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733 [Khabarov Opens His Eyes]

The person responsible for the translation was the Daur boy beside Khabarov.

This young man was sent to shout outside the village. When Wang Fuchen rushed out with the civilians, he immediately became the first prisoner of the battle.

The Chinese spoken by Wang Fuchen was first translated into dialect by the military officer, and then the Daur boy made guesses and told Khabarov with great uncertainty.

After two or three levels of translation, when it reached Khabarov's ears, it turned into asking him "whether he is a Cossack chief."

Khabarov patiently explained: "The Cossacks are not a tribe, they are free people who are not ruled by their lords. Every Cossack settlement will elect its own leader. The big leader is called Getman, and the small leader is called Ataman. I am here When I was in Yakutsk, I was just a small leader. When I arrived in Yaksa, I became a big leader again."

Wang Fuchen asked: "Where is Yakutsk? Where is Yaksa?"

Khabarov said: "Yakutsk is a castle built on the Lena River, far to the northeast of here. Yaksa is the village I built, just between the Amur (Heilongjiang) and Zeya (Jingqi) rivers. The intersection of Lijiang River."

After the Daur boy translated, he suddenly looked up at Wang Fuchen and gritted his teeth and said: "That's not Yaksa, that's our village.

He killed all the men in the village, and I survived because I was relatively young. He distributed the living women and children among his bandits.

Our patriarch’s name was Higinei, and he was also killed by these bandits. The patriarch’s wife, unwilling to obey Khabarov, bit him and was strangled to death by him.”

Wang Fuchen glanced at Khabarov and asked the young man: "What else did the Rakshasa ghost do?"

The Daur boy said: "These bandits forced us to farm and hunt. They also went to other tribes, captured many captives, and forced the captives to build city walls for them. There was a leader of a large tribe named Gui Gudar. His The village built a three-story wall, fought bravely, and killed four Rakshasa bandits. Khabarov was very angry. After breaking through the village, he killed more than 600 people on the spot and kidnapped more than 300 women and children. "

Seeing that Wang Fuchen remained silent, the Daur boy added: "Two months ago, bandits attacked Tolga City (Aihui City). They captured the leader Tolga and also captured the nobleman Tulongqia."

Tolga is the city lord of Aihui City, and he is also the Tatar's canonized animal wing chief.

In Tulongqia, there was a cousin who was married to Huang Taiji and became the Prince Consort of the Qing Dynasty because of his bravery in battle.

The Daur boy said: "Tolga City (Aihui City) has been burned to death by bandits. The leader Tolga and the nobleman Tulongqia all had their daughters taken away, and their wives were killed because they were too old. ."

"Can you count?" Wang Fuchen finally spoke, but his focus was different.

The Daur boy said: "Like that noble man, I am also called Tulongqia. I am the eldest son of the shaman in the clan."

Cultural people among the indigenous people!

Wang Fuchen asked: "How far is Yaksa, your village, from Yakutsk?"

Turoncha replied: "I don't know how far it is, but most of the food we grow and the food stolen by bandits will be transported to Yakutsk and sold. I heard that you can take boats along the way, and half of it will be transported to Yakutsk for sale." It can be there in a month.”

Wang Fuchen asked again: "How many Rakshasa ghosts are there in Yaksa?"

Tulongqia said: "There are more than twenty."

Wang Fuchen asked Khabarov again: "How many people are there in Yakutsk?"

In order to survive, Khabarov immediately sold the Yakutsk Cossacks: "The Yakutsk commander is not a Cossack, but a down-and-out noble officer sent by the Tsar. The Yakutsk commander's name is Peter Go

The secretary of Lovin Yakutsk is named Vasily Boyarkov. They have the power to tax the Cossacks, so they are very annoying. All the property I plunder will be shipped to them and sold to them. I live in

There are only more than 200 Cossacks in Yakutsk, but the number of dependent natives is between 500 and 600."

Wang Fuchen continued to ask: "Besides Yakutsk, where can there be Rakshasa ghosts?"

Khabarov remarked: “On the shores of Lake Baikal, there are two castles, Verkhny Angarask and Bargutimkhtun. Further to the west, there are Ust-Kut, Verkhnylusk, Osinsk, and Bratsk.

Four castles. Those places are the territory of the Buryat Mongols."

Wang Fuchen was confused after hearing this, so he asked the natives and the army interpreters, and he could barely figure out what Buryatia was, which was the Buriyat tribe in northern Mongolia.

As for Lake Baikal, after repeated inquiries and speculations, the missionary officer Zhong Kaidong suddenly interrupted: "Lake Baikal, I'm afraid it is the North Sea."

"Beihai?" Wang Fuchen still didn't understand.

Zhong Kaidong said: "Su Wu shepherded sheep in Beihai."

Wang Fuchen was a demoted general and performed well, but he was recommended to attend a military academy.

Although I only studied for one year, I also know many allusions. Because in addition to military subjects, the military school also cultivates loyalty and patriotism. Wang Fuchen has heard the stories countless times about Su Wu shepherding sheep and Yue Fei fighting against the Jin Dynasty.

"This is the place where Su Wu herds sheep," Wang Fuchen laughed at first, and then became angry again, "How can the robbers take away the place where our ancestors grazed sheep? I will report it when I get back. Sooner or later, Beihai must be brought back!"

Zhong Kaidong said: "According to this person's confession, there are more than one or two groups of Rakshasa ghosts. We only eliminated one of them. If we retreat directly, the Yakutsk Rakshasa ghosts will definitely go south again to occupy Yaksa. Some troops must be left.

Go and guard it, but we cannot station troops without authorization."

Wang Fuchen asked Daur young man: "How far is Yaksa from this?"

Tulongqia said: "It will take six or seven days by boat to go with the current, and it will not take more than ten days to go against the current. But there are some places on the shore that are difficult to walk, and there are forests and mountains. I'm afraid it will take a month or two to walk."

Zhong Kaidong said: "Winter is coming soon, so we have to go back quickly. On the way back, let the tribes who can build ships build more transport ships and promise to exchange them for food next year. Next year, we don't need to bring so many war horses. When we arrive at the Songhua River, the whole army will sit down

Ships come and go, and when the time comes, bring some artillery and attack the city wall of Yaksa."

Wang Fuchen asked: "How is the city wall of Yaksa repaired?"

Khabarov said: "There are not enough manpower. We have only built some low earth walls and have not yet built a castle."

Zhong Kaidong said: "It is too cold and remote here, and the food output is small, so it is impossible to station too many troops. If you want to rule here, you have to learn from the Jianzhou Tatars and ennoble some indigenous leaders and let the indigenous leaders govern on their behalf. Let's return to Liaoning as soon as possible.

, report the details to the court. When sending troops next year, it is best to bring the court envoys over and confer chiefs on the way as chieftains.

"Your idea is good, I will listen to you." Wang Fuchen said with a smile.

Two days later, the Datong army returned the same way, and Tulongqia, a young man from Daur, was also brought along, and not as a prisoner.

No one cares about how many bad things Turoncha did by following Khabarov like a dog. He has a flexible mind and can count. He is a cultural person among the indigenous people and is familiar with the Heilongjiang River Basin. This will be enough for him in the coming year.

Serve as a guide for the army.

The 37 Cossack prisoners were tied to grain ships and guarded separately, almost one on each ship, to prevent them from gathering and rebelling.

Grain ships are very small and have no cabins.

Not only was Khabarov tied up, but his mouth was stuffed with rags, making him unable to make any sound. He was frightened and uneasy because Wang Fuchen did not follow the script.

In Russia, Poland and Lithuania, no matter how many bad things he has done in the past, the lords will accept a famous Cossack leader like him as long as he is willing to serve. Why don't you, the lord here, accept you?

He also tied himself up and took him away. Could it be that he was taken back and beheaded?

The army returned all the way back to the Songhua River Basin, where Khabarov had been here last year. Compared with the "rich" upper and middle reaches of Heilongjiang, the lower reaches of Heilongjiang and the Songhua River Basin can already be called "rich and fluid".

Continuing to march along the Songhua River, we gradually came to a place that Khabarov had not captured.

After passing through the Mongolian steppes, passing through Harbin and Changchun, Khabarov was ordered to disembark and walk.

There hasn't been much change here. There have been wars all year round and the population has been sparsely populated. Once you reach Anle Prefecture, the population quickly becomes denser.

The jurisdiction of Anle Prefecture is very vast, including later Shuangliao, Siping, and Kangping. The original Han people, Jurchens, and Mongols have settled in and divided their fields for resettlement. After several years of immigration, the entire prefecture’s registered population (12 years old

and above) more than 40,000.

The sparse villages can be said to be remote and desolate in the eyes of the southern Han people.

But Khabarov became more and more frightened as he watched. Every day he passed by two or three villages, with at least dozens or hundreds of people in each village. This was much richer than Heilongjiang and Songhua River, and presumably it had reached the core of the lord's rule.

Finally, they arrived at Anlezhou City, where there were more than two thousand residents.

In this "big city", Khabarov was handed over and suddenly separated from his lord. The Cossack prisoners were led by a group of soldiers and escorted to the "big city" Tieling.

Seeing the Tieling city wall, Khabarov came up with a thought: Could it be that he was being taken to see the king? Even if he was not a king, he was probably at least a grand duke!

However, the prisoners never entered the city.

After resting for one night at a post station outside the city, he was escorted on the road and arrived in Shenyang a few days later.

Seeing the Shenyang City Wall, Khabarov was inexplicably shocked.

King, there must be a king living in the city!

Unfortunately, we still didn't enter the city, so we took a boat all the way down, and then came to the seaside, where we waited for a few days before boarding a naval battleship.

What a majestic warship. Khabarov had the honor to see Ottoman warships. These warships were not inferior to the Ottoman navy at all.

Khabarov was thrown into the cabin and imprisoned, unable to see what was going on outside. He only felt that after stopping for a few days, the cargo in the cabin was moved out, and some more cargo was brought in.

When he was escorted off the ship, he came to a huge harbor (Shanghai).

So...so many people!

Khabarov stared blankly at the pier. The dense crowd made him feel fear for no reason. When he turned around, he saw that the port was full of merchant ships.

Every ship means endless wealth.

Then, he was packed into the cabin and sailed along the Yangtze River to Nanjing.

Returning to the deck again, the moment he saw the Nanjing City Wall, Khabarov couldn't help but feel weak in his legs: Great Lord, where have I been?

Along the way into the city, Khabarov saw many nobles.

It was already early winter, and all the passers-by were wearing thick clothes. But some people had cotton-padded jackets with silk outer layers. Some people were wearing leather jackets, and some were wearing sweaters, all of which were fashionable. In Khabarov’s eyes, they all looked like nobles.


Finally, Khabarov realized that this must be the capital of the Khitans!

1 second to remember:.

This chapter has been completed!
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