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Chapter 0022 Leadership Talk

Yu Yan followed the secretary-general to the secretary's office. Only then did he really look at the decoration and layout. This office was very large, more than twice as big as the secretary-general's office. There were also several doors inside.

To where.

At this time, Zhang Siwen was on the phone. When he saw the Secretary-General and Yu Yan, he stretched out his right hand and pointed to the sofa in front, meaning to ask them to sit down.

Yu Yan walked towards the sofa, but did not sit down, because the secretary-general did not sit down, but was preparing to pour water.

This time, Yu Yan's mentality was different. Before, he was a guest here, but now, he is the owner here, and the other two people are his leaders. How can a leader pour tea for his subordinates? He immediately

He approached the Secretary-General and said, Secretary-General, let me do it.

The secretary-general looked at him and was a little surprised. He felt that his role had changed very quickly, so he was not polite to him and told him that the water dispenser and tea cups were next door.

Yu Yan took Zhang Siwen's tea cup from the secretary-general and went to his office next door. The office door was closed and unlocked. He pushed it gently and the door opened.

He did not step in, but stood at the door, glanced inside, and thought to himself, this will be his office. His new career will start from here.

This is an office of about 20 square meters. There are two medium-sized desks in it, placed side by side under the window. There is a circle of sofas near the door. It looks a bit old, but it is very clean and spotless. There are probably regular people there every day.


There are several large cabinets between the desk and the sofa. In the corner of the office, there is a vertical water dispenser. The power is on, but it obviously hasn't been on for long, and the heating indicator light is still on.

Yu Yan stepped in, put down Zhang Siwen's purple clay teacup, and opened the cabinet under the vertical water dispenser. He saw that there were many disposable teacups inside, so he took them out and took out two. Because the heating indicator light was not out yet, he needed to wait.

Yu Yan walked to the cabinets and quickly opened them to take a look. Soon, he saw a kettle and tea leaves.

He turned around and got paper cups, put some tea leaves into two of them, looked at the cups again, and found that the paper cups were very thin. If boiling water was put into them, they would not only deform, but they might even be very hot.

He knew what was going on, so he took four paper cups and put tea leaves in the top one. He also picked up the kettle and prepared to wash it. There happened to be a water faucet in the office, so he walked over and washed the kettle.

After washing the kettle, he returned to the office and found that the heating indicator light had gone out. He added some water to the kettle, carried the kettle and cup, and went to the office next door.

By the time he returned to the secretary's office, Zhang Siwen had already finished making the phone call.

Secretary Zhang Siwen also saw him and smiled as if he was satisfied with Yu Yan's performance at this time.

He put the tea on the secretary's desk and handed another cup to the secretary-general.

During this period, the secretary-general also kept looking at Yu Yan. From Yu Yan's every move, the secretary-general came to the conclusion that he might adapt to this kind of life very quickly, at least there would not be too much discomfort.

"Xiao Yu, how are you, have you adjusted?" Secretary Zhang Siwen looked at Yu Yan and said.

"Secretary, I am ready and ready for your review at any time!" Yu Yan said with a serious look on his face, without any trace of affectation.

"Haha, I really like the energetic and energetic character of you young people!" Secretary Zhang Siwen said to Yu Yan.

Yu Yan became nervous when he heard this sentence. The secretary's words were implicit and level. In the officialdom, he has drive and vitality. In other words, he is reckless and high-profile. What is the most taboo thing in the officialdom?

People? Of course they are people who are self-righteous and showy in their actions.

Of course, if it is just put in ordinary life, it is indeed a compliment, but if it is put in officialdom, it is not the same thing.

Yu Yan heard the secretary's knocking intention, thought for a while and said, "Secretary, I must stop being impatient and learn more from others! If there is anything wrong, feel free to criticize me!"

Secretary Zhang Siwen looked at Yu Yan and thought, this Yu Yan is not stupid at all. I hope he can really do what he said!

The secretary-general was standing by and didn't say anything.

"Haha, you don't need to be nervous. We will work together from now on. You must remember to talk less and do more, listen less and learn more!"

"Yes, I remember it, secretary," Yu Yan said.

The secretary looked at the secretary-general and said, "Secretary-General, if you still have something to do, go ahead and do some work. Yu Yan and I will have a chat."

The secretary's words obviously had undoubted meaning. The secretary-general said a few simple words and left. However, before leaving, he gave Yu Yan a deep look.

"Yu Yan, sit down." Zhang Siwen pointed at the sofa. Obviously he knew that Yu Yan must be nervous at this time and would not dare to sit down.

Yu Yan had no choice but to sit on it after the secretary spoke.

"Yu Yan, are you having a good time in Taocheng these days?" Secretary Zhang Siwen asked Yu Yan a question inexplicably.

Upon hearing this, Yu Yan's heart rose to his throat, and he thought to himself, could it be that the secretary knew what happened in Taocheng? What should I do? I should say it or not say it!

Secretary Zhang Siwen saw Yu Yan's thoughts and said again, "Why, are you not doing well?"

Yu Yan thought to himself, forget it, just say it directly, so as not to be so entangled.

"Secretary, actually something happened to me in Taocheng these days." After saying that, Yu Yan told the secretary Zhang Siwen about it.

Zhang Siwen listened, did not speak, and became silent.

Yu Yan felt nervous and his back was wet.

"You can't put yourself in such a dangerous situation in the future. This kind of thing may not necessarily be solved in this way. Remember, don't fight an uncertain battle! Do you understand?" Secretary Zhang Siwen suddenly spoke.

Hearing what the secretary said, Yu Yan felt moved and grateful. What was touching was that he and the secretary had only met a few times so far, but the secretary's words clearly revealed worry and concern.

As for the luck, Yu Yan told the secretary Zhang Siwen the truth. He knew that if he kept this matter secret, the secretary would definitely not ask anything, but he would lose a lot of points in the secretary's heart.

There may even be cases where the secretary is relegated to the sidelines and the secretary is immediately replaced if he is dissatisfied with the secretary.

What do leaders fear most? What they fear the most is that their subordinates do something they don’t know about without telling them. This feeling of being unable to control them is very uncomfortable for them. Just imagine, you know what the leader wants and does, but you do it.

I don’t know what I want to lead but I don’t know, I am afraid or not, I am afraid or not!

"It's the secretary. I did do this a bit recklessly and didn't think it through carefully," Yu Yan said frankly.

"Well, you don't have to be so arrogant. You can find solutions to problems in such a complex environment. You are witty, brave, calm and composed!"

The secretary used four words in a row to describe Yu Yan. After hearing this, Yu Yan felt happy in his heart, as if he had found a confidant. Now his idea is very simple. Even if there are mountains of swords and seas of fire ahead, he is willing to go for the secretary.

In fact, this is also the cleverness of secretary Zhang Siwen. Give him a stick and a carrot, and give him both kindness and power, and I am sure he will be convinced!

Yu Yan, let me ask you another question, "What do you think your relationship with me is?"

Yu Yan was dizzy just now, but now he is back to normal.

In fact, he had read Secretary Zhang’s question in a book. He thought about it and said, “The relationship between the leader and the secretary is not only the leader and the leader, but also the subordinate relationship between the superior and the subordinate.

It is not a vulgar interpretation of master and servant, instructing and obeying, and the title secretary is not synonymous with serving people, flattering, and flattering. Leaders and secretaries are intimate without losing independence, dignity, image, and full of infinite affection. Leaders and secretaries

From this, the relationship between secretaries has been elevated to the level of searching for a close friend in the mountains and rivers, and Boya has broken his harp for a while."

"Haha, well said! Insightful!" Zhang Siwen said happily.

This Yu Yan has a quick mind and speaks well. He is a person who can be cultivated, Zhang Siwen thought.

"I hope you can not only understand what you said, but also do what you said. Do you understand?" Secretary Zhang Siwen continued.

"Yes, I will." Yu Yan spoke concisely and to the point. He knew that he didn't need to say too much, just let the secretary see his performance!

"Well, I still have documents to review. You go to your office first!" Secretary Zhang Siwen said no more. The effect he wanted has been achieved.

"Okay, secretary," Yu Yan said again, and Yu Yan refilled the secretary's water glass with water.

Secretary Zhang didn't speak, just nodded. Yu Yan opened the door and left, then gently closed the door.

After returning to his office, Yu Yan sat down in his seat and felt his heart drop to the ground. This secretarial job is really not easy to do. You have to always look at the leader's behavior. If you are not careful, you may

If you hit a landmine, you may not even know how you died.

Yu Yan began to look at the address book on the table. The secretary-general told him before that he must pay attention when answering the phone, so he should just memorize the phone while he had time. In fact, Yu Yan couldn't stand it now. His heart

Still talking about Secretary Zhang’s words just now, no, I must find someone familiar to ask about the situation. I thought too little before and thought that I could do a good job with just enthusiasm. Now it seems that it is definitely not possible.

He knew too little about the entire municipal party committee's relationship network, and now he felt like he was faltering. He wanted to move forward but didn't know where to go. Now he realized the difficulty of a wise woman making a meal without rice.

For a moment, he thought of a person, a person who might be able to give him some advice but who was absolutely safe! Although he didn't know this person yet!

This chapter has been completed!
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