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Chapter 0305 victory and defeat

"The two of us can also save Wang Guigui. We don't have to wait for Changfa and the others." Ma Zhen said slightly anxiously, "The situation is urgent. I'm afraid if something changes..."

"No, we must wait until the long-haired brother and the others." Yu Yan thought for a moment and said without any doubt, "You can't show up now. Once you show up, you will be completely exposed. In case Wang Meigui is not in Xiaosu Village. After you are exposed.

If you try to save people by accident, you will have no chance."

Ma Zhen finally understood Yu Yan's careful arrangement, but he was still puzzled: "You have to try to find out whether Wang Meigui is in Xiaosu Village. If you wait any longer, I'm afraid something will happen."

Although Yu Yan has an adventurous spirit in his heart, his adventurous spirit is based on rationality and careful calculation. It is not a random accident. Now is the most critical moment, and there can be no more mistakes. Otherwise, the snake may be alerted the first time.

Run, and scare the snake the second time. The snake will bite.

Venomous snake bites are not fun and can kill people.

The purpose of letting Meng Dashan return to the city is to monitor the other party and prevent the other party from transferring people from the city bureau. Although the Public Security Bureau is now Ma Jiuying's territory, it is impossible for such a large public security bureau to be run airtight by Liang Xuan and Ma Jiuying.

There must be a loophole. The other party may also have power in the Municipal Public Security Bureau that cannot be underestimated.

It now seemed that there was nothing wrong with Yu Yan's arrangements. Everything was within his expectations. Even Ma Jiuying's active cooperation was within his expectations. However, at the final moment of taking action, he still hesitated.

Although Xiaosu Village has been verified by Ma Jiuying and interrogated by Meng Dashan successively, and it is confirmed that it is the handover place where the other party transferred Wang Meigui to Wang Meigui, but if the situation changes, or the other party temporarily decides not to transfer Wang Meigui, but lets Wang Meigui continue to hide in the small village

Although Su Village and Xiao Su Village are small, there are still thousands of people. If you want to search for a person from house to house, it is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

If Ma Zhen and the others are exposed at this time, they will not be able to receive the effect of the surprise weapon. Moreover, the biggest sequelae is that once exposed, it will be difficult to become invisible. This means that Yu Yan's secret power is completely known to the opponent, and Yu Yan will no longer want to secretly

It would be extremely difficult to plan and act. The most important thing is that if Ma Zhen misses a hit, and if he is injured by the opponent, Yu Yan will have almost no one available!

Yu Yan could hardly bear such a serious consequence, so he had to wait for Ji Changfa and the others to come down the mountain to join Ma Zhen. During this period, he would observe whether there were any changes in the situation, so as to ensure that everything was safe and not to take action.

That’s it, you’ll hit the mark as soon as you take action.

"Wait for my call." Yu Yan did not explain anything to Ma Zhenduo, "You should contact the long-haired brother immediately and ask them to meet you."

"Yes!" Ma Zhen had doubts about Yu Yan's order for the first time, but he still abided by his duty as a subordinate and said nothing more.

"You are right, brother Yu, now is not a good time." Zhang Taizhong saw Yu Yan commanding Ruoding for the first time. He admired Yu Yan's overall view and prompt decision-making, and also admired Yu Yan's ability to make the final blow.

He cautiously agreed, "If we wait a little longer, the other party may still be planning a counterattack."

"Why are you still waiting? Didn't everyone find out that Wang Meigui is in Xiaosu Village?" Sun Qian couldn't sit still anymore, "What if we wait any longer and she is ruined by bad guys?"

Yu Yan shook his head: "No, don't worry. Even if the bad guys want to destroy her, they have no chance. From the moment she was caught to now, the other party is trying to move her to a secret place. Before she is completely settled,

Not to mention that the other party has a chance to ruin her, they don't even have time to interrogate her."

Sun Qian refused: "You are not them, how do you know they don't have time?"

Yu Yan and Zhang Taizhong looked at each other and smiled understandingly. Zhang Taizhong took over the conversation: "Brother Yu is right. Now that the other party is being pressed harder and harder, his heart must be on fire. How can he still have the time to attack Wang Meigui."

"Hmph, I don't believe it." Sun Qian snorted and sat on the horse. Her plump body was even more sexy because she was sitting relatively low on the horse, but Yue Yan had no intention of appreciating her beauty.

Although the three of them are in a shabby room, they have become the eye of the storm in Antai, which is no less than the command center of the Municipal Party Committee Secretary's Office. If the three of them don't take a step, they can stir up the situation in Antai.

The Municipal Public Security Bureau mobilized its troops in large numbers, and the gongs and drums in Mount Tai and Zhongguan Mountain, far away from the urban area of ​​Antai, were noisy.

"Sun Qian, you don't understand this. Don't look at Brother Yu sitting here. In fact, he is now the eye of the storm in Antai, and all the whirlwinds are spinning around him." Zhang Taizhong continued, "The other party must not have

I thought that just after I captured Wang Meigui, things would happen one after another. First, Taishan was released, and then Ma Jiuying sent troops to Zhongguan Mountain. It was like he kidnapped Wang Meigui on the front foot, and the pursuers on the back foot chased him behind his back. This feeling, if you are not in the officialdom, is

I have no personal experience. In this situation, what the other party wants to do most is to successfully transfer Wang Meigui out, so Wang Meigui still has at least four or five hours of safety..."

"Will Wang Meigui be rescued within four or five hours?" Although Sun Qian had just met Wang Meigui for the first time, she was kind-hearted and always felt that Wang Meigui was kidnapped because of her, so she felt guilty.

"If we can't save Wang Meigui, this battle will be lost." Yu Yan said in a low voice, "If we lose this battle, the subsequent battles may not be easy to fight, right, Secretary-General?"

Zhang Taizhong was attacked by General Yu Yan again, but he still insisted not to say: "Wait, wait, wait, if you really have no more moves in the end, I won't be too late to use my method. The main thing is that my method is the last one."

One move, if used, may destroy a person, but out of protection for him, I want to persist until the last moment."

Yu Yan nodded: "I understand the Secretary-General's good intentions, and I also want to use my own method to solve it..."

As soon as he finished speaking, Yu Yan's cell phone rang again. When Yu Yan saw that it was Ma Jiuying calling again, he smiled slightly: "It should be almost done."

"Jockey Bureau, what's the progress?"

"Brother Yu, we have arrived at Zhongguan Mountain and are searching. However, our preliminary judgment is that there is no one we are looking for in Zhongguan Mountain." Ma Jiuying's tone was very calm. "We will search for another half hour. If there is no harvest, we will withdraw."

"It doesn't take half an hour. Fifteen minutes is enough." Yu Yan's actions in Zhongguan Mountain only hit the mountain Zhenhu. "If there is no harvest in fifteen minutes, there is no point in continuing the search."

Ma Jiuying pondered for a moment and said, "Do we need to increase our efforts?"

Yu Yan understood that Ma Jiuying's implication was to ask if Zhongguan Mountain should be more aggressive so that the other party could continue to send more manpower. He thought for a while and said: "No, Zhongguan Shan's moves are old. If you know the other party,

In addition to sending more manpower to Zhongguan Mountain, it would be nice to send more manpower to any other mountain top."

Zhongguan Mountain is a cover. If there are abnormal personnel transfers in another location, it is Dong Yuanyuan's real hiding place. As soon as Yu Yan finished speaking, Ma Jiuying chuckled and said: "From now on, we will see the success or failure in ten minutes."


As soon as Ma Jiuying finished speaking, she hung up the phone without further explanation, which left Yu Yanwei confused. Had Ma Jiuying found out Dong Yuanyuan's real hiding place, or was he using another clever trick?

While I was thinking about it, Meng Dashan called me.

"Brother Yu, there is something unusual happening in the city bureau."

"What's going on?"

"A few criminal police officers drove out urgently, as if there was a major case, but there have been no major life cases in Antai recently."

"Dispatch the power of the city bureau, okay, the other party can't hold it anymore." Yu Yan asked, "Whose people are out?"

"They are neither Liang Xuan's people nor Ma Jiuying's people. They have always been a few people at both ends of the city bureau." Meng Dashan was slightly excited, "Brother Yu, are you following them?"

"Okay, follow up. Be careful. You would rather be lost than expose yourself." Yu Yan had a vague feeling that the dispatch of the criminal police should have nothing to do with the trouble in Zhongguan Mountain. It might be related to Wang Meigui or Dong Yuanyuan.

After thinking about it more deeply, by the way, it should be about Dong Yuanyuan!

The fact that the other party wanted to transfer people from the city bureau regardless of the risk of exposure proved that the other party was forced into a hurry. By whom? Of course it was not him. He only had Meng Dashan, Ma Zhen and others in his hands, which was not enough.

If the opponent causes enough threats and pressure, then only one person has such amazing strength, Ma Jiuying!

Thinking of the rule that Ma Jiuying had just set to determine the outcome in ten minutes while chatting and laughing, she was even more shocked. Ma Jiuying found out Dong Yuanyuan's real hiding place and was dispatching troops to rescue Dong Yuanyuan. Of course. Is it a real rescue or not?

It didn't matter that it was another bluff. What mattered was that Ma Jiuying's move forced the opponent to jump.

Ten minutes determines the outcome, ten minutes determines the outcome, and ten minutes determines the fate of a person's life!

Yu Yan didn't wait for Meng Dashan to speak, and emphasized: "Da Shan, don't follow me."

Meng Dashan had been ready to set off long ago, and his eagerness to try almost made his whole body on fire. Unexpectedly, Yu Yan changed the situation at his request. He couldn't accept it for a moment: "What's wrong, Brother Yu? Why don't you let me follow you?"

Are you afraid that something will happen to me or do you think I'm too stupid?"

Yu Yan laughed silently, Meng Dashan was still too angry and wanted to return it immediately after a small setback.

Meng Dashan now needs more training and setbacks to grow up. If he still has such an impatient personality, he will fall into trouble sooner or later. It seems that he must find an opportunity to have a good talk with him. But now Yuyan has no time to ask

Meng Dashan explained clearly and said bluntly: "Things have changed. Not only will it be useless if you go, but you may also disrupt other people's plans. Sitting at home and watching the show. Sometimes it is also a victory outside the show."

"Okay, I'll listen to you, Brother Yu." Meng Dashan still couldn't think about it, but out of respect for Yu Yan, he reluctantly agreed, "Brother Yu. Recently, I feel that there is a lot of alienation between the brothers.

Master, it’s time to sit down together.”

"You can make some arrangements and call Brother Shang Zhen and Brother Changfa. Then everyone will be busy and lively." Yu Yan glanced at Zhang Taizhong as he spoke, "Secretary-General Zhang will also come to visit us."

Zhang Taizhong smiled and nodded. Yu Yan's move was intended to formally include him into Yu Yan's inner circle. He felt very relieved.

Putting down the phone to Meng Dashan, Yu Yan ignored Sun Qian's puzzled and suspicious eyes, picked up the phone and called Ma Zhen again.

"How's the situation?"

"Changfa has arrived, and we can go out at any time." Ma Zhen could no longer hold back his eagerness. He and Ji Changfa were lying on a roof, just a few meters away from a house where Wang Meigui was suspected to be imprisoned. A hundred or ten meters away, I watched the people coming in and out of the house, feeling anxious, but I couldn't kill the general to save Wang Meigui.

Of course, Ma Zhen also knew that Yu Yan was balancing the forces of all parties from the perspective of the overall situation in order to ensure that nothing went wrong, so that he would hit the target if he did not make a move, and avoid missing a single hit without having the chance to make a second shot. However, Yu Yan stayed away from In the main battlefield, you only sit and command, and you cannot experience the tension and urgency of the scene without being involved in it.

However, out of absolute trust in Yu Yan, Ma Zhen did not order a strong attack and only waited for Yu Yan's final order.

"From now on, five minutes later, no matter what happens, we must take action without hesitation and try our best to rescue Wang Meigui." Yu Yan calmly issued the final attack order. He raised his wrist and looked at his watch, thinking The moment for the final blow has come, I hope Ma Jiuying will not let him down.

Time passed minute by minute, two minutes, three minutes, and then four minutes later, Ma Zhen's call came in again: "Leader, the situation has changed. The other party seems to have mobilized to move their positions."

"Okay, let's do it!" Yue Yan was overjoyed, and Ma Jiuying did not disappoint him.

As soon as Ma Zhen's call was disconnected, Ma Jiuying's call came in again: "Brother Yu, all my tasks have been completed. In half an hour, everyone will withdraw. From now on, you only have half an hour. "

At this time, it was exactly ten minutes before Ma Jiuying's ten-minute agreement. Ma Jiuying was really powerful. Yu Yan commanded Ruoding to rescue Wang Meigui this time. Not only was it the first time that he used all his strength to fight in a joint operation, but he also fought on all fronts. It is an all-round collaborative operation.

Through this battle, Yue Yan took the first step to look at the overall situation and look at the problem from a global perspective. It also allowed Yu Yan to confirm his position as the core figure of the team. From then on, Yu Yan's inner circle began to take shape.

If Wang Meigui can be rescued in this battle, Yu Yan will be the biggest winner in this battle. Of course, from beginning to end, the smooth implementation of Yu Yan's carefully arranged strategy depends entirely on whether Ma Jiuying's cooperation is in place.

"Thank you to the horse racing bureau for what happened today. I will take care of you later." Yu Yan expressed his gratitude sincerely, "The horse racing bureau is a friend and interesting enough."

"Haha, why are you so polite? I wish you success."

Immediately after Ma Jiuying's call, Ma Zhen's call came in quickly: "Boss, it's bad, I've been fooled."

"Ah?" Yu Yan was surprised, "What's going on?"

The carefully designed plot took a turn for the worse when he saw it was completed. How could Yu Yan not be shocked? No matter how calm Yu Yan was, he was only a 24-year-old young man after all, and this was his first battle to command. , if he fails, it will definitely be a big blow to him.

The key point is that if Wang Meigui cannot be saved, the consequences will be disastrous.

"There is a tunnel in the house. When we rushed over, we knocked down three or five people, but we didn't find Wang Meigui. After interrogating the other party, we found out that Wang Meigui had been transferred out of the tunnel and has now left Xiaosu Village."

Ma Zhen said anxiously, "Long Hair has already chased along the tunnel. I'm waiting for further instructions."

How could this happen? Yu Yan was stunned for a moment, almost losing control of his emotions and throwing away his phone. It wasn't that he couldn't bear the failure, but he didn't want to watch Wang Meigui encounter something unexpected.

After all the hard work, a small mistake could not be regarded as a mistake. After all, the opponent was well prepared. He responded passively in a hurry and made a big mistake. Yu Yan could not forgive himself!

Suddenly, Yu Yan's eyes lit up and his eyes fell on Zhang Taizhong.

"Secretary-General, I made a mistake. The other party moved Wang Meigui from the tunnel. Now Wang Meigui has been moved again and her whereabouts are unknown. If we don't intercept her in time, we will really lose this battle." Yu Yan's eyes dimmed slightly.

, but his face did not lose his perseverance and confidence, "There is less than half an hour left, and the horse racing team is about to withdraw its troops."

Ma Jiuying's withdrawal of troops marks the official end of tonight's battle. No matter who wins or loses, it will all come to an end.

Zhang Taizhong obviously did not expect such a result in the end. He was also stunned. After a long moment, he shook his head helplessly and said: "Okay, this is the only way. If I open my mouth to him, he will be exposed. Just

You will be in danger, and your life may be in danger..."

"The secretary-general has an undercover agent in the other side's camp?" Yu Yan had already guessed that Zhang Taizhong would have a solution at the last moment. He didn't want to use Zhang Taizhong's connections, but it was a critical moment now and he could only pin his last glimmer of hope on

Zhang Taizhong is on his body.

"It took a lot of effort to train an undercover agent. I originally planned to use the steel on the blade and give Secretary Zhang a surprise during the final battle. Now it seems that I have to give up the surprise to you first."

Suddenly, Zhang Taizhong took out his phone.

"Wait a minute." Yu Yan's eyes suddenly lit up and he stopped Zhang Taizhong's move. "I thought of a person. Maybe I can find out from his mouth that the Secretary-General's undercover should wait until the most critical moment before leaving the opponent with a fatal blow.

Hit it."

What surprised Yuyan was that Zhang Taizhong did have a few knives. He was worthy of being one of Zhang Siwen's direct descendants, and he had secretly placed an undercover agent in the opponent's camp. But what moved him even more was that Zhang Taizhong would rather sacrifice the opportunity to claim credit in front of Zhang Siwen than to

It would be interesting to use an undercover agent for his own use. He knew better that although an undercover agent could sometimes achieve unexpected results, the surprise often only occurred once. Once exposed, the value of the undercover agent would cease to exist.

Zhang Taizhong asked in disbelief: "You also placed an undercover agent in the other side's camp?"

Yu Yan shook his head and smiled: "It's not an undercover. It's better than an undercover." It was Zhang Taizhong's reminder that reminded him of a key figure. This person was not an undercover. But he was also a key figure in the opponent's camp and must know some secrets.

While talking, Yu Yan's number was dialed. Soon, the call was connected.

"Brother Ji, I have something to ask you." Yu Yan said politely.

"Brother, if you need anything, just say it, I'm in the car." Ji Qi's slightly excited voice came from the phone. He must have been drunk, "We are returning to the city from the suburbs. If it's convenient, can we meet in the evening?"


Yu Yan heard it. It was easier for Ji Qi to speak now, so he stopped caring and said: "If I want to hide someone, I will move from the urban area to Xiaosu Village, and then move out of the tunnel of Xiaosu Village. Then

Where is the safer place to go?”

Ji Qi fell silent with one sentence, and only Ji Qi's heavy breathing came from the phone. Yu Yan also knew that his question was rather abrupt, and it was a severe test for Ji Qi, but time did not wait for us, and there was not much time to go around.

It took more than a minute before Ji Qi's voice sounded again, and he felt helpless: "Brother Yu, you have given me a huge problem..."

Yu Yan didn't speak. Sometimes the power of silence is more powerful and direct than the explanation of words. He just wanted to use silence to force Ji Qi to give in. As long as Ji Qi revealed Wang Meigui's possible hiding place, he would be secluded from Wu Qi. From then on

It will be difficult to return to Wu Qi's camp.

Ji Qi was silent for another moment, and finally smiled bitterly: "Brother Yu, my future path depends on you. If you don't help me at the critical moment, I will never be done with you."

Yu Yan chuckled: "When it's not critical, I won't reach out?"

Ji Qi understood the meaning of Yu Yan's words. Before he had any help to Yu Yan, Yu Yan single-handedly pushed him to spread out without saying anything in return. What reason did he have to not believe in Yu Yan's character?

"Going east from Xiaosu Village, there is a village less than one kilometer away called Dasu Village. There is a big willow tree in the east of Dasu Village, and there is a yard next to the willow tree..." Ji Qi finished speaking in one breath, and then

Hang up the phone.

Yu Yan felt secretly happy in his heart. Ji Qi had given Wu Qi's information. The big willow tree in Dasu Village should be a secret stronghold of Wu Qi. Otherwise, the secretary was Xiao He who was next to the leader. As the saying goes, success is also a failure for Xiao He.

Xiao He, a loyal secretary can become the leader's right-hand man and help the leader clear the way through mountains and rivers.

On the contrary, a half-hearted secretary may also become a nightmare for the leader and secretly dig an unfathomable trap for the leader step by step.

Yu Yan didn't hesitate anymore and immediately called Ma Zhen. After relaying Ji Qi's words, Yu Yan said in a low voice: "Attack with all your strength. You must hit with every hit. Don't be soft."

"Yes!" Ma Zhen heard Yu Yan's determination, "I promise to complete the mission."

Putting down the phone, Yu Yan sat back on the bench. Regardless of the pain in his butt caused by the hard bench, he shook his head and smiled and said, "I almost fell short. I'm ashamed."

However, Zhang Taizhong stood up, placed his hands heavily on Yu Yan's shoulders, and said with infinite emotion: "Brother Yu, you are only 24 years old. Many years later, when you think back to the battle you commanded today, you will be filled with emotion

, I will also be pleased that you have such calmness and calmness at such a young age. Don’t be too harsh on yourself. No matter what the final result of this war is, in my eyes, you are the most amazing victory.

"Well said." Sun Qian's eyes shone and she cast a look of trust and admiration at Yu Yan, "Yu Yan, tactically speaking, you didn't make any mistakes. I won't blame you if Wang Meigui was not rescued in the end.

You, sometimes, decide what you want to do, and what you want to accomplish depends on God, so you should do your best and obey God's will."

It was rare for Sun Qian to say something with such an overall perspective. Yu Yan nodded and forced a smile. That night, he was exhausted mentally and physically. He was always tense, just waiting for the final news to arrive. He spent too much energy, and now he only feels that his whole body is trapped.

In the endless exhaustion, if he hadn't held on for a breath, he could hardly stand still!

I don’t know how long it took, maybe only ten minutes, maybe as long as an hour. When Yu Yan’s phone rang urgently again, he jumped up and took the phone.


Many years later, when Yu Yan recalled his "hello" with a slightly trembling voice, he smiled knowingly. He was not ashamed of his gaffe at that time, but recalled the innocence and cuteness at that time. Everyone is

From youth to maturity, no one is born with knowledge, and no one is born with the talent of a general.

"Leader, Wang Meigui was saved." Ma Zhen's slightly excited voice came from the phone, "Fortunately, the mission has been fulfilled!"

"Okay, okay, great." Yu Yan punched the bed, beaming with joy, "How's it going? Is anyone hurt?"

"We encountered fierce resistance. Changfa and the others were all injured. We are fine. But the other party was more seriously injured. In a word, we didn't suffer any loss." Ma Zhen said repeatedly, "When we arrived, the other party wanted to move Wang Meigui to the next room.

A place that luckily arrived in time, otherwise..."

Yu Yan turned to look at Zhang Taizhong: "Secretary-General, Wang Meigui was rescued, and now we need a safe place."

Zhang Taizhong looked happy, reached out to take the phone, and reported a location to Ma Zhen. Then he took his own phone, dialed a number, and calmly ordered: "Send someone to pick up a few people right away, yes, right away.

, the leader is called Ma Zhen, we must ensure their safety."

Putting down the phone, Zhang Taizhong looked solemn: "Brother Yu, leave the rest to me. If Wang Meigui is taken away from me again, I will risk my life to help you get it back."

…From now on, take a good rest and don’t embarrass yourself too much.”

After saying that, Zhang Taizhong pushed open the door of the house and left without looking back, leaving Yu Yan with a firm figure behind him.

Outside, it was already late at night, the street was quiet, pedestrians had already gone to sleep, the night sky was full of stars, and it was a cool night.

Tonight is a night that Yu Yan will never forget. This night, he created the first legend in his personal political life and also changed the history of Antai!

After sending Sun Qian away, Yu Yan was so exhausted that he could hardly stand. After reluctantly taking a shower, he fell on the bed!

As soon as it dawned, the phone calls started coming in one after another.

First up is Ma Jiuying.

"Ji Da Mi, it's dawn and it's time to get up." Ma Jiuying said half-jokingly, "The weather is nice today, we can go for an outing."

Outing? Yu Yan shook his head and saw that it was only after seven o'clock. It was not yet work time, but he couldn't sleep anymore, so he got up and said with a smile: "Jockey Bureau, if I have time to go out, unless the sun sets from the west

come out."

"The sun will definitely not come out from the west, but you can still go for an outing." Ma Jiuying chuckled, "Okay, let's not talk about it anymore, hurry up and get ready, there will definitely be a lot of things today."

"In addition to reminding me to get up, what other instructions does the horse racing department have?" Yu Yan knew very well that Ma Jiuying didn't call him just to remind him to get up. As a person, Ma Jiuying would definitely not do anything without practical significance.

"How dare I give instructions to the Great Secret?" Ma Jiuying chuckled, seeming to hesitate for a moment before revealing her purpose, "Although Wang Meigui is safe for the time being, it will still be a troublesome matter if she is still in Antai."

No wonder Ma Jiuying said he was going on an outing. Ma Jiuying must have known that Wang Meigui was hiding in the suburbs. After Zhang Taizhong's people picked up Wang Meigui last night, Zhang Taizhong informed Yue Yan that Wang Meigui was safe. Where exactly was Yu Yan?

Out of his absolute trust in Zhang Taizhong, Yan did not ask clearly.

But later Ma Zhen called again to report, saying that he would be guarding her in the suburbs until dawn. The implication was that Wang Meigui was also in a safe place in the suburbs.

Ji Changfa was slightly injured and was sent to the city hospital overnight. Yu Yan did not come forward, so Meng Dashan came forward to find Xia Ran. Under Xia Ran's arrangements, he was quickly placed in place.

"The horse racing team is right." As for Wang Meigui's whereabouts, Yu Yan didn't have a clear idea, "I'm thinking of a way."

"If you need me somewhere, just speak." Ma Jiuying continued, "Wang Meigui is not suitable to stay in Antai anymore. Going north is the best choice."

Yu Yan was in a good mood today. He quickly finished cleaning up and hurried to the municipal committee without eating breakfast.

However, no matter it is rapids or turbulence, there is always a break to catch your breath before rowing. No matter how fast the rapids are, the red leaves, green mountains, and rivers, the scenery along the way is still beautiful and worth stopping to appreciate.

In fact, Yu Yan likes the last two lines of this poem the best. At dusk, people are far away from the drunkenness. Under the stormy sky, the people in the west building are empty. When I wake up, the world is vast. It seems that I am the only one between the sky and the earth. In the stormy sky,

In the middle, I walked alone downstairs, feeling quite independent from the vicissitudes of life.

Before Zhang Siwen came, Yu Yan was cleaning as usual. Just after he finished cleaning, the door rang and Zhang Zeyuan came in.

"Secretary Yu, are you busy? When will Secretary Zhang come?" Zhang Zeyuan always smiles when he meets people. His smile is like a plastic flower that never fades. Although it is vivid and bright, it has no sense of reality, "Hey, Secretary Yu.

There are dark circles under your eyes. Did you not sleep well last night?"

Normally, the last sentence would be just one of the common useless nonsense spoken casually, and it is also a common sentence pattern used in party and government agencies to find something to say when they have nothing to say. But sometimes you have to listen to what you are saying. I think of what happened last night.

After a series of events and Zhang Zeyuan's identity as Wu Qi's dog-headed military advisor, Yue Yan knew that Zhang Zeyuan was looking for trouble.

"I really don't know when Secretary Zhang will come back." Yu Yan smiled faintly and said not far away, "I slept very well last night. I went to bed early and I don't know why I have dark circles. Liu

The minister’s eyes are really good..."

Zhang Zeyuan grinned with a smile on his face: "Secretary Yu, there is something I want to discuss with you."

"What spirit of instruction does Minister Zhang have?" Yu Yan saw Zhang Zeyuan's eyes jumping unsteadily and his eyebrows raised several times, so he knew that he had something on his mind and that there was probably nothing good going on.

"Actually, it's not a big deal, it's just a small thing... I would like to ask Secretary Yu for a favor." Zhang Zeyuan smiled, and his smile fell in Yu Yan's eyes. It seemed that there was a treacherous smile hidden in it.

"Please give me your instructions, Minister Zhang." Yu Yan was very polite.

"Antai is a very conservative place. Secretary Yu just came here, so he may not know much about Antai. I suggest that Secretary Yu should try his best to leave a three-point margin in everything he does in the future. This will be good for Antai, Secretary Zhang, and everyone."

It is also good for you." When Zhang Zeyuan spoke, the smile on his face did not diminish, but behind the fake smile, a cold light suddenly flashed in his eyes.

Well, the failure last night made the dog-headed military advisor so angry that he even ignored his dignity and came to demonstrate to his face. Yu Yan smiled, casually and easily: "I have kept Minister Zhang's teachings in mind.

Thank you, kindly thank you..." The words were very polite, but there was no hint of politeness. The topic changed and the tone suddenly changed, "Is there anything else, Minister Liu?"

Zhang Zeyuan didn't expect that Yu Yan would directly issue an eviction order. His face changed drastically, but after a while, he still tried to maintain his demeanor and nodded slightly to Yu Yan: "Secretary Yu, see you later!"

This chapter has been completed!
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