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Chapter 353 Hajj

Chapter 353 Hajj

Wei officially released the results today, and the top three have just been released. The Minister of Rites did not come to greet the envoys from the two countries, because he was busy with this matter.

Seeing that the people coming across were the honor guards of foreign envoys led by the Minister of Civil Affairs, the students who were shouting excitedly did not dare to rush into each other and quickly stepped aside. Meng Fusheng was the minister of the Ministry of Rites, and he was also particularly concerned about the situation of the imperial examination.

He reined in his horse and asked a few questions to the students who were paraded around the streets with the winning candidates praising their horses. When he returned to the ranks of Shanhou Kingdom, he started to admire them.

Pingnu saw many scholars in Confucian shirts on the street, plus the people watching, probably tens of thousands of people. Such a spectacular scene had never been seen before. Curious, she asked Xia Xun, and she already knew that this was the Kingdom of China.

This was the first time she had seen the scene when she passed the imperial examination, and she couldn't help but be curious. When she saw Meng Shilang riding his horse back, shaking his head and wagging his tail, she became even more curious, and asked: "Master Shilang, why are you so surprised?"

Everyone has a love for beauty. When the Japanese tribute envoys came to pay homage to Emperor Hongwu more than ten years ago, Meng Fusheng, who was still a junior official in the Ministry of Rites, received them and already knew what their appearance looked like. But he didn't know what they looked like.

It has been more than ten years since he got used to it, but he still can't accept it because the Japanese aristocrats of this era are so stunningly beautiful.

On the contrary, he was very pleased with these people from the back of the mountain. When he saw this beautiful princess asking him, Meng Shilang hurriedly raised his hands and said: "Your Highness, you don't know something. We have tens of thousands of reference students in this department.

There are only one hundred and ten people selected, but it is surprising that the top three in the first place, number one, second place, and third flower are all from Ji'an Prefecture, Jiangxi. Among the top three in the second place, the number one scholar and third flower are also from Ji'an Prefecture, and the top six are also from Ji'an Prefecture.

Among them, people from Ji'an account for five seats, among which Wu Pu, the top two scholar, is still Hui Yuan. Such a concentration is unprecedented."

Ping Nu was shocked when she heard this, and exclaimed: "Ten thousand people passed the imperial examination, and a hundred people passed the examination, and they were the first among a hundred people, and they were all concentrated in one place. Your country has a vast territory. Isn't this a very rare thing?"

Meng Shilang nodded repeatedly and said: "Yes, yes, it's unheard of!"

Xia Xun listened on the sidelines and was also secretly surprised. He immediately thought of the North-South scientific expedition case of the Hongwu Dynasty, and thought in his mind: "The top six, five Ji'an people, no one will cheat, and there will be another 'North-South Ranking Case'"


There is really no fuss, because the north and south have been divided into rankings, and regional differences have been fully taken into consideration to be as fair as possible. Students in the southern rankings also know that the most academic style in the south is indeed Ji'an Prefecture. Undergraduate Qiu Wei Examiner

It's Fang Xiaoru. Fang Xiaoru is from Ninghai, Zhejiang. He has been working as a professor of traditional Chinese studies in Hanzhong Prefecture. Even if he is partial, he should favor the elders in his hometown or his students in Hanzhong Prefecture. There are not many students in these two places.


At that time, Ji'an Prefecture was indeed a place of outstanding people, unparalleled in the world. Later, the imperial examination in the second year of Yongle was even more sensational than this one. A total of 472 people were selected in that subject. With so many people, the top three were ranked first.

, the top four in the top two are all from Ji'an Prefecture, there are seven cabinet bachelors, five of them are also from Ji'an Prefecture, which shows the prosperity of local literary style.

Pingnu sighed in admiration, Xia Xun had a look of shock on his face, but there was only one He Tianyang, who looked around and had no reaction at all to any of the reading questions. Meng Shilang glanced at him secretly, and secretly cursed: "This prince and concubine, what a surprise to me.

He seems to know a lot about the local culture, but this bearded prince seems to be ignorant..."


The envoys from the two countries did not meet immediately. Instead, they were taken to the place where foreign envoys were housed in Honglu Temple, where they were allowed to stay. The Ministry of Rites then arranged for personnel to teach them the etiquette of entering and exiting the court, so as not to lose etiquette before the emperor.

This didn't have anything to do with Xia Xun. He Tianyang had a grimace on his face and followed a little official from the Ministry of Etiquette, bowing and saluting. He Tianyang was miserable for three days.

The Japanese envoys and the Shanhou State envoys were arranged in the left and right courtyards, separated by a main hall and a main courtyard. They lived in peace with each other and did not interact with each other. In the past three days, there was no conflict between the three of Xia Xun. Tian Ye did not get in touch with his people. He had just arrived in Nanjing and it was a time to attract attention. It was not appropriate to take any action at this time.

Three days passed in a flash, and He Tianyang had almost finished studying etiquette. At least the red tape seemed to be in order. Early that morning, he was led by Honglu Temple and went straight to the palace.

The prince and concubine also wanted to enter the palace, but they did not have to meet the driver in the court. The queen would receive them in the harem. Xia Xun could not go to the court because of his status, so he could only wait outside the Meridian Gate. He looked at He Tianyang and saw He Tianyang sitting in a car. Inside, his eyes were straight, he was mumbling words, and he was still reciting some etiquette of going to court, which really made him feel a little uneasy.

He thought for a while and then said: "Tianyang, you don't have to be too rigid in terms of etiquette, just show a respectful and sincere attitude. It doesn't matter if there are a few mistakes in the etiquette. You have to know that in my case, In the eyes of court officials, barbarians from all over the world are uncivilized, so even if you make some mistakes out of ignorance, no one will laugh at you, but you will take it for granted.

Therefore, it doesn’t matter if your actions are rough. It doesn’t matter if your language is rough. Just note that you are a small border country and you are in awe of the superior country. Remember, there are two things that must be said. One: It’s you. This time, I want to establish a tributary relationship with the Ming Dynasty and ask the Emperor of the Ming Dynasty to grant me the permission. Furthermore, you have come from afar and have admired the culture of the Shang Dynasty for a long time. You want to stay in the capital and learn the customs and cultural relics of the Shang Dynasty. Thank you for teaching you. Have you memorized all those words?"

Thank you for the words you drafted for him. Although they were as colloquial as possible, they still sounded a bit literary to He Tianyang. Fortunately, he had to recite them several times a day since he left Shuangyu. He really memorized it by rote. He Tianyang wiped his sweat, nodded to Xia Xun, and forced a smile.

Seeing that he was nervous and sweating profusely, Xia Xun became anxious and asked worriedly: "The credential...have you memorized it too? You are illiterate, so don't take the credential upside down. Or maybe I mispronounced it.”

Pingnu couldn't bear the man she liked being in such trouble, so she said on his behalf: "Don't worry, sir, Pingnu has to take the test on Brother Tianyang several times every day, and he knows all these words by heart."

He Tianyang wiped the beads of sweat that kept popping up again, and said calmly: "Yes... yes, I... I'm so tired of memorizing it. Don't interrupt me, I... I just need to start and I can do it." You have to recite it till the end, but if someone interrupts you mid-sentence, then...then you won't be able to remember it."

Xia Xun wanted to laugh, but how could he laugh at such a moment? He thought for a moment and said: "Don't worry, no one will interrupt others easily in the court. If someone does interrupt you, please think about it." What can I say if you don't get up? You act extremely respectful and say it again from the beginning. People only think that you don't want to be rude to the emperor of the country. They can only laugh at you for being rigid, but they won't have other ideas."

He Tianyang nodded vigorously, without looking at the two of them, and just murmured: "The Ming Dynasty has been revealed, and all nations have been wiped out; there are no waves in the sea, and China has peace. No one can be better than the Ming Emperor.

, the inheritance of the four saints, nine security on three sides, Weijiayu Nei, guests from all over the world. The tribute festival is not allowed, the solid fate of the city is full of dangers, the road is far away, now the king of the mountain is a minister, the prince is specially sent to look up to the glory of the country, and to offer tribute.


Pingnu took out her handkerchief, wiped the sweat from his temples, and complained to Xia Xun: "Sir, please stop talking, let's see how hard you are forcing him..."

"Okay, okay, I won't say anything anymore."

Xia Xun gave a bitter smile and stepped aside, feeling anxious in his heart: "Is this guy going to work?"


Emperor Jianwen sat in court and received envoys from Japan and Shanhou at the same time.

The first person to see the driver was Mitsuo Shimazu, the repairman of the Japanese envoy. He Tianyang did not compete with him. Seeing that he had taken the lead, Doctor Shimazu proudly stepped forward to see the driver and explained to Zhu Yunwen Ashikaga Yoshimitsu's willingness to reestablish tributary relations with the Ming Dynasty.

, and presented a list of gifts, including a thousand taels of gold, ten horses, a hundred fans, two pairs of screens, ten waists of swords, ten handles of knives, and an inkstone.

This was the first time Zhu Yunwen saw the dress of a Japanese nobleman. As soon as he saw the image of Dr. Shimazu, Zhu Yunwen's eyebrows and eyes jumped wildly. He finally resisted the urge to laugh and sat down pretending to be dignified and solemn.

.When it was the turn of the Shanhou Kingdom, I saw that the princes of the Shanhou Kingdom were similar to those of the Ming Dynasty in terms of clothing and appearance.

Although He Tianyang memorized the national book by heart, he was worried about making mistakes, and the more he thought about it, the more nervous he became, so he stumbled while "reciting" it. The Japanese envoy kept curling his lips on the side, and the corners of his lips almost touched his ears. Under Zhu Yunwen and

In the eyes of the civil and military officials of the court, they took it for granted. What they said was stumbling? Doesn't this mean that the small barbarian countries were in awe when they saw the majesty of the higher country? Their actions were a bit rude? Barbarians are not yet civilized, so it is good to be like this.

In the end, He Tianyang did not forget Xia Xun's instructions, and also brought up the tribute trade. This must be mentioned, otherwise why did you come? If you don't mention it, it will inevitably make people suspicious, and then he proposed to live more in Daming.

Over time, I have been influenced by the customs of the Ming Dynasty. I, the Chinese people, have always been good at teaching others, so there is no way I would be disrespectful.

After the envoys from the two countries had come to see each other, Emperor Jianwen also gave gifts to the reception hall. Ru Chang, Meng Fusheng and others had already reported to him the turmoil outside the guest pavilion. In order to prevent the envoys from the two countries from arguing again, Zhu Yunwen treated them equally.

Regardless of the thickness of their tribute gifts, both countries gave the same things, including a gauze hat, a golden rhinoceros ribbon, a pair of red Luo clothes, four pieces of silk, four pieces of silk, and ten pieces of silk cloth.

Because the King and Princess of the Mountain Queen also came together, she was given four additional pieces of silk, four pieces of Luo, and ten pieces of fine cloth.

Of course, these gifts are much lighter than the tribute gifts from the two countries, but since they have agreed to trade with the Ming Dynasty, they will not suffer any loss. In the future, they can bring back some goods from China and sell them at a very good price.


He Tianyang was very happy. He finally completed Master Yang's instructions. The next days were just about eating, drinking, and sightseeing. He liked this kind of "dry work" very much. But who knew that problems would arise just then?

It’s about eating and drinking.

Zhu Yunwen, who was delighted with Long Yan, was still excited. On a whim, he decided to host a state banquet to entertain the envoys of the two countries. At the banquet, the ministers accompanying the banquet were seated on the left, and the envoys who paid tribute were seated on the right. The person at the head was naturally His Majesty the Emperor. Now.

Here are the envoys from the two countries. Who will sit in front? Who will sit in the back? It is a matter of state affairs, and foreigners also care about state affairs.

Standing in front of the banquet, Shimazu Mitsuo and He Tianyang looked at each other, their eyes intertwined, and a string of sparks exploded...

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