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Chapter 691: The grain industry is competing, and the wasteland is also getting involved!

Just when Zhang Min hurriedly changed the new recruitment instructions and passed the demand to the free market again.

Sumo, however, had already gone through all the formalities, took the work permit that allowed for temporary registration, and took the first step in the car to Mingyue Town.

After staying in the guest house in Mingyue Town for three days, the huge amount of money spent already made him feel a little uncomfortable.

If you can go to Sangtian Town one day earlier and rent a house there earlier to save this expense, you can retain more savings for subsequent development.

At the entrance of the village, three trading points were allocated again, and Somo got out of the car expressionlessly.

Taking a look at the time, it was still more than half an hour before Huang Xiaojuan left work.

Sumo simply went to a roast duck restaurant in the town and spent two points to buy a roast goose that exuded a strong aroma of oil.

Waiting at the place where the plantation workers were getting off work, after a while, Huang Xiaojuan with a tired face appeared in Sumo's field of vision.

Compared with the previous two days, Huang Xiaojuan has obviously calmed down a bit and adapted to the intensity of labor here.

Just like now, although her pretty face is still pale and she looks like she is suffering from severe hypoglycemia, at least she doesn't stagger when walking like before.

"Hey, Brother Zong, why are you here!"

Walking with her head buried in her chest, when she realized that she was about to bump into someone, Huang Xiaojuan subconsciously raised her head and wanted to apologize.

But the next second, when she saw it was Sumo, she rushed forward in surprise and hugged him tightly.

"Xiaojuan, I know the work is done, we will go to Sangtian Town tomorrow!"

"We will be able to settle down then!"

"Ah? Found a job?"

Huang Xiaojuan screamed and immediately attracted the attention of many people.

At first, everyone thought they were just another ordinary couple, getting tired of each other here.

But the next second, after looking at the roast goose in Sumo's hand, many people showed envy in their eyes.

"go home"

"Yeah, then I have to pay these three days' wages first!"

After patting her head and thinking that she would go to Sangtian Town tomorrow to start a real long-term life, Huang Xiaojuan hurried back to the park against the flow of people.

After a long while, when the flow of workers at the door was clear, she happily walked out of the door and raised her hand.

"Brother Zong, it's 1.2 o'clock in three days!"

"And these two days have been included in the summer harvest period, so I got an extra 0.3 point reward and 5 cents!"

In the Qingguo Territory, during the busiest time, ordinary people worked tirelessly for a month and their income was only about two trading points.

When she thought that she had made the previous month's profit in just three days, Huang Xiaojuan couldn't help but giggle and was so happy.

"Hey, that's awesome!"

After touching Huang Xiaojuan's head, Su Mo pursed his lips.

Previously, he thought that the current Tianyuan Territory only had a serious gap between rich and poor, but now it seems that class solidification is even more obvious.

If Huang Xiaojuan knew, it would cost 6 points to go back and forth to the city, and 2 points for a roast goose.

I'm afraid she is optimistic and doesn't have any expectations for future life.

And once such people increase in number in the territory, they will inevitably affect the security and future development of the territory.

"Let's go back and eat"

"Wait until tomorrow, and we will go to Sangtian Town to settle down."

At ten o'clock in the evening, after putting Huang Xiaojuan to bed, Somo quietly came to wait outside the guest house.

This is one of the busier streets in Mingyue Town.

There is a brightly lit food stall in front of the door, filled with migrant workers.

It's summer harvest time.

After earning income, these migrant workers are not stingy.

Most of them were drinking low-quality beer at a sufficiently low price, eating kebabs made from unknown ingredients, bragging about their awesomeness, and were very happy.

Compared with the aboriginal people in Tianyuan territory, they live a more relaxed and comfortable life.

"If I'm not here, no one will take strict control."

"Alas, the territory is too big, and in the end the ordinary people at the bottom are sacrificed."

In fact, from the end of the wasteland year to now, the results of the entire Tianyuan territory's wanton development have completely run counter to Soma's original intention when it was established.

The current Tianyuan Territory is more developed and stronger than other small territories.

In terms of people's livelihood, infrastructure, even education, farming, etc., we have not dared to be pioneers at all. We are just copying what we have on earth over and over again, for fear of making mistakes.

Those ordinary people living in the Tianyuan territory, as well as the newcomers who joined later, still live a hard life. They are just doing a lot of work that has no nutritional value and earning an income that is just enough to survive.

Moreover, those residents who were in the territory from the beginning failed to fulfill their responsibility of getting rich first and driving wealth later. They only knew how to continue sucking blood from the people who came after them to strengthen themselves.

Such a result is a serious mistake by the territorial management and a major structural mistake that occurred after the expansion.

"With such a sense of territorial belonging, once the zombie attack really comes, I'm afraid they will be in chaos before they can be integrated."

"It seems that this time the disaster relief, people's hearts are also a point that needs to be paid attention to."

"But fortunately, not only do I have a chance to make amends in this world, but I also have time to turn things around in the real world!"

Think about the obvious problems in your current territory.

When Somo suddenly came to his senses, Oreo's figure had already appeared in the darkness on the street.

But unfortunately, after just one glance at Oreo's expression, Somo shook his head.


"It's okay, there will be more opportunities in the future!"

After being restricted into Yuan Bao's body and losing the power of his godhead, Oreo's exploration range was also greatly restricted.

During the day, Sumo thought about letting Oreo sneak into the city through another line to see if he could contact Moore or Su Chan.


Oreo searched for a whole day but could not find any trace.

"Is the game causing trouble, or are Su Chan and the others not in Hope City?"

Sumo was not discouraged if he failed to catch this bug.

After only keeping this information in mind, he took Oreo back to the room and began to rest.

The sun rises and the moon sets.

A night of silence.

As the sun rises slowly from the horizon on June 1st, the town that has been quiet all night begins to boil again.

The closer we get to June 20th, the summer harvest, the more foreign people will enter the town.

The unique temporary status gives these people the opportunity to make a lot of money.

Their consumption after entering the city also indirectly drove up the consumption in the territory, injecting new vitality into the stagnant pool.

Mixed in among these crowds, Huang Xiaojuan and the dog hurriedly finished their breakfast and then boarded a medium-sized and large-sized vehicle heading to Sangtian Town.

"Hey, this ticket is so expensive!"

"To go from Mingyue Town to Sangtian Town, one person actually needs 1 trading point, and Yuanbao also needs to be counted."

"No wonder the roads in Tianyuan Territory are so well maintained. With such an expensive price, who can sit and run around every day?"

Just after she sat down in her seat and got her ticket, Huang Xiaojuan complained in pain.

It's just that her appearance seems to be common in this car.

As soon as the words finished, an uncle next to him happily answered: "Girl, you and your wife are also going to Sangtian Town to be busy with the summer harvest?"

"Husband and wife? No, no, no, we are brother and sister!"

Huang Xiaojuan's focus was a little different from others. Upon hearing her lame explanation, good-natured laughter suddenly sounded in the car.

As for Sumo, who had been silent, he turned his head and said curiously:

"Old man, I think there are a lot of people in this summer harvest. Is there enough land in Tianyuan territory?"

"Is it enough?"

Hearing this question, the uncle in his fifties was stunned for a moment, then looked at Somo up and down with a strange expression, and then said leisurely:

"Hunter, you are looking down on the Tianyuan Territory. You have to know that Tianyuan is one of the top five territories in the New World in terms of planting area."

"I won't talk about the distant ones, let's talk about last summer's harvest. It took 150,000 people to harvest for less than half a month before we could finish harvesting the grain reserves."

"During winter planting this year, the area of ​​grain reserves has increased by one-third compared to last year. Do you have any calculations? How many people will be needed to harvest such a large area this time?"

"There are so many?"

Seeing the old man's expression of embarrassment, as if this land was his own, Su Mo couldn't help but click his tongue in surprise.

Fifteen thousand people, half a month, even if the manual harvesting efficiency is not high, the converted area is staggering enough.

This year, the area for winter planting has been expanded by one-third, which will inevitably attract more laborers.

"Sure, what a huge market these tens or hundreds of thousands of people are!"

"It may be difficult for my technology to enter the market, but as long as I eat these people, even if one person gives me a little, the more people there are, the benefits will be terrifying enough!"

With some ideas in his mind, Somo was not stingy and immediately took out a dry cigarette from the bag under his leg.

They say that where there are people, there will be a market.

When there is demand, various products will be available accordingly.

From the first day after discovering that this thing was actually sold in the territory, Somo spent 8 points to buy two full packs.

In the past two days, whenever I encounter someone asking for advice, I always use this thing to achieve success.

"Hey, cigarettes, you are very polite."

After taking the dry cigarette, the wrinkles on the old man's face seemed to be exuding happiness.

Especially when Sumo took out a lighter and clicked on it in cooperation, his satisfaction seemed to overflow.

Immediately, he began to ramble on about the situation in Sangtian Town.

"The first time our Tianyuan Territory started contracting foreign fields, it was still four years in the wasteland."

"At that time, there were not so many people in the territory, and Sangtian Town was only one-tenth of its current size. But at that time, our lord Tianyuan was afraid that the disaster would bring a devastating blow to the food, so he allocated some money during winter planting in the territory.

The cultivated area is very large, almost as large as ten acres per person."

"But no one expected that the disaster that year did not target food at all, which led to the immediate liquidation of the territory, and had to start this model of outsiders assisting in harvesting."

After explaining the origin of this grand scene in a few sentences, the old man changed his tone and began to recall it half braggingly and half narrating.

"I was there during the first harvest. At that time, there were only two contracted grain banks in Sangtian Town, which were far from the scale they are now. And we independent people could even mortgage our things and get a few acres of land.

The contracting rights and make a lot of money”

"First of all, I'm not bragging. For the first time, my old man and my two sons contracted a total of twenty acres. After including the handling fee, deposit, and the land, we made a full profit of seven acres.


Patting the two shy young men sitting next to him, the old man took a big sip with great satisfaction.

But then, looking at the rolling farmland passing by quickly outside, he said regretfully:

"I still don't have enough funds. After the first harvest, I felt that I could do this contract farming work, but I didn't have the funds and I couldn't open such a big stall."

"By the time we came here in the second year, which was the fifth year since Wasteland, Sangtian Town had completely changed its appearance. The area was more than five times larger. And the most terrifying thing was that there were only two grain stores before. By that year, there were actually

We have opened a terrifying 21 stores!”

"We, the independent people, can no longer contract land. We can only work under these grain stores and pay a high tax to these middlemen."

"In the fifth year, the three of us contracted 25 acres, but the final harvest was only five acres."

The profit dropped from 35% to nearly half, approaching 20%.

The old man's experience seems to be a reflection of most people in the car. As soon as he finished speaking, there were people talking about it.

"I said, uncle, you are doing well. In the third year, we and I purchased ten acres of land, but in the end we only had one and a half acres~"

"My opponent, there are even fewer people in the third year. In the first two years, not many people knew that Tianyuan Territory was recruiting people. You are considered a blessing."

"The six of us rented fifty acres. Guess what, we worked for half a month, and in the end we paid for one acre of land."

"Go, go, you are spending it on your own and enjoying yourself, who is to blame!"

Income is a hot topic whether on earth or in the wasteland.

Once someone mentions it, the discussion becomes one in an instant.

However, listening to the quarrels of these people behind him, the old man remained unmoved. He just sniffed and continued:

"The market in the wasteland was really bad for six years. There were too many food stores that year. At its peak, there were about forty stores. They all competed maliciously. As a result, they didn't make any money, and we didn't make any money either.

In the end, all the money was made by the vendors selling food and renting out houses.”

"But seven years after arriving in the wasteland, the competition among grain stores was too great. After only six stores closed down, the situation improved a lot. The profit margin that year was still around 20%."

"What about this year?"

Seeing that the old man was about to finish smoking the dry cigarette in his hand, he took out another cigarette. Somo handed it to him "honestly" and leaned his body against it.

In a sense, the information provided by the old man is very useful.

Of the four potential shops previously selected in the free market, two of them are grain stores.

At that time, Sumo was still wondering why a grain store would hire electricians, a type of work that they couldn't work together.

Now it seems that these people are simply rich.

The income from just one summer harvest is probably more than the income from some small and medium-sized shops in the city.

Even if it costs money to hire electricians for development, these people can afford it!

"This year?"

"Young students, we have only one choice this year."

After dusting off the cigarette ashes, the old man seemed a little melancholy.

"There are only two food stores left this year, namely Zizailiangfang and Qiankun Food Store. But if we have to choose, we can only choose Ruyi Food Store."

"Why is this?"

"Why? It's not because of..."

After a pause, the old man simply winked and asked the eldest son next to him to take out a gray-black leaflet from his bag.

Taking the crumpled white paper that had not been rubbed, Sumo only glanced at it a few times, connected the information he had collected before, and instantly understood the situation in Sangtian Town.

"This energy stone sickle is too advantageous. I'm afraid Zizailiangfang will suffer a loss this year."

"It's a pity that the person who contracted the territory cannot be changed. Otherwise, if he is willing to release the land and let us individual people contract it like before, it is not impossible to survive this disaster."

"But now, who can make more money, who can't live with money?"

After taking back the leaflet handed over by Somo, the uncle felt a little disinterested and closed his eyes and stopped talking.

But it's just like the information he conveyed.

Before the medium-sized high-performance vehicle full of people had completely entered Sangtian Town, only five kilometers outside the town, staff from Qiankun Grain Store came up to promote it.

"Can you let me try?"

Taking the powerful stone sickle from the staff, Somo waved it in a decent manner.

The effect is good, it is exactly what the leaflet said, it can save a lot of effort.

However, due to the lack of ownership rights and the inability to use the system to view information, Somo could only hand the sickle back with regret and began to sit down and meditate.

As far as the current situation is concerned.

It is definitely a good choice to join Qiankun Food Bank, which is about to have a large amount of capital income.

As long as they can make some achievements here, with their funds, it is probably not a problem to buy some rare materials and tools, which will just meet Somo's requirements.

"Go and have a look first. If you can get in, it would be great."

"If it doesn't work, this Manufacturing Zero is still okay!"

This chapter has been completed!
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