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Chapter 237 Who is it

Chapter 237 For whom is Fenglu standing in the middle of the night?

Xia Xun and Xiao Qianyue stayed with the Prince of Zhou, Zhu Youdou, for two days before giving up.

They discovered that the prince of Zhou was a pure theater fan. He not only liked acting, but also liked writing plays. He often didn't care about his status as the prince, and hung out with a group of actors and literati who had not passed the examination to ponder some scripts. Son, and then rehearsed and performed with great enthusiasm. Apart from that, he had no other hobbies. It was difficult to make any article about him. At most, he was said to have lost his status as the heir apparent. This was a serious crime. ?

The two of them followed the concubine Zhu Youxuan instead. Zhu Youxuan was really a top-notch young prince. This young prince was just eighteen years old this year. Probably due to overnutrition, he was tall and tall with pimples all over his face. His There are only three hobbies: drinking, fighting, and sex. The reason why I say sex instead of playing with women is because this little prince likes more than just women.

He did almost the same thing every day. He left the palace in the morning, joined a group of dandies, went to a famous restaurant in the city, drank and had fun in the bar, and then started to wander around the city and cause trouble everywhere. This prince actually had a The advantage is that he doesn't use his status as a prince to oppress others. When he causes trouble, he finds a secluded alley with another group of scoundrels and playboys who are offended, and starts to fight. Look at his skills, he has really trained with a famous teacher. I have some basic foundation in boxing and kicking skills.

After beating or being beaten to a bruise or swollen face by others, the young prince will start to feel good, and his next meal will begin. After drinking this meal, it will be time to feel full, warm and thoughtful. Xia On the first day when Xun and Xiao Qianyue followed him, they found that he went to a Goulan Courtyard at night and watched a play "White Snake Trouble with Xu Xian". This play was basically the prototype of the later "White Snake".

Although the later "Legend of the White Snake" tells the story of the West Lake, it originally originated from a legend in Tangyin, Henan. The White Snake Spirit was rescued from the mouth of a black eagle by an old man in Xujiagou Village on the bank of the Qi River. In order to repay the Xu family's life-saving grace, a white snake married Xu Xian, a shepherd boy who was a descendant of the Xu family. After her marriage, she often used herbal medicine to treat villagers' illnesses, which caused the incense of the nearby "Jinshan Temple" to become cold. The "Jinshan Temple" where the black eagle was reincarnated The elder "Monk Fahai" was very angry and determined to put "White Snake" to death...

After watching the play, Zhu Youhui dismissed all the helpers and went into a room with Xu Xian, Bai Niangzi and Xiao Qing. Xia Xun and Xiao Qianyue almost thought that the young prince, like his brother, also liked to study opera. The petty bourgeoisie were young, and the two of them used kung fu to "go up to the house and uncover the tiles." They closed one eye and looked in through the cracks in the tiles, only to find that goblins were fighting inside. The young prince, Xu Xian, White Snake, and Xiao Qing were "fighting." "Make a place.

At that time, there were few women on the stage. The roles were all played by men. Four men rolled together, which was really ugly and disgusted Xia Xun. Xiao Qianyue watched it with relish, until Xia Xun signaled, this Then she reluctantly left with him.

The young prince's life the next day was not much different from the first day. He was still drinking and fighting. However, instead of looking for an actor in the evening, he went to a brothel. What surprised him was that his standards for finding women were different from those of men. *** was different, he didn't care much about looks, he only looked for those with big breasts. That night, the young prince was in the brothel for a long time, and this time even Xiao Qianyue didn't like to look at her.

However, Xia Xun and Xiao Qianyue noticed one thing. He would definitely return to the palace in the evening. No matter if he was drunk or weak after a romantic affair, he would definitely return to the palace and would never spend the night outside. It can be seen from this that,

King Zhou’s tutoring is still very strict, but this young prince is acting recklessly outside, but he has not done many harmful things. Who would be bored and talk to King Zhou? After all, they are father and son, and a lesson is enough.

That’s all, I am an outsider after all, so won’t it be worth the loss?

On the third day, Xia Xun and Xiao Qianyue stayed in a small hotel opposite the door of a widow's house. The widow was over thirty, and she could be Zhu Youhui's mother if she was two years older. She didn't know that this little

Does the prince have an Oedipus complex, but he just likes her?

Xia Xun glanced at Xiao Qianyue and said boredly: "I'm afraid if I keep an eye on him for another three years, this young prince will still live such a life of drunkenness and dreams. He never makes big mistakes but keeps making small mistakes. What should we do? Charge him with the crime of corruption.


Xiao Qianyue said with a smile: "If you want to impose a crime, why bother without words?"

Xia Xun frowned and said, "Do you have any idea?"

Xiao Qianyue's heart froze, and then she remembered that Xia Xun was her immediate boss. If she did anything without telling him, he might be displeased. Now Xiao Qianyue would not dare to rely on Luo Qianshi's favor and be arrogant. What's more,

He knew that in Luo Qianshi's heart, the person in front of him was much more important than himself.

Xiao Qianyue said hurriedly: "Beizhi only thought of a specific method yesterday. After discussing it with Mr. Han, he also thought it was feasible. Now he has gone to find out the specific information. Beizhi is planning to go to Han Mofang to listen after he returns.

Once the information is confirmed, I will report it to you for final decision."

Xia Xun said: "That's all for this young prince today. We don't have to stay here. Let's go back and talk as we go."


Xiao Qianyue followed him away from the house and said as he walked: "I asked Mr. Han to check it out. The king of Zhou was not completely unaware of this young prince's usual behavior. For this reason, he often scolded him and once even beat him up."

After a meal, because of this, the young prince did not dare to spend the night outside the palace, but the relationship between father and son became extremely bad. Zhu Youyi also did not get along with his brother, because King Zhou always compared him with the prince, so he treated the prince

It's very hostile. The meaning of the humble position is to use this Zhu Youhuan to arrest him. As long as he says that the King of Zhou intends to rebel, this will be evidence."

When Xia Xun heard this, his body shook suddenly and he stopped suddenly. Xiao Qianyue looked at him strangely and said, "Sir, what's wrong with you?"

"Oh, nothing."

The shocked look on Xia Xun's face slowly faded away and he asked: "Is he willing to sue his father as a son?"

Xiao Qianyue smiled confidently and said: "It's so hard to make someone stupid, why doesn't he want to do it?"


That night, Xia Xun stood in the courtyard at night and could not fall asleep for a long time.

His mind was very confused and he was thinking about many things.

He always thought that he had returned to this era inexplicably, and that he only played an insignificant role. It was enough to marry a wife, have children, live happily, and live a peaceful life.

But when Xiao Qianyue confidently told Xia Xun her plan, he was shocked.

He did not remember the other princes who were arrested by Zhu Yunwen on unfounded charges, but he remembered what happened to King Zhou. King Zhou was falsely accused of treason by his rebellious and unfilial son, was stripped of his title, and was arrested and returned to the capital.

Yes, but now, this matter was clearly planned by Jin Yiwei, and he was one of the executors.

He began to realize that he was not an insignificant passerby in this era. He had intervened in too many things and changed the fate of many people. Without him exposing the Beiyuan people's conspiracy, the Yan Palace would really have suffered from various other changes.

Instead of being blown up? If he had not been sent to Hangzhou and rescued the Huang family in Yanguan, would Yu Qian have been born safely? If he had not rescued Jie Jin, the chief editor of "Yongle Dadian" and the first emperor of the Yongle Dynasty

Does the appointment of the chief and assistant minister of the cabinet require a replacement? No, no, no, if Prince Yan's palace had not been saved due to his intervention, perhaps Prince Yan would have been killed long ago, and where would the Yongle prosperous age have come from?

"Everything in the future, everything I know, is basically my creation, otherwise it should be a completely different and unrecognizable history? I am not experiencing history, but creating history?"

Xia Xun was confused in his mind: "No way, even if my guess is true, then... Just like Yu Qian, what I affect is only his life and death. His future development and achievements still come from himself.

I have changed my understanding of the life and death of Jin and King Yan. Their future path is still their own. What about me? In the history I know, I do not exist because I have always used this method.

Influence others in different ways, and create this era through those people, or...my influence only ends here, so what will I look like in the future? Do I still have a future?

Xia Xun was really confused. He realized that there were many people in this era, and many things were due to his influence and intervention, which left a heavy mark in the history. He was very excited. However, he searched his guts, and in his memory

I couldn't find Yang Xu, so I couldn't help but feel a little uneasy about my unpredictable future.

Xia Xun smiled bitterly. No one else knew about his future. Zhu Yunwen didn't know that with his great strength, he would fail to cut down the feudal vassal; King Yan in Peiping, who was feeling humiliated and resentful, didn't know that one day he would be able to become the emperor; dejectedly

Xie Jin, who went to Lanzhou to work as a company secretary, didn't know that he would leave a precious cultural feast for all mankind. He didn't know that in a few years, he would become the chief minister of the Ming Dynasty, less than one person and more than ten thousand people. But the problem is

, they don’t know anything about the future.

But he is different. He knows the future development and the future fate of many people, but he knows nothing about his own future. This kind of ignorance in knowing is obviously a kind of suffering compared to others' complete ignorance.

Who am I in history?

If I can influence history, can I change the history I know and make it more glorious and less regretful?

Xia Xun was sometimes happy, sometimes worried, sometimes excited, sometimes depressed. His heart was up and down, and all kinds of thoughts were coming and going in his heart. In the end, he couldn't grasp anything accurately. He only felt vaguely.

To: If what he guessed is true, then it is very likely that there will be many deeds written down in history books in the future that were written by Xia Xun!

This made him look forward to and excited, but also slightly regretful: If he could go back to modern times, he could brag to his classmates with a history book, saying that someone's fate was changed because of me, and that such and such historical event was caused by me.

How many classes of beauties, school beauties, and police beauties must be attracted by your intervention or planning? You can’t be too awesome, just like walking in brocade at night...

Just as Xia Xun was thinking about it, Xiao Qianyue rushed back excitedly and said happily: "Sir, Mr. Han has already found out. We can take action tomorrow!"

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