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Chapter 0475 Actively report work

The summary and commendation meeting was successfully concluded. As usual, the county leaders held a banquet in Taocheng Hotel to entertain the delegates. There were too many people, so the banquet was not too rich. It is not that the county is stingy and reluctant to give up money. The key is that there are too many dishes. The hotel kitchen I'm too busy. Such large-scale dinners are usually of the rural level, with big bowls of meat and fish. Only the county leaders' tables are richer and more sophisticated.

There has to be a difference.

After eating, Ma He didn't go home to rest. He went straight to the office. About a few minutes later, Yu Yan's young figure also appeared in the county government office building.

"Magistrate Ma."

Yu Yan entered Ma He's office and said hello with a smile.

"Haha. Secretary Yu is here. Please sit down, please sit down."

Ma He stood up. He did not sit behind the desk. Instead, he sat down on the sofa with two cups of tea in front of him. One cup was for him, and the other cup was naturally prepared for the guests. While eating, Ma He Invite Yu Yan to sit in his office after dinner.

Ma He's office is still the same. It's one room and has a relatively old-fashioned decoration.

Yu Yan walked slowly over and sat on the sofa on one side. He took out a cigarette and offered one to Ma He. He casually placed the Chinese cigarette on the table.

Ma He smiled and said, "Secretary Yu is rich and powerful."

Although Yu Yan is the secretary of the district committee, he has only been working for a short period of time. His seniority is very young and his salary is not very high. He only relies on his own income. If he wants to maintain such a luxurious level, he will probably suffer a lot of losses.

Yu Yan did not hide anything. He smiled and replied: "County Magistrate Ma, I have a friend who does business in Jiangkou. He gives me a little money every month. Eating and smoking is not a problem."

"So that's it. Jiangkou is a good place. It's a bridgehead for reform and opening up. It's economically active and there are many opportunities. Hey, Secretary Yu. I'd like to take the liberty to ask what kind of big business your friend does in Jiangkou."

Yu Yan smiled slightly and said: "It started with information consulting. That is, getting approval documents for people, running through procedures and so on, and earning agency fees. Now I'm starting to engage in finance."

Yu Yan didn't mind telling some lies to Ma He appropriately. It was still beneficial to let him maintain this sense of mystery that was just smoke and mirrors.

Sure enough, Ma He raised his eyebrows slightly and said in surprise: "Going through the approval procedures. This is not easy."

Yu Yan said with a smile: "It's not too difficult. As long as you have a wide network of people and are familiar with people, you can still get through the normal approval procedures. It's not too difficult."

Ma He has never done business in Jiangkou and doesn't know much about the inside story. But listening to Yuyan's understatement, it seems that his friend is quite extraordinary. He does information consulting work in Jiangkou. To be able to get along like a fish in water, he must have some background. Lenovo Qi Yuyan obtained the funds from the province. Ma He secretly became a little more cautious.

However, Ma He paid great attention to his sense of proportion and did not continue to dig into the details.

"Secretary Yu, I invited you here today because I want to discuss with you the establishment of an agricultural product brokerage service company in Beiluan District. Your report, Secretary Li and County Magistrate Ren have signed their opinions and have been sent to me."

Ma He changed the topic and said.

The so-called Secretary Li and County Magistrate Ren refer to Li Xueyou, who is in charge of agricultural work, and the new Deputy County Magistrate Ren Dahua. The agricultural product brokerage service company. Since it is related to agricultural products, it naturally needs to be submitted to Deputy County Magistrate Ren Dahua for review first. After Ren Dahua signs his opinion. Then forward it to Jacky Lee. Then go to Ma He's desk.

Now that the report has arrived in Mahe, it can be seen that neither Simon Yam nor Jacky Lee at least objected. It is estimated that Simon Yam will not clearly express his support. He just signed a general opinion and handed over the conflict. Regarding matters that are not very sure, .The common practice in official circles is not to take a stand and to protect oneself wisely.

Yu Yan nodded politely and waited for the next sentence.

"Generally speaking, this idea is good. I think it is more feasible."

Ma He did not mince words and expressed his opinions directly. In terms of specific economic construction work, Ma He had many ideas and experience.

"That's the level and staffing. I want to discuss it with you again." Ma He said slowly. His expression became more serious: "Your opinion in Beiluan. This agricultural product brokerage service company is officially under the management of the district office. The administrative level of a public institution is set at the deputy section level, and the staffing level is eight people, right."

Yu Yan nodded and said, "Yes. That's right."

Ma He gently stroked his hair and said: "Secretary Yu, the deputy department-level public institutions are going to the Standing Committee for discussion. Before this, there was no precedent for this."

Ma He's words were rather cryptic, but he clearly reminded Yu Yan that I, Ma He, alone have no say in this matter. In the end, I have to talk to **. Lao Zhang doesn't like you very much, Yu Yan. Moreover, There is another practical problem. Beiluan District has set up such a deputy section-level public institution. It is very likely that other districts will follow the same example and set up such a deputy section-level agricultural product brokerage service company. The whole county will soon be Adding nearly a hundred cadres to the public establishment is not a trivial matter. There are very good reasons not to pass this motion.

"County Magistrate Ma. The specific situation will be treated in detail. A feed factory has been built in Beiluan. The breeding industry has begun to develop on a large scale. It is necessary to build this agricultural product brokerage service company. Otherwise, it may cause poor sales. Everything There has to be a start. As for the administrative level, I want to set it a little higher. It also shows that the district and county attach great importance to this matter. If possible, I think it can be used as a pilot to gain some experience. Of course, the decision-making power In the county, if County Magistrate Ma feels that it is not so suitable, this level can be discussed again, or a full-level unit can be positioned. However, a deputy section-level cadre is appointed to be actually responsible. Level is not the most important issue. The main thing is that this unit must be able to Play its due role and truly benefit the people and farmers. Since Secretary Zhang cares so much about the lives of people in impoverished mountainous areas, he should provide practical support. He should care about the people and not just pay lip service."

Yu Yan said with a smile. His expression was very determined.

Yu Yan has made psychological preparations. An agricultural product brokerage service company with a deputy section level structure will probably not be able to pass in the county. After all, Beiluan District is the official section level. The subordinate towns such as Beiluan Town, Liuqiao Township, etc. are deputy section level. The sudden designation of this agricultural products brokerage company to the deputy section level will make it difficult for the county leaders to make a decision. Therefore, when Yu Yan discussed with Ma Changji in the district, he actually decided on a full stock level structure. As a direct subordinate of the district office The unit reports according to the deputy department level structure. In fact, it leaves a certain amount of leeway. In case ** wants to question it, Ma He also has a room for maneuver.

Yue Yan believed that Ma He had no choice now, unless he was willing to play a supporting role for the government for a few more years. Based on Yu Yan's understanding of Ma He, this man was arrogant and would never be willing to be subordinate to others for a long time. The province suddenly* *Airborne. Coupled with **'s overly self-righteous character, it has exceeded Ma He's bottom line.

Now Ma He can only find another way out. Regarding the commendation conference, Ma He has actually made his position clear. But whether this attitude can last has yet to be verified.

Ma He should find a way to persuade ** to pass this motion.

But three days later, Ma He called him and told him clearly that he did not agree to establish this agricultural product brokerage service company.

"County Magistrate Ma, if you don't go to the deputy department, you can't even get a full-level unit."

Yu Yan asked a little surprised.

Ma He replied gloomily: "It's not a matter of rank. Secretary Zhang said that this matter needs to be carefully considered. It would be unfair to other districts and towns to establish such a department in Beiluan District alone."

It involves ten districts and towns and nearly a hundred public institutions. It is not unreasonable to say so. Although he actually wants to hinder all Yu Yan's administrative measures in Beiluan District.

You just stay in Beiluan District for a long time, living your life slowly. If you want to be new and different, there is no way out.

Yu Yan frowned slightly and said, "How are County Magistrate Ma's research on funding for road construction going? The Provincial Department of Transportation is also waiting for our news..."

Last time Yuyan went to the provincial capital. Two days later, Liu Wei returned to Qinan. They invited the leaders of the Provincial Department of Transportation to have a meal together. During the dinner, the leader of the Department of Transportation said something. As long as Antai City and Taocheng County are Support road construction in Beiluan District. The provincial government will definitely support it.

If everyone thinks of a way, it will be easier to do this.

After returning from the province, Yu Yan went to the Municipal Transportation Bureau and naturally he could not skip the process of treating guests to dinner. The leaders of the Municipal Transportation Bureau were also relatively straightforward and said that they would resolutely obey the instructions of the provincial department. As long as Taocheng County takes specific actions. The city will definitely support it. As for the strength of the support, it depends on the determination of Taocheng County itself.

Ma He said: "Secretary Yu, this matter is quite difficult. As you know, it's the end of the year and people are asking for money everywhere. I'm very nervous here. I definitely won't be able to get the money years ago. But I will do a calculation. .After the New Year. After the New Year, we will study this issue in detail."

This Yu Yan can understand. I didn’t expect the county to allocate funds to them to build roads before the year. It is also impossible for the city and the provincial department. This year’s funds must have been overspent. If we really want to get the money, at least early next year. .

"However, Secretary Yu, the report on the funding application for road construction in Beiluan District is still on Secretary Zhang's desk. If he never signs it, it will be a bit troublesome."

Ma He paused and said straight to the point. Road construction is the direct responsibility of the county government. But road construction is also the most expensive job. It can easily cost tens or millions of dollars. This is still a rural road. If it is a main line, then Funds must be calculated in units of millions. In a relatively poor and remote county like Taocheng, the county government alone may not be able to make the decision on the allocation of such huge funds. It needs to be discussed at the Standing Committee. No matter what, it must be The decision must be made collectively. If something goes wrong, the relationship between Ma He and the county government is not that big.

Due to Ma He's cautious character, he generally does not make major decisions independently.

An anger rose in Yu Yan's chest. Of course, this anger was not directed at Ma He. After Xia Li was transferred, it was not easy for Ma He to gradually get closer to Yu Yan. Yu Yan had to give up. County Magistrate Ma has only been given a little time. It is unrealistic to ask him to make a 180-degree turn overnight.

**I didn’t care anymore. I made up my mind to do everything possible to tie Yu Yan’s hands and feet. Maybe this was just the first step. Next, ** gradually became familiar with the situation in the county and united his own gang. After that, we may start directly from the root.

"Okay. County Magistrate Ma, I understand. Thank you."

Despite the rising anger in his chest, Yu Yan still had to calmly say goodbye to Ma He.

After hanging up the phone on Ma He, Yu Yan lit up a cigarette and slowly leaned into the chair. His eyebrows were slightly furrowed and he fell into deep thought.

The original strategy of waiting and seeing seems to be a bit unworkable. The more Yu Yan tolerates, the more aggressive he becomes. It seems that Secretary Zhang's patience is far from being as good as Secretary Yu's.

After finishing the cigarette, he sat up straighter and more calmly. He put out the cigarette butt in the ashtray. He picked up the phone and dialed the county party secretary's office directly. The office he used was Xiali's old office. The phone number was not changed either.


A very majestic voice sounded on the other end of the phone. Yu Yan said calmly: "Secretary Zhang, it's me, Yu Yan."

There was a pause on the other end of the phone. Obviously, he didn't expect Yu Yan to call him on his own initiative.

"Well. What's the matter with you?"

** He could tell. Yu Yan's tone was not that friendly. Naturally, he omitted the polite words and asked directly. His voice was still very serious, without the slightest warmth.

"Secretary Zhang, are you free this afternoon? There are some questions... I want to report to Secretary Zhang."

Yu Yan still said calmly. His tone was a bit cold.

** said: "If anything happens, just report it on the phone."

"It's not convenient on the phone. I want to report it in person."

Yu Yan was also very persistent.

** fell silent. He could roughly think of what Yu Yan wanted to say to him. The only thing he didn't expect was that Yu Yan would ask to talk to him in person. ** was a little caught off guard.

I've heard long ago that this person has a bad temper.

"Okay. You come to my office on time at 2:30 in the afternoon. I have half an hour."

After a while, ** said. His tone was also very cold. And the leader was very dignified. He had limited the conversation time in advance.

"Okay. Thank you, Secretary Zhang."

Yu Yan maintained basic etiquette and politeness.

**Immediately hung up the phone.

Yu Yan put the microphone back and continued to deal with official business. It is still morning. There is no need to rush there. Most of the provincial highway from Beiluan to Chengguan Town has been renovated. The road conditions have been greatly improved. It only takes a few dozen to drive there. minute.

At around 2:20 in the afternoon, Yu Yan arrived at the county party committee compound on time. He walked slowly to the fourth floor. He met many acquaintances along the way. They all smiled and greeted Yu Yan. But most of them just said hello. .There was no intention to stop and chat with Secretary Yu.

Yu Yan has been working in Taocheng County for a year. The attitude of the staff in the county party committee towards him has changed several times. Yu Yan no longer takes it seriously.

"Hello, Secretary Yu."

At the stairway leading to the fourth floor, Yu Yan met **'s correspondent Xiao Zhou. The document stipulated that county leaders cannot have full-time secretaries. Therefore, the secretary of the county leader was nominally called "correspondent". Naturally, he changed it.

It’s just a name. Even the bureau chief below has his own full-time secretary. Not to mention the county party committee secretary. This is called policies from above and countermeasures from below. Every year, the superiors will issue several documents that they know will not be followed, and they are very serious about it.

That is to say, we study seriously and deeply understand the spirit of the documents. Everyone has a great time playing this kind of tacit word game with the same seriousness. Our country's documents are the most humorous.

Make a final wish. I want a VIP. I want a VIP. I want to break through 1,000 votes today. I will give you four updates. Please note that the four updates refer to a large chapter of 4,300 words per update, not a small chapter of 3,000 words.

.My fourth update is equivalent to the fifth update of a chapter of 3,000 words. Brothers, please let Wang Hai’s small wish be fulfilled...

This chapter has been completed!
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