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Chapter 238 The Taste of Power

Chapter 238 The taste of power

Ai Jia, double ten years old, is a palace maid of the Zhou Dynasty. When she reaches this age, she will usually be returned to the whole family and allowed to marry. However, most of the palace maids of the same age who entered the palace with Ai Jia have already returned home. Ai Jia

But no.

King Zhou likes her very much and has already intended to accept her as his concubine. Although she has not formally applied for the title from the court, everyone in the Prince Zhou's palace already knows about it, and her status in the palace is different from that of other palace maids. No,

She wanted to go home to see her parents today, so the eunuchs in the palace prepared a carriage and sent her back.

However, Ai Jia had just stayed at her parents' home for only one day when a servant from the palace came and said that the prince wanted her to go back. Ai Jia was in charge of some internal affairs in the palace now. She only acted as if the prince was in a hurry and was busy with her.

She picked up the little chamberlain and boarded the car and left. She didn't recognize the little chamberlain, but there were at least a thousand servants in Prince Zhou's palace. Each had their own duties, so she didn't recognize them all. In the past two years, new ones have been replaced one after another, so she didn't recognize them all.

It was normal. This was Kaifeng Mansion, the vassal state of King Zhou. How could she think of going anywhere else.

The Ai family sent their daughter away, but the palace didn't know that she had asked for three days' leave from the prince and had come back early. Zhu Youyi continued to drink and fight as usual, hanging out all day, and in the evening he rushed to Hanmofang.

Because Han Mo told him through some gangsters that there was a new dancer in the courtyard. She had a beautiful singing voice and a slim body. She was really more beautiful than Feiyan Xizi. Zhu Youyi liked to try new things.

The fishy smell came.

He usually doesn't come to Hanmofang very often, because his eldest brother Zhou Shizi Zhu Youdou likes to stay in Hanmofang. This time he also heard that his eldest brother was not here, so he took the opportunity to come. When he got to the courtyard, he picked a private room and called for him.

After eating and drinking, we watched two songs in a row, and then we started singing and dancing. As expected, the dancer came out and gracefully appeared on the stage. As expected, her figure was charming, and everyone was amazed.

Zhu Youyou felt itchy, so he immediately put away his folding fan, pointed to the stage, and said impatiently: "Stay, stay tonight, and sleep with me."

Han Mo, who was waiting on the side, smiled and said, "Isn't the young prince too impatient? Why don't you come a few more times, support him a few times, and ask her to drink with the young prince? Now that we are familiar with each other, we are in love, water~

Only when you are in harmony can you serve the young prince attentively."

Zhu Youyi pointed the folding fan at him and sneered with his eyes: "Hmph, shopkeeper Han, don't use your tricks to attract other customers to deceive me. I don't have the spare time to coax her first."

Are you happy? Look at her plump waist and charming expression. She is obviously a woman who is accustomed to having sex. Do you still have to clamp your legs to pretend to be a virgin? Don't think that my eldest brother comes here often and I don't dare to touch you. It pisses me off.

Master, I smashed your Hanmofang."

A few helpers put on a show, and Han Mo quickly apologized and bowed and agreed. Only then did Zhu Youxuan turn from anger to joy, and started drinking among the crowd. When he was drunk, several helpers

After coaxing the "groom officer" into the room that had been prepared, he quickly left.

Zhu Youyi grabbed the teapot on the table and drank a lot. He turned around the screen and saw that the beauty was already asleep. She was dressed in crimson clothes and had a voluptuous body. Begonia was sleeping in spring, which made people's blood rush at the sight.

Unfortunately, there was only a wall lamp on the wall in the room. The light was dim and her face could not be seen clearly. This Zhu Youhuang was an impatient young man and he always only wanted to be happy. He didn't care how his daughter's family felt, even though the light was dim.

, it hinders the appreciation of the spring scenery, and the mood is rising, but I can't wait to call someone to get the lamp again.

He hurriedly undressed and took off his belt, climbed onto the couch naked, and hugged the beautiful, mature and enchanting woman. He had such a hearty time that he finally ejaculated so much that her bones were so beautiful that he lay on his back. My son fell asleep...


Zhu Youyi was woken up by a cup of herbal tea. When he woke up, he found himself in an inn. Although he was very drunk, he could still recognize the furnishings in the room. He looked up and saw two people sitting and standing in front of him. He was wearing a royal guard's uniform, and the sitting face was hidden behind the lamp and could not be seen clearly. Standing in front of him was a young man with handsome features but a faint aura.

Zhu Youyi couldn't help but be shocked: "Who are you? Are you drunk? This...where is this?"

The young man sneered and said: "My young prince, you are not dreaming now. Please wake up."

At this time, a woman's panicked voice came from behind: "Second Prince, the slave family... why are the slave family here?"

Zhu Youxuan turned around and saw a beauty on the bed, covering her body with only a sheet. Her beauty was pale and her face was filled with fear. He couldn't help but be shocked: "Isn't this Ai Jia? My father wants to make her his concubine." , why is she...here? If she falls into the eyes of others, it will be terrible!"

It turned out that the King of Zhou often led people to collect plant samples, study and write books, and did not live in the palace every day. How could a person like Zhu Youxu not take advantage of a lovely girl by his side? This Ai Jia in Zhou Among the maids in the palace's harem, she is considered to be an outstanding one. She is getting older, but she cannot leave the palace. She is also young and lonely. It is a good thing that he touches her and pushes her half way.

Later, Gongnu Ai attracted the attention of King Zhou, who wanted to make her his concubine. Gongna Ai wanted to climb up to the top of the mountain. Besides, King Zhou was an informed and knowledgeable man. Compared with a young boy like Zhu Youyi, He didn't know how much stronger he was, so he deliberately distanced himself from his father. Zhu Youyi was also afraid of his father. He pestered her several times, but when he saw that she was unwilling to give in, he had to give up angrily.

But this Zhu Youhuan was extremely alienated from his father and brother, but he regarded the gang of gangsters who only flattered and took advantage of him as his brothers and talked about everything. This romantic incident had been mentioned to them before. These people are not the masters who can keep secrets for others. With Han Mo's profession, it is really impossible to find out these gossips, but he actually found out about them.

Zhu Youyi was unlucky because he made careless friends and gave himself up for trouble. This was taken advantage of by Xiao Qianyue, who heard that King Zhou only had two legitimate sons, and that the two legitimate sons were quite different from each other.

Zhu Youyi initially thought that someone was setting up a trap to harm him and extort money, but he soon knew that was not the case. The clothes of these two people and the deliberately guiding questions of the person in front of him soon made Zhu Youxuan Tuo understood everything. Although he was a dandy who did not do his job properly, he was not an idiot. Why didn't he understand the other party's purpose?

"You want to deal with my father?"

Zhu Youhuo, who was never afraid of drinking and fighting, sneered. Although this person was useless, he had a lot of ruthlessness. He sneered and said: "Okay, I am the woman who slept with my father, but I am just a woman. My father is also What can you do to me, even beat me to death? Do you want to make my scandal public? It’s up to you, I don’t care!”

Zhu Youyi acted like a dead pig that was not afraid of boiling water. He knew very well that if the skin was gone, the hair would be attached. Compared with this serious consequence, he would rather be beaten up by his father and imprisoned. His

My mother is being favored by her father. If the wind blows from her pillow, she will still be able to come out in three or two years at most. But if the King of Zhou is deprived of his title, where will he be left?

"It's not that we want to deal with your father, but the imperial court wants to deal with your father." Xiao Qianyue smiled and said, "It's the emperor who wants to deal with your father."

Zhu Youhuo's expression changed, and Xiao Qianyue said again: "Zhu Youdou is the crown prince, and you will only be a nominal prince in the future. There will be no vassal state, only a salary. You are also the legitimate son of the King of Zhou.

Why are you being treated like this? To tell you the truth, there is only one reason why the emperor wants to deal with the prince: the person the emperor really wants to deal with is King Yan. King Yan is the brother of King Zhou, and the two princes have always been close to each other without cutting their arms.

,How can the emperor feel relieved?

If the young prince is willing to come forward to testify against the prince and the prince for treason, think about how the emperor will treat you? After all, the emperor is your cousin, and he has no intention of cutting off the Zhou vassal. If you are willing to testify against the prince and the prince, you have made it clear to the emperor.

I wish to become a loyal minister of the emperor. Isn’t the position of king this week going to fall on you, the young prince? At that time, you will be the real prince."

Zhu Youyi's heart pounded and he gasped: "Is what you said true?"

Xiao Qianyue smiled and said: "You don't know the emperor's virtuous reputation? If it weren't for the sake of the country and the stability of thousands of people, how could the emperor kill his relatives and deal with the kings of Yan and Zhou with evil intentions? Even so, the emperor is full of guilt.

, if you are willing to be loyal to the emperor, the position of King of Zhou will definitely be yours, and the city of Kaifeng is destined to be your vassal state."

Zhu Youyi's eyes flashed and he hesitated.

Xiao Qianyue slowly handed a piece of paper full of words to him, like a devil who tricked people into signing a soul-selling contract, and said with a smile: "Sign it, and you will be the King of Zhou; if you don't sign it, you will be the king of Zhou.

King Zhou, thinking of the deep love between father and son, does not punish you. You will also be accused of committing a serious crime of disobedience and imprisoned by the emperor in the high wall of Fengyang. You will never be able to get out. Where will you go? Please think twice, little prince!"

Zhu Youyou looked at the ink-stained confession in front of him and struggled fiercely in his heart.

Xia Xun sat behind the lamp, looking at all this ugliness with cold eyes, and sighed silently. He already knew the outcome. Zhu Youyi would definitely give in. Can he change anything?

Zhu Yunwen is now in great power. If he immediately issues an order to directly reduce the title of King Yan, his only powerful enemy may be tied up without any warning from his brothers. By then, he will not be able to kill or behead him.

He thought that calmly killing the King of Yan who was trapped in the shallows would be like squeezing an ant to death, but he chose to be smart and cut off his wings first, and even took the reputation of the virtuous King of Zhou as the first


If God wants it to perish, he must first make it crazy. Madness and stupidity are twin brothers.

After struggling for a long time, greed finally wiped out the remaining affection and conscience in Zhu Youhuo's heart. He signed his name on the confession. Xiao Qianyue carefully rolled up the confession and put it in his arms, looking at it with a smile.

He glanced at the beauty on the bed and bowed to Zhu Youyi and said: "I'm disturbing the young prince's interest. If the young prince is interested, he can continue. If the young prince likes it, she will be his concubine in the future. Of course, if the young prince is interested, she will be his concubine in the future."

If the prince is worried, he can shut her up forever."

Ai Jia immediately widened her eyes in fear, and Xiao Qianyue added in an evil tone: "Her life and death will be decided by you, the young prince! It feels good to control the life and death of others, isn't it?"

"Your Majesty!"

Lady Ai immediately slipped out of the couch and threw herself at Zhu Youxuan's feet with her bare buttocks, like a puppy wagging its tail ingratiatingly to its master.

Zhu Youyi suddenly became a little drunk. He felt: It feels really good to have power!

Dear heroes, you have the power of ***, doesn’t it feel good? ***, please vote for recommendation. I am calling number 1 to number 20. If you still don’t vote, wait until when!

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