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Chapter 23 Soul Angel

"Don't worry, cut open its head. There is already a soul seal in the head of a low-level ghoul, which is a kind of magic material."

Homer projected an arrow and pointed at the exact location.

"Ghoul is definitely this year's model worker. His body, soul, and seal have all contributed." Downton sighed with emotion. It's time to take action, but he won't show mercy.

The soul seal is a bone block, shaped like a mahjong tile, stained with brains and blood, and full of fishy smell.

Downton looked at it for a few times and put it into a money bag.


Homer urges Downton to start construction.

Celes floated to the street, and after the grimoire selected its target, she repeated her trick and lured the ghoul back to the backyard of the grocery store.

As the number of times increased, the Death Banshee gradually became less nervous, her success rate became much higher, and she became more and more proficient in casting magic.

"No. 2, come on!"

Looking at the ferocious low-level ghoul, Downton asked the No. 2 human shield to take action to contain and interfere with it. He was swimming beside him with the shield on his head. If it didn't pay attention at all, he would kill it with one strike.

When sixteen low-level ghoul corpses lay on the ground, both Celes and Downton had exhausted their magic energy, and the hunting had to stop.

"Let's go and choose a safe place. You can meditate and let your tired body recover."

"Hey, isn't it telling the story of Hamlet?" Celes pouted aggrievedly when she saw the text projected by Homer.

"When he returns his soul, I will tell you for a month!"

Homer comforted Celeste. What Downton lacks most now is time. He must grow up as soon as possible to the point where he can face the three Robinsons and escape calmly. Besides, there are many undead creatures in the dungeon that can easily kill him.

"Sorry, by the way, I also have an opera script at the bottom of my box called Romeo and Juliet. I'll tell it to you then!"

"It's settled!" Celes' eyes were filled with anticipation.

With the Death Banshee as his guide, Downton easily found a relatively safe bedroom. He sat cross-legged on the bed, holding the grimoire, closed his eyes, and began to meditate on the Holy Angel.

The soul seeds release soul power, which overflows from the body and gradually condenses into a white soul power group the size of a cherry.

The soul force group stretched and stretched, and the appearance of a female angel slowly formed, and then began to absorb magic energy. They formed pieces of white feathers, which appeared on the back of the soul angel.

Well, when the wings are full, the white feathers will be like crossbow arrows, shooting towards Downton's body and then blending in.

Celes was sitting on the threshold, holding her chin in her hands, looking around boredly, when she suddenly saw this magical scene and was stunned.

"What a beautiful little angel!" Celes wanted to catch the angel, but was worried about hurting Downton, so she held back.

One, two...

As time went by, more and more soul angels appeared around Downton, until they reached twelve, and then they stopped. They absorbed magic energy, condensed it into feathers, and then shot it into Downton's body.

"After becoming a magic user, I used the holy angel statue meditation method for the first time, and I was able to condense twelve soul angels. My qualifications are really good."

Homer is quite satisfied. If it were an ordinary magic user, it would be as good as one. A more excellent one like Robinson would not have more than three.

The vortex meditation method is very good. If it is put up for auction, it can definitely be sold for a sky-high price of 10 million. This is also the capital invested by Elaine's mentor because he attaches great importance to her future.

If the instructor knew that Elaine had taught Downton the meditation method, he would be so angry that he would vomit blood. After all, this can be regarded as a secret that is not passed on.

Of course, if the instructor knew that Downton had abandoned the vortex meditation method, he would probably be so depressed that his cerebral blood vessels would burst.

There is no way, the vortex meditation method is very good, but compared to the holy angel meditation method, it is like mud.

In a unit of time, the magic energy absorbed by one Soul Angel far exceeds that of a hundred vortexes, and it is more compatible with Downton as a Paladin, resulting in faster fusion.

This is only the efficiency at the first level of the soul. As Downton's level continues to increase, this gap will become wider and wider.

Of course, the concentration of magic energy in the dungeon, which is five times that of Delankfurt, also plays an important role, allowing Downton to absorb it unscrupulously.

"The three Robinsons are cheap."

Homer was depressed, it would be great if the dungeon was monopolized by Downton, "No, we must urge Downton to seize all the time to practice and kill those three guys as soon as possible. By the way, there is also a Death Banshee, a natural magician."

, it’s a pity to let him go.”

Grimoire saw Downton enter the state and float towards the Death Banshee.

"Why don't these angels have faces on their heads?" Celes didn't need to write. Instead, she used soul communication to talk directly to Homer.

"It will happen in the future!" Homer didn't want to waste time on these unimportant chores, "I want to teach you meditation!"

"Is this the kind that can produce angels? You have to learn, you have to learn!" Celes, who was full of curiosity, nodded hurriedly.

"You are an undead, do you think your life will be long if you learn this?" Homer projected the text angrily, asking why the guys he met were so devoid of common sense.

Celes twisted her two fingers together, with an expression on her face that was about to cry.

"Okay, what I'm teaching you is the Queen of Forgotten Meditation. Although angels won't appear, other things will appear."

"What is it?" Celes asked.

"Don't you know it once you learn it?" Homer reminded, "But you will become Downton's personal magic consultant in the future, are you still willing to learn it?"

"If I become a consultant, will he not leave me?" Celes became happy when she saw Homer nodding, "I want to learn!"

In this dead and decaying underground city, Celes has tasted too much loneliness. She is really afraid of being lonely anymore. She wants someone to accompany her.

"I hope you remember the promise you made today!"

The grimoire projected bright red words, burning like magic flames.

There is a kind of elegance and pride in Homer's bones, and he will never lie. Otherwise, he could throw out hundreds of contracts and coax the simple Celes to sign and make her become Downton's servant.

Downton didn't know what was happening in the room. He had immersed himself in meditation.

As the soul angel's wings continued to condense magic energy and injected it into his body, Downton's soul seeds gradually grew larger under the bath.

Three hours later, Downton woke up from his meditation and exhaled a long breath. Scattered magic energy spots spurted out with his breath, twinkling like stars in the dark room.

The soul seeds that used to be the size of sesame seeds have grown to twice the size.

"You can release five undead confessions, too few!" Downton clenched his fist, not satisfied yet. He didn't know that this efficiency would be enough to shock the eyes of anyone who saw it.

"Okay, continue hunting ghouls!" Homer, who was teaching Celes magic, immediately urged him when he saw Downton waking up.

"Are you a black-hearted overseer?" Downton stretched and teased the grimoire, but he didn't move slowly, picked up the weapon, and rushed to the grocery store.

In a dark environment, with corpses strewn in the backyard, a fierce battle continued.

A low-level black-blooded spider was blocked in a corner. It kept roaring and tried to rush out. Its mouthparts were cut to pieces with a sharp blade and the flesh was bloody. Red blood was scattered everywhere.

Numbers 2 and 3 were wearing full sets of heavy armor, like iron cans. They were stuck in position, refusing to give an inch. Their claws kept scratching the black-blooded spider, leaving scars.

Downton held a shield in his left hand and a knight's spear as thick as a bowl in his right hand, thrusting wildly through the gap between the two ghoul servants.

The tip of the spear has been dyed red, and the body of the black-blooded spider is full of fist-sized holes, gushing out blood like a fountain.

Celes floated thirty yards away, five meters above the ground, looking down from a high position, chanting a spell, and fired phosphorus fire arrows at the big spider one after another to suppress the fire.

Occasionally missed spells left small craters on the wall, and fragments flew around, hitting the ghoul's armor with a clanging sound.

Unable to bear this kind of pain and torture, the Black Blood Spider gathered some strength and violently sprayed out a ball of green venom.

The two ghouls were indeed the most fearless human shields. They turned a blind eye to the venom and continued to stand in front of Downton.

Zira, the venom corroded the armor, and white smoke rose.

The rhinoceros-sized black-blooded spider used its eight legs to slam into No. 2 with all its strength, trying to find a way out.

Bang, No. 2 rolled out!

The black-blooded spider had just rushed less than a meter when Downton stepped out in two strides and blocked it in front of it, slapping the shield with his left hand hard.

Bang, the Black Blood Spider's momentum was suffocated, and with just such a delay, No. 2 had already climbed up and successfully replenished his position.

Downton stepped back and continued to stab the remaining two compound eyes of the black blood spider with the knight's spear.

"Keep working hard, it's going to die!" Homer projected colorful words to cheer everyone up.

For ten days, Downton kept hunting ghouls, collecting souls, and honing his martial arts. When he was tired, he would meditate. He would not be able to open his eyes until he was too sleepy, and he would never sleep. In short, not a moment was wasted.

This kind of crazy diligence and a lot of sweat finally paid off handsomely.

Downton's combat level has improved rapidly, and with the correct tactics, he can completely crush the undead monsters whose strength is at the first level of the soul. Even the second level can no longer satisfy his appetite.

Homer felt that Downton was too trusting, so he picked a black-blooded spider whose strength was at the peak of the third level of the soul, and wanted him to taste the taste of failure. However, he did not expect that he would actually adopt this kind of human shield tactic, forcing him to

Consuming monsters life and death.

The high-intensity battle has lasted for six minutes. Downton's magic energy has been completely exhausted, and he can only fight hand-to-hand with the dragon gun. The armors of the two ghouls are also rusty and corroded by the venom, and are extensively damaged. Directly use *

*He endured the attack. If it were a human, he would have run away with low morale.

The black blood spider is not much better. It sprays out venom, and it takes a long time to save up for one shot, but even if it hits, the ghoul is not afraid. As for the spider web, it is squeezed into the corner and the angle is wrong, so it has no effect at all.

Poof, the knight's spear pierced the spider's eye. Downton twisted his wrist and the spear was twisted in.

The black-blooded spider finally shed all its blood. After neighing, it lost all its strength. Its eight legs gave way and it collapsed on the ground.


ps: Dear gentlemen, please increase the dps output, collect it, and don’t stop voting for recommendations!


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