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Chapter 660 Mechanical Creatures, Another Way of Evolution

"These people are really weird. Even though they have been dead for such a long time, their muscles are still so active and they are much healthier than normal people!"

"And their skin still maintains a high temperature of 36 degrees, which is incredible."

Staring at the five corpses spread out in the tent, Shen Hao, the military doctor accompanying the escort, looked cautious.

In the civilized era, although he was only a doctor serving a small clinic, the upper limit of his daily treatment was colds and colds.

But when he was studying in college, he did some detailed research on this aspect like other students.

After a person dies, the body's temperature will rapidly dissipate, and it only takes an hour or two for it to become consistent with the temperature in the air.

After losing blood circulation, the muscles of the human body will quickly loosen up, like dough.

But now these five corpses clearly violate this theorem, and one can spot the problem at a glance.

"Is there a way to find out what changes have taken place in them?" Sumo asked in a low voice.

"I'm afraid not. If Professor Yan were here, with her rich experience, she would probably be able to guess what happened to these people without the help of instruments." Shen Hao shook his head regretfully, and said again: "But the physical condition of these people is definitely It has undergone some modifications, most likely something has been implanted, or some advanced equipment has been used for overall modifications."

"In a sense, they have lost many of their human characteristics and have begun to become, well, how should I put it, just like the mechanical weapons we see in movies, beginning to become dehumanized!"

After saying that, Shen Hao used his pocket knife to scratch the skin of these people. It was obviously very hard, but only a white mark was left.

As the overlord at the top of the food chain, many people among the weak human group will envy the bodies of beasts living in the wild.

They will not fester and die because of a small wound, nor will they be unable to move because of so-called internal injuries.

The scales of beasts, powerful recovery power, and physical potential that can burst out suddenly.

These are much stronger than humans.

And now, if it is true to what Feng Tianmin said and what he is currently observing, the five people in front of them have undoubtedly broken away from the limitations of the human body and have begun to truly evolve to another level.

They are no longer afraid of being hurt by sharp objects or being hit by blunt objects. They have considerable recovery capabilities and have long-lasting vitality that does not dissipate even hours after death.

This kind of evolution is extremely strange to Shen Hao, who has studied human body knowledge professionally. It is so strange that he has never heard of it.

But for Somo.

Raising his hand to look at the delicate and shiny arm skin, Sumo nodded lightly:

"Okay, you go down first!"

Putting down some tools in his hands respectfully, and after taking a look at Sumo, Shen Hao left quickly, and by the way, he also closed the tent curtain to block the view from the outside inward.

In an instant, only Somo was left in the huge tent, standing in the center surrounded by five corpses, looking a bit eerie.

However, all fears only come from the heart.

Having already fought against gods that could cover the sky and the earth, he naturally had no fear of Soma, the mere corpse of a dead man.

Walking straight towards one of the bodies, Somo gently put his hand on it, and at the same time kept calling the system for identification.

In an instant, green structural light began to pour out from Soma's heart, and began to scan the corpse repeatedly in detail.

It only took three to five seconds, and as a light curtain bounced up, the green light retracted.

[Ordinary humans (evolving)]

【Current status】:Dead

[Evolutionary Branch]: Mechanical Creatures

[Physical fitness level]: 6.1% mechanical creatures (analog: 10.91% interstellar humans)

[Note]: Analogous physical fitness does not mean that all physical fitness of the individual has reached this level, but refers to the degree to which the highest level of all physical attributes of the individual has been reached.

[Evaluation]: It is undeniable that on the route of biological evolution, this is another feasible way of evolution. Compared with the improvement of the normal genetic route, its early transformation is less difficult and risky, and it has undeniable advantages. However, because

In the later stages of biological evolution, its difficulty will be horribly multiplied, and it will have a series of other dual psychological and physiological effects, so it is not suitable for widespread promotion.

On the ordinary panel, there is no clear and detailed information.

But after reading these few sentences in the review and contacting the information obtained before, Sumo instantly understood.

"Sure enough, this group of people still failed to give up on their own path and passed on this technology."

"Sun Bahu should not only have opened the first floor, but perhaps what is stored on the second floor is this kind of technology that combines the human body and machinery!"

Let’s talk about what technology is most valuable in the Yan Kingdom.

Even the mysterious old technology can only stand aside before the human body can be transformed.

You know, Soma himself holds more than 5% of the authority to infiltrate, and he also has psionic water to replenish his body's consumption at any cost.

Up to now, the quality of the main body still has not exceeded that of ordinary humans, and the quality of the auxiliary body is only 30% higher than that of interstellar humans.

But just such an ordinary transformation can make these people who may not have been fully trained before suddenly have a sudden increase in combat effectiveness.

The degree of evil is unimaginable.

Just like Shen Hao said, to a certain extent, they are no longer human beings, but have become another kind of weapon.

"It seems that the plan to deal with this Sun Bahu must be implemented quickly."

"Otherwise, it will be even more difficult when he tries out the answers to the questions on the next few levels and gets more weapon technologies!"

After making up his mind, he covered the five corpses on the stretcher with white cloth again, Soma washed his hands and walked out of the tent.

It has turned completely dark.

Standing on the top of the snow mountain, you can see that the Origin Camp below is still brightly lit and bustling with people.

After a day of hard work, Du Shi had successfully controlled the east gate of the camp and inserted the soldiers in batches.

As for the west gate on the other side, the plan has been shelved for the time being because it has been overwhelmed by the crowds.

According to the latest news brought back by the two.

Although Sun Bahu was arranging for people to transfer supplies, the exchange in the city had not stopped and was still being released on a small scale.

Judging from this performance, he had no intention of running away right away, and he still held on to some expectations of the city, hoping that he could survive this threshold.

"Director, Guan Yu'an is also back."

While thinking, Feng Tianmin walked over from the side.

"Anthracene? How is she doing there?"

"It's not good. In addition to not going up to the main peak, she has already turned over the places where people are detained in the camp and other affiliated peaks, but found nothing."

Feng Tianmin shook his head gently, and at the same time brought a piece of bad news that shocked people: "The city is now on the verge of an outbreak. After waiting for a day, nearly 60% of the people failed to obtain supplies. If it weren't for

The exchange is still going on, I'm afraid a riot will break out tonight."

"According to this situation, if these people are not satisfied tomorrow, the camp will be completely turned upside down the day after tomorrow!"

Since there were still two days left, the exchange did not get stuck further.

The current order can be barely maintained.

But anyone with a discerning eye can see that if Lord Sun Bahu has not made further decisions, these ordinary refugees will never risk their lives.

Before the disaster comes completely, chaos will most likely break out on the last day before it comes.

"I see"

"After dinner, I will arrange the second phase of the plan."

Although the time of the outbreak was getting closer and closer, Somo calmed down instead.

This feeling of suffocation he had never experienced before was the first time he had encountered it since he came to the wasteland.

In the past, with the help of many trump cards and survival points, Sumo could find a chance to break through no matter how difficult the situation was.

But this time.

In the face of the general trend, manpower will always be exhausted.

All he can do is try his best and exert all his strength.

As for the rest, it can only be left to fate.

Because there were injured people, the food prepared in the kitchen tonight was not bad. Each person had a bowl of fragrant braised pork and half a bowl of noodles.

But except for Hou Tielong, who had not eaten meat for a long time, he was squatting in the corner eating happily.

Everyone else was preoccupied, and the meal was extremely dull.

Sumo didn't say anything about this. After eating his own portion, he went to the conference room to wait.

This is what is called the cruelty of war.

Since you have the idea of ​​killing the other person, you must also be prepared to sacrifice yourself.

The silence of all the soldiers now reflects their lack of confidence in their future, their own strength, and their fear of whether they can survive.

In this situation, as long as you can enlighten yourself and successfully survive on the battlefield, you can become the so-called elite.

And if you can't pass this test, you can just screen it out, so you don't have to torture your heart in the future.

Sitting in front of the table with a dim yellow light, Sumo flipped through the information in his hand.

After a while, Feng Long, Feng Tianmin, Du Shi, and Guan Yu'an came hand in hand and sat down together.

Not long after, Hou Tielong, who had provided a lot of information during the day, also walked in from the door with a sneer, put down the curtain, and sat at the bottom.

"Everyone implemented the first phase of the plan very smoothly. Although there were some minor accidents, overall, we still achieved the goals we should have, which is very good."

After giving a compliment first, Sumo continued:

"But starting from the second stage, the tasks I want to assign to you are not that simple. I need everyone to pay full attention and try not to make any mistakes!"

"Yes" the four of them said in unison and promised in a low voice.

"Hou Tielong, I want you to take people to the ruins tomorrow morning, is that okay?" As soon as the voice changed, Sumo looked down at Hou Tielong, who was still outside the wandering object, and said in a deep voice.

"No problem, Hou Tielong promises to do it!"

After saying that, Hou Tielong stood up, picked up his fist in a decent manner, and smashed it on his chest to show his loyalty.

After being inspired by "camp culture" for an afternoon, the little ones in his heart have been completely put away.

Especially after finding out through insinuations that Sumo owned a large village and territory, Hou Tielong was even more determined in his choice.

In his opinion, the task Sumo ordered now was a test for him.

If it's not done well, then let's stop talking about it.

But if it's done well.

"Master Su, there may be Sun Bahu's defenses over there at the ruins. If we want to investigate from a distance, there will be no problem, but if we want to take a closer look, the risk is still very high."

"I know, so I will ask Feng Long and Guan Yu'an to go with you, and assign you a team of people to explore and clear the opponent's current progress as much as possible. Is that okay?"

"No problem, no problem!"

When he heard that there were ten armed soldiers following him, as well as Feng Long and Guan Yu'an, Hou Tielong immediately responded with excitement, his face full of excitement.

"Tianmin, I will arrange some plans for you later. From tomorrow morning, your team leader must strictly follow the steps I have given you in the plan to implement them!"

Hearing that Su Mo was going to assign the five teams to him, Feng Tianmin's eyelids jumped at first, and then he quickly responded.

According to the current distribution of camp personnel, the two teams are fixed candidates to guard the snow mountain base camp.

The two teams are responsible for controlling the east and west gates of the Origin Camp.

Only six teams of people were able to move freely.

One of the teams was assigned to Feng Long to take with him to inspect the ruins, and almost all the rest were assigned to him.

The meaning seems to have become obvious.

"Du Shi, you continue to implement the infiltration plan and control the city gate for me as quickly as possible, but remember not to cause any conflicts, even if the speed is slower, it will be okay."

"Your role is very important. I need you to not have any problems!"

"Du Shi understands!"

The planning and arrangement did not last long.

But when it comes to specific implementation, each step requires repeated scrutiny and demonstration to ensure that no problems will arise.

As Su Mo dismissed the meeting, Feng Long and Guan Yu'an stood up and took Hou Tielong to another tent to discuss the details of tomorrow.

Du Shize hurried down and returned to the origin camp under the cover of night to continue executing the plan.

Suddenly, only Sumo and Feng Tianmin were left in the tent.

"Tianmin, this is the plan I want to give you. You should take a look at it first. If you don't understand anything, you can ask me."

Pushing forward the small notebook that he had written down twenty-three plans in the afternoon, Somo held his chin with his hand and looked away.

When people use it, they will hate it less.

At this moment, he wanted to directly summon the Chief Manager Pei Shao from the air to avoid the need for explanations.

But there are thousands of kilometers between the two places, and there is no suitable means of communication. At this time, I can only think about it in my heart.

"But it's okay, Pei Shao is in charge of the internal affairs, and Feng Tianmin can be trained to control the external affairs."

"As long as he can successfully execute this plan, it will be much easier to formulate and implement similar battle plans in the future."

Staring at Feng Tianmin's changing expression, Su Mo's mood, which had been a little depressed just now, suddenly became cheered up again.

It's like character development in an RPG.

After developing Feng Tianmin as a "field", Somo returned to his former enthusiasm.

From seven o'clock to ten o'clock.

After three hours of explanation, Feng Tianmin's understanding was not bad.

But just when he was about to realize what Somo's methods were.

Somo nodded slightly, said nothing, just picked up the psionic water bottle on the table and took a long gulp.

"Tianmin, do your best. As long as you can believe me, you will definitely be able to see more of the world that you didn't dare to imagine before!"

"There are so many secrets in this wasteland."

It seemed like he was saying it to Feng Tianmin, but also like he was saying it to himself.

When I thought that as long as I could deal with Sun Bahu, I would not only get a group of territorial citizens with explosive loyalty, but also inherit the remaining high-precision technology of the Yan Kingdom, completely make up for the large equipment gaps in the territory, and open up productivity.

The two looked at each other, both full of expectations for the future.

"Director, don't worry, I'll take care of it tomorrow!"

"So good!"

This chapter has been completed!
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