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Chapter 808 805 [China's rural industrial development model]

Chapter 808 805 [China’s rural industrial development model]

In the guest room, a group of people were chatting.

There are Qi Biaojia, his wife and sister-in-law, as well as his son, daughter and soon-to-be daughter-in-law. There are also Liu Shuying from Jiangxi, Yan Yuan from Hebei, Tang Zhen from Sichuan, and Yan Ruocha whose ancestral home is Taiyuan.

Yan Ruochu, the youngest, said: "His Majesty undoubtedly encourages industry and commerce, and develops industry and commerce with the city as the center, and encourages merchants to open workshops and factories inside and outside the city. Tax collectors at all levels are mainly located in the city, and it is easier to apply for land in the suburbs. So there are

There are several advantages: first, people inside and outside the city can work in factories nearby; second, it is convenient for the government to collect taxes; third, transportation is convenient, and raw materials and goods can circulate quickly."

"Indeed." Tang Zhen nodded and said.

Yan Ruochu's family was in the salt industry, Tang Zhen's family was in the silk and oil industry, and Qi Biaojia himself was the owner of a textile factory.

As for Yan Yuan’s family background, it is difficult to describe in detail.

Because his family was poor, his biological father adopted him as an adopted son into the Zhu family in the same village. Yan Yuan's former name was Zhu Bangliang. His biological father couldn't stand the discrimination of the Zhu family, so he took the initiative to follow the Tatars when they entered the country to plunder.

Arriving in Liaodong, there has been no news since.

His adoptive grandfather was a local garrison officer in the Ming Dynasty. He first surrendered to Li Zicheng, then surrendered to Dorgon, and also helped the Qing Dynasty suppress the rebels. Then he surrendered to Li Zicheng, and was eventually executed by the Datong Army in public trial.

Because Yan Yuan was young, he was not implicated, so he stayed in his mentor's home and changed his surname back to his ancestors' Yan.

He practiced riding and archery with his mentor since he was a child, and also learned the art of war, medicine, and arithmetic, and even learned alchemy with the intention of cultivating immortality. Primary schools in Hebei were established very late, so he was sent to school by his mentor, and he skipped grades faster than schools run by the government.

I once completed primary school courses by myself, and then I discovered that there was no middle school established in this county.

By the way, when the Datong Army, Li Zicheng, and the Eight Banners Army were fighting in Hebei, Yan Yuan's mentor Wu Dongyun closed his private schools in the countryside and took the initiative to join the Datong Army.

A little old man in his fifties or sixties, riding a bad horse, carrying an iron sword hanging from his waist, carrying a bow and arrows on his back, holding a halberd, and with gray hair, rushed to the Datong military camp. He was immediately appointed as the leader of the local rebel army, and later helped to form a farmers' association to allocate land.

, is now the principal of Boye County Middle School.

Yan Yuan became the grandson-in-law of his mentor...

Yan Yuan asked: "Is there anything wrong with the court's actions?"

Yan Ruochu pointed at Qi Biaojia and said, "You can ask Mr. Qi about this. Mr. Qi should have a deep understanding of it."

Qi Biaojia said: "There is a large population in the outskirts of the county, so it is easy to recruit workers, but there is not enough land for factories. I can only find a sloping land outside the town and apply for land to build a factory. But although the sloping land is barren, it is still cultivated land.

The government was very slow in approving it, and it took four years for it to be approved."

Yan Ruochu explained: "This is because county officials only have a small amount of authority to grant land every year. In order to prosper the county and facilitate tax collection, they focus on approving land in the suburbs to build factories. They will wait for the annual immigrants and give priority to the suburbs.

Farmers moved to the north, and the freed land was used as land for building factories. Some of those lands were very fertile, but they were still approved illegally. And the barren land in villages and towns was difficult to obtain approval from the government because it was too far away from the county seat."

"Indeed," Qi Biaojia nodded and said, "We have no land to approve in the suburbs of the county, so we approved the construction of factories in villages and towns."

Yan Ruochu said: "This is wrong. The imperial court and local officials had the wrong idea from the beginning. Land should be allocated to build factories around towns. Not only will there be more barren land suitable for building factories, but it can also absorb nearby farmers.

Work. In this way, the merchants who set up factories will get convenience, and the nearby farmers can also increase their income. In this way, the people inside and outside the city will not become rich, while the people far away from the county can only farm."

Yan Ruocha's idea is very clear, and it boils down to eight words: focus on developing township enterprises!

Shang Jinglan looked at Yan Ruocha in surprise: "Little brother, is your age this year?"

Yan Ruochu replied: "Seventeen years old."

Everyone was speechless.

Yan Ruoquan explained: "An uncle of mine also planned to open a textile factory and encountered the same problem. I heard his uncle complaining, so I started to pay attention to this matter. Every winter and summer vacation, I travel between Hebei and Nanjing, asking about relevant situations along the way.

Gradually, I came up with this idea. In fact, in the Ming Dynasty, many places were already similar. For example, Yanshen Town specializes in glass, Jingdezhen specializes in porcelain, and Foshan Town specializes in ironware. They are all centered on towns and attract farmers to work, and then become

A prosperous town. Once there are more factories in a town, it will grow rapidly. Unfavorable conditions such as transportation and taxation will no longer be a problem."

The idea of ​​the imperial officials, including Zhao Han himself, was to build an industrial and commercial center close to the city.

Yan Ruochu's idea is to develop important industrial and commercial towns and use more towns to drive more farmers to become rich, and merchants to build factories and engage in production more quickly and conveniently.

This is a different idea of ​​industrial development in Europe. It needs to be compared. It is more similar to the large-scale development model of township enterprises across the country in the early days of reform and opening up.

Yan Ruochu continued: "The imperial court must adjust the staffing of town officials. When the industrial and commercial tax reaches a certain amount, the level of the town's officials should be upgraded. For example, the mayor of Jingdezhen should be at the same level as the section chief of the county government.

Specialized tax collectors. Once industrial and commercial taxes cannot reach the quota for three consecutive years, the town's level will be lowered, and the town mayor's level will also be lowered."

Yan Yuan expressed doubts: "Will your Majesty really agree to this method?"

"So, we need to investigate this matter more clearly," Yan Ruochu said, "I am only familiar with the situation on the front line of the Grand Canal. Mr. Qi is from Jiangnan, Mr. Geshan (Liu Shuying) is from Jiangxi, Brother Tang is from Sichuan, and Brother Yan is from Hebei

.We will try our best to visit as many places as possible, summarize and study the situation in various places, and then jointly submit a letter to the imperial court!"

Qi Biaojia was worried that he would offend the court ministers, so he said: "I can help with the investigation, but joint signature is not necessary."

Liu Shuying patted the scabbard and said: "This is a matter of benefit to the country and the people, and it is our duty to do so! I will not take the female officer exam. I will return to Jiangxi in a few days to help with visits."

Tang Zhen said: "Brother Yan and I are about to take part in the examination. After the examination we want to be officials. I'm afraid we won't have time to return to our hometown."

Yan Ruochu said: "If you two worthy brothers can be trusted, I will write a memorial. Write down all the pros and cons of the matter clearly. If you two are Jinshi in high school and see His Majesty, you can take the opportunity to submit the memorial to your majesty. In this case, I request not to do it for the time being.

Officer, please investigate this matter thoroughly before returning to Beijing and Houque."

Yan Yuan thought about it and felt that something was going on. Suddenly he clenched his fists and said, "I'll bet with my dear brother!"

"Haha, then I will accompany you to the end!" Tang Zhen laughed gracefully.

Yan Ruoquan was disqualified from being an official in the imperial examination because of his father's crime. He worked hard for his future and just begged the emperor to be kind and allow him to become an official.

If this is done, Datong China's industrialization route is likely to take another path, which is very different from the European industrialization model. Although in the end, most of them will reach the same goal by different paths, and those industrial and commercial towns will probably become emerging cities, but in the middle

The process will vary greatly.

For example, it will greatly reduce the impact of industrialization on the countryside, greatly reduce the impact of industrialization on the small-scale peasant economy, and to a certain extent weaken the desire of industrialization for land annexation. Farmers no longer have to crowd into cities, and towns can absorb surplus labor nearby, and farmers who farm can also

Work part-time in your spare time.

However, with this development model, it is difficult to form a location advantage in the early stage, and the country's industry is in a state of fragmentation.

The industrial version of rural economy?

Qi Biaojia was originally a little worried about the consequences, but now he was affected by the young man's arrogance and started laughing: "Haha, I didn't expect that when I reach middle age, I can still discuss big things with young people. That memorandum also has my name written on it.


What kind of emperor there is, there are what kind of ministers and people.

Zhao Han has never been guilty of being punished for words, and has always encouraged the development of industry and commerce. That's why these people in front of him dare to do it when they have an idea, and they dare to have the courage to go to school. Even if they fail, they will not be punished, and even

There is also a high chance that your opinion will be adopted.

Shang Jinghui said: "We cannot delay the women's imperial examination. You are all great talents. Each of you should write an article to cheer for the women of the world."

"This is natural. We cannot let those rotten scholars gain the upper hand." Yan Yuan immediately expressed his position.

Tang Zhen also smiled and said: "I have always admired women."

Everyone asked the waiters to bring them wine and food. Everyone got drunk and started writing articles for the newspaper.

It's just that several young people are still young, and they are studying in the new education. Their understanding of traditional classics is not very thorough, and they are unable to write articles at the level of Huang Zongxi and Gu Yanwu.

Historically, Yan Yuan was the founder of the "Yan-Li School", which advocated real writing, practice, substance, and practicality. Yan Ruochu, on the other hand, was one of the founders of Sinology (textual criticism) in the Qing Dynasty and had an academic ancestor in the Qing Dynasty.

status. The two of them probably won't devote themselves to studying Confucian classics. After all, how can they have time to look through the pile of old papers?

Mid February.

More than 30 new publications appeared all of a sudden. These newspapers and magazines were completely free of cost. No matter whether they could be sold or not, just print them out in large quantities, and then spend money to entrust the postal system to take them to various places. No deposit was required for the goods and they were handed over to the bookstore.

Consignment sales. We even hire children of several years old to sell them along the street, and the price is half for sale and half for free.

Four words: Soaring!

This kind of inhumane approach suddenly confused serious publications, and they had no idea how to respond, so they were forced to write articles and use pens.

"This article must have been written by a great Confucian. It is very difficult to quote scriptures." Zhai Wenben held a copy of "Jiangning Business Daily" in his hand.

Zhang Tianzhi said angrily: "Bullshit scholar! These newspapers are run by merchants at first glance. How could a real scholar be greedy for a few pen fees and help merchants and women write articles that confuse the public?"

Huang Zongxi was indeed not a great Confucian, but just one of the prince's main teachers.

Zhai Wenbi asked: "What should I do?"

Zhang Tianzhi said: "It's very lively now, and newspapers don't have to worry about sales. Don't wait until next month. Immediately invite colleagues to write articles, and quickly publish supplements to counter those merchant newspapers. You can also make a fortune selling newspapers!"

This chapter has been completed!
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