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Chapter 854 Three days of fierce battle, the gods reappear!

Lance Divine Realm, in front of the stone table in the wooden house.

Somo's expression was slightly sluggish, as if he was possessed, and he was mumbling this completely unexpected number back and forth.

Two hundred thousand?!

How can this be?!

The five royal families worked hard to create such a terrifying blood sacrifice formation, and the five ancestor gods came to invade with the help of the world core of the big world.

In the end, there is only this little magical power?

Think about the alchemy furnace that is currently burning 24 hours a day in Fishman City and has stored nearly 30 million ocean power.

Sumo instantly felt the differences in the world and the power of the alchemy furnace created by the system.

"Lord Poseidon, there is no need to panic. Although the five great ancestor gods have a lot of power, most of them are used to compete with the core of the world. As long as we are careful, we still have a good chance of escaping.

Moreover, when the core of the world fights against the ancestor gods, it will also loosen its control over the world barrier. I have the coordinates of several other small worlds here. As long as the conditions are met, we can immediately activate our divine power to leave this broken super world!

"Lance said seriously.


"I forgot, Lord Poseidon has lost his memory." Lance patted his head and quickly waved towards the void, summoning a light screen similar to a map.

"If the gods want to travel quickly between worlds, they must obtain permission from the world core of the destination. And only when permission is obtained, can they use divine power to remotely connect and open passages, achieving the ability to penetrate the void and reach another world."

"For a single trip, the farther the distance, the more divine power is required."

"Look, sir, the four worlds recorded on the star map in my hand are the neutral worlds that are close to this broken super world. Taking this recent small world as an example, as long as the barrier of this super world is opened,

, we only need to spend at most two thousand points of divine power to open the passage and leave here."

"Is there such a way?" Sumo looked surprised and couldn't help but stand up and stick to the star map to look at it.

Humanity has been developing interstellar navigation for hundreds of years, but has not been able to build a suitable and usable manned spacecraft.

Not to mention that the distance between the two planets is often thousands or tens of thousands of light years, and it would take dozens of generations of human life to reach it.

But what about the gods?

It turns out that you only need to know the coordinates of the other party's world and use some divine power to directly open the passage and descend.

This method is simply unheard of and unseen.

Sumo couldn't help but have a little fantasy. If he could know the coordinates of the earth now, wouldn't he be able to fly back directly using his divine power?

However, it is a pity.

After looking at it carefully for a while, Sumo could only give up the idea.

Without him, Lance's star map is really simplistic. The total number of neutral world points recorded on it is only thirteen.

And six of them were the coordinates that he had found out from others and added to them by himself. He had never been there personally, let alone what they had become now.

"Are you sure these surrounding areas won't be as dangerous as they are now if we go there?"

"I don't know." Lance was a little embarrassed and couldn't help but chuckled.

"About 20,000 years have passed since the last time I collected this star map. According to the changes in the world over time, there should not be any major changes, but there is no telling whether someone will be madly eyeing the invasion of neutral worlds.


"Then do you know where our current super world is?"

"I don't know." Lance replied softly: "Only the top gods of the big world are qualified to know the specific coordinates of the super world. Even if I were dropped here by them, there is no way to determine our current specific location."

In addition to basic common sense about gods, as well as some secrets related to the five ancestor gods.

Lance is just an indigenous god in a small world, and the information he knows is really limited.

Somo tried to ask some more questions, and even asked indirectly whether the outside world was just a divine realm in the super world.

But the result was that Lance shook his head and denied it, claiming that a second trunk would never grow from one trunk.

No world can give birth to a world with complete rules within its own core. This is not in line with the law at all.

Even a top super world would never be able to do it, let alone a broken world core.

Therefore, Somo had more guesses about the nature of the entire wasteland and ruins.

"Lord Poseidon, if you still have relatives in this world that you can't let go of, hurry up and make preparations to let them consciously come to my divine domain. When the time comes, just go to other worlds and find suitable parasites.

According to the current expansion speed, it will take at most one week, no, at most five days before the five ancestor gods arrive. By then, we cannot escape immediately, and the risk is extremely high." Lance is still trying to "persuade".


But Sumo was too lazy to pay attention to him.

Exit the forest and return to the window.

Recite the incantation used to sense the territory before, then invest your divine power in it, and wait until the picture that no one else can see emerges.

Sure enough, in the territory outside the ruins, the sky was plunged into darkness as now.

This proves that the divine realm and the outside wasteland are not two independent worlds, but are connected together by some kind of force.

"Whether it's the outside world or the divine domain, the natural rules are wrong, even the authority is still the same."

"I used to doubt that the five great ancestor gods didn't realize that this was a divine domain. Now that I think about it, they wouldn't care even if they found out."

"As long as you can get permission, who cares which corner of the super world this is?"

Humanity has inexplicably passed eight years, and the evolution of the New World has been flawless.

After witnessing the magic of the Heaven-stealing Secret, Sumo did not dwell on the principles behind the formation of this ruins.

In a sense, knowing the news about shared permissions is the biggest gain.

"Dean Su, how is the situation?!" Zhang Chong asked curiously when he saw the statue placed on the table by Su Mo.

"Five days, the five ancestor gods will be able to come at any time after five days." Sumo said calmly.

"So fast?" Zhang Chong's face was startled, and the expressions of other first-generation people sitting next to him also changed wildly.

As of now, humans can't even deal with the zombie tide in the wasteland, let alone the invincible gods.

"Our nuclear bomb"

"It's useless. The power they have this time is extremely terrifying. It's thousands of times more than before. No bullets are useless." Knowing the power of 200,000 divine powers, Sumo did not deliberately hide it.

In fact, if you don't take the risk of using the alchemy furnace to expand the length of your information flow and control the power of the ocean in the alchemy furnace.

To deal with the five ancestral gods this time, based on the price of commanding the power of the ocean, it would cost at least 500,000 survival points.

And if you want to win against them and achieve results in pursuit, you have to at least double it a few more times.

"Can you still handle this?" Unknowingly, Zhang Chong's voice was filled with honorifics.

He carefully judged Soma's expression and was always ready to give instructions based on the situation.

At the same time, Ai Jianqiang, Bai Yiqi and others, who knew the inside story of the gods, could not help but look sideways and became nervous.

"Don't worry, according to our plan, there will be no problem."

The voice fell.

It was obvious that everyone present was relieved.

Only Somo himself looked up at the night sky, and the cracks on the broken moon were still spreading.

Unknowingly, one year finally came to an end.

After knowing the time for the arrival of the five great ancestral gods, it was time to make arrangements for the funeral.

On May 9, Year 9 of the Wasteland Calendar, the weather turned from sunny to light snow, and the temperature was minus three degrees Celsius.

During the long night, as the cracked sun gradually rose, it finally drove away the boundless darkness that filled the corners of the New World.

However, it snows in May, and summer turns to winter.

The sun hanging high in the sky cannot bring much warmth, and it can only barely maintain the last trace of integrity and carry out its mission.

The temperature is still falling, and the trend is getting worse.

Baoyu County, at the entrance of the Government Affairs Building.

Sumo changed his clothes and looked like a passerby walking with his neck hunched outside. He held a stack of documents in his hand and walked into the business floor on the first floor with his head lowered.

It gets cold too fast, and the boiler responsible for heating has not been fully started yet.

This results in the temperature inside the building being lower than outside. Most of the staff working at the office can only walk back and forth on the floor to warm their hands and feet.

Compared with Baoyu County half a year ago, earth-shaking changes have taken place here.

Those old fritters who bragged and hogged positions to kill time have all been eliminated by the strict management system, leaving almost all newcomers who are full of self-motivation and looking forward to changing the future.

Seeing Somo coming in at this moment, two plain-looking but erect women came up to him at the door.

"Sir, are you here to handle official business?"

I don't know if it was because he hadn't appeared in person a few times, but neither of them recognized him at this time.

"I'm looking for Zhang Min, Secretary Zhang. We've already made an appointment." He picked up a small yellow note on the file and handed it over.

After reading this, the woman on the left nodded quickly and said, "Please follow me."

Follow the corridor inward, and at the end there is an elevator that can go directly to the top floor.

After stepping into the elevator, Sumo quickly arrived at the door of the top-floor office, which currently symbolizes Baoyu's highest management authority.

"At this time, Secretary Zhang should be handling government approvals." The woman reminded her politely and quickly left.

Just with his sharp eyesight, Sumo couldn't help but feel the huge changes in Baoyu County's government affairs system again.

Each person has independent management aspects and assessment standards that are specifically included in the performance.

The previous bloat and repeated conflicts of rights were completely resolved in just a short time.

"Zhang Min still has talent in managing government affairs."

Sighing inwardly, Sumo stepped forward and knocked on the door gently.

Boom, boom, boom.

"Please come in." A familiar female voice came from the room.

"Hey, Youzong, why are you here?" Seeing Sumo walking into the room, Zhang Min exclaimed and stood up, then started laughing.

"After this office is built, the total number of times you come is less than a handful of times. Let alone them, even I will forget who is the real county magistrate of Baoyu County."

Su Mo looked at her for a while, smiled on his face, and suddenly asked while sitting on the sofa: "I haven't been here to manage Baoyu County for such a long time. You are the only one in charge. How do you feel?"


"Why do you suddenly ask this?" Zhang Min was stunned and stopped collecting water.

"I'm just curious. From a small shopkeeper of a small Zizai Liangfang to now the manager of a gathering place for millions of people, this is a plot that many people can't write in novels."

"Novel? Reality is often more magical than novels." Zhang Min thought for a while and finally said: "It's not bad. Although I am much more tired than before in Zizailiangfang, I regretted leaving more than once when I was busy, but now

I regretted it more often, but I actually enjoyed the hard work and the joy of seeing the results."

"Where's your dad?"

"Him. If you didn't mention it, I would have really forgotten to tell you. Didn't the Sky Wall build a new Tianji City to accommodate the refugees? He applied and passed the assessment to be the material manager there. Than

I have a lot of scenery."

Putting the two cups of hot water on the table, Zhang Min smiled and said.

In the steaming heat, her smile was much simpler and more relaxed than before.

"Tianji City is good, good." Picking up the hot water cup, Somo gently held it in his hand and rubbed it.

When they were at home, there seemed to be endless things to say between the two of them in private.

But when I got to the office, when it was time to talk about business, I became silent instead.

After a long while, until the hot water in the cup was no longer hot, Sumo looked away and said softly: "Look at the document I brought on the table. It is a reward for your time."


Zhang Min looked puzzled and glanced at the white folder on the desktop.

She gently picked it up and opened the first page, but only saw a few big characters that could change the future of Baoyu County.

"Appointment Letter of Baoyu County Mayor".

When I opened the appointment letter, in the first line, the word "Zhang Min" was clearly visible.


"You deserve this. You have proven with your actions that you are fully worthy of this position." Seeing the completely stunned look of the woman in front of him, Sumo sighed, but in the end he still could not finish all the words he had prepared.

Drag out.

He knew in his heart that he didn't love the woman in front of him that much.

Just like Zhong Qingshu who once appeared and disappeared quickly, as time goes by, the number of memories has become less and less.

But there is no doubt that unlike Zhong Qingshu, the woman in front of him really loves him.

Sumo could fully feel that Zhang Min's love was no longer the love of scholars admiring heroes and strong men, but had gradually turned into a dependent love that was common but rare in the wasteland.

So, before Zhang Min could say anything else, he stood up decisively:

"The final battle between humans and aliens is coming soon. As you know, this time it is still a battle between us and the gods. The Tianyuan territory is not safe, and the same is true of Baoyu County. Between the gods

I don't know what will happen once the battle breaks out, so I left you a special thing in the safe beside our bed. Remember, don't forget to bring it with you when chaos occurs.

Also, I have to go on a long trip these days."

Soma's voice gradually became fainter.

But as he approached the door, Zhang Min suddenly came out of his daze.

Tears flowed from her eyes.

"Su Youzong, I know you are very powerful."

"But that is a battle between gods. Your surname is Su, and you are not Somo or God Su. Can't you stay?"

The conversation had reached this point, so why couldn't she see that Sumo was explaining the funeral arrangements.

However, until the wooden door was gently closed, the man's reply did not come again.

There was only a long sigh left.

Two days later.

Dragon Banner Territory, Fenghuo City Suburbs.

The originally empty plain has now turned into a sea of ​​flesh and blood, with broken corpses everywhere.

The Long Banner Army's defensive line retreated again and again, leaving only the last five kilometers to reach Fenghuo City.

After a series of fierce battles, the number of the 400,000 Dragon Banner Army was reduced to less than 100,000.

But the impact of more than thirty waves of zombies, with a number of more than five million, gave them the unquestionable throne in the history of wasteland wars.


A slight vibration came from the end of the earth, passed through the scarlet soil, and spread far away from the ground.

Inside the simple camp of the Long Banner Army.

As a habit, many soldiers who fell into a deep sleep due to exhaustion jumped up and wanted to pick up weapons to fight.

But it wasn't until they left the tent and came to the usual gathering place.

That's when I discovered it.

There are not many friends, comrades, and brothers left around him. With such a small number of people, it is difficult to form even the most basic battle formation.

"Captain, is this our last battle?" A young man in his early twenties wiped the black ash on his face and turned to the middle-aged man in his forties next to him.

The captain was blind on one side, and his thigh still had a bone injury that had not fully recovered, but at this moment he still forced a smile and said: "What did Guawazi say? After this wave is over, I'm still waiting to come back to celebrate."

Where is the meat? How can it be the last battle?"

"Remember me, save your life first, kill the enemy second!"

Clutching the wooden machete with many chips in his hand, the captain thought of himself and wanted to follow the scattered team to the front line of the battlefield.

But accidentally, he slipped and fell to the ground.

"Fuck, it's really useless. I still need young people to help me."

He laughed at himself and looked at the young man who hurriedly ran over. The captain smiled, but tears came out of his eyes.

He thought of his son. He also wanted to help him yesterday, but he was swarmed by a wave of corpses and torn into pieces.

No one can stand up and no one can save him.

Just like everyone who is watching silently in the live broadcast room knows.

This dilapidated Long Banner Army is already the last barrier to the Long Banner territory.

If they fall, who will protect the two million civilians in the city?

My thoughts drift further and further away.

In a daze, the captain's vision began to blur, and he seemed to see a huge figure hundreds of meters tall appearing in the sky.

Just like the false gods of Tengu and the five ancestral gods that we saw back then.

This completely incomprehensible figure seems like an enlarged version of a human being.

He was holding a large dark green bow in his hand, and a cloak behind him was swinging slightly in the sky, faintly revealing a symbol that resembled the Chinese character for "hunting".

"Wait, is this an illusion?"

Recognizing the word "hunt", the captain was stunned and quickly looked around, only to find that many people had stopped, pointing at the figures appearing in the sky and yelling.

Obviously, he was not the only one who saw this;

"Dragon Banner Army, you have done a good enough job."

"but now."

"Just let me do it."

This chapter has been completed!
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