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457 [A hundred schools of thought contend]

Fei Rumei gave birth to a daughter and was in confinement, and Liu Rushi was about to give birth.

At this moment, Liu Rushi was basking in the sun with her belly stretched out, and Fei Rulan was holding her sleeves and studying ink in the garden.

Zhao Han picked up his pen and wrote in calligraphy, the inscriptions on the three plaques: Nanchang University, Changsha University, Guangzhou University.

These are the three universities that will be opened next year. The Ministry of Rites (Politics and Education) has discussed and confirmed them. Because these three provinces are Zhao Han’s earliest territories and have promoted basic education for many years, they have the student conditions to build universities.

As for Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui and Fujian, after discussions among the ministers, they felt that they could be postponed for another one or two years.

It is mainly the court and the private sector that have lost their minds over the location of the university.

In Zhejiang, the focus of debate between civil servants and scholars was whether to establish the university in Hangzhou or Shaoxing. Logically speaking, it should be established in Hangzhou, but Shaoxing produced too many great Confucians. At this time, most of the important officials and scholars were from Shaoxing.


If Zhejiang is still a normal dispute, then Anhui and Jiangsu are simply dumbfounding.

Huizhou merchants strongly demanded that a university be established in Huizhou without any money from the court. They could raise funds to build the university and donate the school to the country free of charge. There were many scholars in Tongcheng and other places, and they were very influential. They suggested that the university should be established.

In Anqing, there are still many officials in the court who believe that the university can be established in Luzhou.

The three forces, each with their own channels, frantically made remarks in front of Zhao Han.

Fang Yizhi, who had been studying physics, was inevitably involved, and made circumstantial suggestions to establish the university in Anqing.

As for Jiangsu, Huizhou merchants and Ganxi merchants proposed the establishment of Yangzhou University, and Jiangnan scholars unanimously proposed the establishment of Suzhou University. The two sides attacked each other. One side said that Yangzhou was full of the smell of copper, and the other side said that Suzhou was a place of evildoers.

After writing the imperial names of the three universities, Zhao Han handed the calligraphy treasure to the female official and took it to the Ministry of Rites to pass it back to various places.

Zhao Han put down his brush and said amusedly: "When we set up a university, the local scholars will argue endlessly. How can they work together to oppose the Confucian Temple? The officials are worrying too much."

Liu Rushi said: "His Majesty invited Zhu Zi and Yangming Gong to the Confucian Temple for a profound reason. Scholars will not cause trouble."

"Haha, Mr. Liu knows me." Zhao Han laughed.

Scholars in the Ming Dynasty, whether they admit it or not, were all disciples and grandsons of Zhu Xi. Wang Yangming also had countless successors to Jiangnan.

Listing these two people as the Seventy-Two Sages of the Confucian Temple will instantly divide the world's scholars and will inevitably gain a large number of supporters.

Zhao Han retained Confucius and Mencius, and even Yan Zeng. As for the other disciples of Confucius, what do they have to do with today’s scholars? You can just find a scholar from the former dynasty on the street and ask him to recite the names of the seventy-two sages of Confucius. He will

If you can recite half of it, you are considered a knowledgeable person.

On the contrary, Zhu Xi and Wang Yangming were famous and had disciples and fans all over the world. These people were potential supporters of Zhao Han's policies.

Even if Zhao Han thinks on his knees, he can predict the direction of public opinion. The focus of debate between the government and the people will definitely change from whether to change the worship position in the Confucian Temple to which sages should be replaced.

In just a few days, officials have already submitted the first batch.

In addition to the ones mentioned by Zhao Han, some people also suggested adding Sima Guang, Bao Zheng, Yu Qian, Hai Rui, Zhang Juzheng, etc.

As for Wang Anshi, he was not highly regarded until the end of the Qing Dynasty. Even if someone praised him, they only praised Wang Anshi for his noble personal ethics.

Full recognition of Wang Anshi became popular in the Republic of China.

Chiang Kai-shek even compared himself to Wang Anshi and caused a big discussion across the country. At that time, government officials at all levels held relevant seminars and invited well-known scholars to give "Wang Anshi's Reform Lectures." Officials of all sizes had to write articles to compare Wang Anshi's reform with Chiang Kai-shek.

Reform combined with discussion.

Chiang Kai-shek respected three people throughout his life: Wang Anshi, Wang Yangming and Zeng Guofan.

It is a pity that he only lived as Zeng Guofan, especially in the diary.

Many diaries of celebrities in the late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China are leftover from Neo-Confucianism.

With the blessing of the Literary Prison, the Manchu Qing Dynasty completely castrated Neo-Confucianism, and Neo-Confucian thought has completely regressed.

Scholars took the initiative to strip away the pragmatic content of Neo-Confucianism, and especially absorbed the empty talk and nonsense of Xinxue. Scholars pursued "cultivation and enlightenment" one after another. While they were greedy and perverting the law, they regarded themselves as Taoists and liked to write diaries to exchange ideas on self-cultivation. Some officials wanted to express themselves

He was so honest that he even wrote in his diary: I had sex with my old wife last night.

This kind of diary is selfless and sanctimonious, and is written specifically for others to read.

Zeng Guofan in the diary is a saint, but Zeng Guofan in reality... haha.

In Zhao Han, there is no literary prison, but instead encourages a hundred schools of thought to contend, and now many schools of thought have been born.

Among them, the Luling School, the Jinling School, and the Hanzhu School are collectively known as the "Da Tong School".

Luling County has always been the core of Zhao Han's rule, and Qianshan Hanzhu Academy is where Zhao Han once studied. The Datong theory quickly became popular in these two places. Nanjing is also the capital, and the Datong theory is also extremely strong.

The three places belong to the Datong School, but each has its own emphases. The Hanzhu School mainly uses traditional Neo-Confucianism to explain Datong, the Luling School mixes psychology and Neo-Confucianism, and the Jinling School draws on the strengths of others.

Gu Gao raised funds to rebuild Donglin Academy in Wuxi, and the Donglin School announced its revival.

The resurgent Donglin School has already adjusted its academic thinking. Although the main theme is still "reading, teaching, and patriotism", it has added some Datong ideas and emphasized that "tolerance serves the country, avoid party disputes, Neo-Confucianism is the foundation, and practical learning should prevail." Donglin scholars

They began to actively study astronomy, geography, mathematics, physics, water conservancy and other subjects that they had dabbled in before.

The Tongcheng School was also announced, integrating Neo-Confucianism and Psychology, and under the advocacy of Fang Yizhi, explored natural sciences.

Wang Zhiliang, a professor at Jinling University, and Fu Shan, a master of gynecology, jointly founded the "Guan School" in Nanjing. Hengqu's Four Sentences and Datong Theory also absorbed the theories of Zhu Xi and Wang Yangming, forming a rather alternative new Guan School.

Liu Zongzhou attracted a group of Zhejiang people to create the "Shanyin School" in Shaoxing. This school belonged to a brand-new psychology, and at the same time absorbed Cheng-Zhu Neo-Confucianism, emphasizing "careful independence" and self-cultivation, upholding one's own integrity and helping the world.

Over in Changsha, Wang Fuzhi, Wang Jiezhi, Xiong Weigong, Guo Fengqiang, Guan Siqiu, Wen Zhiyong and others founded the "Yuelu School". Based on Neo-Confucianism, they advocated the liberation of human nature, Qi monism (simple materialism), and the rationale

Heyi (a simple view of evolutionary history), etc., this school of thought is also widely spread in the southern region of Hubei.

Based on the members of several societies, the "Practical School" was also founded in Huating.

The Practical School is particularly interesting. Although it was founded in Huating, its core base is in Shanghai. It not only advocates practical learning, but also advocates the combination of practical learning and industry and commerce. Many former members of several societies now do not serve as officials but go into business.

In addition, there is the Nanhai School in Guangdong and the Quanzhou School in Fujian.

No matter which school of thought, because Zhao Han advocates natural science and it is included in the "provincial examination" this year, more or less all of them have begun to dabble in subjects such as mathematics and physics. Many of them may sneer at natural science, but this thing

Regarding the future imperial examinations, we must study hard to expand the influence of the school.

As for the Datong theory, any school of thought must study it. This is the Juche idea of ​​the new dynasty.

It's just that many schools of thought are selling sheep's heads as dog meat. What they expound is the "Book of Rites, Liyun, and Datong Chapter", and they don't agree with Zhao Han's method of dividing fields and analyzing production!

As Hanlin Academy and Qintian Academy issued quarterly journals, these schools also issued their own journals.

One issue is published in a quarter, but the sales volume is not very good, and the cost is not even recovered. But it seems to be quite lively, and it is still written in the publication, often catching other schools of thought to criticize.

Confucian scholars who are busy lamenting the spring and autumn and remembering the previous dynasty are often attracted to these journals.

There are so many new academic ideas that it dazzles the scholars. It is inevitable that they will form their own societies, or start their own journals, or submit articles to other journals, and spit on opinions that they do not like.

Not all academic articles in academic journals, but more than 50%, contain poetry articles.

In addition, novels and operas flourished, and popular books began to be published, which was similar to a combination of commercial newspapers and literary magazines.

Literary and historical researchers hundreds of years from now, if they delve deeply into this period, they will be confused by the various schools of thought and art. It is chaotic and prosperous, and obsolescence and innovation are blending at the same time.

"Your Majesty, Fei Ruyi would like to see you." The female officer reported.

Zhao Han smiled and said, "Bring him in."

Fei Ruyi was still dressed in colorful clothes, but she finally didn't wear women's clothes directly. This guy had a crown upright, his face was smeared with makeup, and his lips were red and his teeth were white, he looked like the male protagonist in the corruption dramas of later generations.

Zhao Han asked: "What are you here for?"

Fei Ruyi said: "Your Majesty, we have set up a theater troupe called 'Yinchunshe'. The opera industry in Nanjing is about to be completely divided by Kun Opera and Hui Opera. How can I, the Jiangxi Opera Opera, fall behind others?"

Later? Hehe, please give your majesty an inscription for the Yinchun Society. The signboard should be louder."

"Can't you do something serious? You've been busy eating, drinking and having fun all day." Zhao Han shook his head and sighed.

Fei Ruyi exclaimed: "Why don't you do something serious? We also participated in the design of the uniforms of the dragoons and the military medical corps. We also made suggestions on simplifying the national flag pattern. I used to rely on my family to support myself, but now I make my own money.

Money, business in clothing stores is booming."

Zhao Han didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "The Minister of Industry, Dr. Li, is suing you for seducing his son. Is this possible?"

"How can that be called hooking up? It's just like-mindedness," Fei Ruyi explained, "Master Li and I both like fine clothes and beautiful appearance, and both enjoy listening to music and singing. We are just attending parties together, how can it be as dirty as they think?"


Zhao Han thought to himself: I believe you are a ghost!

Fei Ruyi ignored the etiquette of the people and went directly to Zhao Han: "Your Majesty, please inscribe a sign for Yinchun Society."

Zhao Han asked the female officer to bring a pen and paper, and said: "Step back three steps. I am the emperor. You can't get too close."

Fei Ruyi smiled and said: "Which one of us is following whom? Not to mention that your Majesty is the human emperor, even if you are the Jade Emperor, we are also old friends. Your Majesty is not someone who forgets the past, and I will not do bad things under the banner of the emperor.

.Hundreds of years later, the friendship between you and me will also be a beautiful story."

Zhao Han quickly picked up the pen to write and cursed: "Take the words and get away!"

This chapter has been completed!
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