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Chapter 661 The temperature drops sharply and winter is coming!

The moon rises on the branches and sets again in a flash.

As a golden light gradually began to rise from the horizon, the twelfth day of May on the last calendar day came quietly.

As of today, there are only the last two days left before the most terrifying temperature drop of minus 40 degrees Celsius in the winter disaster.

As the temperature drop approaches, the cold air from the outside begins to gradually sweep across the entire land, pouring into the entire wasteland.

Early in the morning, before it was fully light, Somo was woken up by the cold again.

Looking at the time, it was already 5:20 in the morning, he simply stopped sleeping and got dressed and sat up.

"Phew, it's really cold today!"

For cold-proof clothes, ignore the weight and sense of restraint.

Just put it on your body, to a certain extent, it's a little warmer than a quilt.

After waiting until his body was completely warmed up, Somo slowly stood up, moved a few times, and walked out of the tent.

"Hey, Director, are you awake so early?"

In the Snow Mountain Base Camp, more than two-thirds of the soldiers had woken up early and started working in the camp.

Seeing Somo walking out of the tent, many people stopped what they were doing and looked over with respect.

Last night, the temperature dropped too suddenly.

It only starts at two o'clock in the night when the wind howls, and the temperature drops by one degree every few minutes.

By three o'clock, the physical temperature of the entire outside world had dropped to minus 28 degrees, making people shiver with cold.

And at such a temperature, when the camp cannot raise a large bonfire for concealment, ordinary tents cannot completely withstand the cold.

In just one night, many people were woken up by the cold several times, and their sleep quality was extremely poor.

"It's too cold and I can't sleep!"

Looking at the kitchen tent where smoke was already rising, Sumo didn't hide anything, smiled and joked a few words.

Compared to those who transformed their bodies into mechanical beings.

Even evolving into an interstellar human did not allow Somo to improve much at the base of human genes.

Take the current temperature as an example.

According to the standard of hot and cold index, at the same temperature, the greater the relative humidity, the more obvious the increase in perceived temperature.

For example, it is also 30°C. When the relative humidity is only 50%, the perceived temperature reaches 31.1°C. When the relative humidity reaches 90%, the perceived temperature will soar to 40.6°C, which is 10.6°C higher than the meteorological temperature.

Although the temperature currently shown by the thermometer is only minus twenty degrees below zero.

But because it rained heavily all day before yesterday, and the previous snow had not melted, the humidity in the air had accumulated to a terrifying level.

At this time, according to the index conversion, it can be roughly concluded that the actual body temperature reflected on the human body has basically reached minus thirty degrees.

And this minus thirty degrees is the peak temperature that Somo can withstand.

Further down, he must also use other means to keep out the cold, otherwise his life will be in danger at any time.

At the same time, for ordinary soldiers, this temperature is almost the limit they can tolerate wearing cold-resistant clothing.

If the temperature drops, even if their willpower is strong, their bodies will quickly fail, causing unimaginable damage.

After fetching a basin of hot water, Somo quickly finished washing before the water cooled down and regained consciousness.

Taking advantage of the time before the meal was served in the kitchen, he strode to a position where he could overlook the origin camp below and looked into the distance.

The north wind howls.

In the mountains of thousands of miles.

Compared with the plains, although the high mountains block most of the cold current blowing over, the temperature inside is actually higher than outside.

But the fine dust and debris were blown up, along with the snowflakes that had not completely condensed into one piece, forming a spectacular scene like a "sandstorm" in the gaps between the peaks.

At the same time, a series of wind whirlpools carried scattered ice slag and hit the valley, making bursts of roaring sounds, which made people think that it was heaven's punishment.

"Oh, I don't know what's going on with the village."

When I think about it, before I left, I had planned to rush back to the village before the temperature dropped drastically, but now I had no choice but to suffer the freezing temperatures outside.

Sumo could only look at the direction of the village with a lingering gaze and a little emotion.

For the first time, he seems to be homesick?

North shore of the New World, Tianyuan Territory, Hope Village.

Early in the morning, the howling north wind began to rise from the end of the earth, blowing the various buildings in the village to buzz, bringing a feeling of an impending rain and the wind filling the buildings.

The force of this north wind is quite strong. It is initially judged that it has exceeded Level 9, which is extremely terrifying.

Fortunately, the village made preparations two days ago and re-strengthened all the prefabricated houses, so that they would not have to work in such a mess in such weather.

However, with such a noise, most people lost their sleepiness, and just after six o'clock, they could no longer sleep and began to crawl out of bed.

Compared with the outside, the dormitory with boiler heating is still as warm as spring.

Even in energy-saving mode, it can ensure that the indoor temperature is firmly controlled at around 24 degrees.

Except for the occasional cold wind that penetrated through the cracks in the doors and windows, many people were startled and realized that it was indeed cold outside.

When most people get up, they only wear a thin autumn coat and don't feel the slightest bit of chill.

Those who fetch water fetch water, those who wash themselves wash their hands.

As the disaster approaches, only half a day is left to start work.

Starting this afternoon, the village will officially enter the disaster relief phase, with all work suspended and everyone preparing for disasters.

But what is different from before is that this time everyone's enthusiasm for fighting the disaster has visibly diminished a lot.

On weekdays, it’s a bustling breakfast time.

Today, it was extremely boring. Most people just lowered their heads and concentrated on the pickle porridge in their bowls.

There were only a few people who had a good relationship, and those who didn't have a good relationship chatted.

Sitting at a table near the window of the cafeteria, four men, one large, three small, were quickly handling the meals that were served on their plates.

It didn't take long.

As a group of larger snowflakes slapped on the window, the older man in his forties finally couldn't help but raised his head and said worriedly to the young man next to him:

"Silly boy, there are only two days left for the temperature to drop significantly, but the director doesn't seem to be back yet. It's freezing outside, what should I do?"

"Looking at the wind blowing, you're worried to death!"

"Uncle, don't worry, the director is very powerful and he has people around him, why do you need to worry about him!"

She subconsciously comforted the old man, but after the young man finished speaking, she let out a long sigh.

"Oh, yes, the temperature is about to drop. The director has been gone for almost twenty days, but there is still no news."

"That is, the village chief stopped us, otherwise everyone would spontaneously go out to look for people with dry food these days. How can people sit still?"

The time is approaching day by day.

During the first disaster relief effort, there was no command from Soma, and there was no news about Soma.

Although most people are still as calm as an old dog on the surface, in fact they are already panicking on the inside.

These days, the village has developed dozens of times faster than before, and the number of buildings has begun to increase rapidly, gradually developing into a real village and town.

But it is a pity that the growth of these things has brought them peace of mind, but it has not increased at all.

There is no other reason.

It was precisely because I didn't get Soma's testimony or hear Soma's praise.

These buildings suddenly rising from the ground, these materials piled in warehouses, these extra infrastructures on the land.

It's like a rootless duckweed, empty and empty.

It only makes people feel that after a disaster, it will become ruins.

Positive emotions will spread, and pessimism will spread. As the four people sighed, the atmosphere in the cafeteria became a little dull again.

For a time, the sounds of chatting became less and less, and the only sounds left everywhere were the sounds of people sucking and drinking porridge.

The second floor of the newly expanded canteen.

With the further expansion of the venue, the village management's dining room was officially moved up from below, and the location of the morning meeting was also moved here.

Looking down at the people coming and going, everyone has sadness on their faces.

After breaking open the remaining half of the wild vegetable steamed bun in his hand and soaking it in the soup, Li Hu couldn't help but look up at Chen Shen who was holding it in the center.

Compared with others, Chen Shen's status has invisibly risen to countless levels since he came back from the negotiations with the fish-men tribe.

In the past, because of his youth, he was appointed by Somo.

Most people who are older than him and have more social experience than him, although they are not convinced at all, still have the idea of ​​​​competition in their hearts.

But this time, he entered the murloc territory single-handedly and walked out completely. He even signed a series of agreements to help the village develop, and the two sides established friendship.

Even the unruly people began to have confidence in Chen Shen's abilities.

Since that time, Chen Shen seemed to have grown up. Even now, when everyone is upset, his mentality is still very stable.

We can still strictly follow the previously formulated plan and steadily promote the development of the village one by one.

But today, after secretly watching Chen Shen for several minutes, Li Hu finally couldn't help but said:

"Village Chief, it's time for us to release the news about the director."

Pointing to the first floor where the atmosphere changed drastically, Li Hu's face was filled with worry.

He was not worried that someone would mutiny and cause trouble because of this, nor was he worried that someone would try to subvert the power structure in the village when Somo was away.

As a representative of force, the security penalties presented to him on his desk every day are basically zero.

And even if there were, it would only be the kind of quarrels between some villagers over trivial matters that could be handled by oneself without the intervention of the newly established patrol guards.

What he was worried about was very simple, and it was funny to say it.

"If this continues, the pressure on my side is too great. Yesterday, four or five people had to sneak out to find the director."

"I'm worried that there will be more people today and tomorrow, and I won't be able to watch any of them. What will happen if they get lost?"

Something that sounds incredible is actually happening in reality.

Moreover, these people who sneaked out were not young people in the village, but rather older men and wives.

In their hearts, even if Sumo is a director, he is actually just a young child.

Before the cold winter came, an inexplicable force drove them to try their best to get ahead of the disaster and go out to find traces of Somo by relying on their feet.

Yesterday, if someone hadn't tipped off the news in a hurry, Li Hu would have almost missed catching the four or five people who were going out from different directions.

"Have you done ideological work for them?"

"I must have done it, you don't know, they are all very stubborn, I can't even say it"

Facing Chen Shen's smiling question, Li Hu answered slightly depressedly, and took a big sip of soup by the way.

"Don't worry, I'll hold on for a day, I'll hold on for a day!"

"I'm still holding on. I've been holding on for four or five days. Village chief, please don't bully a rough guy like me."

Hearing another familiar answer, Li Hu's head seemed to grow in size, causing others around him to laugh.

In fact, most of the management are not stupid, including Li Hu, who can also guess what Chen Shen is doing now and for what purpose.

Between choosing to rely on Somo, and being able to develop independently after Somo leaves.

It's very simple to choose the former, you just need to maintain the overall environment as stable as possible and wait until Sumo comes back.

But if you want to choose the latter, you must get through this most difficult step right now.

Without pain, people will never grow.

The big temperature drop is, in a sense, a test for everyone in the entire territory.

"Let's not talk about this for now. How is the construction of the boiler room at the Murloc Tribe going?"

Chen Shen smiled, changed the topic, and turned his attention to Shen Ke, who was sitting next to him.

The latter raised his head, thought for a while, and said slowly: "There is no problem with the main body, and the heating pipes have been laid. Yesterday, Ai Shi went over to inspect and debug it in person. Now it can be put into use at any time as long as the energy is in place."

"Have the construction costs been collected?"

Speaking of this, Shen Ke put down his chopsticks, showed a charming smile, and nodded happily: "That's for sure, they settled the remaining 70% of the balance after the acceptance yesterday, which is very fast."

"That's good, that's good!"

A piece of good news that cheered everyone up.

After saying this, Chen Shen turned to look at Su Deben on the other side: "Minister Su, how have the refugees who migrated from the south been doing in the past two days? Have they done anything unusual?"

"It's true. Originally, I said I would go take a look yesterday, but it turned out that the envoy from the Tree Tribe didn't leave and forgot to go there to inspect."

"No, don't worry, I'll be here to watch and everything will be fine. In the past two days, I have divided a group of people to start doing psychological examinations. In a week or two at the latest, when the temperature has cooled down, we can try to let some people go. A small number of people have begun to integrate into the village."

Speaking of this, Su Deben looked very interested.

On days without fighting, a group of strangers who migrated here by accident could be used for him to "play with and practice", which could be said to completely eliminate the boredom on weekdays.

The village chief, who became a group of refugees, led these people to open up wasteland in the snow, waiting for an opportunity to test the good guys and bad guys among them, which made his silent heart ignited again.

However, after finishing speaking, looking at the white snow falling outside and the howling wind, Su Deben quickly added: "By the way, the temperature has dropped too fast now, and the more than 400 people over there are not in good health. You Let’s see if we can make arrangements so that we can have some unexpected gains and get some supplies to replenish our bodies.”

"That's no problem. Just discuss it with Shen Ke later and give it to me after drawing up the order. It's really cold this winter, and our heating over there can't get through, so you need to pay more attention!"

There were no major problems in the few areas he paid attention to, and Chen Shen felt a little excited.

Afterwards, some small details were discussed for a while, and when everyone's bowls were filled with food, the brief morning meeting officially ended.

Facts have proved that the village structure that Somo had worked hard to build before leaving actually produced irreplaceable effects after he left.

Because they are in positions that suit them, everyone starts working with great enthusiasm and concentration.

On this shining stage, they found the wonderful life that is difficult to obtain in the civilized era.

At the same time, they began to have more and more expectations for the days to come.

"Let's adjourn"

"Everyone, this is the first time the director has been away during a disaster. No matter what, we must hold on!"

Standing up and picking up the bowl, Chen Shen opened his mouth and finally gave some encouragement.

However, before he finished saying this sentence, he himself started laughing, and the others with him also had a smile on their lips.

Even though the heat in the cafeteria filled the air, his glasses fogged up due to the reflection.

Even though the north wind howls outside, it makes people's minds wander.

But when he turned around, Chen Shen could still see a ball of fire.

You can see a blazing fire brewing in everyone's eyes.

He knew that this was the fire that Soma left in everyone's hearts before he left.

At this time, it was time for the decisive battle.

It's already started. Burning!

This chapter has been completed!
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