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Chapter 166 Holy Prayer Cathedral

"Well, no need to say it, I saw it." Downton picked up his shield and was on guard, "release the heavily armored ghoul, line it up, Jackson, and guard the prisoner. If it dares to cause trouble, kill it directly."

Four low-level ghouls returned to Celes, focusing on protecting her.

This group of multi-eyed gray rot lizards were attracted by the strong smell of blood. They are more terrifying than fish-men. They are nearly three meters long, with thick and powerful tails and limbs. Every swing can leave traces on the wall.

Broken cracks, their mouths are big enough to swallow a murloc, and their sharp teeth can even bite through steel.

"How disgusting!" Hutao wrinkled his nose.

These lizards have eight pairs of eyes on their front bodies, each about the size of a fist, which do not close at the same time, allowing them to keep an eye on their prey.

The ghouls walked out of the war space and crowded in front of the team.

The multi-eyed lizards were not frightened, and one after another passed the corner, crawled in, got close to the fish-man's body, and began to eat.

For a moment, the entire sewer was filled with the sound of chewing, and they even chewed the bones.

"What should I do?" Celes threw away the magic stone that had absorbed the magic energy and held the shower staff tightly.

"Of course I'll kill him." Hu Tao waved his axe, with a matter-of-fact expression on his face.

"Kill them!" Downton was still hesitant at first, but when he saw some lizards crawling over the corpses and oppressing them, he decided to fight.

These monsters obviously will not let other living creatures go just because they have enough food, which means that as long as the two sides encounter each other, there will be a battle.

Downton would rather suffer a little more now than encounter them when he retreats in the future.

"Celeste, prepare group magic!" Downton found that it was great to have a long-range magic user. At least there were many more tactics to choose from.

Under the command of Downton, the ghouls formed a dense formation.

"Be careful. There are a lot of toxins in their mouths. If you are bitten, you will die soon." Homer reminded everyone to educate everyone about the attack methods of lizards.

"It's okay, ghouls are not afraid of this."

This time Downton is not going to charge, he is going to put up a defensive formation and rely on Celes to annihilate the lizards.

As the first arcane missile landed in the group of lizards fighting for the dead body, a sea of ​​blood exploded. The other lizards were alarmed, gave up eating, and rushed over in a swarm.

The roar of the monster resounded through the sewers.

Boom, the first wave hit the ghoul, and then it couldn't move forward even half a step.

Like a rock that resists the waves, the ghouls in heavy armor firmly hold the line.

The lizards attacked and slammed into each other. The sharp teeth bit into their bodies and rubbed against the armor, making a tooth-piercing crunching sound. However, the ghouls still had no reaction and stood firmly in front of them.


"As expected, he is recognized as the most cost-effective cannon fodder in the Western Continent. If he were a human being, not to mention the loss of morale, this wave of bites would kill many people."

Downton secretly praised him and decided to practice hard. Later, he would bring a thousand-strong ghoul army with him, which would definitely frighten the enemies.

Celes's firepower was fully activated. The Death Banshee, who had no worries, did not have to worry about being attacked by a sneak attack. She could just release her magic wholeheartedly.

Arcane missiles continued to fall among the lizards, blasting out pieces of mutilated corpses.

The lizards went crazy and attacked the ghoul's line even more fiercely. They wanted to kill the enemies in front of them.

Seeing the ghoul retreating somewhat after being hit, Downton held his shield and stood behind the demon servant.

The fishman shaman was dumbfounded. In the past, to hunt a lizard, they would have to sacrifice the lives of two or three warriors. But these people actually slaughtered those terrifying multi-eyed lizards without any harm.

"My God, Poseidon, what kind of enemy have we provoked?"

The fish-man shaman muttered, wishing to tear out the mouth of the guy who reported the news. What he found was not prey, but disaster.

"Eh? Damn it, you dare to scold the master!" Jackson was doing nothing. Hearing the fish-man shaman's mutterings, he found an excuse and gave it a beating.

The one-sided massacre continued, with the multi-eyed lizards attacking crazily.

After paying the price of two-thirds of death, they finally learned to be smart, biting the ghouls' thighs with their sharp teeth, and then dragged them away with brute force, disintegrating the front line.

The method is very practical, but it is not so easy to implement.

As long as their heads are not damaged, the ghouls will not die. Even if they are dragged away, they are still struggling to fight back. The arms equipped with steel claws are waving, and the lizards are bleeding and screaming.

Downton was not worried. He had already calculated that according to Celes' casting speed, he could kill all the lizards before losing half of the ghouls.

The lizards collapsed earlier than expected. After discovering that all the things torn from the enemy's bodies were rotten meat and inedible, and the casualties were too great, the remaining lizards each held a corpse in their mouths and retreated.

Downton led his team in pursuit for more than 300 meters, and only stopped after killing only single digits of lizards.

"It's a waste of time, hurry up and set off." The fishman didn't even have a copper coin on him, so naturally he had no value in cleaning up the battlefield. Downton checked the environment, confirmed the signs, and returned to the planned route.

Wu Lulu, the fishman shaman begs for mercy.

"It said that if you give them the bodies of these lizards, everyone's grudges can be wiped out." Homer translated.

The fish-man shaman, who was severely beaten by Jackson, recognized the reality. When Downton's eyes moved over, it quickly put on a smile, fearing that any neglect of any detail would cause the other party's displeasure.

"Give them the body, but no one can release it."

When the fishmen retreated, even the shaman was lost. Downton estimated that this guy's status in the tribe was not very high and he probably didn't have much say. However, even if the value of the hostage was not high, he would not let it go.

The team continued moving forward, and half an hour later, they finally arrived at the first destination.

Downton opened a gap in the manhole cover, exposing only his eyes, and observed the surrounding environment.

The most conspicuous thing on the entire street is the Cathedral of the Holy Prayer, fifty meters away. This large building is full of Renaissance style, gorgeous and beautiful.

The five protruding large round domes have great visual tension and give people a round and smooth feeling. The colored glass inlaid on them are engraved with magic circles. At sunset, the reflection of the setting sun will produce five huge white haloes.

There will be feathers falling all around, which is extremely holy.

The splendid light and magic effect of the Holy Prayer Cathedral was once the most famous scenery in Jutland when Polusna had not yet disappeared. There were so many tourists every year that it earned the mayor a lot of tax money.

"How's it going?" Hu Tao asked in a low voice, "Have you seen that giant skeletal dragon?"

"Yeah!" Downton made a silent gesture. There wasn't even a wandering ghoul on the street, because everyone who came through was killed by the bone dragon.

In front of the church, like a guard dog, a twenty-meter-long giant dragon lay there. It took a nap in boredom, and only an occasional yawn proved that it was not a dead thing.

"Let me see! Let me see!" Hutao urged, with excitement on his face.

In fact, the bone dragon is not beautiful at all. All that is left is the bone stick, which lacks the domineering and majestic appearance in front of it. Perhaps the two green flames burning in its eyes are still breathtaking.

"It's so ugly. Just like the bones of a roast duck." Hutao was very disappointed. "Killing this kind of dragon shouldn't be worthy of the title of dragon slayer, right?"

The little Loli was also planning to take a dragon head back, but the guy in front of her made her have no urge to fight at all.

"Please give me some peace of mind. If this bone dragon gets angry, it won't be a problem to kill us." Downton carried Hu Tao by his collar and returned to the sewer.

"Hurry and leave. With the current strength of the team, it is not enough to stuff the gap between its teeth." Homer urged. The bone dragon has no digestive system and cannot eat humans. However, as an undead creature, it will suck the souls of other creatures to nourish itself.

So if you are caught by it, it will definitely be a torture worse than death.

Downton had already made a plan, so everyone didn't feel at a loss and could just follow him.

"What are we going around here? Why haven't we entered the church yet?" Hutao's sense of direction was terrible, but he could never mistake the path he had taken.

"Clean up, determine the retreat, and ensure that you can evacuate at any time without being blocked." Homer explained. It has to be said that Downton is really an extremely cautious leader, even if there is a highly intelligent person like Jackson.

He doesn't need a servant, he has to go and check it in person before he can rest assured.

"Okay, keep going!" After checking the street behind the church and the three sewer branches that could be evacuated at any time, Downton led the way, but soon stopped again.

The sewer entering the back garden of the church is a branch with a diameter of only one meter high. Downton has to crawl through if he wants to pass.

"Homer, load them into war space."

"You go in too, I will open the way and let you out after entering." After hearing Downton's words, Hu Tao felt that she had a place to be useful, patted her little chest and volunteered.

"No." Downton didn't dare to give the task to the little Lolita. What if he ran into trouble?

Hutao's face was full of tears, but she finally got the chance to not be imprisoned in the war space by the magic book.

When Homer was ready, Downton got into the sewer. After climbing one hundred and thirty meters, he came to a square manhole cover.

After listening for a moment to make sure there was no movement, Downton effortlessly lifted the manhole cover that had mostly corroded.

A vine hung down, and there was even some dew on it.

By the light of the flying fireflies, Downton climbed out of the sewer and saw the scene in the back garden of the church.

Overgrown weeds and tangled vines covered the surrounding walls. Although barren, compared to the dark tones outside, this lush green color actually brought some vitality to the underground city.

After three thousand years, the plague of the undead had long been killed by the long years. Although the creatures died, the plants began to thrive.

Hutao saw a cricket lying on a ivy leaf not far away, and couldn't help but reach out to catch it.

"You stay here, don't run around without my order!" Downton surveyed the surrounding terrain, compared it with the map, and after making sure it was correct, he walked towards the arch on the right.

After passing through a not too long corridor, Downton entered the side hall, which is where the clergy rest. To the left is the first chapel, which is the main entrance of the church, where believers worship and pray. To the right

, is the altar area, only the most devout believers and sacrificers can enter.

Hu Tao couldn't wait any longer, so she hid behind a pillar carved with reliefs of goddess statues and secretly peeked into the side hall. When she saw Downton turning his head, the little Loli shrank back like a squirrel.

"Come in, everyone!" Downton had asked Celes before. She didn't know where the Abomination Workshop was, so she could only search for it layer by layer.

The sound of footsteps echoed in the empty corridor. Downton quickly stopped them and asked them to find some fabric to wrap around their shoes.

"So beautiful!" Hutao sighed as he walked, feeling that his eyes were not full.

The interior of the church is splendid, decorated with exquisite murals, and the pillars are covered with reliefs. It is very gorgeous, even to the point of glitz.

"Huh? This guy seems to have moved!" Jackson raised his head and looked at the demon stone statue that fell on the ceiling, and couldn't help but be surprised.

"Get ready to fight!" Downton glanced at it and immediately came to his senses. No wonder he felt something was wrong. This stone statue was really incompatible with the overall decoration style.

"It's a gargoyle!" As soon as Homer projected the magic flame text, the stone statue suddenly flapped its wings, shot down as fast as the wind, and pounced on the nearest Jackson.

"I'm Di Polo!" Jackson cursed, turned on his aura of agility and dodged to the side.

The moment the gargoyle was about to hit the ground, its bat-like wings flapped violently, changed direction ninety degrees, and caught up with Jackson.

Boom, Jackson was hit and rolled out.

The gargoyle caught its prey, screamed, and bit into its neck with its sharp teeth.

"Get away!" Jackson struggled fiercely, trying to throw the undead monster off.

As an undead clan, Jackson is very familiar with these gargoyles. Like the abomination, they are war monsters born in the laboratory.

The first generation of gargoyles were created by necromancers who used demon blood to infect and corrupt large vampire bats.

They have a body as tall as a person and look thin, but they are powerful, especially because they can fly, giving them a hunting ability that is not inferior to that of falcons.

"Tangle it!" Seeing Jackson trying to break away from the gargoyle, Downton shouted quickly and rushed over.

Gargoyles can fly and are simply the most annoying monsters to Downton who lacks long-range attack means. He would rather lose a few ghouls than leave them on the ground.

Jackson did not dare to disobey Downton's order, so he could only capture the gargoyle with a grimace.

"Celeste, prepare to hit the target!" Worried that the battle would drag on for too long and attract more monsters, Downton didn't care about reservations, so he fired a divine revenge.

The golden dragon spear suddenly appeared and stabbed the gargoyle with a slash, piercing it and nailing it to the ground. (To be continued...)


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