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623 [Illusion Magic]

The sky is clear and the autumn breeze is refreshing.

Nearly two hundred female officials and maids came to the imperial garden one after another. The stage was set up, but there was not enough open space, so the maids with lower status could only stand far away among the flower beds.

The emperor, his concubines, and their princes and princesses also arrived one after another.

"Sister, are you still a child? When I was eight years old, my mother took us to the temple fair to watch magic tricks." Fei Rumei asked.

Fei Rulan said with a smile: "Remember, you almost got lost, but Zhenfang asked the adults to find you."

Pan Qimei asked curiously: "Is there really a magic?"

Fei Rumei blinked and said, "You must know magic, otherwise how can you do magic?"

Pan Qimei thought carefully and finally said: "I guess you are lying to me."

The princes and princesses were having fun together and had no idea what illusions were. After Zhao Han sat down, he ordered: "Let's begin."

"Start the illusion!" the guard shouted at the top of his voice.

There are audiences all around the stage, watching the magic show. This is a great test for the performers, and it is easy to see if the movements are not clean.

Today is a performance in the palace. Zhang Jiuzhi specially wore a Taoist robe, which was the ancient home casual wear.

This man was about forty years old, with a skinny build, but he was extremely tall. He walked onto the stage, and there was nothing unusual about him. When he reached the center of the stage, he faced the emperor and empress and said: "Greetings to your majesty, hello to you ladies,

I pay my respects to all the princes and princesses. This trick is definitely fake. They are all hidden on their bodies, so I will open it for you to see."

While speaking, Zhang Jiuzhi lifted the hem of the Taoist robe, revealing two long legs close together, with nothing inside.

And the pants are quite tight.

After the display, Zhang Jiuzhi said: "Your Majesty helps the Han family and the country, so that all people in the world can live. Zhang Benshu, a common man, has not read for a few days and cannot read a few words, but he also knows that Your Majesty is an eternal sage. I am lucky to meet you today.

Holy Spirit, I congratulate Your Majesty on your unification of the country!"

After saying that, he bent down and bowed again, then opened his legs, and his lower body became a squatting horse stance.

The hem of the Taoist robe was lifted up again, and Zhang Jiuzhi fiercely lifted out a bucket. There was a rockery made of old ginger in the bucket.

A bucket of ginger mountain.

Fei Rumei blinked and shook her head: "How did he do it?"

Liu Rushi was also very puzzled: "I didn't lift my Taoist robe just now. Could it be that I was hiding it behind my back?"

"There were many palace ladies standing in the audience behind him, and those palace ladies didn't notice anything unusual." Tian Xiuying said.

Whether it was the performance skills or the implication of unifying the country, Zhao Han was very happy. He clapped his hands and praised: "What a trick!"


Zhao Kuanghuan and other princes and princesses were all crazy with joy at this moment. They stopped fighting with each other and all sat down beside their mother to watch.

Zhang Jiuzhi shouted towards the side of the stage: "Disciple, put on the colorful scarf!"

The apprentice came to the stage holding a colorful scarf and handed it to Zhang Jiuzhi respectfully: "Master, the colorful scarf is here!"

Zhang Jiuzhi took the colored scarf, shook it out and opened it. It was about one meter long and wide. He covered the colorful scarf in front of him and began to talk to the emperor: "The Tatars are raging in the Central Plains and disrupting our Han family. Your Majesty drives out the Hulu,

Save the people of China,

He is truly an unparalleled hero. Now that the Tatars are trapped in Jianzhou, our heavenly troops will one day wipe them out. The common people wish that the soldiers of Datong will be victorious and pacify the four directions!"

After saying that, he suddenly opened the colorful scarf.

In front of Zhang Jiuzhi, there was a knee-high porcelain jar with four flags planted in it. At the moment when the colorful scarf was unveiled, the audience with good eyesight could even see that the flags were originally erected together and suddenly turned towards the four flags.

Spread out in all directions. Meaning: Victory with a clear victory, peace in all directions.

Zhao Han, who has seen a lot of modern magic,

Everyone was shocked by this hand. They couldn't help but sit up straight and began to think about how these things were brought to the stage.


Fei Rumei didn't look like a concubine at all. She actually left her seat, ran to the other side of the stage, and asked the maid standing there: "Did you see him hiding anything just now?"

The maids shook their heads one after another, and one of them said: "The Taoist robe is very spacious. I only saw him standing there wearing the Taoist robe. Half a step away, there were porcelain jars and flags."

The performance continued, and the apprentices pulled out flags and planted them around the stage.

Zhang Jiuzhi lifted the porcelain jar, turned it upside down to show that there was nothing in it, and then pointed the mouth of the jar toward the emperor and concubines.

There is absolutely nothing inside.

When the apprentice has planted the flag, he stretches out his arms with nine fingers and asks the apprentice to roll up his sleeves.

Then, Zhang Jiuzhi raised his arms, and his sleeves had been rolled up to his elbows. It was impossible to hide anything in his sleeves. He then said to the emperor: "Your Majesty is benevolent and loves the people, and is rich all over the world. Just like this silver dollar, it is inexhaustible. Use it."


As he spoke, he dug into the porcelain jar.

First he took out a piece of silver dollar, then he took out a handful of silver dollars, and then he took out a handful of silver dollars, and finally he took out silver dollars all over the floor.

When everyone was dumbfounded, Zhang Jiuzhi asked his apprentice for a colored towel, completely covering the porcelain jar, and then suddenly opened it: "It's like this rice. Every household is full of granaries, and it can't be eaten even five times a day!


The moment the colorful scarf was lifted, the porcelain jar was filled with white rice, and it overflowed and sprinkled on the stage.

Liu Rushi was so shocked that he stood up and muttered: "It's so amazing, it's so amazing..."

Zhao Han was thinking hard about where this mother was hiding.

Many things were changed back and forth, and there was no additional preparation for the performance in the middle. I just asked the apprentice to come on stage to help pass the colorful scarves twice.

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Jiuzhi conjured up five more plates, containing rice, millet, millet, wheat, and bean sprouts. Due to drought in the north and drought this year, he wished that next year there would be a bumper harvest and that people all over the world would be able to have food and clothing without worries.

Probably because he was afraid of frightening the concubine and the prince, he did not perform the beheading technique.

After transforming the things he carried on his body, Zhang Jiuzhi has been playing with the ball. He played the wooden ball as big as a baby's fist with great skill. He still had his sleeves rolled up, but the wooden ball suddenly disappeared and his hands were spread out.


Then take it out from various places on your body.

The most commendable thing is that his hand speed is very slow, or he moves very slowly on purpose, but it is hard to see how to hide the ball.

After the performance was over, Zhao Han finally asked: "Do you hide all those things on your body?"

Zhang Jiuzhi came forward and bowed: "Report to Your Majesty, hide them all on your body."

"Is it heavy?" Zhao Han asked.

Zhang Jiuzhi said: "It weighs more than 100 pounds. If you are short and weak, you will definitely not be able to act."

Zhao Han nodded in appreciation: "Your trick has become very good, recruit more disciples, don't let it be lost. You will have free time from now on,

I’ll recruit you to perform in the palace again.”

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Zhang Jiuzhi was overjoyed.

Zhao Han thought for a while and then said: "My family is very happy to see it, but the frontline soldiers have never seen such a wonderful trick. How about this, you follow the mission team and go to the labor force to perform together, and I will give you a monthly salary.

After each division has performed once, you can return to Nanjing to perform for the people. How about that?"

Zhang Jiuzhi bowed and said: "The common people obey the decree!"

Lao Jun's performance is expected to be delayed for a year or two, but it will be good for Zhang Jiuzhi.

The emperor likes to watch tricks, and the generals like to watch tricks. Who will dare to trouble him in the future? As long as he does not break the law, he can walk around the country.

Zhao Han continued: "Pick a few musicians to go with you. The song has been arranged and performed for the frontline soldiers. By the way, pick a few apprentices in the military missionary group and teach them your tricks.

"Don't worry, we won't take your job. The missionary group only performs in the military. The musicians also taught the formation-breaking song to the missionary group."

Zhang Jiuzhi flattered him and said, "Your Majesty cares about the soldiers. No wonder our Datong Army is invincible!"

"Go down." Zhao Han waved his hand.

The master and apprentice left the palace happily, while Zhao Han accompanied the concubine and children to play in the imperial garden.

After lunch, we continued working. Although the officials took turns taking a day off today, the emperor had to take the initiative to work overtime.

Shi Weixian, the chief official of the Supervisor of Rites, came to report: "Your Majesty, the Ministry of Rites and Qintianyuan have given an auspicious day, and it is the eighth day of the next month to accept the concubine."

Zhao Han said: "Go and make arrangements."

Shi Weixian did not retreat, but said: "The daughter dedicated by the Lord of Brunei is already fifteen years old this year. Is it..."

"Just accept it tonight, and you can choose a concubine's name for her." Zhao Han had already forgotten about this girl. She was only twelve years old when she was presented as a gift. Even a princess from a foreign country cannot return it, otherwise the king would think too much.

Even now, Zhao Han doesn't know what the other party looks like, but thinking about it, he shouldn't be ugly, otherwise the King of Brunei would not dare to offer it to him.

In the evening, Zhao Han finally got off work and was taken to a side courtyard by a female officer.

The conditions are quite shabby. After all, the title has not been officially sealed yet, so just relying on her status as a Fanbang princess, she has her own separate courtyard and is served by a palace maid.

"Greetings to Your Majesty!"

The palace maid greeted him happily but nervously. She had been informed that the emperor was coming, and finally she would no longer be a transparent person.

Seeing his nervousness, Zhao Han smiled and said, "Don't be afraid, I don't eat people."

The palace maid ushered the emperor into the courtyard and said: "My lord... the lady has washed and dressed up, and the room has been decorated. Your Majesty, please come in and rest."

Even with great power in his hands, Zhao Han still deteriorated and was no longer the innocent young man he once was.

There were two red candles burning in the room, and the Brunei princess was sitting beside the bed, with a red hijab on her head.

Zhao Han casually opened it with the scale beam, revealing a face that looked more Western. uukanshu.com www.uukanshu.com To be precise, it looked like the one from the Middle East. This Brunei princess is of mixed Arab and Han descent, possibly mixed with horse.

The person’s bloodline.

Extremely beautiful and exotic.

Zhao Han sat down and asked, "Can you speak Chinese?"

The girl replied in a low voice: "I learned it."

"What's your name?" Zhao Han asked again.

The girl said: "Ayesha? Abdul Jalilul? Aba, your majesty can call me Ayesha."

The fifteen-year-old girl was still in junior high school in future generations, and Zhao Han was still worried that he wouldn't be able to bear to do it. But after meeting her, he realized that she had already grown, and Westerners seemed to mature earlier.

Zhao Han took off his coat, hugged the girl and leaned on the bedside, chatting: "When you were in Brunei, did you leave the palace to play around?"

Ayesha shook her head: "No."

Zhao Han actually wanted to ask what Brunei was like in this era and how big the city was, but unfortunately this foreign princess didn't know anything about it.

Alas, there is also a Korean princess in the palace. I don’t know how old she is.

The king of North Korea presented another beautiful woman this year, all of whom were the daughters and maids of North Korean officials. They thought this was the Ming Dynasty and still followed the old rules.

Especially those North Korean aristocrats, who did not raise their good daughters at home, but managed to send them to the Chinese emperor's palace, even if they were ordinary palace maids, it didn't matter - the daughters of North Korean officials were usually made concubines, which seemed to make them feel helpless.

To the glory.


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