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Chapter 0021 A chance encounter with the mayor's secretary

Two days passed in the blink of an eye, and when Yu Yan stood in front of the Antai Municipal Party Committee again, his mentality was completely different.

Not only because of what happened to him, but more importantly, before he came, he promised Yao Yu something, something that made his fighting spirit so high and strong as never before.

Yu Yan raised his hand and looked at the time, seven thirty.

After registering with the security guard, Yu Yan came to the municipal party committee office and stood in front of the office door of Secretary-General Liu Bin. Yu Yan gently knocked on the door and said, "Deng-Deng----Deng", two short words and one long word.

"Come in" Liu Bin's voice came from the door.

"Yu Yan! Haha, why did you come here today?" Liu Bin's eyes lit up when he saw it was Yu Yan, and he stood up and shook hands with him.

"Hello Secretary General, I don't understand a lot of things. Come here early and learn a little more! Secretary General, do you go to work so early?" Yu Yan saw Liu Bin in the office as soon as he entered the door, which was what he had guessed.

"Haha, Yu Yan, I read you right. You know the general principles and understand Dali!" Liu Bin was very happy to see Yu Yan come to report today. Young people must have this spirit of being willing to endure hardships.

Liu Bin then said, "I'm used to it. Other comrades go to work at eight o'clock. If I come at eight o'clock too, it will be difficult to arrange the work. Haha, sit down quickly!"

Yu Yan felt a little embarrassed when he was praised by the Secretary-General, and hurriedly said, "Secretary-General, you are the one who does your duty and I should learn from you!"

In silence, Yu Yan gave the Secretary-General a slap in the face.

Liu Bin waved his hand and said, "Haha, don't talk about learning from me. From today on, we are colleagues. We are all equal. We can learn from each other and make progress!"

"Secretary-General, you are so approachable that you can say this. There is nothing in me that the Secretary-General can learn from. I'd better learn from you honestly!" Yu Yan said. This is also a speaking skill, deliberately bringing two people closer.

The distance made him unconsciously adapt to this speaking atmosphere.

"Haha, little slick, do the same thing with me!" Secretary-General Liu Bin smiled and cursed at Yu Yan.

It seems that this flattering secretary-general is quite useful.

"Have you brought all the mobilization materials?" the secretary-general asked.

Upon hearing this, Yu Yan hurriedly took out the transfer materials from his bag and handed them to the secretary-general.

The secretary-general took the material, looked at it casually, and put it aside. In fact, he had already read this material.

The secretary-general looked at Yu Yan and said, "In this way, I will briefly introduce to you the main tasks of a secretary's work. Take your time first. If you don't understand anything, you can ask me or Comrade Yunchang. Oh, by the way, you

You don’t know yet, but Comrade Yunchang has been serving as the secretary’s temporary secretary before, and he is also an old director of our municipal party committee office.”

"Well, okay, I will study humbly." Yu Yan looked at Liu Bin and nodded, showing a solemn expression, then took out a notebook from the document bag and placed it flat on his knees, and took out a pen

, then smiled at Liu Bin and signaled that he was ready.

The secretary-general smiled and thought that although this young man had never been a secretary, he was quite methodical in how he did things. Based on this, he was teachable!

The secretary-general stopped thinking about it and spoke directly, "Our municipal party committee leaders are responsible for many things, and the clues are very complicated. There are countless meetings held at all levels, and there is a wide variety of information that needs to be received, matters reported, and materials summarized.

There are always important speeches to be delivered in general meetings and small meetings, and newspapers, radio stations, and television stations have to report on them. If the leader can handle it all by himself, even if he has a lot of heads and six arms or is sleepless day and night, he may not be able to do it."

Yu Yan quickly wrote down a few important words, such as "many meetings", "many materials", etc.

Yu Yan knew that every word of the Secretary-General's words at this time was based on experience and could not be careless.

Liu Bin took a sip of tea and continued, "So it is very necessary to equip these leaders with a smart and capable secretary. This is like what kind of wife a man should find. In addition to getting happiness and benefits from marriage, he also

It reflects your taste, dignity, and face, and the kind of secretary a leader should have is also not arbitrary."

Yu Yan thoughtfully remembered that in fact, these uncles had also told him, but he still had to treat them with caution. After all, politics is no small matter and everything must be paid attention to.

"Yu Yan, there is another important question. Answering the phone is the first hurdle that a secretary must pass. A qualified secretary must be able to answer the phone and know what calls can be answered and what calls cannot be answered. Otherwise, if he cannot pass this level, he will

It will make the leader very uncomfortable. When a call comes, you can immediately tell whose voice it is and whose phone number it is. You have just taken over this position and you don’t know the voices and phone numbers of many people. So

You must ask clearly who the other party is, and then ask Secretary Zhang if it is convenient for him to answer the call. You must be careful not to just hand the call over to the leader at will!"

Yu Yan nodded, "Secretary-General, I remember it!"

"Well, as for this second level, it's not too difficult for you. The second level you have to pass is the writing level. As I said just now, the meeting that the leader will attend is very

Many, you need to have a speech to participate in the meeting. As a qualified secretary, you must write a speech that is satisfactory to the leadership as soon as possible. This is very important. Although you graduated from the Chinese major, you cannot be careless.

Carelessness, this is a very serious matter, because the leader must be responsible for every word he says!"

Yu Yan nodded heavily. Indeed, writing essays was not difficult for him. Back in college, his articles were often published as model essays and he won countless awards. Just imagine a person in college.

A top student who has studied literature for four whole years, and at the same time read a lot of books on literary criticism, and writes some trivial articles for leaders, is it not like Zhang Fei eating bean sprouts - a piece of cake!

"Secretary-General, I will definitely remember this!" Yu Yan said.

"Well, you just need to adapt to the environment today. Leave the secretary's itinerary to Yunchang. Let him teach you the specific matters tomorrow!" the secretary-general said.

Yu Yan knows that the secretary-general is doing this for his own good. If you are not familiar with the work process on the first day, it is easy for something to happen. It’s okay if you don’t participate, but if you delay the secretary’s affairs, you will be in trouble!

"Let's go, I'll take you to your office!" The secretary-general said to Yu Yan and stood up.

As they walked on the road, more and more people started to appear. As soon as they left the building where the Secretary-General was, the Secretary-General and Yu Yan met someone.

"Good morning Secretary-General!" the man said.

"Oh, Secretary Huang, it's quite early for you, haha," the secretary-general said, while Yu Yan stood aside and watched.

"It's okay. The leader has something to do today, so I came a little early. What, Secretary General, you have something to do too?" the man continued.

"It's okay. Secretary Zhang's secretary has not been found yet!" the secretary-general said.

Upon hearing this, the man understood what the Secretary-General meant and smiled at Yu Yan, "Hello, I am Huang Han."

"Hello, I'm Yu Yan!" Yu Yan thought to himself that the person in front of him is not simple, his mind works very fast.

Huang Han's heart skipped a beat when he heard the name. He smiled and said to the Secretary-General, "Secretary-General, I won't disturb your work." After saying that, he waved to the Secretary-General and Yu Yan and left.

Yu Yan was curious about who this person was and how he could talk like this to the Secretary General.

"He is Mayor Wu Qi's secretary." The secretary-general seemed to see Yu Yan's doubts.

"Let's go!" The secretary-general didn't explain much.

In the mayor's office, a middle-aged man who looked to be in his fifties was looking at documents on his desk. He was slightly fat. The most obvious thing was that he was bald with only a few hairs on his head.

Still fighting alone, this person is the top leader of the municipal government, Mayor Wu Qi!


Hearing the knock on the door, Wu Qi raised his head and said, "Please come in!"

The person who came through the door was none other than Huang Han, who had just been chatting with the Secretary-General.

"Leader!" After saying that, he walked into the room and hurriedly refilled Wu Qi's tea cup with water.

"Are you done?" Wu Qi asked.

"Well, I'm done," Huang Han said humbly.

"Leader, I saw a person on the way back just now," Huang Han said cautiously.

"Oh?" Wu Qi knew that Huang Han wouldn't make a mistake, and he must have met an important person.

"It's Secretary Zhang's new secretary!" Huang Han said.

Hearing this, Wu Qi was a little angry. What happened to this Huang Han? Why did he pay attention to such trivial matters?

Seeing that Wu Qi's face was a bit ugly, Huang Han felt nervous, but then continued, "His name seems to be Yu Yan!"

"What's it called?" Wu Qi was shocked when he heard this.

When Huang Han saw that he had received the effect he wanted, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief, "He told me his name is Yu Yan!"

Wu Qi stopped talking. He didn't know what he was thinking. He suddenly said to Huang Han, "Where did he get it from?"

Wu Qi saw the troubled look on Huang Han's face and said, "Go and investigate this matter immediately. There must be no mistakes!"

"Okay, leader, I'll be there right away!" Huang Han wiped the sweat from his head. Unknowingly, he was sweating profusely. It must have been caused by excessive nervousness.

The reason why Huang Han took the risk of being misunderstood by his boss and told Wu Qi about this was because of full consideration.

Just the day before yesterday, he clearly heard Wu Qi saying the name Yu Yan on the phone. Wu Qi looked serious at that time. Obviously this matter was not too small. Today there happened to be someone named Yu Yan and he was also the secretary Zhang Siwen.

secretary, so he kept it in mind.

Yu Yan followed the secretary-general to the upstairs of the secretary's office. The secretary-general pointed to a room next to the secretary's office and said, "Yu Yan, this will be your office from now on!"

Yu Yan found that although the office was not big, it was very luxuriously decorated. There was also a door inside, and he saw that he could enter directly into the secretary's office through that door.

This chapter has been completed!
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