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Chapter 1,456: Curved combat, strange movements of city beasts!

The thunder rolled, shaking the boundary between the sky and the earth.

The pouring rain covered most of the eastern plate. The raindrops were dense and rapid, intertwining into a huge and endless curtain, completely blurring the boundaries between darkness and light.


It was at this time when the wind and rain were blowing, and there was lightning and thunder.

In the Baiduan Mountains, a thick bolt of lightning suddenly cut through the sky like the wrath of the gods, and happened to hit the city beast as tall as a mountain.

The body of the city beast is huge and heavy, and its skin is covered with thick black moss, making it look ancient and vicissitudes of life.

However, under the bombardment of this lightning, the black moss instantly faded a lot, as if it had been deprived of life by some mysterious force.

The huge body of the city beast trembled slightly, and its pace that was slowly squirming forward suddenly stopped.

It seemed to feel some unknown threat, or it fell into a brief confusion after being struck by the lightning.

But at this moment, thousands of meters high in the sky, a pair of green eyes suddenly opened on the city beast's body.

Those eyes were like two cold stars in the abyss, exuding a strange and profound aura, making the already tense atmosphere even more solemn.


A roar of unknown meaning sounded in the sky, thick and deep. For a moment, even the roaring thunder was suppressed by this sound, as if the whole world was trembling.

Light is the nemesis of the shadow beast clan.

Before reaching adulthood, young shadow beasts will die directly if they are exposed to light for more than half an hour.

Even as adults, they still cannot be exposed to light for long periods of time.

Only the shadow beasts who ignite the divine fire can avoid the damage caused by light and maintain their bodies to move in the light.

In addition, inhabiting some special creatures can also avoid light damage before igniting the divine fire.

But obviously, city beasts are not among this group.

Thunder and lightning containing unparalleled energy fell, and with just one stroke, half of the shadow beasts in the city beast were eliminated.

Without this half, it is visible to the naked eye that the state of the city beast begins to become unstable.

It began to stop moving forward, began to hesitate, and began to think about why it was here.

Even though the possessed Shadow Beast Tribe has tried its best to suppress it, it still cannot resist the thought.

"Damn it, didn't you say you shouldn't travel in this weather? Why should you continue to take risks?"

In the encampment team following the city beasts, three long, strange-looking aliens came out.

There is a willow tree more than three meters high, with gently swaying branches and whirling green leaves. The tree roots under its feet are as flexible as living things, like countless tiny legs, pushing its huge trunk forward slowly.

There are vultures with wings but walking on the ground on two legs. Their sharp eyes scan the surroundings all the time, revealing a majesty that cannot be underestimated.

There is also a seemingly ordinary boulder. The surface of the boulder is mottled and covered with traces of time. But what is surprising is that it actually has hands and uses them to support itself on the ground.

After quickly approaching the city beast, the willow tree took the lead in placing its roots on the surface of the city beast.

A touch of light green energy began to surge forward, covering the city beast's body, but in just an instant, all the energy was absorbed by the city beast.

And in less than three seconds, the lush green leaves on the willow branches quickly withered.

When he reacted and pulled away the branch, the green on the branches was gone, and the main trunk also exuded a rotten yellow color.

"It's terrible, it's terrible now!"

I don't know if it was drained of its life force or if it was frightened by the current state of the city beast.

The willow tree took a few steps back and fell to the ground. The branches and leaves kept shaking and making a rustling sound.

"The damage this time is much more serious than last time. It requires at least 3,000 units of energy to repair!"

"What, three thousand units, how is this possible!"

"It's over. If this is reported to the clan, I'm afraid the three of us will be drained first!"

The vulture and the big stone also put their limbs in contact with the city beast one after another.

Compared to Willow, their strength should be slightly weaker.

After being slapped for only about two seconds, the vulture took four or five steps back and fell heavily to the ground.

I saw that his golden feathers began to fall off when the rain washed away, and in the blink of an eye he turned into a plucked chicken.

The big stone was even worse. After being drained by the shadow beast clan inside the city beast, the stone skin on the surface began to peel off.

In just a few clicks, the entire human body shrunk several times.

"The last time I was hit by such a thick lightning, it only required 1,300 units of energy. Why did it become 3,000 units this time? This... this is unreasonable."

"The patriarch is probably going to kill us now. If we hadn't been greedy for the benefits promised by the royal family, we wouldn't have let the city beasts go on their way in such bad weather."

"What are you talking about now? We have to think about how to explain this quickly!"

The three of them talked to each other, and as they talked, Da Shi couldn't help crying.

There are clear regulations within the Shadow Beast Clan regarding the use of city beasts.

These are all tested by the shadow beast clan with their lives over a long period of time, and they are of great significance.

As soon as there are signs of bad weather like this, the city beast must stop and enter a dormant state.

In this way, even if it is struck by lightning, the damage to the shadow beast clan possessed inside can be minimized.

However, in order to speed up the march of the city beasts and recruit more soldiers to rush to the front line, the royal family secretly promised a large number of special rewards to those in charge.

The last time the city beast was asked to travel in bad weather, the clan leader was so angry that he had all five people in charge of the march drained out.

Now the city beast requires more energy. If there is no way to solve it, all three of them may die.

But he was wronged. The supplies promised by the royal family had not been received yet, so why did he get involved in this matter?

"Report it to the clan. All three of us are going to die. It's better to take a gamble at this time." Liu Shu twitched his torso and whispered: "Now the energy in the city beast's body has accumulated too much, and our clansmen can't suppress it.

Come on, as long as you can find a way to consume the energy of the city beast, you can neutralize this gap."

"That's three thousand units of energy..." The vulture looked at the willow tree hesitantly.

As long as you can avoid the thunder for the time being, and you can find an excuse later, you might be able to get away with it.

After all, the Shadow Beast Tribe is only familiar with the research on this ancient creature, but it is far from a complete understanding.

Including the method of driving city beasts, it is still not fully understood until now.

"We have to negotiate with the royal family. The damage this time was their idea. There is no reason why we should be held responsible."

"Three thousand units..." Liu Shu said in a deep voice: "If you want to consume so much energy, you only need 120,000 aliens to garrison inside the city beast. This is not difficult for the royal family. It is also part of the recruitment process anyway.


"That's right. There are so many foreign tribes in the Baiduan Mountains. It will not be difficult to recruit 120,000 foreign tribes."

With hope of living, Big Stone also regained his energy.

Fortunately, the city beast suffered a heavy blow in the Baiduan Mountains, so even if it was temporarily unable to move, it would not affect the recruitment of troops.

If it were moved outside the mountain range or to other places, it would really make the sky and the earth unable to function.

"Let's go and report to the royal family. It just so happens that the foreign tribes in the Baiduan Mountains are not cooperating. I think the tribe will not doubt the status of the city beast in a short time."

Liu Shu was the captain, and after deciding on the plan, the other two people had no objections.

Braving the wind and rain, the three of them hurried to the camp. Within half an hour, the vulture took off and flew away.


"How confident are you that you want to start with the city beast?"

Hearing that Somo had set his sights on the city beast, Connie pondered for a while and suddenly asked.

Weighing the risks and benefits, if you can capture the city beast, it will be worth taking the huge risk.

Not to mention, the city beast itself is a special tool that is no less than a demigod.

Not to mention those special effects, if you can control the city beast to roll on the ground, you can probably crush thousands of aliens to death in an instant.

"I can't describe the specific situation exactly, but one thing is for sure. If we can obtain the spells to control and use the city beasts from the shadow beast tribe, the success rate of the operation should be greatly improved."

"A spell?"

Connie was thoughtful and repeated in a low voice, as if chewing on the deep meaning behind this word.

"The spells are not difficult to obtain, but the problem is that these spells that can open the inner space of the city beast will only be granted to those alien races that have successfully entered the city beast. Moreover, these spells can only be spread among the alien races within the city beast.

Once it is leaked to outsiders, the leaker will immediately be punished with irresistible death. Therefore, it is very difficult for us to find out these spells, but it is not impossible."

"First, you have to enter the city beast again, but I think it will be difficult for you to continuously capture aliens for interrogation and learn these spells from their mouths without attracting the attention of the Shadow Beast Clan."

"Second, I sent people into the city beasts and asked them to find ways to collect these spells. Let them lurk inside and find ways to collect these spells. After a while, you can find a way to do it again. Enter the city beasts and find them, and you will know directly.

These spells."

"Are you sure the person sent in is reliable?" Sumo looked up at her.

Having already experienced the beasts entering and exiting the city, Somo had no fear at all about entering again.

But the problem is that the transmission interval can only last one day at most.

If you can't resolve this matter within one day and continue to stay, you will have to stay here for the next month.

This price is definitely unacceptable and will directly result in the loss of tens of thousands of special survival points.

"It should be possible. As long as you use the name of the gods, many impossible things can be easily achieved. If you are worried, I can go in. Anyway, as long as you can take down the city beast, it shouldn't be difficult to let me out."

Connie smiled, as if to prove her determination.

"No, you still have to help me collect information from the foreign tribe. You can't waste time inside the city beast."

Sumo shook his head, "I will go visit the city beast again tomorrow morning, and I will make a decision then."

It was getting late, and it was still raining heavily outside, so he didn't think of taking advantage of the darkness to cover his way.

For a city beast that is thousands of meters tall and has a diameter of more than 500 meters, even if the aliens deploy several protective teams around it, they still cannot achieve full-scale monitoring.

As long as you master the entrance and exit spells, you can enter the city beast at any time.

"Okay, you can rest. I'll go communicate with the foreign troops near the city beast first and inquire about their recruitment conditions."

Connie nodded, got up and left the cabin.

Somo lay down for a while, feeling sleepy anyway, so he finally sat up and leaned against the head of the bed.

It can be seen that Connie has indeed carefully prepared to welcome his arrival. Even the furnishings and arrangements in the room are exactly the same as those in his room in the underground shelter.

Familiar with the rough wooden headboard, Somo turned around and gently stroked the burrs of the wood with his fingers.

Connie, you should be able to believe it.

Not just because she is the high priest of Oreo and is bound by the power system.

What's more, the path the aliens are taking now and the goals they want to achieve have seriously deviated from her goals.

She no longer lives for the gods, so naturally she doesn't care about winning the boat ticket as a reward for the gambling battle.

After confirming this, Sumo took the memory crystals left by Connie and lined them up in front of him.

There are twenty-four in total.

It records all kinds of precious information Connie collected during this period.

Compared with human recording methods, aliens value inheritance more. A large amount of practice information is often passed down from generation to generation through this kind of memory crystal.

Just stick it on your forehead and you can quickly get the information recorded inside.

Of course, this method is not without its disadvantages. Once too much information is received in a short period of time, it is easy to lose memory.

Somo first picked up the smallest one and put it on his forehead to check.


The crystal rippled, the surrounding environment darkened slightly, and a picture of about one hundred and fifty inches appeared in front of my eyes.

It looks like it should be Connie's first perspective, with a stepped parliament hall recorded in the screen.

Sumo's eyes subconsciously focused on the center of the council chamber, and unexpectedly he saw an altar table that was only used by humans.

On the offering table, there are not only curls of incense and smoke, melons and fruits on plates as offerings, but also a blurry figure with a face shrouded in green light in the center.

I saw hundreds of aliens in the parliament hall, as if they were doing some performance art, imitating humans and worshiping in the center of the parliament hall.

Once, twice...three times!

A black energy swept across and rushed towards the people at the altar. The statue exploded into powder.

"What are you doing here? Isn't it a sacrifice?"

Sumo was stunned.

But soon, his expression brightened, especially when he saw the cyan statue reappearing on the altar table.

At this time, the green light covering the statue's face had faded, revealing a familiar face underneath.

"Damn it, these aliens are worshiping me?"

I have to say that the impact of this scene is indeed extremely strong.

Hundreds of ferocious-looking aliens worshiped a human statue devoutly, much like the incantations in Chinese mythology.

Although he didn't know why the statue was restored after being blown up by worshipers, Sumo could probably guess that this was due to the system shielding.

"Fortunately, I didn't save any survival points after the shield was blown up. This is very useful!"

Not only can it prevent game detection, but it can also isolate a series of causal attacks and mental attacks.

This thought flashed through his mind, and as the scene changed again, Somo's eyes couldn't help but change slightly.

It is a new way of worshiping.

This time it was no longer a statue, but a straw man who looked exactly like him.

Representatives from the foreign tribes piously lifted up the straw man and penetrated it into different parts with seven-foot-long black nails.

There were seven times in total, but by the last time, the result was still the same as the worship method.

The straw man exploded, disappeared along with the black nails, and reappeared after taking a few breaths.

"It's really a curse... Aliens can also engage in curved combat?"

Looking at the aliens who were chirping and preparing to celebrate just a second ago, they fell silent as if someone had choked them.

Sumo snorted and couldn't help laughing.

Being able to curse him in this way, after Wei decided to play the last game, the aliens really had no cards in their hands to play!


This chapter has been completed!
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