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Chapter 590

The next day.

Lu Fang and Yu Yuanwei entered Zhuque Gate early in the morning and went to Shangshu Province. Then they went to the Ministry of Rites to apply for the minor subject.

After all, he was persuaded by Yu Yuanwei.

Although I am very sure that I will be able to reach the first place, for the number one scholar, it really involves too much luck.

Not to mention knowing how to take the test, even after the palace test, no one can say that they will definitely be the top pick in high school before the results come out.

Because the number one scholar was appointed by Liang Hanmin.

Who knows if Liang Hanmin will like him.

And if he achieves very good results in minor subjects, and even stands out from the crowd, then Liang Hanmin will definitely think highly of himself.

If he wins the first prize and asks Liang Hanmin to take back his life and marry Liang Siqi, the success rate should be higher, right?

Unless it was absolutely necessary, Lu Fang still didn't want to take the path of secretly taking Liang Siqi out of Kyoto.

Because there would be no way out, and it would most likely affect major events in Luliang.

In the Ministry of Rites, Lu Fang applied for Ming Jing, Ming Su, two minor subjects.

The Ming Jing is an interpretation and opinion of the Four Books and Five Classics. This, with the hate value search engine, he is sure of it.

It’s clear...

After all, he is a college student who has been exposed to calculus. Lu Fang doesn't think that he can't pass the math test against the scholars of this era. And even if he can't, he can still use search engines.

So, another two days passed.

Lu Fang's hatred level is skyrocketing every day.

Apparently Luliang was still training soldiers.

I don't know how the soldiers in Tongchuan Mansion were tortured by the methods I came up with.

However, this feeling of being thousands of miles away and still able to accumulate hatred really made Lu Fang feel quite good.

This is much faster than practicing hard on your own.

The minor subject of the general examination begins.

There are a total of eight subjects including Mingfa, Mingjing, and Mingshu. It lasts for eight days, and one subject is tested every day.

Ming Guang was scheduled to take the exam on the first day.

Ming Jing is the third day.

"The original height of the bamboo is ten feet. If the bottom of the bamboo is folded to the ground, and the original is three feet high, how much taller is the bamboo?"

In the tribute courtyard.

Lu Fang looked at the clear calculation questions on the examination paper and felt a little overwhelmed.

For example, this question means that the bamboo was originally one foot high, but it was broken in the middle, so that the end touched the ground, and then the place where the end touched the ground was basically three feet away from the bamboo. The question is, how high is the main trunk of the bamboo left?

This can be easily solved using the Pythagorean Theorem.

But...if he writes the Pythagorean Theorem on the exam paper, which marking officer will be able to understand it?

For Lu Fang, figuring out the answer is much easier than making the answer easy to understand.

In this math subject, Lu Fang only put down his pen when someone outside told the candidates to stop writing.

I'm so sorry I didn't finish the test paper.

Because most of his time was spent on how to convert the theorems and laws of later generations into solutions that everyone in this era can understand.

To explain the scriptures again, Lu Fang purely relies on the hatred value to search the engine.

But in these two minor subjects, he has absolute confidence.

To be clear, as long as the marking officer can understand it or give the score based on whether the answer is correct or not, it will definitely be a perfect score and there will be no chance of losing.

Ming Jing, there should be no problem.

Even in the poetry and prose test of the Jinshi Department, Lu Fang did not have such confidence.

On the day after the Ming Jing exam, Lu Fang followed the other students out of Zhuque Gate and then went to Yu Yuanwei's mansion.

There are far fewer people taking the minor subjects than those taking the Jinshi subjects. Take Ming Jing as an example, there are probably only a few hundred candidates.

Compared with the majestic scene outside the Suzaku Gate on the day of the Jinshi Department, it actually seemed a bit sparse.

"Master Lu."

Just after returning to Yu Yuanwei's mansion, Old Li was waiting at the door. As soon as he saw Lu Fang, he said: "Someone came to the door in the morning and said that Mr. Xue invited you to have a banquet at Yishui Tower in Xingjiofang in the south of the city."

Mr. Xue, that must be Xue Liangce.

But Lu Fang didn't know where Xingjiaofang was.

There are hundreds of neighbors in Kyoto. If he were to look for it on his own, he might not be able to find it until next year.

But fortunately, he now knew that there were curbs in Kyoto, and there were horsemen who made a living by pulling carts.

He nodded and said, "Thank you very much, Uncle Li."

Lao Li smiled and said, "Young master is always so polite. It's not too long from Chenshi. The road to the south of the city is far away. I'm going to arrange a carriage for you now?"

He is a servant in Yu Yuanwei's family. This status cannot be changed even though he has a deep relationship with Yu Yuanwei as his master and servant. Because of this era.

But Lu Fang was always polite to him.

Lao Li saw this in his eyes. Therefore, he actually felt a kind of heartfelt care for Lu Fang, similar to the care an elder has for his younger generation.


Lu Fang nodded again, not being polite to Old Li.

Then go to the mansion.

Not seeing Yu Yuanwei in the main hall, he went to the study again. After seeing Yu Yuanwei in the study, he spoke to Yu Yuanwei and walked to the door of the mansion again.

Yu Yuanwei knew he was going out for a banquet and didn't say anything.

After passing the test, you have a lot of free time, and many students will use this time to go wild.

Countless famous works throughout the ages were born under such circumstances.

Before the exam, these students were too nervous. After the exam, their spirits suddenly relaxed, often accompanied by an explosion of inspiration.

Although he is a relatively rigid person, he is not that rigid. Besides, in this era, going out for drinking is never a scandal.

He even wished Lu Fang could go out and interact with people more.

Rigidity and not knowing how to behave are always two different things.

When Lu Fang arrived at the gate of the mansion, Old Li had already called the carriage.

After getting on the bus, he asked the driver to take Lu Fang to Yishui Tower.

"Okay! Don't worry!"

The coachman seemed to be quite familiar with Lao Li and agreed with a chuckle.


Then he waved his whip and drove the carriage to the street.

Not far away, he turned to Lu Fang in the carriage and said, "Young Master is from out of town, right? He is a relative of Lord Yu?"


Lu Fangdao.

"It turns out that the young master is a student of Lord Yu, so he must be a man of outstanding literary talent."

The driver smiled and said.

Most people in their profession are good at talking to people. Of course, they also have the ability to observe people's emotions.

When they meet a kind person, they will talk more to relieve their boredom. But if they meet someone with a cold attitude, they will keep their mouth shut.

Judging from the tone of Lu Fang's words, it is obvious that he belongs to the former.

The coachman took advantage of the opportunity to praise and said, "Yishui Tower is a good place."

There seems to be emotion and envy.

This surprised Lu Fang, "How do you say it?"

Yishui Tower, he could tell where it was just by the name. However, it would definitely not be the most famous in Kyoto, at least not as famous as Jiaofangsi.

What is there worth saying about a place like this?

This chapter has been completed!
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