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Chapter 0476 bunker

Often when a document emphasizes that a certain issue must be taken seriously, the problem is already serious and usually cannot be solved. But when the document prohibits something, the officials below suddenly realize that this matter is allowed. Otherwise, why are there so many officials doing it? It has become so common that I have to issue a document to explain it.

For example, a few years ago a document was issued stating that the spouses and children of leading cadres are not allowed to engage in related business activities in the regions and fields under the jurisdiction of leading cadres. As a result, it has become common for foreigners to do business overseas. They just have the title of consultant. It's like the secretary of the county party committee secretary calls the correspondent. He covers it a little to give the document a face.

There has been a saying in our country since ancient times: the law does not blame everyone.

When everyone is doing this, it is actually impossible to cure it.

"Hello, Director Zhou."

Yu Yan responded with a smile.

The correspondent of the county party committee secretary usually has a position in the county party committee office. If nothing unexpected happens, he will work for a year or two and will probably be able to serve as the deputy director of the county party committee office. ** just came. Xiao Zhou was also just selected for **. Correspondent. He hasn't reached this level yet. But everyone will give him the honorific title of director in advance.

This is also the rule in the agency. When Yu Yan was the deputy director of the county party committee office, Xiao Zhou was a member of the secretarial team. He was Xiao Zhou's immediate boss. We were all old acquaintances. Although we didn't have a close relationship, we still had a decent relationship.

"Secretary Yu is so polite. Secretary Yu and Secretary Zhang are waiting for you in the office. Please come with me."

Xiao Zhou said politely, extending his hand to greet the visitor.

Yu Yan slowly climbed up to the fourth floor. Accompanied by Xiao Zhou, he walked towards **'s office.

Xiao Zhou didn't know that this visit was requested by Yu Yan. But he knew that ** took this matter very seriously and specifically ordered him to wait for Yu Yan to come. ** When giving such instructions, Xiao Zhou even There was a hint of nervousness in *'s eyes.


Xiao Zhou was sure that he had read it correctly. ** was indeed a little nervous. The county party committee secretary would be nervous when meeting with a district party committee secretary who was subordinate to him. This was difficult for Xiao Zhou to understand.

Is everything upside down?

Xiao Zhou was selected as the correspondent by ** just a few weeks ago. When ** inspected Beiluan District, Xiao Zhou did not accompany him. As for everything in Beiluan District, Xiao Zhou only heard about it and did not believe it when he saw it. * Regarding the newsletter that was later published in Shanlu Daily, Xiao Zhou had no clear comparison in his mind. He didn’t know how much it was confusing right and wrong.

Generally, when a person has done something wrong, he will be a little nervous when facing the person who suffered him. ** is no exception.

Arriving at **'s office, Xiao Zhou reached out and knocked on the door.

"Come in."

A majestic voice came from the room.

Xiao Zhou opened the door carefully, walked in, and said respectfully: "Secretary Zhang, Secretary Yu from Beiluan District is here."

** nodded.

"Secretary Yu, please come in."

Xiao Zhou turned his body slightly to one side and said to Yu Yan.

Yu Yan walked in slowly, with a faint smile on his face, and said calmly: "Secretary Zhang, hello."


** nodded slightly again. His face was still serious.

Xiao Zhou began to sweat coldly. He did not expect to see such a scene with such a strong smell of gunpowder. Yu Yan did not have the general fear of district party committee secretaries meeting county party committee secretaries. He was even a little indifferent to ***. This was very strange. Knowing Yu Yan was awesome Yeah, but that was during the Xiali era. Now the boss has been replaced and Secretary Yu is even more awesome. I really don’t understand. Secretary Zhang didn’t seem to be pretentious. He didn’t even say hello to Yu Yan and directly answered Yu Yan with a nasal voice. Yan.

The characters of these two are not peaceful.

Although Xiao Zhou worked in the county party committee office before, this was his first time working as a secretary for a county leader. He lacked the necessary experience to deal with such a thing and was a little dazed.

Yu Yan didn't wait for his wife to speak and sat down on the sofa.

The black lines on Xiao Zhou's forehead emerged one by one.

This is not the etiquette for a subordinate to meet a chieftain. He is clearly coming to compete in the ring.

Yu Yan is so brave.

**A face suddenly darkened, as if an attack might occur at any time.

Xiao Zhou cautiously poured a cup of tea for Yu Yan, then stood there with his hands down, a little at a loss.

** gave a heavy "hum" and gave Xiao Zhou a stern look. Xiao Zhou immediately left and gently opened the door. Once outside, Xiao Zhou leaned against the wall and stretched out his hand to wipe it. Break into a cold sweat.

I was really sweating.

It was a cold day, but Xiao Zhou felt wet all over.

"Comrade Yuyan, what do you want from me?"

** was sitting behind his desk, facing Yu Yan "far away", and asked in a deep voice. ** had been here for more than two months, and this was the first time he had seen a subordinate cadre be so domineering and rude in his office. The anger in my heart suddenly rose.

Yu Yan leaned back on the sofa. He raised his head, looked at **, and said calmly: "Secretary Zhang, I came here today to ask you to provide necessary support for the work in Beiluan District."

"What do you mean."

** felt her anger rising and asked coldly.

Yu Yan frowned slightly and said, "Secretary Zhang, I think what I said is very clear."

"You said I don't support the work in Beiluan District. You are blaming me."

** asked angrily, with fire in his eyes. He had heard all kinds of rumors about Yu Yan for a long time, and knew that this young man was not a good person. But ** never expected that Yu Yan would dare to knock on the door. Come and ask questions face to face.

Yu Yan said coldly: "Secretary Zhang, you know it yourself whether you support the work of Beiluan District. You have to show yourself, publish an article in Shanlu Daily, and take advantage of the entire Beiluan District of Taocheng County." You want to make a fuss about the most backward villages in the district to show your love for the people. That’s fine, and I won’t argue with you. But since you criticize me, Yuyan, and the cadres in Beiluan District for not caring about the masses, then please ask Zhang Secretary, show your sincerity in caring for the masses. Do something real for the people of Beiluan District and Laoshuyu Village. Don’t just be arrogant and point your fingers."


A burst of anger rushed straight to the top door, his face was livid, his eyes were as wide as bells, he stared at Yu Yan, his mouth opened wide, but no words came out.

After ** took office in Taocheng County, he was so powerful that everyone in the county committee compound treated him respectfully, except for Ma He, Mou Zhen and a few other high-ranking county leaders. Ordinary deputy County-level cadres. Everyone who saw him smiled and stepped forward to say hello.

Unexpectedly, Yu Yan now accused him face to face of cheating and playing double-dealing.

This is simply unreasonable.

** has been in officialdom for decades, and has never seen such an arrogant and domineering subordinate. He openly barged into the leader's office and slapped him in the face.

What kind of trick is this?

However, Yu Yan did not look at her like a cockfighter. He picked up the tea cup, took a leisurely sip, and took out his cigarette to light it. The expression on his face was always very calm, with a cold chill in it.

Yu Yan was indeed irritated by the ***. If you want to make a stumbling block against me, that's okay. No matter what the move, Secretary Yu left immediately. It's not like he hasn't fought before. But with the interests of the 80,000 people in Beiluan District as his side The tying was beyond the bottom line that Yu Yan could tolerate. Let's leave it aside whether he has political achievements or not. Yu Yan sincerely wanted to do something for the folks in Beiluan District. He left some thoughts.

It’s not that Yu Yan can’t resolve these tricks used by **. Yu Yan came here today just to give ** a warning. It’s okay to fight, but please play your cards according to the rules. If you don’t follow the rules first, don’t Blame others for being disrespectful to you.

"Yu Yan, who are you and what qualifications do you have to educate me?"

After holding it for more than ten seconds, he finally regained his breath. He immediately roared at Yu Yan, with veins bursting out on his forehead and neck, and he was about to hit the table hard. Like that, if he hands now There is a gun inside, and he might shoot Yuyan twice without hesitation.

You are so arrogant, who do you think you are?

Yu Yan took another drag on his cigarette, looked at the girl, raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and revealed Secretary Yu's signature disdainful smile.

Why, I just took down a Ren Sheng and was in prison munching on cornbread. Is another one going to come out now?

"Comrade **, please also pay attention to your own identity. As the secretary of the Taocheng County Party Committee, you have the first responsibility for the development of the entire Taocheng County. Beiluan District is under the jurisdiction of Taocheng County. Since you saw Poverty deep in the mountains, seeing the difficult conditions of the villages in Laoshuyu, you should take practical actions to help them get out of poverty and help them live a prosperous life. What you are doing now is completely unprincipled to eliminate dissidents. Deep down in your heart, have you really thought about those masses? In the past year, Beiluan District has achieved financial self-sufficiency and has a large surplus. Factories have been built, roads have been renovated, and the conditions of the district hospital have been improved. It has also improved significantly, and the income of the people has skyrocketed. These are facts before your eyes, but you turn a blind eye. Comrade **, what qualifications do you have to accuse me and the cadres of Beiluan District."

Yu Yan's voice was still calm, but his words and sentences were extremely strict, no longer showing any mercy to his wife.

"You... you are too arrogant. What is your attitude? You are not qualified to show off your achievements in front of me."

** Finally couldn't help but slap the table with a heavy palm. The documents, water cups, paper, pens, etc. on the table jumped up.

Xiao Zhou, who had been standing outside the door, was almost frightened.

The old-fashioned office had poor soundproofing. Xiao Zhou could clearly hear the exchanges between ** and Yu Yan, as well as **'s anger and roar. The cold sweat that had just subsided a little broke out again. Yes, yes. After all, I didn't dare to open the door and go in. Well, I didn't dare to run away, so I could only stand there, wiping cold sweat on my face.

Great guy.

What a great guy.

"Yu Yan, you have no leadership. You must make a deep self-reflection and wait for the county party committee to severely punish you. Now, get out immediately. Go."

** was completely stunned, shaking all over, pointing at the door, and roared with all his strength.

Yu Yan stood up slowly, looked at **, and said coldly: "**, I don't care why you came to Taocheng County, and I don't care who ordered you, but I tell you, you are now Secretary of the Taocheng County Party Committee, you have the responsibility and obligation to do your due diligence for the development of the county. When the superiors appoint a county party secretary, they hope that you can lead the people of the county to become rich and prosperous, rather than asking you to come here to show off your authority and cause trouble. You first You are a party member and a leading cadre, not someone's personal lackey. If you continue to insist on your own way, you must bear all responsibilities for what you have done. Just take care of yourself."

After saying that, Yu Yan strode towards the door.

"You...you stop."

**Another loud roar.

Yu Yan turned around and looked at him coldly.

"What do you mean."

** asked angrily, but a look of fear flashed in his eyes.

Yu Yan said calmly: "You should understand what I mean. If you work hard, no matter why you come here, I will support you. But if you insist on having your own way, then I hope you won't regret it when the time comes."

I hope you won't regret it then.

This sentence not only stunned **, but also shocked Xiao Zhou at the door.

I have seen cows. I have never seen such cows.

The district party secretary warned the county party secretary face to face...don't regret it.

Yu Yan walked to the door. Xiao Zhou had not yet come to his senses. When he saw Yu Yan, he was so frightened that he took a step back. He murmured and did not dare to speak. His frightened and frightened eyes made people feel bad for him. .

The frightened little guy is spared.

Yu Yan walked out of the county party committee office building with steady steps. He went straight to the county government office building and knocked on the door of the county magistrate Ma He. He stayed there until almost five o'clock in the afternoon before leaving. He stayed in Ma He's office for two full days. Hour.

No one knows what they talked about.

But ** must have known about this news. It was in a courtyard. There is no way to keep such a thing a secret. I believe it won’t be long before Yu Yan makes a fuss in the county party secretary’s office and warns ** Shengfeng in person, “Don’t regret it.” The news will spread to every corner of Taocheng County officialdom.

As the New Year approaches, I don’t know what unpredictable changes will happen in Taocheng officialdom. I hope that the struggle between Yu Yan and the police will not bring disaster to Chi Yu.

After leaving the county party committee compound, Yu Yan did not rush back to Beiluan. Instead, he went to the county agricultural bureau.

Seeing Yu Yan, the county agriculture director Man Baoyuan was surprised and happy. He jumped up from his chair and almost threw himself towards Yu Yan. Haha, the sound was loud.

"Haha. Secretary. Why are you here?"

Man Baoyuan held Yu Yan's hand tightly and said with a smile, his face full of unexpected surprise.

In fact, we all work in the same county. When Yu Yan comes to the county for meetings, the two of them will meet frequently. But every time they meet, Man Baoyuan is very happy and doesn't mind showing it in front of others at all. His admiration for Yu Yan. Man Baoyuan has such a straightforward character. Whoever he admires is his undying respect.

Yu Yan said with a smile: "I just went to the county committee. I talked to ** and County Magistrate Ma. I don't want to go back so early. I came to see you. I stopped by your house for a meal."

Man Baoyuan immediately realized that the conflict between Yu Yan and ** may have deepened. Listen, call ** directly by his name. In the past, Yu Yan paid great attention to these aspects. Even if he had feelings for someone, I would not do this, especially behind my back, and would always address that person by his position. Now he calls the county party secretary by his first name. This shows that Yu Yan is very indifferent to **.

"Secretary, is something wrong with you again?"

Man Baoyuan asked tightly, with a look of concern on his face. Since ** took office, Man Baoyuan and others have been "worrying and fearing" all the time. Yu Yan is now the backbone of their group of Beiluan cadres, including him and Xue Guanyuan. They all regard Yu Yan as their superior in their hearts. There are even rumors circulating that they are the Beiluan Gang.

This chapter has been completed!
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