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440 [Jinling University and the Prodigy]

Nguyen Cuo of Vietnam and Yin Shandao of North Korea did not leave immediately, but were left to watch the newly completed Jinling University.

This was the first university under the rule of Zhao Han. It was located near the Imperial College of Nanjing in the Ming Dynasty, which was also near the Sipailou campus of Southeast University in later generations.

During the Yongle period, there were nine thousand students in Nanjing Imperial College.

Later it gradually declined, and by the end of the Ming Dynasty it was even more dilapidated, with many buildings in decay.

Now, it has a completely new look.

After Wang Zhiliang, the governor of southern Hunan in the Ming Dynasty, was forced to seek refuge with Zhao Han, he now served as a member of the Ministry of Rites, responsible for taking these foreign envoys to visit.

This gentleman is old and no longer wants to be a fifth-grade official. He has applied to become a university professor and has been approved by Zhao Han.

Wang Zhiliang's school is "Xin Guan Xue", which is very close to Datong theory. His latest academic achievement is to combine Hengqu Four Sentences with Datong theory, and his articles will be compiled into "Datong Collection" next year.

Establish a mind for heaven and earth, establish a destiny for living people, carry on the unique knowledge for the next life, and create peace for all generations.

Yin Shandao was the prince's teacher in Joseon, specializing in teaching lessons to the princes of Joseon. Unfortunately, two of his princes' students were taken hostage by the Manchus, and now one is dead and the other is ill.

Along the way, Yin Shandao asked Wang Zhiliang for advice on Neo-Confucianism.

Wang Zhiliang was walking on campus, stroking his beard and said: "Heaven's heart is the human heart, Heaven's way is the human way, and Heaven's principles are the principles of man."

Yin Shandao asked again: "How to do learning?"

Wang Zhiliang replied with a smile: "It is important to understand the body and apply it to the times. The truth is not empty talk, but learning is valuable for practical results."

Yin Shandao said with emotion: "Jun Zhen is a great Confucian. Our country's scholars are fond of empty talk and do not deal with reality, which has led to the ruin of the country."

Wang Zhiliang said: "I am not a great Confucian, I am just a professor at Jinling University. The real great Confucians are in Hanlin Academy and Qintian Academy. That is the place where learning is really done."

"Isn't Qin Tian Jian a place where astronomy and calendars are studied?" Yin Shandao looked confused.

Wang Zhiliang explained: "No. Today's Qintianyuan has libraries for mathematics, physics, agriculture, astronomy, etc. It is also the place where university studies are studied."

Yin Shandao hurriedly asked: "Physics is Neo-Confucianism, why is it not in the Hanlin Academy?"

"Hahaha," Wang Zhiliang laughed, "this physics is not that physics."

The Vietnamese envoy Ruan Cuo just listened all the way. Although he had studied the Four Books and Five Classics, he was at the level of a child in China at best.

Walking to a school building, Ruan Cuo was surprised and said: "The windows are actually made of colored glass?"

Wang Zhiliang smiled and said: "This thing is glass, don't be surprised. Nowadays, many wealthy families in Nanjing have replaced window paper with glass."

Ruan Cuo couldn't believe it: "Yesterday in the palace, I saw the windows inlaid with glass. I thought they were just for His Majesty the Emperor's royal use. I didn't expect that the common people can also use them. How could China be so rich?"

Yin Shandao also said: "The Kingdom of Heaven is indeed extraordinary."

The entire Jinling University was renovated by the Nanjing Imperial College, and all the window paper was replaced with transparent glass.

Large glass is difficult to make, but small glass is easy to bake, and can be embedded in the original window lattice. Moreover, these glasses are not pure, with a faint green color, and cannot meet the standards for grinding telescopes.

After walking for a while, the messengers saw the flag flying.

Ruan Cuo asked: "Is this the banner of the Tian family?"

Wang Zhiliang said: "This is the national flag. It was decided some time ago that all government offices and schools will raise this flag in the future. The background color is indigo, which means all the people in the world. The golden rising dragon means that the people should carry the emperor. There are smaller patterns below it.

, is the crane and the unicorn, which means civil and military officials. This is the theory of the combination of the three principles. The emperor, officials, and people complement each other and are indispensable. The cloud pattern between the scales and claws of the rising dragon means the unity of heaven and man. The crane and the unicorn are stepping on each other.

The pattern of river cliffs and sea water symbolizes the eternal stability of rivers and mountains."

"The national flag is the national flag," Yin Shandao clapped his hands and praised, "This is a very good thing. North Korea should also have a national flag."

Ruan Cuo asked again: "Why are there not many people in the school?"

Wang Zhiliang explained: "Only after this year's provincial examination is over will students from all over the country come to study."

Yin Shandao asked: "His Majesty the Emperor of Datong, has the imperial examination finally resumed?"

"Recovered." Wang Zhiliang replied casually, not bothering to explain more.

What Wang Zhiliang calls the “rural examination” is the unified examination for all provinces that will finally begin this year.

Middle school students must take the graduation examination organized by the county. If they pass the examination, they can get a diploma. Then, with the middle school diploma, they can take the unified examination organized by the province.

The top fifty (tentative) students in each province will be given travel expenses by the government. After studying at Jinling University, accommodation fees will be free of charge, food will be paid for by themselves, and the annual tuition fee will be one tael of silver. These are called government-funded students.

Other middle school graduates, including former students, can also sign up. However, travel expenses, accommodation, and meals must be paid for by themselves, and the annual tuition fee is thirty taels of silver (including book fees). This is called a self-financed student.

In the future, we will also recruit foreign students, and the annual tuition fee will be one hundred taels of silver.

One university is certainly not enough. Nanchang University, Hangzhou University, and Guangzhou University are in preparation and will be opened one after another next year. Government-funded students must enroll nearby, otherwise they cannot enjoy discounts. Self-funded students can enroll across districts by paying more.

When each province has a university, the number of government-funded students will increase. It is expected that the top 100 students in each province will be able to enroll in government-funded schools.

Wang Zhiliang finally explained the purpose of his trip: "If the two envoys are interested, they can send their family members to study at Jinling University. The annual tuition fee is only one hundred taels of silver. The professors in the university are all famous teachers and Confucian scholars. For example, Wang Bohe (Wang Tiao)

Ding), Qian Muzhai (Qian Qianyi), and Zhang Ximing (Zhang Pu) all serve in the Hanlin Academy, and they come here to give lectures every month."

Yin Shandao was a little moved and asked: "Which school is dominant here? Which school is dominant in the dispute of Qi and Li?"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Wang Zhiliang couldn't help laughing: "There is a sign at the school gate, which is the school motto written by His Majesty: Tolerance and inclusiveness, a hundred schools of thought contend. At Jinling University, as long as students are not incited to rebel, any school of knowledge can be taught. And there are many disciplines,

It is divided into: Confucian classics, history, literature (including diction, phonology, exegesis, calligraphy, painting), astronomy (including geography), physics, mathematics, agriculture... and many other subjects. Of course, undergraduate studies have a special subject."

Yin Shandao exclaimed: "Once the students of Jinling University complete these studies, won't they all be generals?"

Wang Zhiliang said: "Every student who enters the school should choose one subject as a specialization, such as the Eight-legged Zhibenjing. College students, literature, poetry, and mathematics, these three subjects are compulsory. In addition, one subject should be chosen as an elective. If you take an elective

If you fail to pass the subjects, it will be difficult to graduate."

Although Yin Shandao did not understand many subjects, he still felt that he was very good at it and planned to send one of his sons and a nephew to study abroad.

Zhao Han’s recruitment of foreign students is nothing more than cultivating “pro-China” people.

Moreover, Zhao Han is planning to annex North Korea and Vietnam, so it will be more convenient to cultivate more leading parties.

Especially North Korea, which was invaded by Japan and the Manchu Qing Dynasty in turn, one robbed the south and the other robbed the north. Today, there are only three to four million people left. Moreover, the country is poor and the people are weak, and the military's combat effectiveness is equivalent to that of the Ming Dynasty's guards. It is easy to take over

The best time to download.

Nanjing, Gongyuan.

The examination room has also been renovated, and all the examination booths have been changed to masonry structures with many transparent glass embedded in them.

Candidates entered in batches, and the ones that attracted the most attention were the female candidates.

Although Zhao Han stipulates that girls must go to school, generally after three years of primary school, they can do whatever they want. Most of the ladies continue to go to middle school, but most of them go to girls' schools. Many are good at poetry, but only those who can pass the county graduation exam


In the entire Jinling Prefecture, only seventeen girls came to take part in the provincial examination (unified examination).

They were all young girls of fourteen or fifteen years old, who were personally sent by their elders. When the candidates entered the venue, the elders of each girl were surrounded.

"The person who came in just now is the young lady of your house?"


"She is such a talented girl. I wonder if your daughter has ever been engaged. My dog ​​is only fifteen years old, and he is also a student of Jinling Provincial Examination this year. He has already mastered the "Four Books", and he is also very good at mathematics. He has been among the top ten in the school in all exams."

"Your Majesty, I accept your kindness. My daughter is already engaged."


At this moment, a child walked into the examination room, causing the parents to exclaim.

The child was only about ten years old. He thought he was accompanying his elder brother, but he didn't expect to go in for the exam by himself.

Fang Zhongde is ten years old this year, Fang Yizhi’s son.

He originally studied in a private school at home, later studied with his father, and only entered school after moving to Nanjing.

Most of the three-year primary school courses have been learned, and they are completed in two or three months. The remaining time is spent studying secondary school courses.

After only one year of study, he passed the primary school graduation exam.

After studying for another year, I passed the high school graduation exam.

Now I’m running to take the college entrance examination...

The main reason is that primary and secondary schools only have four books in their curriculum, while the Five Classics are now listed as professional subjects in universities.

As for mathematics and physics, well, the physics textbook was written by his father.

Fang Zhongde’s second younger brother, Fang Zhongtong, is only eight years old. He has already reached middle school graduation level in mathematics and physics, but is still slowly learning the Four Books. Moreover, Fang Zhongtong’s talent in science far exceeds that of his elder brother Fang Zhongde!

It can only prove that the current natural knowledge is too simple, and most of the contents of middle school mathematics will belong to the primary school examination points a few hundred years later.

Physics research is not in-depth either and requires continued efforts.

On the morning of the first day, I took a test on Datong Theory.

The entire "Datong Collection" is not thick, and there are not many knowledge points. It is a bonus point item for candidates.

Fang Zhongde quickly finished the exam, checked and revised it, then handed it in and waited for the next exam.

In the Chinese language test in the afternoon, I reserved a four-book and eight-legged essay, and the rest was filled with fill-in-the-blanks and dictating the content. Even the children of the Ming Dynasty could easily handle this level of difficulty.

Of course, it is limited to eight-legged content, because it also requires examination of Tang poetry, Song poetry and prose, which are rarely memorized by children in the Ming Dynasty.

The next day, I took the math and physics exams.

There was a big math question that caused the candidates to cry out, but Fang Zhongde, who was only ten years old, solved it easily.

A few days later, the top 300 candidates were announced.

Fang Zhongde ranked fourth in the exam...

Although he is not number one, he is only ten years old. Even Zhao Han knows that there is such a child prodigy.

This chapter has been completed!
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