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Chapter 591 Hot List

The coachman continued: "Because many great people often go to Yishui Tower. Apart from Jiaofangsi, it is the favorite place for those big people to go. At this time of year, many students will think of ways to do it."

Squeeze into Yishui Tower, recite poems and write poems, if you can be appreciated by the big shots, you can still have a good future even if you fail."

Then he said: "But since you are Lord Yu's student, sir, you don't need to do this."

"So that's it."

Lu Fang chuckled softly.

So that’s it.

He originally thought that the coachman was going to tell some tidbits.

Listening to the coachman's words, he suddenly thought of Li Xiaocai.

In Tanzhou, countless people secretly laughed at Li Xiaocai. But in fact, they secretly envied Li Xiaocai for having such an opportunity.

In the morning he was a farmhouse man, and in the evening he ascended to the Emperor's Hall.

But the coachman was right, he, Lu Fang, did not need such an opportunity.

If he wanted to attach himself to the powerful people in the capital, it would be the easiest way to make friends with Su Yu.

A general has no talent, and a man should strengthen himself. He, Lu Fang, wants to do big things.

Then I listened to the coachman talking about the rumors in the market, about so-and-so rising to prominence because of someone's appreciation, and before I knew it, I arrived at Xingjiaofang in Chengnan District.

The driver stopped the carriage outside Yishui Tower and stopped talking, "Young Master, we're here."

Lu Fang got off the carriage and paid. He looked up at the plaque of Yishui Tower, and then looked at both sides of the street a few times.

Kyoto deserves to be called Kyoto, especially during this examination period, it is really lively.

There is a lot of traffic and pedestrians are rubbing shoulders.

"Brother Fang."

There was a shout at the door of Yishui Tower.

Xue Liangce appeared at the door and greeted Lu Fang enthusiastically.

"Brother Xue."

Lu Fang walked over.

Xue Liangce opened his mouth and asked: "Are you going to take the minor examination?"

Apparently he learned about this from Lao Li.


Lu Fang nodded and said casually: "The teacher said that I am idle, so I am idle. Let me try."

Xue Liangce lamented in a dumbfounded way, "You guys really don't leave a way for us people to survive. You are already sure of winning the Jinshi Department, and you even take the minor class."

Then asked: "Which minor subjects did you apply for?"

Lu Fang followed Xue Liangce inside and said, "It's just about Ming Jing and Ming Calculation."

There is no doubt that the Yishui Building is very lively.

At this hour, the first floor is almost full. The red sleeves are fragrant, and many young ladies are walking around like butterflies.

Xue Liangce looked really hurt, "You are really a monster. I really don't understand how you can know everything at the same age as us."

He really felt stimulated.

Xue Liangce did not dare to say that he was extremely knowledgeable, but among his peers, he felt that he was still outstanding.

But now compared with Lu Fang, he felt that he was nothing.

It’s just that Jie Yuan of Jingnan County was robbed by Lu Fang. Now, Lu Fang actually applied for Ming Jing, Ming Calculation and other subjects.

Although applying for the exam does not mean that he will definitely be proficient, he knows Lu Fang's temperament. He has always been shy and does not let go of eagles, so he is not sure that he will humiliate himself?

I really don't know how this guy learned it.

He, Xue Liangce, had studied poetry and books since he was a child and was taught by famous teachers. Even so, he did not have the energy to dabble in other subjects except Jinshi subjects.

That requires a lot of effort to study.


He suddenly remembered that before his cultivation was abolished by King Rong, Lu Fang was still a very outstanding martial artist.

For a moment, the look of frustration on the face of this son of the Jingnan County pacifier and the disciple of the president of Lushan College became even more intense.

Lu Fang, however, did not offend others' consciousness in the slightest. He only said: "These two subjects are not difficult, and they don't require much effort."

Xue Liangce rolled his eyes and almost vomited blood.

Go to the private room upstairs.

To Lu Fang's surprise, the decoration style of the private rooms in Yishui Building, which is supposed to be quite famous in Kyoto, is not as good as Feixian Building.

Li Moshan and others were already sitting inside, and even those from Yu Qubing who were participating in the martial arts competition were also here.

They are all old friends from Jingnan County.

They only accompany the young lady sitting next to them...she doesn't seem to be as beautiful as the one in Feixianlou.

"Brother Fang."


Everyone said hello one after another.

Xue Liangce must have noticed Lu Fang's surprise, and explained in a low voice beside him: "Actually, Yishui Building is quite good, but our private room is relatively ordinary."

No wonder.

Lu Fang instantly understood what the problem was.

It's not that Yishui Building is bad, but the private rooms in Yishui Building are also divided into grades.

Xue Liangce and the others were able to get the best private rooms in Feixian Tower in Tanzhou, but in Kyoto, they didn't have that kind of energy.

But this has nothing to do with him.

Sitting down on the empty seat left by Xue Liangce and the others, Lu Fang smiled and asked, "How are you all doing during the exam?"

Li Moshan quickly responded, "We are not like you, Brother Fang, who can even be quite sure of the entrance examination, and can also refer to the minor subjects."

It seems they have talked about this before.

Lu Fang could hear the strong sour smell.

I didn’t know what to say at the moment, so I said, “I’m just going to join in the fun.”

Even so, he was still squeezed hard by Li Moshan and others.

Of course, they are all just jokes.

They are all old friends in Jingnan County, and there is nothing taboo between them.

Talking about the test, telling dirty jokes, and drinking. Soon, the atmosphere at the dinner became lively.

It can only be because Lu Fang is here, Xue Liangce, Li Moshan and others have no desire to express their poetry.

To compose poems in front of Lu Fang is to act like a fool and bring humiliation to oneself.

As we talked, the topic returned to who is the favorite for the No. 1 pick.

This is definitely the hottest topic right now.

Even the young ladies were immediately interested and quietly pricked up their ears.

Everyone has their own opinions.

They are all talking about the most famous students in Dayu at the moment.

Among them is Zhejiang Xieyuan Su Mo.

A young lady couldn't help but interject, "Young gentlemen, have you ever heard of this year's odds?"


When it comes to these two words, it definitely involves the handicap opened by the people.

This kind of thing happened in all previous imperial examinations.

"Want to hear the details."

Xue Liangce immediately said to the young lady.

The pretty young lady said with a well-placed smile: "I have also heard from others that among the lists released by various stalls this year, there are a few people with the lowest odds. There are those you just mentioned

Western Zhejiang County’s Xie Yuan Su Mo, Fujian Xie Yuan Han Qu, and..."

She is full of treasures.

There were about ten people.

However, Lu Fang had only met Su Mo and Han Qu.

It seems that these two guys are really not simple.

Come to think of it, they are the only two people of similar age to me on the list, and even Dong Jiayan is a little behind.

And he himself failed to enter this popular list.

"There's no Brother Fang's name?"

After hearing this, Yu Qubing immediately said: "Brother Fang is the Jieyuan of our Jingnan County, and his collection of poems is now shocking the entire Dayu poetry world. Have you all heard of Lu Fang's collection of poems?"

All the young ladies couldn't help but look surprised.

Then his eyes focused on Lu Fang's face, and his eyes lit up.

Collection of Lu Fang's poems!

They've really heard of it.

When Lu Fang's collection of poems first reached Kyoto, it caused quite a stir in Kyoto. Places like Yishui Tower were a favorite place for literati and poets, so naturally they were all affected by it.

At that time, the words "Lu Fang's Poetry Collection" made their ears tingle.

Unexpectedly, the handsome young man who looked low profile in the private room turned out to be Lu Fang himself.

"Oh, you can win the first prize just by writing a few poems? When will Jingnan County be the place where the first prize can be won?"

At this time, a discordant sound suddenly came from outside the private room.

This chapter has been completed!
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