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456 [Wenwu Emperor Temple]

The first year of the Republic of China, the first year of Emperor Zhao Han of Datong, was obviously not a good year.

There is a severe drought in many southern provinces, and food prices have almost doubled!

In fact, the drought was much less severe than the previous year, and the drought in the north was completely improved. However, the people in the south felt more intuitively that the price of food had soared, and Zhao Han's reign was worrying.

So after the autumn harvest this year, some officials and civil servants asked Zhao Han to observe the sacrificial rituals and worship the heaven and earth in Nanjing the next spring, praying to the emperor, the queen, and the earth for good weather.

"Sacrifice to heaven and earth in the southern suburbs" is the sentence that appears most frequently in "History of the Ming Dynasty".

Every year in the first lunar month, between New Year's Day and Lantern Festival, the Ming Emperor would choose an auspicious day to offer sacrifices to heaven and earth.

Because there were too many people in Shang Shu, Zhao Han had to express his position. He summoned the cabinet and officials from the ten ministries and said: "The heaven and earth can be sacrificed, but it is not necessary. It is just for good luck. The scale cannot be too large. Send a few officials from the Ministry of Rites."

, just offer sacrifices to heaven and earth on my behalf."

Except for special occasions, Zhao Han usually calls himself "I", and "I" means that he has made up his mind.

Many ministers who were sitting to discuss matters all stood up at this moment, including Pang Chunlai.

Pang Chunlai admonished: "Your Majesty, the most important thing for the country is to sacrifice to the army. Although the emperor of the old Ming Dynasty often sent relatives to offer sacrifices, they were only to offer sacrifices to the gods of mountains and rivers. Offering sacrifices to heaven and earth must not be left to the hands of others! Offer sacrifices to heaven and earth and control them.

The leader of the Sixth Army must be the emperor himself!"

Li Banghua even knelt down directly: "I know that your Majesty is serving the people and carrying the emperor, and does not care about the blessings of heaven and earth. Your Majesty will definitely retort, saying that the previous dynasty Chongzhen worshiped heaven and earth every year, but the country was still suffering from drought and military disasters. But your Majesty needs to know that,

This is not a matter of belief or disbelief, but an act that can and cannot be done. To offer sacrifices to the heaven and earth, one must be the emperor, and he can only be the emperor. If any minister dares to offer sacrifices to the heaven and earth on behalf of His Majesty, the minister will definitely impeach him for treason. He will not be removed from office.

I will resign and return home!"

"Your Majesty, please think twice!" Many ministers knelt down one after another.

Zhao Han immediately laughed and said: "Everyone, get up. It's because I'm not thinking carefully. Don't kneel down easily."

There are some things that an emperor cannot disobey, such as the Confucian etiquette that has been formed over thousands of years.

Etiquette and law are principles and rules.

This thing is the root of Confucianism. In comparison, Zhao Han's reform of the imperial examination system is just child's play. Etiquette and law are not only reflected in the people, but also in the court. Sacrifice to heaven and earth is the emperor's right, and it is also the emperor's responsibility.

Anyone who dares to do this is committing treason!

Zhao Han's smile was fake, and he said: "The cabinet, the ceremonial officer, and the Ministry of Rites, go down and discuss the sacrificial etiquette. Just like the national flag, its charm should be retained, but it must be simplified as much as possible."

The national flag has been revised. The rising dragon, crane, and unicorn patterns are still there, but they have been simplified to only the charming lines.

Chen Maosheng asked: "How much can it be simplified?"

Zhao Han replied: "No matter how much you simplify it, you have to remember one key point: Don't waste people's money!"

"Yes!" Chen Maosheng handed over his hand.

Since the mid-Ming Dynasty, a very disgusting phenomenon has appeared.

Due to the lack of finances in the Ming Dynasty, the monarchs and ministers had no money to provide disaster relief, so when faced with major disasters, they often allocated symbolic funds for relief, and at the same time mobilized people to perform sacrifices and pray.

For example, when the Yellow River bursts its embankments, the court's disaster relief money has not been allocated, and the floods are flooding and it is temporarily impossible to build embankments. The governor of the river channel will first sacrifice to the god of the river. Occasionally, he will be impeached by the censor, and the impeachment content is: the wrong object is sacrificed!

A certain river is used to worship this god, and a certain river is used to worship that god. This cannot be confused.

If you worship the wrong god, you may lose your official position.

The Great Guanzhong Earthquake killed 830,000 people. Emperor Jiajing only allocated tens of thousands taels for disaster relief, which was less than the amount of money he allocated to the Wudang Mountain Monastery. Then Emperor Jiajing performed sacrifices with great fanfare, and all civil and military officials of the dynasty were mobilized.

The focus instantly changed from the earthquake to the sacrifice.

Zhao Han will never allow this phenomenon to happen. In his opinion, sacrifice is okay for auspicious reasons, but that's all.

Facing these ministers, Zhao Han said: "My lords, Mencius said: When Heaven assigns a great responsibility to a person, he must first strain his mind, strain his muscles and bones, starve his body and skin, deplete his body, and disturb his place by walking.

Because, so tempted to endure, it has been beneficial to others. This is true for people, and it is also true for the country. We, China, are united in facing natural disasters and visions, and we should unite as one. The emperor, hundreds of officials, and all the people should join hands to respond to the celestial phenomena and work together.

Overcoming the difficulties. At the beginning of our revolution, before we had the entire territory of Jiangxi, we encountered a flood that had never happened in a century. At that time, officials at all levels worked with the people to fight against the flood. After the flood, although there were losses, the officials and the people were united. This is not a gift from heaven.

What is the true meaning of great responsibility?”

"What your Majesty said is true!"

All the officials shouted.

Zhao Han said: "It is said that the emperor is the emperor, Chongzhen is the emperor, and I am also the emperor. They are all sons of heaven, which one should God love? Then use disaster as a test, and whichever emperor can handle it will be chosen as the true emperor! That's it!

As a father like you, if you are given a test, the son who only knows how to beg his parents is a waste, but the one who knows how to survive the difficulties is a thousand-mile horse. I agree to sacrifice to heaven and earth only to express the emperor's respect for heaven, not to beg for God's blessing.

All the people of the country. The true emperor should face the difficulties on his own. Have you never read the "Yi"? Heaven is moving vigorously, and a gentleman should constantly strive for self-improvement!"

"Listen to the holy teachings!" the officials shouted again.

Zhao Han said to Wang Tiaoding, the head of the Hanlin Academy: "Write down these words and write them into an article, which will be included in the "Datong Collection" next year. Officials at all levels should not indulge in sacrifices if they encounter natural disasters, but should lead the people to tide over the difficulties together.

.Sacrifices must not be for political achievements. You only know how to offer sacrifices but not how to provide disaster relief. From now on, you will be dismissed from office! I have only heard of King Yu controlling the floods, but I have never heard of King Yu offering sacrifices to heaven and earth and the floods receding!"

This sets the tone for sacrifices. Sacrifice is just a ritual and has nothing to do with political achievements. It is reserved as a formality.

Chen Maosheng took the opportunity and said: "Your Majesty, please appoint the sages of Wenwu Temple."

After the Confucius family in Qufu was heavily punished, Kong Zhenyun of Nanzong was canonized as Yanshenggong, but the sacrificial system of Confucius Temple and Confucian Temple and the corresponding objects of sacrificial offerings are still unresolved.

Zhao Han even delayed replying to whether various local Confucian temples would resume annual sacrifices.

Zhao Han glanced at the ministers: "The sages of the Confucian Temple, Confucius and his disciples, only retain the four sages of Confucianism. The ten sages of Confucius, except the four sages, are all invited to leave the Confucian Temple. Whether the Confucius Temple worships the ten sages is a matter for the Confucian family

It’s my own business, but I think the Confucian Temple should change it.”

Invite the ten philosophers of Confucius out of the Confucius Temple?

Ninety-nine percent of the ministers were dumbfounded. This, this, this, this... how the hell could this happen?

It’s not like everyone is invited out, Yan Hui is still retained.

Zhao Han ignored the comments of the ministers and continued: "In the future, the Confucian Temple will be dedicated to the most holy Confucius, and the secondary saint Yan Hui, the ancestral saint Zengzi, Shu Shengzi Si, and the sub-sage Mencius. As for the seventy-two sages, Xunzi

, Zuo Shi, Gu Liang, Gong Yang, Han Yu and other sages can be retained, and many others are subject to discussion. Why didn't Sima Qian, the soloist of historians, join? Why didn't Fan Zhongyan, who was worried about the world, not join? Why didn't Wen Tianxiang, who left a loyal heart and reflect history, not join? Zhu Xi

,Why doesn’t Wang Shouren join?”

Li Banghua said with a trembling voice: "Your Majesty, if you make such a large-scale change, I'm afraid the scholars of the world will criticize you. Perhaps we can wait until the world is unified before deciding which sages to worship in the Confucian Temple."

"No need, just now," Zhao Han said, "You all go down and give a list. The sages selected to be worshiped in the Confucian Temple should have meritorious service, morality, and one of them. I am talking about Sima Qian, Fan Zhongyan, Wen Tianxiang,

Zhu Xi and Wang Shouren must be included in the Seventy-Two Sages of the Confucian Temple!"

"As you command!"

Li Banghua bit the bullet and agreed.

Not only Zhao Han will be scolded by scholars all over the world, but Pang Chunlai, Li Banghua and others will also not escape infamy.

Li Banghua couldn't understand why Zhao Han would do something to offend scholars at this critical moment when the world was uncertain and disasters continued.

Zhao Han continued: "Confucian temples are not allowed to be built on a large scale, nor are they allowed to offer sacrifices repeatedly. They are not allowed to offer sacrifices more than once a year, and they are not allowed to exploit the people by offering sacrifices to the Confucian Temple! No official is allowed to recruit servants when offering sacrifices to the Confucian Temple! Also, it is important to remember that

Establish a martial arts temple. When military academies are built in the future, a martial arts temple must be built near each military academy."

Pang Chunlai asked: "Your Majesty, if you want to rebuild the martial arts temple, where should Jiang Ziya occupy it?"

"First place!" Zhao Han replied.

Pang Chunlai asked again: "Jiang Ziya has been invited to the Martial Temple, will the Imperial Temple still be suitable for worship?"

"Together." Zhao Han said.

Li Banghua said: "Your Majesty, this is inconsistent with etiquette."

Zhao Han said: "Since Jiang Ziya has merit and virtue, what if he is enshrined in both the Martial Temple and the Imperial Temple?"

There was no martial arts temple in the Ming Dynasty.

When Zhu Yuanzhang built the Imperial Temple, he found that Jiang Ziya was not with King Wu of Zhou, so he asked the officials of the Ministry of Rites: "Where is Jiang Ziya?"

The official of the Ministry of Rites replied: "Jiang Ziya is the main god of the Wu Temple and was named King Wucheng."

Zhu Yuanzhang was very angry: "Jiang Ziya is a minister of King Wu of Zhou, how can he be crowned king? Isn't this a confusion between the king and his ministers? Jiang Ziya should be removed from his royal title and returned to the Imperial Temple to worship King Wu of Zhou!"

The officials of the Ministry of Rites were in a dilemma: "Jiang Ziya is the main deity of the Martial Temple. After you go to the Emperor's Temple, what will the Martial Temple do?"

Zhu Yuanzhang said: "Then there is no need for a martial arts temple!"

As a result, by the end of the Ming Dynasty, all martial temples disappeared without a trace.

Li Banghua repeated the question asked by the emperors and ministers in the early Ming Dynasty: "Your Majesty wants to reset the Martial Temple. Will Jiang Ziya regain his title as king?"

Zhao Han smiled and said: "Confucius' King Wenxuan is gone, how can Jiang Ziya retain King Wucheng? Since Confucius has been named the Dacheng Supreme Saint Patriarch, Jiang Ziya can be named the Dacheng Soldier Saint Patriarch."

Although Emperor Jiajing had a lot of shit, he also did two interesting things:

First, abolish the royal title of Confucius and turn Confucius into a teacher. That is, abolish the Dacheng Saint Wenxuan King and change it to the Dacheng Saint Master. The Qufu Confucius family was very unhappy.

The title given by the emperor.

Second, Kublai Khan and his ministers were moved out of the temples of previous emperors, and Kublai Khan was not recognized as the emperor of China.

To be honest, the second thing is very inappropriate.

Because most of the holy relics of Genghis Khan (for Mongolia) and the relics of Kublai Khan are in the hands of the Ming Dynasty. The Ming Dynasty has the legal authority of the Yuan Dynasty. In theory, the entire grassland belongs to the Ming Dynasty. Emperor Jiajing is so

Just give up.

Well, it doesn't matter whether you give up or not.

Pang Chunlai asked: "Should we invite the founder of the Yuan Dynasty (Kublai Khan) back to the Emperor's Temple?"

Zhao Han said with a smile: "Of course I have to invite you back and provide good services to the Yuan Shizu. What lands does the Yuan Shizu have... ahem, let's talk about it later."

As long as Kublai Khan is invited back to the Imperial Temple, China will have strong claims to Mongolia, Tibet, and Xinjiang. It may seem useless, but it has political significance, and there are sufficient reasons to send troops.

Zhao Han continued: "When rebuilding the Martial Temple and the Imperial Temple, two people must be invited in. One is Yue Fei, who should enter the Martial Temple; the other is Qin Shi Huang, who should enter the Imperial Temple! The throne of Qin Shi Huang should be written with the word Zulong!


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