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Chapter 856 The fall of the gods and the chaos of peoples hearts!

Time is like running water, fleeting.

Before I knew it, two days had passed.

Since the sun broke, the sky in the wasteland has been completely fixed at dusk, with only weak light falling from the foggy sky.

And the three giant gods who swept away the entire zombie wave and beat the five royal families could only hide in their "tortoise shells" did not disappear immediately.

For two days, they stood constantly between heaven and earth, overlooking the heaven and earth like guards.

No one knows exactly what they are doing.

But the sudden drop in temperature in the wasteland and the increasingly dense rain and snow have turned this summer into an icy hell!

The central part of the New World, the Tianyuan border.

The construction site of the sky-supporting wall, which is in full swing, has been completely suspended indefinitely.

Those walls that had not yet been completed were not covered, and large snowflakes fell on the crenellations with the wind, making the wooden frames creak under the pressure.

Not far behind the wall.

The temporary tent camp, which used to be bustling with people, has now fallen into a dead silence, and daily necessities scattered and abandoned on the ground can be seen everywhere.

Several pots and pans that had not been collected in time were blown around in the camp by the wind, making a clanging sound.

It was only forty-eight hours before and after, as the outside temperature dropped without limit.

As early as last night, when the temperature dropped to minus 40 degrees, all survivors were temporarily transferred to Skyrim City, which was under construction, to spend this rare cold winter there.

However, Tianji City is not a treasured place that can completely shelter from the wind and snow.

It's snowing heavily.

In Tianji City, which is already covered with snow, both sides of the narrow main road are dotted with temporary construction sites that have opened foundations.

The new citizens, densely packed like a colony of ants, wearing heavy cotton-padded jackets and clothes, were noisily loosening the snow as they headed outside the city.

Logically speaking, it should be difficult for humans to move in such weather, and there is simply no extra physical strength to carry out such large-scale work.

But the strange thing is that there are two worlds inside and outside the Tianyuan territory.

Not only should the temperature inside be higher, but the physical exertion caused by low temperatures and heavy clothing should also be significantly less.

Go inward from Tianji City, past the clumps of cleared snow, and find yourself in a cluster of four-story spire buildings that have already been built.

Chen Shen and Zhang Da, who looked tired, stood side by side, looking into the distance.

"How are the cold-resistant materials arranged? How many gaps are there now?" Witnessing the rise of a new city again, Chen Shen had indescribable emotions and worries in his heart.

This is the first time that Tianyuan Territory has directly built a city-level city, but only at the beginning, it encountered obstacles such as sudden changes in temperature.

Not to mention that the construction in the city has been suspended, the daily living expenses of the four million people stationed here are astronomical figures.

And every day, there are hundreds of thousands of refugees arriving outside the Sky Wall to camp here.

To ensure that normal order is maintained in Tianji City, the number of Tianyuan troops currently invested exceeds 5,000.

Even so, there was inevitably a small-scale commotion in Tianji City last night due to cold-resistant supplies.

A large number of new citizens who were unable to buy cotton-padded clothes in time collectively wanted to flee here and head to cities within the Tianyuan territory.

If Feng Long hadn't used thunderous means to suppress it, otherwise we wouldn't have seen such a peaceful scene today.

"The impact of snowfall and cooling has been too great. Our land transportation has completely stopped. Fortunately, the trading market can meet the urgent need, but it still takes some time to mobilize supplies for millions of people. There are still about 1.5 million


Zhang Da, who always likes accuracy, did not give precise figures, which is enough to show how huge the current material gap is.

Cold-fighting supplies are not just a simple hot meal.

In order to maintain the normal operation of the city, it is necessary to prepare not only cotton clothes, boots, ear protection, masks, gloves, etc. to withstand low temperatures.

There are also medicines to treat diseases caused by low temperature, electric heating facilities responsible for urban heating, etc.

There is no territory in the wasteland that has such a large amount of material supplies.

That is to say, the trading market was opened, and finally the three major territories where the monks had a breath were connected, and then a steady stream of material reserves were delivered.

"One and a half million" Chen Shen had a headache when he heard this number, which was larger than the total population of Tianyuan Territory a year ago.

It's not a good thing to become fat in one go.

Just like now, the management of Tianji City is almost paralyzed, and the population here must be divided and transferred quickly.

As for where the population is moving.

Thinking of the results of the special communication with the Academy of Sciences when he came, he pondered and said: "How much labor force can we mobilize to leave Tianji City now?"

"Transfer?" Zhang Da frowned and said: "The new citizens of Tianji City are either based on the territory as a collective, or on the family as a collective. If you want to transfer someone, you must take away the old, weak, women and children in the collective."

.The ratio between the two is about 73, which means that if one million people are transferred, at least 300,000 people will not be able to provide much labor force in the short term."

"And once we transfer the main force, the normal operation of Tianji City will also be affected."

"So troublesome?" Examiner Chen sighed, and for a moment he regretted that the acceptance policy formulated at that time was not considered at all and did not screen out these groups in proportion in advance.

Now, no matter how troublesome it is, we can only forcefully drive the duck to the shelves.

Thinking like this, Chen Shen wanted to give instructions.

But at this moment.


The wasteland that had been gloomy suddenly became brighter with the explosion, as if the sun had emerged from the dark clouds again.

The two people quickly raised their heads to look outside, but the next second, they were both stunned by the window.

The giant god who stood in the sky without making any sound for two days.

At this time, Louis Relf, ​​the god of movement, who was in the middle, was whimpering, holding his neck with both hands, and screaming as if someone had strangled his neck.

The huge harp leaning next to him erupted with brilliant pale golden light, as if it wanted to save people.

But it was no use. From the feet of Louis Relf, ​​a strange black color suddenly appeared and spread upward at an extremely fast speed.

First the feet, legs, then the waist, neck, and face.

In less than a minute, Louis Relf's whole body seemed to have faded, suddenly turning into black and white, and stopped moving.

And his huge golden harp could not escape this fate. It was gradually stained with black, and the golden light burning on it gradually disappeared and returned to ordinary.

"A mere ant overestimates its own capabilities and kills one person first to serve as a warning to others."

"In three days, you will die!"

A shaking sound seemed to come from outside the sky.

Whether thousands of meters underground or on the top of a snow-capped mountain, I could clearly hear this seemingly familiar voice.

But before anyone could go to the World Channel to discuss it, the remaining God of Hunting, Yu Tie, and God of Wine, Herbert, were also entangled in this black filth.

In mid-air, they roared and struggled hard.

Continuously bursting out bursts of bright light in an attempt to clear away this difficult filth.

But unfortunately, just like Louis Relf, ​​although these rays of light can hinder and slow down the pollution, they can never be completely removed.

In desperation, Yu Tie, the God of Hunting, quickly chose to be the first to cut off the strong man's wrist. He decisively gestured with his knife and swung his infected right leg.

The giant legs that were hundreds of meters away from the body suddenly shattered into dots of green light and disappeared between the sky and the earth.

Herbert dug into his abdomen, cut open a large hole, and removed all the contaminated flesh and blood.

The two looked at each other and could see the undisguised fear in each other's eyes.

"Damn it, the five great ancestor gods are too powerful, we must"

Herbert's thunderous voice did not quite fall.


The black filth that had just been removed magically appeared in the void and attacked the two bodies crazily.


He quickly opened the cork of the wine bottle, swallowed a large mouthful of wine, and spurted out the filth.

There was a crackling sound, and dense white smoke rose into the sky, forming new clouds.

Most of the filth was eliminated, but some parts still rushed through the wine and flew toward the two of them.

"No, retreat first!"

Yu Tie groaned and was the first to choose to shatter his body, turning into a point of light and disappearing between heaven and earth.

Herbert's speed was not slow either. He managed to catch up with the filth at the same moment, and he sprayed out another mouthful of wine to cover his disappearance.

In just a few minutes, two of the three great gods were injured and one died.

Only Louis Relf, ​​who seemed to have been petrified, remained in place, with the same frightened expression on his face.

"They lost?!"

Unable to realize what happened, Chen Shen looked shocked and stood by the window in complete shock.

A few days ago, Long Anguo had a big sell-off, but it was not until the last moment that he pulled out this trump card, which shocked everyone.

At that time, he put down his bold words and would definitely make the five great ancestor gods come back.

But now, before the five great ancestors and gods came, it has already turned into this scene?

"Mayor, it's terrible. The World Channel said that the person who just made the sound was the Cursed Tiger Ancestor God that Su Shen faced back then. They are still alive and back!" Zhang Da quickly browsed the World Channel, his whole body trembling uncontrollably.


The appearance of the giant god in the past two days has been enthusiastically praised by countless humans on the world channel.

It has made too many people feel that the future is promising, even if the sun disappears and Su Shen disappears.

Human beings can also rely on the three gods to survive this dark time and embrace a new life again.

But until now, one died and two were injured.

Sure enough, the fear left behind by the gods swept back once again.

You can find this out just by looking at the countless desperate speeches on the World Channel at this time.

this moment.

People's hearts are completely confused!

The vast wind and snow were beating against the windows, and the atmosphere in the auditorium classroom of the Academy of Sciences was frighteningly dull.

Thousands of students who were originally actively discussing how to deal with hypothermia disasters fell into silence as if they were being strangled by the neck as the three gods were casualties one after another.


Somo stood by the window, slowly closed the newly opened window, and returned to the podium.

There are three big characters written on the blackboard at this time.

Sky Tower.

Although today is not his first class at the Academy of Sciences, it is his first lecture on architecture.

It's a pity that the death of the god interrupted the lively classroom atmosphere, making everyone feel despair again.

Especially now, the last protection of the three gods for the rules of nature has been lost.

The temperature dropped faster and the frequency of rain and snow fell faster, making the quiet auditorium even more silent.

Half of the people were lying flat on the stool with their hearts in confusion, and their brains were completely empty.

Among the remaining half, some people wanted to say something, but the words got stuck in their mouths.

Only a few people were silent for a while, and suddenly shouted in confusion: "The end of the world is coming. What's the use of our underground civilization plan? The gods are so powerful. We only need one finger from the five ancestors. We have worked so hard to build it."

The territory will be destroyed soon!"

"The gods are much stronger now than they were back then. Now they don't even take our missiles seriously!"

"What should we do? Are we really going to die?"

"If they in the Long Banner Territory had developed information about gods earlier, why couldn't our Academy of Sciences have researched a way to popularize it? If all of us humans were gods, how dare the five ancestors to come and be so arrogant?!"

"Escape, let's escape quickly, the end of the world is coming!!"


For a moment, the chaotic speeches made the auditorium and classroom seem to have turned into a vegetable market.

Although the people present are already at the pinnacle of the surviving human knowledge system, they have recently come into contact with concepts related to divine power.

But faced with such completely incomprehensible supernatural forces as gods, they still collapsed.

At this time, they had no intention of thinking about the future of mankind, because in just three days, mankind will usher in the final judgment.

"Teacher, you don't seem surprised?"

Fang Shuci, who was sitting in the front row, suddenly spoke softly. He looked at Sumo's face, and there was only an expected calmness on it.

He then looked around at the classmates sitting around him, the professors on the sides in the front row, and the hundreds of people behind him who could be seen with the naked eye.

Most people's faces are either filled with panic at a loss, or despair at the end of the world.

There is a sharp contrast between the two.

"What's the surprise? Is it surprising that they were defeated?" Su Mo said with a faint smile, picking up the handbook on the desk, which made Fang Shuci's face even more shocked.

Seeing this, the three major human gods are all indifferent, and the five major alien ancestor gods only have three days left before they attack again.

But he actually plans to continue taking classes?

"The five ancestral gods are coming soon, and our human gods are no match for them."

"Teacher, aren't you afraid?"

"Afraid?" Sumo didn't deny it and nodded slightly: "It's normal for them to be afraid, but I won't be afraid."


Fang Shuci asked an answer that several people around him wanted to know.

Zhang Bowen, who was sitting next to him, also widened his eyes and looked directly at Somo's face.

Although he knew that his teacher was strong, that was only in the field of knowledge and did not transcend the limitations of the human body.

Facing a giant that is thousands of meters tall, facing these unreasonable creatures.

Human beings are too insignificant, just like ants to giants. Even if they try their best, they cannot make the other side feel a sense of threat.

"Why. That's a good question."

Somo smiled warmly, stood up gently, and stood in front of the water circle that amplified the sound.

"Classmates, be quiet!"

The roaring shouts were amplified by the water circle and reflected off the walls of the auditorium, making a thunderous sound.

Coming from a habit in the classroom these days.

Almost at the same time, everyone stopped involuntarily and looked over in unison.

"Seeing everyone's reaction now, I suddenly thought of the extracurricular homework I will give you after class today."

"Homework? The world is about to end and there is still homework?"

"Teacher, we humans are almost done playing. You don't think the remaining two gods can still compete with the five ancestor gods, do you?"

"Our numbers are naturally a disadvantage. Why, why didn't they disclose the way to become a god earlier, otherwise now."

"Otherwise, you will become a god?" Looking at the young man who spoke out, Soma's eyes were extremely sharp.

Just looking at each other, the other party lowered his head in shame, which obviously proved his inner weakness.

"You are afraid, you are afraid, you are complaining, and you are even thinking of surrendering. This is all normal."

"But for today's homework, I want to test you."

"Whoever can give me a satisfactory answer in the last lesson tomorrow, I will give you a special gift."

"See clearly."

Soma's clear voice sounded and reached everyone's ears.

He turned around and wrote a line of beautiful, square characters on the blackboard.

'after class homework'

'If the five great ancestral gods don't come now, how much longer will it take for us humans to have a chance to resist?'

This is not a very special question, but it is one that goes to the core.

It has torn apart all the excuses that humans use to comfort themselves, and it has completely torn apart all the flowers and flowers that cover up the current situation of mankind.

"How many years later do we have a chance to win?" Fang Shuci said silently, and he was completely stunned.

Indeed, human technology has reached its limit at this point.

these nine years.

Even though the survivors of the wasteland have inherited a lot of magical technologies left over from the wasteland, they still cannot survive the constant natural disasters.

On the contrary, the identity system, territory system, currency deficit, scientific research barriers, and information cocoon rooms are all weird systems that hinder the collective development of mankind and support the luxurious life of a small number of humans, and they are introduced one after another.

The bad traits rooted deep in human genes, as well as the various systems that have been extended from the earth, have forcibly erased the advantages of reopening the human system in the wasteland, making the return of class deeply ingrained in everyone's forehead.

Under such circumstances, how many years of development will it take for human beings to have the opportunity to truly have the ability to talk to the five ancestor gods on an equal footing?

the answer is.

Never a chance!

This chapter has been completed!
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