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Chapter 589

Lu Fang also returned to Yu Yuanwei's mansion.

When I got home, Yu Yuanwei was already at home.


Lu Fang went to the main hall and first saluted Yu Yuanwei.

Yu Yuanwei asked with a smile: "How did you do in the exam?"

He still hoped that this disciple would change his mind and embark on an official career in the future.

Lu Fang didn't think so much and just said: "Students feel pretty good."

Then he talked about Zhao Xiuyun's desire to visit, "The student met Ning Yuan's old friend Zhao Xiuyun in the examination room, and he said he wanted to visit the teacher today."

Yu Yuanwei frowned subconsciously.

Lu Fang then added: "If the teacher doesn't want to see him, the student can just let him go back later."

Yu Yuanwei sighed softly, "Since you have already promised to me, it is not appropriate to ask me to go back, so let's meet..."

At his level, of course he knew why Zhao Xiuyun came to visit him. He also knew very well that there was no absolute fairness in the official career.

Not to mention anything else, there are many candidates who have the opportunity to recommend Enke, but students like Zhao Xiuyun and others definitely do not have the opportunity.

Even if they achieve the same success in the imperial examination, their future prospects will definitely be far inferior to those of Xue Liangce and others.

It's a pity that Yu Yuanwei can't change these things. Not to mention that he is just the Minister of the Ministry of Industry, even if he is the Secretary of the Ministry of Industry or the Secretary of the Central Committee, it will be difficult to change this situation.

Because there are too few people who want to change this situation. Even among those students from poor families who have jumped over the dragon gate, not many can still think about opening a path for students from poor families after they become successful.

At least this is the case in the current Great Yu Dynasty.

Thinking of this, Yu Yuanwei still felt some pity.

Lu Fang nodded.

Less than half an hour after dinner, Zhao Xiuyun came with the scholar named Yang. He was the scholar in his forties who won the imperial examination in Ningyuan County last year.

Lao Li led him into the main hall.

"Student Zhao Xiuyun has met Master Yu."

"Student Yang Xiaolong has met Master Yu."

Both of them bowed to Yu Yuanwei solemnly.

Because Lu Fang specifically reminded Zhao Xiuyun and Yu Yuanwei that they did not like others giving gifts, they did not bring anything with them.

"Please take a seat."

Yu Yuanwei glanced across their faces and said.

The two of them were sitting upright, with their buttocks only touching half of the chair.

Seeing the two people's restraint, Yu Yuanwei asked with a smile: "How about the test?"

Zhao Xiuyun and Yang Xiaolong did not just say that they did well in the exam like Lu Fang did. They spoke one after another and roughly explained to Yu Yuanwei the strategies they had answered during the exam.

It was so orderly that even Lu Fang was a little surprised.

It can be seen from the answers of the two people that although they are quite unfamiliar with maritime trade, they both have considerable insights into farming.

And the two of them are not top-notch in Jingnan County. It can be imagined that the scholars of this era are not just rote scholars.

It's just that limited by their horizons, the statements they made on the exam paper can't be considered amazing.


And it didn’t address the fundamental issue.

Probably, I dare not say.

After all, the previous dynasty has served as a warning. A large-scale reform of agriculture will inevitably offend the interests of those nobles.

No one dares to take such a big risk.

Even Lu Fang himself did not mention any ideas such as "equal land system" or "abolition of aristocratic privileges" on the examination paper.

Because if you fill it out like this, you will definitely not pass the exam. And your career will definitely be reimbursed in the future.

He doesn't care about official career, but he never wants to fail the Jinshi examination.

After hearing this, Yu Yuanwei just nodded lightly without making any comments, and then said: "The imperial examination was just reformed last year, and all subjects were replaced with minor subjects. Do you have any plans?"

After speaking, he glanced at Lu Fang.

After the reform, the Jinshi subject is the main subject, and the other subjects such as Mingjing, Mingsuan, and Mingfa are minor subjects. They can be the icing on the cake of the main subject.

Referring to the minor subjects, it is indeed a very good choice for many students who are not sure about the Jinshi subjects. It is equivalent to students with special talents.

Zhao Xiuyun and Yang Xiaolong both moved their eyes slightly, waiting for Yu Yuanwei's next words.

Yu Yuanwei continued: "If you have dabbled in Ming Jing, Ming Suan and other subjects, there is no harm in giving it a try. Although it is difficult to pass the exam for students who have studied these minor subjects, as long as you can get passable results

, it will be somewhat helpful for your future errand arrangements."

This is a secret.

This means that even if your grades in minor subjects are not very good, you may still get the attention of the court.

Zhao Xiuyun and Yang Xiaolong both had slightly bright eyes.

Then Zhao Xiuyun stood up and saluted: "Thank you, Master Yu, for your advice. Tomorrow, the student will go to the Ministry of Etiquette to apply for the Mingfu Department."

Yang Xiaolong also saluted and said: "The student has also deliberately studied Mingfa for a period of time before."

Although they did not apply for the minor subjects during the examination, they can still apply for it during the general examination.

Only Lu Fang didn't pay much attention to it.

What Yu Yuanwei said was that it would be helpful in arranging future errands, and it had nothing to do with him at all.

Afterwards, Yu Yuanwei only briefly asked about Zhao Xiuyun and Yang Xiaolong's family situation.

Zhao Xiuyun and Yang Xiaolong did not dare to mention asking Yu Yuanwei to help arrange errands. This kind of thing was all done by accident.

In fact, Yu Yuanwei's ability to meet them and advise them to apply for minor courses is already a gesture.

The two of them were also very sensible. Seeing that Yu Yuanwei had no intention of talking anymore, they said that it was getting late and left without delaying Yu Yuanwei's rest.

Lu Fang and Lao Li sent the two people to the door.

Returning to the main hall, Yu Yuanwei did not go back to the study. He was still sitting on the main seat and waved to Lu Fang.

Lu Fang walked closer and asked, "Teacher, do you have any instructions?"

Yu Yuanwei said angrily: "You kid really don't have the slightest idea to enter an official career?"

Lu Fang smiled bitterly, "Teacher, you don't know my temper. If I enter the official career, I will only get into trouble."


Yu Yuanwei pointed it out, "You are very smart. If you are determined to have an official career, you will never be weaker than others."

"Let's talk about it later."

Lu Fang had no choice but to say this.

"Then if you have other abilities, go and apply for me to take the minor course."

Unexpectedly, Yu Yuanwei said next.

Lu Fang couldn't help but be a little confused and said: "Why do you still need to apply for the minor subject?"

He felt that he should be able to get Jinshi. There was really no point in applying for minor subjects.

Yu Yuanwei didn't know what he was thinking, so he just followed the temptation and said: "Don't you want to stand out in the imperial examination and win the emperor's attention? If you not only achieve good results in the imperial examination, but also perform well in the minor subjects, you

Do you think the emperor will pay more attention to you?"

Lu Fang scratched his head and fell silent.

Yu Yuanwei's statement... seems to make some sense.

Seeing him like this, Yu Yuanwei raised a slight smile on his lips, stood up leisurely, and walked towards the study.

If he really gets enough attention from Liang Hanmin, maybe by then, even if Lu Fang doesn't want to enter the official career, he won't be able to do so.

This kid dares to disobey his own advice. But, how can he disobey the emperor?

He thought that if the emperor really liked Lu Fang, he would definitely find a way to make Lu Fang give up his official career. This would be much better than trying to persuade Lu Fang himself.

This chapter has been completed!
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