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Chapter 103: There is a crouching dragon and phoenix on the boat, with a dutiful son Skuard

The peak confrontation shocked the whole audience.

However, apart from leaving a lot of ruins, there is no difference between the two.

Ren sheathed his knife, his body turned into lightning and retreated. He was about to retreat to the bow of the Moby Dick, but when he looked back, he realized...the ship was gone.

The mast collapsed, the canvas was torn into tattered white cloth and scattered on the ground. Even the cabin, deck, guardrail and other structures were disintegrated. Countless deformed and twisted iron pieces, sawdust and broken boards were piled on the ice.

It is impossible to see the original appearance of this ship, it is just a pile of scrap metal.

Renn: (??Benefit?)

He almost forgot that the Moby Dick was not far behind him and Bai Long.

With such a large size, a sailboat is a living target, and it is naturally impossible to survive such an aftermath.

The Moby-Dick is the ship that has carried the great pirate Whitebeard his whole life, accompanying him through countless hardships.

How much emotion is placed in it is hard for outsiders to imagine.

That old white guy...

Whitebeard strode over with a naginata in his hand, staring at the artillery brat with an unkind expression.

He looked a little embarrassed at this time, not because he was injured, but because the waves that had just been stirred up were shaken by the storm, and the resulting storm would drenched him into a drowned rat, and his clothes were all wet.

Of course, everyone present was hit by the pouring rain.

Whitebeard stretched out his hand to wipe the rain off his face, glared at him and said:

"Young Gun King, won't you rush over and chop that female marine with a knife? If you insist on taking the attack here, my ship will be destroyed."

Seeing the Moby Dick turned into a pile of junk, Lao Bai felt a pain in his balls.

Although I knew that this old friend would probably not be saved this time, I never expected that the ship was not destroyed in the hands of the navy, but was instead tricked by friendly forces.

Blame me?

Ren shrugged and said innocently: "That girl is difficult to deal with, and I can't hold back."

He won't take the blame.

At least half must be dumped on the Navy's head.

Sure enough, White Beard raised his eyebrows when he heard this, thinking of the fight between Pao Wang and Bai Long just now, he sighed:

"Yes, it seems that I am really old and can no longer understand the power of young people in this era. Anyway, when I was your age, I was still fooling around on the sea."

Alas, time is not kind to anyone, so I can’t help but accept it.

It seems that he is also a has-been old man. Anyway, he couldn't take the blow from Pao Wang and Bai Long without any injuries.

If the ship is destroyed, let it be destroyed.

You really can't blame your teammates for this kind of thing. The top priority is to rescue Ace.

"A tie?"

"It looks like that, but Moby Dick is gone, woo hoo..."

"The damn artillery king actually destroyed our ship...ahem, the damn white dragon, it's all her fault!"

There was a little pirate with a white group who was just about to lash out at someone, but Ame no Shiryu walked over with a kind smile, put the demon sword on his neck, and asked him to reorganize his words.

Little pirate: "..."

?(;′Д`?), we don’t dare to say it, and we don’t dare to complain.

Seeing that the other party corrected his mistakes after he knew they were wrong, silence is golden, Yuzhi Xiliu put away the demon sword with satisfaction.

Isn't this right? It's just a broken ship, just dismantle it. What a big deal, but it can't affect the revolutionary friendship between the Lionheart Pirates and the Whitebeard Pirates.


On the high execution platform, the wind howled, and a ball of azure wind elements quickly condensed, outlining Artoria's flawless facial features, white and exquisite leather armor, and slender and graceful figure.

"You're not hurt, are you?"

Warring States took off his glasses and wiped off the water drops on them, and asked with some concern.


The holy sword in Artoria's hand trembled and turned into a golden glow, dissipating, and she said calmly, "But it will not be easy to deal with the swordsman Ren, this island cannot bear the destructive power of our full fight."

Warring States Period: "..."

He saw it.

If it hadn't been for Sakaski's armed protection just now, the execution platform would have collapsed.

When he found out that the King of Artillery could fight against the Goddess, he felt a toothache. Now, after the war, there was a high probability that Malinfan would not be able to survive.

"Mr. Warring States, everything is ready, it's time."

Artoria's heterochromatic eyes looked over the entire scene, and her powerful clairvoyance + top-notch Haki allowed her to monitor the entire island. Seeing that the deployment was complete, she reminded her softly.

The war has lasted for an hour and a half, and the deployment has been completed.

The marshal immediately perked up, put aside his fear of the swordsman Ren, and began to give orders:

"Cut off the video phone bug immediately... What happens next is too exciting for ordinary people."

There is no need to announce everything. After a few hours, the world only needs to know that the navy has won...

After the Warring States Marshal issued the order, the Marinefando Navy immediately took action.


Qing Pheasant raised his hand and fired a freezing time capsule, and the cold air that froze everything rushed forward, instantly freezing half of the Phoenix's body into an ice sculpture!

However, he did not step forward to suppress him, and instead started shaving, turning into an afterimage and retreating away.

"Eight-foot beautiful magatama!"

At the same time, without the control of the Cannon King, Kizaru immediately jumped into the air, gathered photons in his hands, and his body turned into a huge flashing cross!

Boom boom——!

The golden light shone, and countless hot spherical light bombs formed a rain curtain and shot down, covering Jinbei, Luffy, Sand Crocodile and the white team captains who had just taken a breath!

The light bombs fell and exploded, shattering the ice and exploding into huge expanding fireballs, leaving the pirates in a panic.


Tao Tujiao shouted, and at the same time he swung his sword across the board. A bright crescent-shaped sword light was like cutting wheat, cutting down the pirates around him!

Smoker, Ghost Spider, Huoshaoshan, Hina and other naval elites did not hesitate to take the opportunity to get rid of their opponents and retreat collectively.

On the other side, Garp and the Red Count exchanged moves and quickly retreated.


White light shot out from behind the empress, her wings spread out, and she quickly cut through the void like a white rainbow, flying back to the execution square!

Tianyaksha and Hawkeye saw that the situation was not good, and they followed the navy back like a thief.

Even Moonlight Moria, who had just climbed out of the ice pit, didn't bother to seek revenge from the Artillery King, and slipped away first as a mark of respect. Of course, it might also be because he didn't dare...

The navy's elite retreated collectively. They were well-trained and even with oil on their soles, they couldn't stop them.

The pirates in the white group looked confused. Some of the less bright-minded people thought they had defeated the navy and grinned.

But anyone with a bit of intelligence knows that if something is so strange, there must be a conspiracy.

Bang bang bang!

Without warning, a huge explosion sounded, and this seemed to be a signal. Continuous explosions came out from the back of the bay area, and the red fire burned blazingly, swallowing and destroying everything!

Amid the fire and smoke, dozens of tall "pacifists" with the same appearance as the tyrant Xiong of the Shichibukai appeared.

They marched in uniform steps, cutting off the pirates' retreat from the rear.

This is one of the navy's trump cards, the scientific force and the pacifist.

"Are these biological weapons manufactured by the government?"

Hearing the movement, Whitebeard glanced back, his eyes a little solemn.

The combat effectiveness of these biological weapons is not weak. They are modeled after Bartholomew Bear, with their strong bodies and Kizaru's laser attack. Within a minute of their appearance, they caused heavy losses to the pirates in the rear.

Bang bang bang!

A series of blazing golden laser beams lit up, and huge continuous fireballs exploded on the ice. Flame lasers burst out, and hurricanes roared like knives. The pirates behind were killed with blood and flesh flying everywhere, and they were wailing!

Even though Renn can kill the robot bear instantly, for some little pirates, this thing is quite difficult.

You know, at this time, all members of the Straw Hat Pirates combined can only hold up two or three bears.

"There were so many bear-like creatures that appeared on the Chambord Islands!"

Straw Hat Luffy glanced back with a surprised look on his face.

"Damn it, what happened to that guy Xiong during this time?"

Ivankov, the Demon King, looked at the group of bears behind him and gritted his teeth.

Behind the bay, lasers flashed, explosions continued, and bodies began to pile up amidst the fire and smoke.

Directed by Zhan Momomaru, a fat man wearing a sultry red bellyband and wielding a big axe, dozens of "pacifists" were arranged in several rows, slaughtering the pirates like harvesters.

"We don't have time to deal with them." Renn glanced at them and then withdrew his gaze.

There are too many bears. If he passes by, the Warring States Period will naturally send kizaru or white dragons to fly over to interfere with him.

Whitebeard was also a decisive man and shouted: "Don't worry about the enemies in the rear, guys, just attack the square!"

Although I couldn't bear the massacre of the crew behind them, at this time, there was no way to retreat.

"Charge! Attack!"

"Rush to the square!"

After hearing their father's order, the pirates regrouped, shouted excitedly, waved their swords, and launched another round of charge!

At the same time, the Warring States Period also ordered Aokiji, Kizaru, Smoker and Hina to form a defense line and cooperate with the soldiers of the brigade to guard the edge of the square.

The two sides once again launched a fierce attack and defense.

Moreover, this time it seemed that they had made an agreement. Both the pirates and the sailors refused to retreat, fighting bloody battles. Corpses, swords and bullets soon piled up on a layer, and the ground at the junction of the square and the bay was stained red with blood.

Ren, Jinbei, Luffy, Sand Crocodile and others once again faced off against the elite navy.

Only Nana didn't move, lying at the feet of White Beard, dozing lazily.

"Little girl, aren't you going to do something?" Lao Bai lowered his head and looked at the little girl curiously.

Darling, this girl must be about 10 years old at most, but she feels as dangerous as a lava volcano about to erupt, and her strength is extraordinary.

"The strongest old man in the world, I am responsible for protecting you. If you die now, the war will not be fought."

Nana lay on the ice and yawned, seeming a little sleepy.

In addition to this, there was another point. She didn't want to get close to Ren, who was wearing the "Dragon Blood Armor", and she couldn't help but want to bite him to death.

Whitebeard laughed dumbly and didn't say much, too lazy to argue with the little girl.

On the other side, on the execution platform, Warring States asked patiently:

"Have the live broadcasts been cut off?"

"No, not yet."

The messenger had sweat on his forehead and said, "Marshal, one of the image phone bugs seems to have been snatched away by the Lionheart Pirates."



In the center of the bay, slightly behind, stood a group of people.

"Ladies and gentlemen, good morning."

Wen Xi held the phone bug in his hand and said with a silly grin, "I am the head butler of the Lion Heart Pirates, Circe...cough, Wen Xi!"

Don't ask him why he has a phone bug.

It's not easy to grab a phone bug from the navy if you have a minotaur's door fruit open at will?

That is to say, there are two evil stars standing on the execution platform that he cannot afford to offend (Buddha no Sengoku, White Dragon), otherwise he would dare to open the door and grab "Fire Fist" Ace.

After Wen Xi briefly introduced himself, he smiled and showed his white teeth, pointed the camera of the phone bug forward, and explained:

"Everyone, please look, next to the pile of ruins in front of you, standing side by side with Whitebeard, the Four Emperors of the New World, is the captain of our Lionheart Pirates, Gun King Ren!

It was him, it was him, who invaded Impel Down Prison, stormed Marinevando, defeated the 'poisonous' Magellan, fought Kizaru and Momotu alone, killed Shichibukai Moria in one move...

Punch the Yonko Shichibukai, kick the general Goro Hoshi, invincibility is written on his face!

The King of Cannons, the strongest man, the strongest creature, Kaido, please stop bragging a little bit, only the King of Cannons is invincible, not even gods can do anything about it...

Friends who are watching the live broadcast in front of the screen, I can boldly tell you that the next era will be called the King of Guns!"

He started bragging about someone.


The female secretary Kalifa felt uncomfortable all over after hearing this. She felt as if she was almost suffering from embarrassment and cancer, so she calmly took a few steps away from Wen Xi.

However, Wen Xi had no consciousness and kept talking.

As long as I don't feel embarrassed, then others will be embarrassed.

"First there is the artillery king, then there is heaven... As the artillery king, I shall kill all enemies in the world... Tough, invincible, the strongest! Crush, break into pieces, cheers!"

Wen Xi shouted some of the dirty words the captain would usually say when joking.

Kalifa: "..."

ヽ( ̄д ̄;)ノ, my God, she is going crazy.

After joining the Lionheart Pirates, she felt that she would never be able to go back to her past...

Kaku couldn't help but cover his face and complained: "Who helped him snatch the phone bug?!"

"This, this...he insists on dragging me over, but there's nothing I can do about it."

The tauren Bruno spread his hands, looking innocent.

If he dares to refuse, he will have to clean the toilet for two months. He is also desperate. What can he do?

Wen Xi's talk became more and more exciting, and he soon reached [The top of thieves, proud of the world, with me, the artillery king, there is heaven], [Even if I carry Malinfando on my back, and need one hand to push the city forward, I, the artillery king, are still invincible], [

My captain, Ren, has the appearance of an emperor] [There are not many people in the world who can tie with the King of Guns]...

All over the world, the people in front of the screen had never heard of such level of slander. They were all dumbfounded and felt that the artillery king was so outrageous that Kaido, a mere white beard, didn’t even deserve to carry his shoes...

Of course, except for teammates.

Lucci, the swordsman Marcel, and Mr. 3 blocked their ears directly, or ran to the side to find someone to fight.

Mental pollution, if you listen to it too much, you will go crazy.

Even Ren didn't know that there were such sleeping dragons and phoenix chicks on his small boat...


"What's that bastard doing?"

On the execution platform, the Warring States Marshal saw Wen Xi holding a phone and talking nonchalantly, and his nose became crooked with anger.

Is there such a genius under the command of the King of Artillery?

Even Artoria twitched the corner of her mouth and had the urge to reach out and cover her face. With her perception, she could even hear Wen Xi's words clearly...

Sometimes, things become weird when it comes to Ren.

Wen Xi's ridiculous behavior only added a bit of ridiculousness to the war and did not affect the progress.

Soon, something caught everyone's attention.

Bring your dutiful son, the Great Vortex Spider Scuyard, to the stage.

He pretended to communicate with Whitebeard, and when he was unprepared, he jumped up without warning and stabbed Whitebeard in the chest with the tip of his knife that flashed with cold light!

Extremely fast and prepared.


Nana suddenly opened her eyes and flew up. Her palms were shaped like dragon claws and covered with armed domineering energy. The black dragon claws reached out like lightning, and she firmly grasped the sharp blade that stabbed Whitebeard's chest!

The blade rubbed against the dragon's claw and sparks shot out, but it only pierced Whitebeard's skin and was stuck!

Scuyard was caught by her and held the knife in the air, with a look of shock on his face.

He came from the second battlefield and had no idea what the little girl lying at his father's feet was capable of.


After holding the blade, Nana clapped it with her other hand and knocked Scuyard down on the ice, creating an ice pit filled with cracks!

"Hey, what are you doing? Why did you stab your old father?"

She was confused and looked at Scuyard, who was lying in the ice pit, with blood bleeding from the corner of his mouth, and a look of unwillingness and resentment on his face.

The Whitebeard Pirates, and there are traitors and undercover agents?

This sudden change quickly attracted the attention of both parties.

Ren, Jinbei, Sand Crocodile, Straw Hat Luffy and others who were fighting at the front line all stopped and looked back.

In the navy camp, Smog, Dasqi, Hina and other new-generation marines also looked surprised and seemed to not understand what was happening.

Wen Xi quickly stopped talking and pointed the phone bug over there.

Brother Ma was so shocked that he immediately abandoned the blue pheasant and flew to his father to check the situation. He was very excited: "Why did you do either?!"

He was so shocked that he broke into a cold sweat.

Fortunately, Scuyard's sneak attack was blocked, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

"You forced me to do this! Whitebeard, stop acting. You have colluded with the Navy, haven't you? They will ensure that you and Ace are safe and sound, and the price is to haunt our vassal pirate groups..."

With sweat on his forehead and very excited, Scuyard began to break the news.

Probably, Whitebeard colluded with the Navy, directed this drama, and sold 43 affiliated pirate groups under his command in exchange for Ace's life.

To be honest, the navy's lie is really not very technical.

Anyone with any sense would not believe it easily.

However, Scuyard is not only average in strength, but also has an impressive IQ.

Coupled with the grudge between him and Roger, he fell into the trap as soon as his mind got hot.

This incident fully demonstrates that conspiracies do not necessarily have to be complicated and unpredictable. Often, the more complex and rigorous the process, the more likely it is to make mistakes, while the simpler it is, the easier it is to work.

Like attacking from the east to the west, encircling Wei and rescuing Zhao... The technical content is not high but it is durable.

"Do you believe this stupid reason?"

After hearing what her filial son Scuyard said, Nana rolled her eyes and said, "As long as I have a peanut, I won't drink like this!"

She thought it was some huge conspiracy, but it turned out that some people just didn't have any brains.

The navy's conspiracy can also deceive children in kindergarten.

Scuyard: "..."


This misunderstanding is easy to resolve.

Lao Bai ignored the past grievances and settled the matter with a wave of his hand and a hug from his father who cared for his mentally retarded six-year-old.

In the words of the sand crocodile who ran over, you are paralyzed by acting. You are just a white beard, and you are not qualified to let people like him, the Revolutionary Army and the Artillery King act with him!

"The Warring States Period, the sword is still young."

After comforting his son, his cold eyes with a white beard as sharp as a knife looked towards the execution platform.

His voice was calm, but the terrifying murderous intention and anger contained in it made Buddha's Warring States heart skip a beat.

"Damn it, it was just a little bit close!" Marshal of the Warring States Period clapped his hands and sighed sadly.

It’s that brat from the King of Artillery again, a dog is like a rat, so it’s nosy!


Below, Akainu also shook his head slightly.

Of course, although the marshal's alienation plan failed, the Navy did not gain nothing, because Whitebeard really didn't react just now...

...This shows that he is really old.

The Navy's behavior undoubtedly trampled on Whitebeard's bottom line.

This former overlord of the sea was truly angry. He no longer stood by and commanded the crowd. Instead, he raised his naginata and charged with murderous intent. He shouted angrily:

"Guys, charge with me until you die!!"

This sentence also represents the escalation of the war.

This chapter has been completed!
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