer the enemy."

You have been recommended to me to do something important for me that is related to the country, the country, and the well-being of all people in the world. Are you willing?"

Xia Xun raised his buttocks in a pouting manner and said forcefully: "Your Majesty orders me, and I will serve you wholeheartedly!"

In the Huagai Hall, Qi Tai said to Huang Zicheng: "Brother Yixing, I heard that the emperor used Jin Yiwei to investigate the king of Zhou?"

Huang Zicheng flipped through an official letter and said without raising his head: "Make the best use of everything and make the best use of people's talents. Aren't they... suitable for doing these things?"

Qi Tai frowned and said: "But the Jin Yiwei..., once these ferocious eagles and dogs are used, it is inevitable..., I also heard that the person sent to preside over it is the student who harmed you with a trick

, that Yang Xu who humiliated you greatly in court?"

Huang Zicheng raised his eyebrows, slowly closed the file, raised his head, gently stroked his beard, and said slowly: "Shang Li, you forgot Mao Xiang, how did Jiang Qi die? I don't know how Jin Yiwei Zhongjin died.

Is it a hawk or a dog? The cunning rabbit is not dead yet, is it a hawk or a dog? So what if it is allowed to be arrogant for a while!"


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