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Chapter 0304 Competition

Although he was not sure that the opponent really wanted to capture Wang Meigui, or was deliberately using Wang Meigui as bait to lure the enemy deeper, no matter which way it was, Yu Yan had only one way to deal with it calmly and assess the situation.

Fortunately, Yu Yan had experienced some storms. He calmed down completely within a few breaths and basically straightened out his thoughts.

Wu Qi will not sit back and watch a good situation be controlled by others, and stand by as the situation becomes more and more unfavorable to him, of course not. Wu Qi will definitely fight back, and he will be ruthless.

Taking Wang Meigui abducted was most likely Wu Qi's first heavy blow in retaliation.

With the unexpected disappearance of Dong Yuanyuan, Wang Meigui has become a node in Antai's situation and has become the object of competition among various forces. In fact, what is being fought for is not Wang Meigui, but the huge wealth that Dong Yuanyuan, who is in charge of Wang Meigui, has collected throughout his life.

As for why Dong Yuanyuan was not kidnapped together with Wang Meigui at the beginning, Yu Yan did not speculate. In any case, the situation is urgent now. Wang Meigui is a female generation. If she is forced to confess, she will probably confess soon.

Get it crystal clear.

After listening to Yu Yan's words, Ma Jiuying pondered for a moment, and probably figured out the link. He said: "Okay, Yu Da Mi, this matter of Wang Meigui. You are in the light and I am in the dark. If there is a need, I will ambush you behind the scenes."

Wherever you are, just ask and I will fully cooperate with your work."

Yu Yan thought for a while and said, "Thank you to the horse racing bureau. Just send someone behind the scenes to help me with the situation. If possible, the horse racing bureau can make a grand gesture to rescue Director Dong."

Ma Jiuying couldn't help but laugh out loud when he heard the voice conveying his intention: "I am making noises in the east and attacking in the west... I am a talented person, busy but not messy. I admire you for coming up with such a clever method so quickly."

"Haha. The horse racing bureau has given me an award. Compared with you, I still have a lot to learn." Yu Yan said politely and hung up the phone.

Zhang Taizhong couldn't help but feel overjoyed when he saw that Yu Yan's command was determined and his general was showing his strength for the first time. Times are hard to come by, and dangers produce heroes. The more critical the moment, the more a person's true ability is revealed. It is said that the true qualities of a hero can only be revealed when the sea is flowing across the sea.

Yu Yan is much more mature than when he first came here, and now he is almost ready for a big job.

"Secretary-General Zhang, I'm sorry, I have to make a few more calls." Seeing that Zhang Taizhong was slightly ignored, Yu Yan said something to Zhang Taizhong, fearing that Zhang Taizhong would feel uncomfortable.

Zhang Taizhong laughed and waved his hand: "I will help you now, just be busy."

Yu Yan smiled. He saw that Zhang Taizhong was indeed open-minded, so he didn't say anything more and directly picked up the phone and called Ma Zhen.

"Brother Zhen, please join Dashan."

Ma Zhen was well-informed and heard about Wang Meigui's kidnapping. "Do you want Changfa to come with you?"

"No, just meet up with Dashan yourself." Yu Yan had already made up his mind, and the situation in Antai was as bright as a mirror in his eyes. "Let the long-haired brother go to Mount Tai to check, spread the word, and say that Dong Yuanyuan will be rescued."

Previously, Yu Yan found out through the painting that Dong Yuanyuan might be in Mount Tai in the western suburbs of Antai. Yu Yan did not ask Meng Dashan to investigate further, but now he asked Ji Changfa to go to Mount Tai alone, and even said that he wanted to rescue Dong Yuanyuan, so he let him

Ma Zhen was confused for a moment.

Taishan is located in the western suburbs of Antai, about three or four kilometers away from the city.

Antai is a mountainous place with countless large and small hills. The terrain is complex. Not only Dong Yuanyuan is imprisoned, but hundreds of people are imprisoned there. It would take less than ten days and a half to find them.

Although Ma Zhen was puzzled by Yu Yan's arrangement, he also knew that his wisdom could not keep up with Yu Yan's thinking. He said unambiguously: "Copy that."

Yu Yan smiled happily.

After arranging everything, Yu Yan was no longer in a hurry. He turned on the stove, boiled a pot of hot water, and said to Zhang Taizhong: "Secretary-General, if there is nothing urgent, how about a pot of tea together?"

"It's no rush," Zhang Taizhong chuckled, his eyes full of admiration and admiration for Yu Yan. Yu Yan's calm and composed layout just now made him understand the fact that Yu Yan's rise has become unstoppable.


When did Yu Yan have two more generals in his hands? Who are Ma Zhen and Ji Changfa? Although Zhang Taizhong had doubts in his heart, he would not ask them. He believed that since Yu Yan called him in front of him, he would

Wanting to make tea means that Yu Yan has something to say.

Sure enough, Yu Yan dug out a bag of tea leaves and said while making tea: "To be honest with the Secretary-General, Ma Zhen and Ji Changfa are friends I met when I first came to Antai."

Zhang Taizhong nodded repeatedly: "It's a good thing, it's a good thing. Brother Yu, you want to sing a big show in Antai."

"Antai is a big stage, but to sing a good show, I can't do it alone. I have to be under the guidance of the secretary-general." The water boiled, and Yu Yan made three cups of tea.

He handed it to Zhang Taizhong and Sun Qian, "Secretary-General, I'm still young and I have something I can't think of. You have to help me."

These words were very useful to Zhang Taizhong. He took the tea in his hand, nodded and said: "I'm just a few years older than you, I've been at Antai longer than you, and I've walked more mountain roads and nights than you. To say that I can help you is a big deal."

Even if I can’t help, I can still help a little bit with small things.”

"Please give instructions from the Secretary-General." Yu Yan was half joking and half serious. Zhang Taizhong followed him all the way, obviously he had something to say.

"Wang Meigui, you have to hurry up and don't stay overnight, otherwise it will be easy to have a long night and have many dreams. But on the one hand, you have to be tight. On the other hand, you can't panic. If you panic, you will get into the hands of your opponent." Zhang Taizhong smiled confidently,

"If you ask me, you made a mistake in letting Meng Dashan protect Wang Meigui. Why? Meng Dashan is too conspicuous and can be easily guarded against. If you let either Ma Zhen or Ji Changfa protect Wang Meigui, today's

Things may have another outcome."

Yu Yan nodded and said sincerely: "Indeed, I didn't expect the other party to take action so quickly."

"It's not too late for you to let Ma Zhen and Meng Dashan meet up. It's not too late to make up for the situation. Let Ji Changfa go to Mount Tai to check it out and say that he wants to rescue Dong Yuanyuan. This is a good move. But according to my guess, letting Ji Changfa go to Mount Tai will make a big move.

strategy, because you know that Dong Yuanyuan will not be trapped in Mount Tai."

Yu Yan smiled knowingly: "Secretary-General is a talented person, he guessed it all right. I admire him, I admire him."

"Don't admire me yet." Zhang Taizhong waved his hand and said with a smile, "Brother Yu, tell me, what kind of chess are you going to play?"

Yu Yan poured himself a cup of tea, which was white tea. Under the influence of boiling water, the white tea spread out in the water.

Yu Yan took a gentle sniff of the tea and said, "To be honest with the secretary-general, I am not playing chess in Antai, but Secretary Zhang. I am at best Secretary Zhang's pawn in the charge."

Zhang Taizhong smiled and shook his head: "There are no outsiders now, brother, you don't have to be too humble. In front of people, you always put Secretary Zhang first, I can understand. But behind people, especially when we are in private

When you speak, you might as well tell the truth."

"What I said is really the truth, not a lie or flattery." Yu Yan did not defend himself too much. He changed the subject, "How did the Secretary-General guess that Dong Yuan was far away from Mount Tai?"

Zhang Taizhong replied: "Intuition. Taishan is too close to the urban area of ​​Antai. And it is too famous. There are many people on the mountain. It is not difficult to hide people, but it is not so easy to hide a fugitive. You know the possibility that Dong Yuanyuan is in Taishan."

He’s not very sexy, but he also deliberately asked Ji Changfa to go to Mount Tai to show off. Is he trying to make a fool of himself, or is he just trying to frighten others?”

Yu Yan really wanted to alert the snake, and Ji Changfa went to Mount Tai to show off. The master behind the scenes who trapped Dong Yuanyuan would definitely be alerted. The master behind the scenes would definitely be vigilant, and maybe even check whether the place where Dong Yuanyuan was actually imprisoned was safe. In this way

Come, maybe it will be exposed

Of course, Yu Yan's original intention was not to reveal the location where Dong Yuanyuan was actually imprisoned. He just wanted to create trouble for the other party and prevent him from having an easy time.

Zhang Taizhong was stunned for a moment, then suddenly smiled meaningfully, "What a great brother, I bet you are deceiving me."

"I wouldn't dare." Yu Yan also smiled, "If the secretary-general doesn't reveal his clever ideas, you can see that the tea has gone cold."

Zhang Taizhong smiled even more mysteriously: "It's not that I won't say it, but it's just that the time has not come. You must be still waiting for the call. When your call arrives, it won't be too late for me to say it."

Sun Qian could clearly see the back-and-forth between Yu Yan and Zhang Taizhong, but she was confused and did not understand what was going on. No wonder she was confused, and so were Yu Yan and Zhang Taizhong.

It is not a real contest, but they are just trying to speculate on the further development of the situation in Antai through the Wang Meigui incident, so as to explain their respective views on Dong Yuanyuan's fate.

At the same time, Zhang Taizhong took the initiative to intervene in the Wang Meigui incident, and his face was determined, which proved that he must have an idea, but he just kept hiding the treasure without telling him. Yu Yan deliberately forced him to speak. But it seems that Zhang Taizhong is not only patient, but also

Confidence means not saying anything and waiting for Yu Yan's phone to ring again.

The battle of wits and prowess in the officialdom is sometimes a very interesting thing. There are hidden tips inside and outside the words. Sometimes we also pay attention to the inheritance and transformation, or hidden murderous intentions. We use the lethality of language to kill the enemy invisibly. The competition is the high level of intelligence.

and language skills.

Of course, the fight between Yu Yan and Zhang Taizhong is different from the competition between opponents. It is more appropriate to call it a discussion. In fact, it is a face-to-face communication, but the words are not so straightforward.

After finishing the first pot of tea, Yu Yan started boiling the second pot of tea before the call came.

When the second pot of tea was boiling, the long-awaited call finally came in. As expected, it was Ma Jiuying.

"After the other party came out of the roadside store, he changed into a Honda and drove towards the western suburbs. When he arrived in the western suburbs, he changed into a Toyota. Then he drove into Xiaosu Village and lost the clue. The other party was indeed a veteran.

If it weren't for my many hidden connections, the connection would have been disconnected the first time I changed the car, but I have tentatively determined that Wang Meigui should be within a ten-kilometer radius centered on Xiaosu Village."

Ma Jiuying was really good at finding out so much useful information in a short period of time. Although Wang Meigui's specific location was not finally determined, it was narrowed down to within ten kilometers. It was no longer as confusing as finding a needle in a haystack.


"Thank you, Jockey Club, for your hard work." Yu Yan said politely, "Leave the rest to me."

"You really don't need my help?" Ma Jiuying asked again uncertainly, "If we continue to investigate, we will definitely be able to find Wang Meigui's whereabouts within 24 hours."

"It's really not necessary." Yu Yan said sincerely, "24 hours is too late. I'm afraid Wang Meigui won't be able to survive 24 hours. To be honest, she won't even be able to survive 4 hours."

"That's true." Ma Jiuying's voice dropped a bit, "But the more strength, the more hope."

Yu Yan didn't mean anything else. He just felt that Ma Jiuying's target was too big and could easily be countered by the opponent. Besides, he also wanted to use Ma Jiuying's hand to frighten his opponent, and wanted Ma Jiuying to scare off the enemy.

If Ji Changfa went to Mount Tai to rescue Dong Yuanyuan, it would only scare the snake, but only the small snake would be alarmed. However, as long as the small snake is alarmed, the big snake will show its tail, and Ma Jiuying will go out to catch the big snake.

"The horse racing bureau misunderstood, I didn't mean anything else." Yu Yan explained, "I received news that Director Dong may be on Mount Tai. Now someone is verifying the news. If the news is true, good steel will be used.

On the edge of the sword, it’s time for the Horse Game to take action.”

"Oh... is the news reliable?" Ma Jiuying naturally did not want to be idle. "If it is reliable, I will be ready to take action at any time."

"Not necessarily." Yu Yan was not sure, "but I suggest that the horse racing team concentrate on the situation and be ready for an attack at any time."

After hanging up the phone, not long after, the phone rang again. It was Meng Dashan calling.

"Brother Yu, I asked, but he didn't know the specific location. He only knew that the last place changed hands was in Xiaosu Village." Meng Dashan's voice was full of excitement, "Do you want to rush to Xiaosu Village right away?"

"Take people back to the city and ask Ma Zhen to go to Xiaosu Village." Yu Yan ordered without hesitation, "If you contact Big Brother Changfa, we will retreat from Mount Tai immediately."

"What?" Meng Dashan was very puzzled by Yu Yan's arrangement, "Brother Yu, at this critical moment, I can't retreat?"

"Stop talking nonsense and hurry up." Yu Yan didn't bother to explain to Meng Dashan, "This matter involves the interests of several parties. You are still very weak now. There is no need to force yourself. Go back immediately."

"Okay." Meng Dashan became even more angry when he heard this. He didn't dare to say more and said immediately, "I will do it immediately."

Putting down the phone, Yu Yan took a deep breath. Seeing that Zhang Taizhong was still sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai, he smiled, rolled up his sleeves and said: "Secretary-General, since you are very patient, why don't I show you my hand again?"


Yu Yan knew very well that Zhang Taizhong was always certain about Wang Meigui's kidnapping. He seemed to know something, but he didn't say it. He didn't know whether he was waiting for an opportunity or deliberately showing off. No matter what the reason was for Zhang Taizhong not to say it, I believe

He means no harm.

Zhang Taizhong deliberately stood by to watch him make decisions and discuss the overall situation. Okay, let Secretary-General Zhang Da watch enough. Yu Yan chuckled, rolled up his sleeves and ordered Sun Qian: "Sun Qian, make peace."

It's dinner time now. We originally made an appointment to have dinner with Wang Meigui, but unexpectedly, Wang Meigui was kidnapped. This made Yan Yan panic for a while. He couldn't eat dinner yet, so he had to make enough food and clothing by himself.


Sun Qian was not as calm and calm as Yu Yan. She said anxiously: "How long has it been and you still want to meet me? Wang Meigui was taken away just to see you. If there is something wrong with her, how can you be worthy of her?"


Yes, if something unexpected happens to Wang Meigui, Yu Yan is really sorry for Wang Meigui's trust and entrustment to him, but he is anxious and urgent. No matter how anxious he is, he can only worry in his heart and not in the matter. Slow things down, and things will go smoothly.

Haste leads to chaos, and you cannot mess up your position before your opponent uses real methods.

"Don't worry, Sun Qian. The big net has been cast out. What you have to do now is to wait for the fish to enter the net before closing it. Otherwise, closing the net in a hurry may scare away the big fish and only catch a few small ones.

You are just wasting a good opportunity." Yu Yan said with a smile, his eyes falling on Zhang Taizhong intentionally or unintentionally.

Zhang Taizhong remained standing tall and motionless, just bowing his head and drinking tea.

Among the three of them, Zhang Taizhong seemed to be unconcerned, while Yu Yan was confident that he had everything under control. Only Sun Qian was anxious and almost rushed out to find Wang Meigui.

.On the surface, it seems that Sun Qian is most concerned about Wang Meigui's safety. In fact, this is not the case. Whether it is Yu Yan's calmness or Zhang Taizhong's staying out of the matter, they are all illusions. The real situation is that both Yu Yan and Zhang Taizhong are more dangerous than Sun Qian.

Concerned about Wang Meigui's personal safety.

It's just that Sun Qian's concern is superficial. She is anxious and anxious, but to no avail. But Yu Yan and Zhang Taizhong's concern is real concern. They are strategizing to save Wang Meigui and escape from the tiger's mouth. So some things cannot be seen only by looking at them.

On the surface, when an accident occurs, it is mostly women who sit on the ground and cry loudly, and it is mostly men who hold back their grief and deal with the aftermath in an orderly manner.

Crying and panicking are just manifestations of incompetence and helplessness. They serve no purpose except increasing worries and confusing people's emotions.

However, Yu Yan would not accuse Sun Qian of panic to her face. Women are women after all, and their nature is like this. No matter how strong and independent they are, they will still be panicked when something big happens. He continued to comfort Sun Qian: "I'm here. No, the main thing is

With Secretary-General Zhang here, Wang Meigui can definitely be rescued before dawn, no, in the middle of the night."

Zhang Taizhong heard Yu Yan's words of support for him, and said with a smile: "Brother Yu, please don't look down on me, and don't place all your hopes on me. If anything happens to Wang Meigui then, I will

Wouldn’t that make you a sinner?”

Seeing that Zhang Taizhong still didn't want to tell the truth, Yu Yan didn't waste any more words. Zhang Taizhong didn't say anything for a long time. In addition to the lack of opportunity, he must have been scrutinizing him and wanted to see if his arrangement could meet expectations.

As a result, if it is like this, I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry, but at least I can eat hot sesame seed cakes first.

Sun Qian also gradually calmed down. Seeing Yu Yan brought a basin and lit a fire, she felt inexplicably calmer. Thinking of Yu Yan's various methods in the past, she became more interested in the man in front of her who was not even older than her.

Dependence and trust, yes, no matter how big the storm is, he can always deal with it calmly.

After thinking about it like this, Sun Qian was no longer anxious. Instead, she felt a little ashamed for her rudeness just now. She quickly fetched some noodles and water, and put it into the basin according to the proportion.

Yu Yan washed his hands, lit up the fire, and then started kneading the dough.

Kneading his hands together, the white noodles slowly took shape in his hands, turning from a ball of loose sand into a united ball. After kneading it several times, the white noodles became more chewy and chewy.

Zhang Taizhong was dumbfounded. He had known Yu Yan for a long time, and he didn't know that Yu Yan had this skill. Of course, making noodles is not a great skill, but it depends on who is making the noodles. If it is

It doesn't matter that he is a pastry chef or an old man who makes sesame seeds, but he is Yu Yan, the first secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, which is surprising and admirable.

As the saying goes, a soldier who doesn't want to be a general is not a good soldier. If a chef who doesn't want to be a general is not a good chef, it would be a joke. But the scene now makes Zhang Taizhong both surprised and funny. Who would have thought that the Municipal Party Committee, which is so famous in front of others and behind others, is not a good cook.

The first secretary is as professional as a pastry chef in kneading techniques, and his movements are skillful and graceful, just like an art.

What surprised Zhang Taizhong was not only Yu Yan's professional skills in making noodles, but also his focused expression when he was engaged, without any distractions, as if the world was not as big as making noodles. He couldn't help but secretly marvel at it. If he had just said that

He thought that Yu Yan's determination seemed to be pretending to be calm, but now he understood that Yu Yan was indeed confident that he had everything under control.

Moreover, Yue Yan allowed him to see the truest side, which also showed Yu Yan's absolute trust in him, and his relationship with Yu Yan was once again closer in his heart.

Yu Yan secretly observed Zhang Taizhong's reaction, and saw that Zhang Taizhong was surprised but also a little relieved. He was determined, secretly smiled, and speeded up his hands. In a moment, he made a piece of noodles.

At this time, the fire was raging, and Yu Yan shouted: "Sun Qian, help me."

Sun Qian had seen Yu Yan making sesame seed cakes and knew what kind of help Yu Yan needed from her, so she stepped forward and tied Yu Yan's apron, then turned around and opened the furnace. When Yu Yan saw that the heat was up, his hands flew around and he started making pancakes in a matter of seconds.

After finishing the three sesame cakes, I threw them into the furnace with a raised hand.

Although the place where Yu Yan lived was not big, there was a stove. Zhang Taizhong stood up and leaned back against the wall to make room for Yu Yan to perform.

Within a few minutes, three sesame cakes were freshly baked. Yu Yan first took out the brownest one and handed it to Zhang Taizhong: "Secretary-general, you are the first municipal party committee member to eat sesame cakes made by me myself."

Zhang Taizhong knew the elegant meaning of the song after hearing it, and he laughed: "It's an honor, it's an honor."

He took the sesame cake, took a big bite, tasted it, and immediately praised it: "It's delicious, it's delicious. Brother Yu, your skills are really impressive."

Yu Yan laughed loudly: "As the saying goes, if you are an official and do not make decisions with the people, it is better to go back and sell sweet potatoes. If I fail in the officialdom one day, I will simply open a sesame cake shop and I can support myself."

"Don't tell me, there are quite a few officials selling sesame cakes in the officialdom." Zhang Taizhong was also hungry, so he ate the sesame cakes in large gulps, and he killed one of them in just a few bites.

"How do you say this?" Yu Yan asked.

Zhang Taizhong blinked his eyes and smiled quietly: "Many officials are servile to foreign companies for the sake of GDP. They even let foreign companies ride on their heads, but they still have to smile. They are uncles in front of Chinese people and pretend to be grandsons in front of foreigners. See you

Foreigners are as cheap as Wu Dalang meeting Ximen Qing."

"Haha, that's good." Yu Yan laughed loudly. He didn't expect that Zhang Taizhong also had a jealous side. It is true that in the process of introducing foreign investment, many prefecture and city officials behaved not to mention having backbone, and even had a personality.

Sold to foreigners.

"Sun Qian, make porridge and serve pickles. Today I want to have a dinner with the secretary-general to remember the bitterness and sweetness." Yu Yan kept working, and after ten minutes, seven or eight sesame seed cakes came out of the oven. At the same time, Sun Qian's porridge also

It’s done.

The three of them sat together and had a unique dinner. For Zhang Taizhong, who was used to eating big fish and meat, this was the first time he sat in a narrow room and had a meal cooked by the first secretary of the municipal party committee.

After a good dinner, he felt very comfortable, but he also knew that he would not get reward for his efforts. Although Yu Yan was not a high-ranking person, he was a dignified First Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee. Not everyone was qualified to be served personally by the First Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee.


It can even be said that Zhang Siwen is the only person in the city who is qualified to let the first secretary of the Municipal Party Committee cook in person and treat him as a distinguished guest. Therefore, if you are more polite to others, you must ask for something. Zhang Taizhong thought that it was time for him to confess.


To put it bluntly, Zhang Taizhong did not mean to manipulate Yu Yan, but he wanted to wait and see, to see with his own eyes how much Yu Yan was worth and whether he was qualified to become a core figure in the future. If he decided to unite around Yu Yan

, he must recognize Yu Yan's character and abilities and cannot trust others. At his age, he cannot afford one mistake. One mistake will be a lifelong regret.

Just after dinner, the hour hand pointed to eight o'clock in the evening. Yu Yan's phone rang quickly again. Sun Qian was clearing away the dishes. Suddenly her eyes lit up and she asked: "Is there any news?"

Yu Yan smiled slightly: "Don't worry, it's the Jockey Bureau." As he spoke, he answered the phone, "Jockey Bureau, what's the latest development?"

"Wang Meigui's whereabouts are still unknown, but there is another situation..." Ma Jiuying's tone clearly revealed a hint of doubt, "Someone went to Mount Tai and said that Director Dong was in Mount Tai. As a result, there was no movement in Mount Tai, but someone came down from Zhongguan Mountain overnight."

After beating the grass, the snake was indeed alerted, and Yu Yan was greatly relieved. Regardless of whether Dong Yuanyuan was really in Zhongguan Mountain, at least his plan to seize the opportunity to attack the east and attack the west had worked.

"Have you sent anyone to Zhongguan Mountain?" Yu Yan asked hurriedly.

"A rescue team consisting of more than 10 people has set off for Zhongguan Mountain ten minutes ago. If nothing unexpected happens, it will arrive at Zhongguan Mountain in ten minutes." Ma Jiuying's words were calm and powerful, "Then I will focus on focusing on

Now that you are in Zhongguan Mountain, Wang Meigui's fate will be left to you. I can't help you much, I'm sorry."

"Thank you for your trouble, Lao Ma Bureau." Yu Yan said politely, and then hung up the phone. It was as if a stone had fallen from his heart, and he felt a sense of relief.

"Did Jockey take action?" Zhang Taizhong smiled indifferently, "This move knocks the mountain and shakes the tiger, it's awesome!"

"Yes, the secretary-general is right. The horse racing bureau dispatched a team mostly to shock the mountain." Yu Yan believed that Ma Jiuying had guessed his thoughts. What he wanted was to take advantage of Wang Meigui's accident to alert Dong Yuan.

If even a trace of Yuan's whereabouts is revealed, the goal will be achieved.

Ma Jiuying was very cooperative with his acting and did not forcefully intervene in Wang Meigui's affairs. As soon as there was any movement in Zhongguan Mountain, he did not hesitate to take action, which shows that Ma Jiuying already knew Yu Yan's method.

Ma Jiuying is really a smart man. He followed Yu Yan's ideas and followed the current.

If Zhang Siwen is a master in the officialdom, killing people invisible and controlling the enemy without making a sound, then Ma Jiuying is a strong man in the officialdom, with superb survival skills, strong disguise ability, and first-class adaptability. No matter how bad it is,

He can deal with any complex environment with ease and stand out from it with ease. He is like a chameleon, changing his skin color at any time to blend in with the surrounding environment and create the maximum living space for himself.

Zhang Siwen's superb methods are suitable for high-level officialdom duels, and Ma Jiuying's ability to survive and adapt is of great use, whether from the grassroots to the top. To describe it inappropriately, Zhang Siwen pays too much attention to techniques and techniques.

, just like the old British gentleman, Ma Jiuying does whatever it takes to achieve his goals, but he can cleverly hide the most sinister and ugly side. Just like the United States, which talks about benevolence and morality, but is actually a robber at heart.

In a world of politics where the jungle prevails, the diplomatic methods of Britain, a veteran gentleman, are far less effective than the diplomatic strategies of the United States, which hides its chest hair under its tie and is a gangster on its left hand and a gentleman on its right hand.

As for who is more skillful between Zhang Siwen and Ma Jiuying, Yu Yan has no intention of comparing. He just needs to make use of their strengths and avoid their weaknesses, and learn from the strengths of each person.

Learning is like sailing against the current. If you don't advance, you will retreat. In fact, the same is true in the officialdom. Live and learn, always learn the strengths of everyone around you, and constantly correct your own shortcomings. Only then can you adapt to the road of officialdom, which is like walking on thin ice. Just like the one before you.

Zhang Taizhong also has a lot to learn from Yu Yan. Zhang Taizhong is a righteous person, has a wide network of relationships, and has a middle- and lower-level foundation.

Many times, things that a superior person may not be able to do can be easily accomplished by a subordinate.

As the saying goes, shrimps have their own paths, crabs have their own paths, the eight immortals cross the sea, and each shows his or her magical powers. Even for a high-ranking and powerful person like Zhang Siwen, there are many things that are inconvenient for him to do. He must have Yu Yan to open roads and build bridges across mountains and rivers, so in officialdom

There are no single-handed generals, only teams that work together. Without team awareness, it is difficult to achieve great things by just one person.

A flower blooming alone is not spring, but spring is full of colorful flowers. An excellent official must have a sense of teamwork that shares weal and woe. If Zhang Siwen is Yu Yan’s leader in officialdom, then Ma Jiuying can be regarded as Yu Yan’s companion on the road to officialdom.

In other words, he was a senior brother, and Zhang Taizhong was his ally.

"You mean, Ma Jiuying guessed that Dong Yuan was far away from Zhongguan Mountain?" Zhang Taizhong asked.

Yu Yan raised his hand and looked at the time and said: "Yes, Ma Ju is very smart. Of course he can guess that Dong Yuanyuan is not on Zhongguan Mountain at all. The reason why he put up a formation to mobilize troops to rescue is actually to cooperate with me.


Zhongguan Mountain is 25 kilometers away from downtown Antai and not far from Mount Tai. It is not a tourist attraction. It is a bare mountain. The mountain is not big and usually inaccessible. There are quite a few caves. If you are talking about Tibetans, it is really a good choice.

But with Yu Yan's wisdom and Ma Jiuying's cleverness, it only takes a little calm thought to understand that Dong Yuanyuan would never hide in Zhongguan Mountain.

There is no other reason, just because since the other party kidnapped Dong Yuanyuan quietly, he must have made complete preparations before, and could not be exposed so easily. The one who beat Taishan here was deliberately letting off the wind, and the other party deliberately made it in Zhongguan Mountain.

The movement and stillness are also intended to confuse the audience.

To be fair, Yu Yan had no intention of rescuing Dong Yuanyuan tonight, and he also knew that beating Taishan to alarm Zhongguan Mountain was just an indirect confrontation, a warning that was not rude, and a rehearsal before the official confrontation.


Yu Yan wanted to tell the other party, don't think that I don't know that you kidnapped Dong Yuanyuan. The other party, Zhong Guanshan, responded by telling Yu Yan, what can you do if you know it? You can neither disclose Dong Yuanyuan's disappearance nor find it.

Dong Yuanyuan's real hiding place is just a blind man lighting a lamp in vain.

The other party may still be laughing at Yu Yan behind his back, saying it was just a bluff, but they don't know that Yu Yan's goal has been achieved. Ma Jiuying dispatched troops to attack Zhongguan Mountain, which is the biggest gain of Yu Yan's move. From this, Yu Yan has a new understanding of Ma Jiuying.

Understanding and defining Ma Jiuying, whether Ma Jiuying deliberately took advantage of her or was really motivated by old feelings, gave Yu Yan more confidence in Ma Jiuying.

"What kind of scene can I play with you?" Zhang Taizhong asked knowingly. He also raised his hand and looked at the time. "Time is running out. Brother Yu, if your scene doesn't end, Wang Meigui will be unable to withstand it."

"Don't worry, wait and see. If there is movement in Zhongguan Mountain, it proves that the other party has mobilized manpower to go to Zhongguan Mountain. Then relatively speaking, the power around Wang Meigui will be much weaker." Yu Yan said, "Ma Jiuying sent people there.

Zhongguan Mountain is just a big show with gongs and drums, which will also cause a certain amount of psychological pressure on the other party."

"I really underestimated you before, brother Yu, you are getting more and more surprising now." Zhang Taizhong chuckled, "So, your purpose of disrupting the opponent's deployment has been achieved, so what should we do next? Ma Jiuying is making trouble.

No matter how cruel he is, it doesn't matter whether he can rescue Dong Yuan or not. What's important is that if you can't rescue Wang Meigui, all your plans will be a failure."

Zhang Taizhong is right. All the insinuations were just to implement one thing and successfully rescue Wang Meigui. Now Wang Meigui is the node. Whoever hands Wang Meigui safely and safely in the end will be the winner. In comparison, Dong Yuanyuan is just

Fulcrums, fulcrums can be abandoned at any time, but nodes cannot, and nodes are crucial to the overall plan.

If Dong Yuanyuan knew that he is now worse than Wang Meigui in the eyes of all parties, who knows what he would think? Of course, no one cares what he thinks.

"Here, have another cup of tea." Yu Yan heated up the tea again and raised his hand to look at the time for the second time, with a trace of anxiety on his face.

"Haha, I thought you were always as stable as a rock, but it turns out that there are times when you are anxious." Zhang Taizhong pointed with his hand and said with a smile.

"What did the Secretary-General say? How old is Yu Yan? It's great that he can be so calm. You should encourage him to support him instead of laughing at him." Sun Qian quit and hurriedly spoke to defend Yu Yan.

Yu Yan waved his hand, wanting to say something, but the phone rang rapidly again. When he saw the call, his brows relaxed a little.

It's Ma Zhen.

"I was in Xiaosu Village and discovered something. In a house in the east of the village, suspicious people suddenly came in and out."

"Keep an eye on it, don't take action yet." Yu Yan was overjoyed. His strategy worked. He asked Chang Ji to send a warning to the snake, but the other party cooperated very well and revealed the snake's tail, creating a commotion in Zhongguan Mountain.

Then he asked Ma Jiuying to march to Zhongguan Mountain with great fanfare, intending to knock the mountain to shock the tiger. Sure enough, when the little snake moved, the tiger's tail was also exposed.

Ma Jiuying was so famous that he sent a team of more than ten people to Zhongguan Mountain. Whether it was to continue the show or to confuse his own side, the other party had to strengthen the protective force in Zhongguan Mountain in order to make the show win.

More fully, it is also to conceal Dong Yuanyuan's true hiding place from being discovered, and to protect Zhongguan Mountain as Dong Yuanyuan's true hiding place.

But in this case, the other side will definitely send troops and generals to Zhongguan Mountain. So in a hurry, it is impossible to mobilize frontal forces to get Meng Dashan to come back. This is to tell the other side, don’t even think about transferring people from the city. Once you transfer, you will be killed by yourself.

If one party notices it, then the other party has only one way to mobilize the manpower to kidnap Wang Meigui.

The competition in the officialdom has always been a competition of intelligence and an overall grasp of the overall situation. Whoever has better skills, who has a longer vision, who can take the lead in everything, will be the final winner.

Yu Yan advanced step by step, setting up defenses everywhere and commanding decisively. He not only mobilized all the forces around him, but also relied on Ma Jiuying's reputation to finally force the opponent to reveal Wang Meigui's hiding place!

It can be said that Ma Jiuying is smart and cooperates well with Yu Yan's acting. He beats gongs and drums and sends troops to Zhongguan Mountain, pretending to really rescue Dong Yuanyuan.

If Dong Yuanyuan's real hiding place were to strengthen its defense, they were afraid that Ma Jiuying was planning to attack the east and west, and that Yu Yan had a back-up plan. In this case, they would be stretched thin and fall into the trap of Yu Yan's plan to attack the east and west, cover up the truth and try to hide the truth.


Yu Yan used a chain of tricks, and there was a plan within a plan. It was also the first time in his life since he entered the officialdom that he had fully opened up his intelligence. He raised his IQ to the extreme before he came up with a plan within a plan. Of course, to be honest, there was no way he could do it.

If Yi Yuyan miscalculated, he might not only get nothing, but also risk Wang Meigui's life. But then again, he was forced by the situation and had to take risks.

Zhuge was cautious in his life, and Lu Duan was not confused about big things, but Yu Yan had an adventurous spirit in his heart, and he would have the idea of ​​taking risks from time to time, and Yu Yan was not only not confused about big things, but also not negligent about small things.

Upon hearing that something was going on, Zhang Taizhong and Sun Qian both looked at Yu Yan with wide eyes.

Yu Yanyu was busy and calm, and he pondered for a moment and said: "Brother Changfa and the others should have descended from Mount Tai according to the plan. When returning to the city from Mount Tai, they will pass by Xiaosu Village. Wait for Brother Changfa and you guys."

Let’s start again after regrouping.”

This chapter has been completed!
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