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Chapter 855 Three gods appear together and the rules are shattered!

Somo had a dream.

A very strange yet familiar dream.

He dreamed that he fell from a high altitude and fell in front of a high wall with no boundaries.

The wall material is not the common masonry, but individual hexagonal glass.

Countless glasses are stacked together so that people can only vaguely see something moving behind the wall.

Time seems to have lost its meaning here, with only two options left: forward or backward.

Along the glass, he could only walk aimlessly.

But then the scene changed, and Sumo suddenly realized that his perspective had left the slowly moving body below and flew high into the sky.

But the body below was still moving forward slowly.


Encountering a piece of jet-black glass in the crystal-clear wall, it looked like it was infected by mold.

Soma tried to drive his consciousness and flew towards this strange piece of glass.

But before he could get in front of him, the body walking on the ground had already jumped up and touched the glass.

Then, it instantly shattered into powder.


A thunderous roar erupted on the high wall.

A huge suction force came from the curtain wall, which seemed to have triggered the protective mechanism and wanted to remove all outsiders who came here.

Somo subconsciously wanted to escape, but he found that the speed of consciousness after leaving the body was too slow.

No matter how hard he tried, the distance between him and the black glass kept getting closer.

Foot by foot.

Inch by inch.

As the distance continues to shrink, the suction force on the glass also intensifies.

At the same time, repeated prayers continued to sound.


"Give up! Give up! Give up!"

Like a demonic sound entering the ears, this sound seems to be able to destroy people's minds, making the escape of consciousness slower and slower.

However, at the last moment when he was about to be sucked in.

On a whim, Sumo suddenly raised his head and looked at the road he came from.

In the distance, he seemed to see a new figure appearing on the path below the glass curtain wall.

The figure was carrying a large bow and looked around carefully, as if looking for something.

behind him.

Two new figures appeared one after another.

One of them held a huge harp as tall as a man.

The other one was holding a huge wine bottle.

These three people showed up.

The suction force on the black glass was greatly reduced in an instant, finally giving the last chance to escape.


Take a deep breath.

Soma wanted to use his last strength to escape.

But the next second, he suddenly opened his eyes and found that he was sitting on the train heading to the Academy of Sciences.

The driver in front was concentrating on driving and did not notice anything strange about him.

And the glass curtain wall, as well as the black glass, including the three figures that appeared at the end.

All disappeared completely.

"That dream just now?!" His heart was shaken, and he quickly sat up straight and called the system tremblingly.

The next second, the system interface that was originally light blue turned into orange, which represented the coming danger.

Especially in the upper right corner of the interface, the threat level that was originally close to 30% suddenly jumped to 68%, and it will soon break through the current information shielding!

"What, it actually increased by more than 30% at one time?!"

Encountering such a vision for the first time, Sumo was frightened and quickly asked the driver to pull over.

But then he just opened the car door and stepped out of the car.

As soon as he looked up, he immediately saw a terrifying scene that could occupy half of the sky in the wasteland.

That is

"These are the three people I just saw?!"

Compared with what they saw in their dreams, the bodies of the three of them are already over 10,000 meters tall.

In the slightly dark sky, beams of sunlight were shining through the torn dark clouds, reflecting on their solid figures that could reach the sky.

The giant god standing on the left has a unique long bow pattern on his wide-mouthed forehead between his eyebrows. It is as bright as the sun, bursting with intense light.

Each one looks small when looking up from the bottom, but in fact, each one is like a boulder-like green light spot, which is constantly rotating and gathering in the air with the flash of light.

The giant god standing in the middle is holding a golden harp, just like the sun god Apollo in ancient Western mythology, with a smile on his face.

He gently played the piano, and invisible sound waves played, writing a silent and beautiful movement.

The one standing on the right, the giant god, had already picked up his huge wine bottle and started drinking.

As he burped, the dark sky became a little brighter, and countless dark clouds were blown away.

"Could this be the remaining gods of the Butterfly Universe?!" Shocked, Somo's thoughts quickly calmed down and he carefully recalled everything that had happened in his trance dream just now.

At the last moment, he seemed to see the god on the ground shoot an arrow at the black glass.

It was that arrow that greatly reduced the suction force of the glass, allowing him to escape narrowly.

"Lord Poseidon, what happened just now? You were noticed by the core of the world and were almost pulled into the regular space. Fortunately, these three low-level gods attracted the attention of the core!" Lance's urgent voice suddenly sounded in his ears.

The edge rang.

"Rule space?"

"Every world has a regular space that protects the core of the world inside. Only by breaking through the limitations of the regular space can the world be truly invaded.

Just now, the core of the world was repairing the broken natural rules, but for some reason, it actually pulled you into the space as a beneficial insect to forcefully consume the opponent's power. Fortunately, these three people, fortunately they showed up!" Lance

There was a hint of crying in his voice, and you could tell that he was really frightened just now.

As long as the rule space is not broken through, it remains intact.

The core of the world is almost invincible within its own world.

Even though the core of this world is now broken, it is still the core of the super world!

As long as he is determined to drag people in to be buried with him, even if the five ancestor gods come, he can only hate it.

"Who are these three people?" Su Mo was shocked again and asked quickly.

"These three people should be humans in this world. They have obtained the remaining permissions from the gods of other small worlds. They are recognized by the core of the world as temporary beneficial insects and have the power to repair the broken rules." Lance answered.

"And now that they have the world core bonus, even if the five ancestor gods come over, they can survive a few moves!"

"Are they human gods?" Soma repeated.

The next second, open the game panel and go directly to the disaster live broadcast, Longqi Territory channel.

In the information on the left that floods the screen like a waterfall.

Soon, he found the answer.

The God of Hunting, Yu Tie.

The God of Movement, Louis Relf.

The god of wine, Herbert.

These three people are not the same residual gods as the humans in the Butterfly Universe, but the gods of the humans on Earth, gods supported and cultivated by the three major territories!

Just now, the zombie tide was about to break through the defense line of Long Banner territory for the final battle.

The five royal families even stood up to celebrate happily.

They stood up.

Just an arrow, a musical string, and a sip of wine.

The tide of nearly a million corpses was directly vaporized by the huge force in an instant, and the disaster of the zombie tide surrounding Long Banner disappeared into the invisible in the blink of an eye.

And those alien races suffered heavy casualties.

If the three of them hadn't appeared, the five royal families would have reacted and quickly set up dozens of divine power barriers to resist.

Otherwise, now, I am afraid that all the foreigners will have to be executed!

"Humans actually have their own gods?" Sumo felt suffocated, still unable to believe that only eight years later, humans could actually have such countermeasures under such high pressure.

They actually found the secret about authority and successfully promoted the birth of gods.

Just like the most popular comment in the chat channel at this time said.

Although the former God Su defeated the Tengu pseudo-gods and the five ancestor gods, he did so using technological means that humans can understand.

But now humans have a real trump card and a real means to counter the gods.

From today on, mankind will bid farewell to the past and embrace a new journey!

"Lord Poseidon, you think too highly of them"

"They are not gods, they are just containers of divine power at best." Lang paused and seemed a little disdainful: "I can sense that all they have is the rules of a small world that is broken. If it weren't for the core of the world that needs them now.

, provides a channel of divine power that can be converted, otherwise they would not be able to use such divine power in the super world!"

"And even if their world core that destroys the small world is still there and senses their use, they will not hesitate to issue a kill order and take back the power in the hands of these thieves!"

"Thief?" Sumo couldn't help but think of his authority.

It seems like what Lance said now, he doesn't dare to use it arrogantly in front of the game.

And if it hadn't been for the system's cover, he would have been discovered and hunted down during the previous golden light inspection.

"Sir, do you still remember the regular space you just saw?"

"It's a wall, an endless wall composed of countless hexagonal glasses!"

"Wall? Wall is indeed one of the most common rule spaces." Lance nodded: "Each rule corresponds to the bricks of this wall. Hidden behind the wall is the core of the world. If you, sir, are the core of the world,

, you can safely hand over the control of a certain brick to a beneficial insect for protection, but can you tolerate the control being snatched away by unknown outsiders?"

"I see. So now it means that it is not that they have become the gods of this world, but that the core of the world has given them the qualification to use divine power here?" Sumo asked curiously.

Just now, he thought that these three people had found the authority scattered in the wasteland, and then they could use divine power.

But according to Lance.

"The rules of the super world accommodate the rules of countless large and small worlds, so it can be called a super world. The core of the world here wants to let them use divine power, which is just a matter of thought."

"It's just a thought to destroy them, and they don't even have their own divine domain, let alone the way to connect the core of the world corresponding to the rules to become stronger. Even if they leave here and go to other small worlds to meet the newborn level gods

, I guess he’s not a match either.”

"You stretch your hips like that?" Being despised by a god from a small world like Lance, the excitement that just arose in Somo's heart couldn't help but weaken.

He thought that these three people could withstand this alien crisis, so that he could continue to complete the mission in a low-key manner and return to the real wasteland.

But based on what Lance is saying right now, I'm afraid there's still a big gap between us and the five great ancestor gods.

Two hundred thousand divine powers require the worship of 300 million believers.

The total number of human beings now is less than 100 million. How can so many people provide divine power?

In terms of divine power alone, there is probably a huge gap between the two sides.

"By the way, if I can provide it to them." Suddenly thinking that the alchemy furnace can be used to burn divine power, Sumo's eyes lit up.

But before he could finish his words.


In the sky where the three gods were standing, there was a huge roar.

In an instant, the cracks on the broken sun hidden behind the dark clouds suddenly began to increase.

Accompanied by a crunching sound, it finally exploded from the field of vision, and the debris covered the entire sky.

The darkness that had been dispersed by the sunlight before now no longer held back the last bit of restraint, and spread in the blink of an eye.

It was supposed to be three o'clock in the afternoon, but in less than ten seconds, it turned completely dark like evening, submerging the entire wasteland.

Looking at the entire sky, there are only countless bolides swooping down, becoming the source of the last ray of light.


"I am here, and the sun and the moon are broken together, which means that the first line of defense of the natural rules has been breached. The entire world will immediately undergo drastic changes, and the natural environment will no longer be suitable for any living thing to survive!" Lance responded seriously.

At the same time, Sumo felt the situation became more obvious.

Within a minute of the sun shattering, he felt the surrounding temperature begin to drop again.

"No, if the sun here breaks and the temperature drops, won't the outside world also have to do it?"

When I think about the fact that the winter disaster outside is not over yet, there is another natural disaster like the breaking of the laws of nature.

Sumo's scalp instantly became numb and he couldn't help but shudder.

When the sun disappears, even if the game uses other methods to maintain the temperature, it will never return to normal.

The temperature in the natural environment will only get lower and lower, and it is no longer suitable for human beings to live on the surface.

Until it's fixed!

"Lance, what will it cost to restore the laws of nature?" he asked aloud.

"The price?!" Lance sighed with a bitter smile: "This is a super world. You must at least become the god of nature in this world first, and then go to the big world or small world to plunder new natural rules and add them. In addition,

There is absolutely no other way to repair it except to wait for the core of the world to slowly patch the rules."

"Do you have to be a god of nature?"

In an instant, Sumo suddenly understood why the five great ancestor gods dared to invade this world.

The idea of ​​the game is too familiar to them.

When they were kicked out by the tripartite agreement, they knew that the game would never allow a second creature to become a god with full authority.

Therefore, all that is needed is constant invasion and constant destruction.

In the end, just like now, we can find this breakthrough that should not have appeared, and break through the defense line of natural rules in one fell swoop.

"never mind."

Sumo couldn't help but sigh.

Compared with this ruined world, he is now more worried about what the outside wasteland will look like.

After all, it has been developing here for nine years.

In the outside world, it has only been half a year since humans arrived in the wasteland.

Add the disaster of winter to the disaster of the disappearance of the sun, and it is difficult to imagine what kind of difficulties mankind will encounter.

How should the Tianyuan Territory, which has just established a village, and the human gathering places that still rely on trade with foreign races, cope with this urgent need?

"How long will it take to let it patch the rules on its own?"

"If there is no new damage, it can take as little as a month or as long as half a year." Lance asked puzzledly: "Don't you, Lord Poseidon, plan to evacuate?"


"I never said I wanted to leave." Sumo said no more, stood up, and walked to the car parked on the side of the road.

Although the sun in the sky exploded, no fragments fell down because it was the result of the broken laws of nature.

At this time, on the way to the Academy of Sciences, many pedestrians could be seen standing on the roadside in panic, looking at a loss.

The wasteland is eternal night.

Not only is the temperature lowering, it is also a fatal blow to plants.

According to the current downward trend of temperature, it will plummet to at least 40 to 50 degrees below zero in half a month at most.

But fortunately, as long as we can stop the five great ancestor gods from continuing to destroy.

At most half a year is not a long time.

As long as the game is in the outside world, the previously sealed version functions can be reopened as they are now.

As long as humans hold on, there is still a way to survive.

At the same time, recite the incantation to input two units of divine power, and then connect the entire divine realm.

Seeing the orderly territory under the dark sky, without any chaos happening, Somo's tense body and mind could not help but calm down.

Sometimes completely isolating messaging isn't a bad thing, like now.


"Sometimes risks are accompanied by new opportunities."

"If the trading market can be reopened outside."

This chapter has been completed!
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