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Chapter 0192 Works!

"Is that article in "Shanlu Live" coming out soon?" In the afternoon, Zhang Siwen suddenly asked Yu Yan. (.Pure text)

"It should be within the next two days." Yu Yan answered firmly. He had already spoken to the teacher on the phone before.

"It seems that the theoretical seminar is still going to be held. The main thing is to build momentum in public opinion. Once the momentum is borrowed, the matter will be half successful." Secretary Zhang said.

"Okay, I'll contact Professor Luo and Secretary Liu Wei from the province right away." Yu Yan nodded.

To be honest, Yu Yan felt very lucky that he had such an opportunity to increase his knowledge and train himself. He thought that if he became a leader in the future and encountered a situation like the secretary today, he might not be as calm and calm as the secretary.

"Mineral integration is imminent. You can help lay the groundwork first, just test the water, blow some air, and warm up." Zhang Siwen continued.

Yu Yan is a smart man, so he naturally heard the subtext in Zhang Siwen's words.

"Okay! The secretary has given us such an important task, which is a great trust, a great encouragement, and a great test for me. Don't worry, I will definitely follow your instructions and complete the task to the letter.

I believe that as long as the research work is done and the publicity and mobilization is sufficient, this grand project will definitely get the full support of Antai cadres and the masses! Oh, by the way, secretary, how to do this preparation work? To what extent?" Yu Yan first asked

After giving him a lot of uncultured flattery, he asked about the key point.

"We should not only go out for a walk to learn from experience, but also conduct some research within the city, and get some information while doing research. The preheating of the city can be done from bottom to top, from the outside in, starting with the private sector and then with the official government." Zhang

Siwen did it almost without thinking, which showed that he had already planned it.

Yu Yan nodded solemnly while recording.

"During the operation, we must fully consider the difficulties and resistance, pay special attention to the details that are prone to problems, and advance steadily based on the principle of step-by-step. Remember, this project is of great importance and must not be careless. Today I am

I'm giving you a task as a favor to you!" Zhang Siwen said, actually clasping his fists and making a bow.

Two days later, the article "Maintaining the Characteristics of the City, Highlighting the Individuality of the City, and Leading the Integration of Minerals with the Grand Momentum of Building an Economic Province" was grandly launched as the headline of "Shanlu Live" sponsored by the Provincial Party Committee.

Professor Luo indeed did not break his promise. After his careful revision, the article indeed has lofty intentions, sufficient discussion, and very vivid and beautiful writing style. In it, many important and popular theoretical results are cited, which increases the theoretical thickness of the article, especially many

The text directly excerpts the speeches or original works of Secretary Wang of the Provincial Party Committee. The flattery is perfect and not explicit. It is just right and can be called a stroke of genius. Even though Zhang Siwen has been writing articles for decades and has read many books, he has a good sense of himself.

Not low, and I have to praise Professor Luo's level.

Provincial Governor Wang Quanqi also exerted his greatest strength. The article was not mentioned in the headlines, but a striking introduction was given on the cover, and a key introduction was also given in the "Recommendation of this Issue" on the title page of the magazine. Although the introduction text is short, the evaluation is very high

, calling it "a masterpiece that this journal has not seen for many years" and "recommend that all party members and cadres in the province, especially the leading cadres, take the time to read it", and so on. Moreover, this issue has been specially printed with 5,000 copies.

On the basis of the original issuance mainly to units, the focus will be on additional issuance to provincial agencies and some key leaders of provincial municipalities, and the remaining portion will be for future use.

On the day the magazine was released, Zhang Siwen received a lot of phone calls. Among them were some acquaintances and old colleagues in provincial agencies, as well as some party school classmates working in various places. Everyone spoke highly of this article from its conception to its content.

Evaluation. Even the old leader, who usually doesn’t like reading very much, called immediately and said, “Not bad, um, not bad, it’s really good. It can be seen that a lot of effort has been put into it.” He then asked, “Where’s the Provincial Party Committee?

Is there any response?" It was obvious that he had sensed something unusual either from the special timing of the article's publication or from the relevant content mentioned in the article.

The leaders of the provincial party committee, through the operation of Professor Luo and Governor Wang, not only responded very quickly, but also had surprisingly good results, which made Zhang Siwen very excited. On the day he learned the news, he dropped a meeting that was being held at hand and called for an impromptu meeting.

Deciding to take Yu Yan with him, Kuang Mingda hurried to the provincial capital, booked a banquet at the most luxurious Hilton Hotel, and specially invited Professor Luo and Governor Wang to express their gratitude in person, hear the briefing directly, and also discuss the matter.

Convening of special seminars.

On that day, Zhang Siwen turned down all his work, took Yu Yan and went straight to the provincial capital.

In the evening, in the reserved hotel box, Professor Luo and Governor Wang arrived as scheduled.

As soon as they met, Professor Luo seemed even more excited than Zhang Siwen. Regardless of whether it was the first time they met, he gave each of them a solid bear hug. Intellectuals are different from officials. They are reserved and put on airs, but when they are excited, they are

It is easy to show it on the surface. This is probably why the so-called literati are invisible.

"I'm so happy. I didn't expect Secretary Wang to look at it so seriously and carefully!" Professor Luo couldn't wait to introduce his phone call with Secretary Wang.

It turned out that this issue of "Shanlu Live" magazine was delivered to Secretary Wang's desk by Governor Wang himself, and he immediately informed Professor Luo. As a provincial party committee secretary, he was faced with a mountain of various documents, newspapers, and magazines on his desk.

, approval documents, etc., plus a bunch of urgent matters that need to be dealt with, there are so many things to deal with every day, and there are many clues. "Shanlu Live" is an important publication sponsored by the Provincial Party Committee, and he must read every issue, but when should he read it?

What an opinion, but there is a lot of randomness. Since this issue of the magazine contains Zhang Siwen's masterpiece, the Secretary must be serious and study it carefully, and relying on his special relationship with the Secretary, Professor Luo naturally used the Provincial Party Committee

As a specially appointed theoretical consultant, I made a phone call to make recommendations and reminders, and agreed on a time to communicate over the phone about my feelings after reading. This kind of coincidence, with the careful cooperation of my old classmate Wang, Professor Luo has used it quite skillfully.

It has been tried and tested repeatedly. Moreover, in Secretary Wang’s eyes, Professor Luo’s approach is very different from that of many officials around him. It may seem a little offensive, but in fact it shows some different interest and is full of naughty frankness. Therefore, there is no trace of it at all.

It feels abrupt and conflicting.

"What is the secretary's attitude and evaluation?" After all, Yu Yan was not calm enough as a coach, and relying on his teacher-student relationship with Professor Luo, he was quite impatient with Luo Guanzi for taking too long, but he attracted the criticism and restraining eyes of Secretary Zhang.

"What kind of evaluation? Let me tell you, it's a criticism!" Professor Luo looked serious, but there was uncontrollable pride in his eyes.

According to Professor Luo, he had a phone call with Secretary Wang again that night, and indeed the secretary had carefully read Zhang Siwen’s article. Secretary Wang did not have a single word to comment on how well the article was written. He only commented on some of it.

The issue was discussed with Professor Luo. For example, the term "cultural memory" of the city was mentioned in many places in the article. So, this concept of cultural memory has actually been discussed by Xiluo scholars. Domestic experts such as famous writers and folklorists

Feng Jicai also has profound insights. There should be quotations from the original text, and it is also necessary to make a systematic statement. Otherwise, many readers today may not understand this concept, or they may not understand it. Also, one of the subtitles is "Mineral Integration in Construction"

"Function and role in a large economic province", "function" and "role" seem to be too pragmatic, it is better to use the word "status" to be macroscopic and appropriate. In addition, Secretary Wang also pointed out several small points in the article.

The viewpoints were reviewed and some were considered to be further deepened, while others needed to be further supported theoretically, etc.

"Secretary Wang actually talked on the phone for twenty minutes at a stretch, and said he would sit down and discuss it slowly when he had time." Professor Luo stretched out two fingers and shook them again and again.

"So that means Secretary Wang is still not satisfied with this article?" Yu Yan's question was just right stupid, and he was obviously pretending to be stupid.

Professor Luo and Governor Wang, two old classmates, looked at each other and burst into laughter.

"Haha, you are still too immature, at least not politically sensitive enough." Governor Wang didn't know what the trick was, and taught Yu Yan earnestly, "This just means that he is very satisfied with this article and attaches great importance to it. Think about it, a province

Can the secretary of the party committee praise a municipal party secretary casually? The secretary's comments and criticisms mean that he has read it. Just one glance is already enough! What's more, the more detailed and specific the secretary's criticism is, it means that he has an unusual opinion of this article.

That’s quite a lot of attention.”

"If Professor Luo hadn't understood and grasped the spirit of Secretary Wang and the Provincial Party Committee thoroughly, and he had carefully arranged the layout, how could he have achieved such an effect?" Zhang Siwen had already grinned.

The eyebrows were wide and flat without any ripples, and the piece of meat on the right cheek was filled with joy. He raised his glass to Professor Luo and Governor Wang, touched it hard, and drank it all in one gulp.

"What's even more rare is that the day after Secretary Wang had a phone call with Professor Luo, he called me and said that he had only known Zhang Siwen before and wanted to know more about him." Governor Wang drank a toast.

Drinking and being very excited.

Zhang Siwen and Yu Yan already knew about this situation. Secretary Wang asked Governor Wang about the situation, and the latter gave an introduction to the best of his knowledge. At the same time, he immediately notified the director of the Municipal and County Cadres Division of the Organization Department and asked him to compile a written report.

Siwen's personal information was quickly sent to Secretary Wang. Who was the director? Less than an hour after Governor Wang put down the phone, Zhang Siwen's personal profile was immediately sent to him, including the ** recommendations he had just made at Antai and

Evaluation situation.

"Secretary Wang's interrogation will cause a lot of trouble." Professor Luo said half of the sentence, and used an excuse to go to the toilet to relieve himself, intending to create a bigger scandal.

This chapter has been completed!
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