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Chapter 947 943 [Angel inquiries]

Chapter 947 943 [Angel Questioning]


Liu Shunqing walked into the palace wall tremblingly, followed the female officials and guards, and walked through the huge Forbidden City.

He has become the spiritual leader of the Chinese people, and there is also a real leader. The real leader is An Jingyuan, who commands three hundred troops and is stationed outside Hanyang City.

The two of them had already agreed that if their righteousness was successful, they would join forces to support the new king. At that time, they would kill all the national traitors and exchange blood in the court. Liu Shunqing would be the first minister of the Wen class, and An Jingyuan would be the first minister of the Wu class.

Liu Shunqing arranged the domestic missionary affairs and quietly left North Korea by boat.

He did not have the status of a diplomatic envoy and could not meet the emperor smoothly. So he went to Honglu Temple and reported that the king of Korea was planning to rebel and was actively expanding his army to prepare for the Northern Expedition.

Honglu Temple did not dare to neglect and reported it to the emperor immediately.

Finally arriving at Yingmin Hall, Liu Shunqing was lying on the ground all the way away: "Liu Shunqing, a common citizen of the country of Korea, long live His Majesty the Emperor of China!"

Zhao Han said: "If you are flat, I will give you a seat."

Liu Shunqing was brought to sit in front of the emperor. He was so polite that he was moved to tears and wished he could die to repay God's kindness.

Zhao Han asked: "The North Korean envoy left last month. I have already condemned the envoy to accompany him and officially consecrated the new king of North Korea. Why does the leader of North Korea still want to rebel?"

Liu Shunqing said: "The previous king of Korea was expanding his army to prepare for war. Now the new king has expanded his army by three thousand. The emperor and his ministers all wanted to regain Baozhou and clamored for the so-called Northern Expedition all day long. I think back then, when the Tatars of the Later Jin Dynasty ravaged Korea, it was the Celestial Army.

Only by stationing in Baozhou can we ensure the peace and happiness of the Korean people. The Celestial Empire has shown us the favor of rebuilding Korea, and Baozhou should be dedicated to the Celestial Dynasty. Today, the monarchs and ministers of Korea do not think about the great kindness of the emperor, but they actually try to raise troops. True kindness will be repaid to the wolves.


"Korean monarchs and ministers, do you really want to take back Baozhou?" Zhao Han asked with a smile.

"Of course!" Liu Shunqing said decisively.

Zhao Hancai did not believe such nonsense and lent ten thousand courages to the North Korean monarchs and ministers, but they did not dare to actually go to war with China. The so-called Northern Expedition was just a cover for a power struggle.

Of course, even if it is just a pretense, the envoy must be punished and held accountable!

Zhao Han ordered: "Send a clipper to pursue the canonized envoy. Do not give the king's gold seal, but reprimand the North Korean monarch and ministers for being disrespectful. If this matter is not made clear, the Celestial Empire will not canonize the leader of North Korea again!"

Liu Shunqing was a little disappointed that China did not send troops, but he still flattered him: "Your Majesty is wise!"

Zhao Han said: "You have come all the way to report the news. I think you must be a loyal person, and you will be given a royal robe. You can stay in Nanjing temporarily, or you can go to Jinling University to study. All study fees are free."

This is cultivating the party that leads the way.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Liu Shunqing was overjoyed.

If he can obtain a diploma from Jinling University and make friends with great Chinese Confucians, he will definitely become a Confucian master after returning to China and gain unparalleled scholarly prestige.

However, it was said that the canonized envoys were overtaken, and the envoys remained silent and continued to move forward by boat with North Korean officials.

When they arrived in Hanyang, the Korean king was arresting people everywhere.

Those North Korean rebellious party members knew how to keep things secret at first, but as more and more people from all walks of life are connected, it is inevitable that people will talk and leak the information.

After the plan was made public, the Korean monarchs and ministers were furious. No matter which party they were, the two groups of nobles joined forces to suppress it. They fought to the death among themselves. It was an internal matter among the nobles, and other classes were not allowed to mess with it.

As more and more rebels were arrested, the two groups of nobles were very embarrassed.

Because most of the most violent gangsters are the concubine sons of the two classes of nobles. Some of them have distant blood connections, but they have basically not been out of the fifth server. Even if they are out of the fifth server, they are still closely connected with the master's family - this kind of

The status of the middle-class group is the most embarrassing. Their life is far better than that of ordinary people, but they are on the edge of power. They want to join the inner circle, but they are suppressed by the nobles and cannot rise.

“Everyone’s house will be confiscated and their heads will be executed!”

"You can't confiscate all the houses, just kill the first culprits."

"Everyone who has rebelled against traitors and traitors will be punished, and no one can be allowed to escape!"

"If there are too many implication, it may lead to big changes."

"What big change can there be? Just behead them all!"


The two groups of nobles themselves quarreled over how to deal with the rebellious parties.

As the trade between China and North Korea flourished, many concubine families were business agents for the nobles. Most of these concubine families were normal and not all participated. Only a few traitors planned to secretly cause trouble.

Kill them all, who will do business and make money?

Moreover, several major factions accused each other, saying that the other party's concubine family was the mastermind. They tried to take this opportunity to weaken the other party's affiliated forces. They were arguing all day long. There were a lot of gangsters in the prison, and they still didn't know who to kill.


This is a farce.

The chaos caused by chaotic parties is a farce, and dealing with chaotic parties is also a farce.

But one thing is certain, the new ideas have spread, and in the countryside far away from Hanyang, countless gentry, scholars, and country officials have been ignited in their hearts. They are too weak and scattered, and they dare not take action at all, but they can

Keep spreading this idea.

Thoughts are unstoppable and unstoppable!

The two groups of nobles quarreled endlessly, but they also produced certain results. For example, Liu Shunqing, who took the lead in causing trouble, had to confiscate his family and exterminate the clan. Of course, the extermination of the clan would only destroy the common people, and no noble relatives could be implicated.

Le Diandian Liu Shunqing, who was studying in Nanjing University, did not know that all the men in his family were killed and all the women in the family were sent as slaves.

Many other rebels fled north in panic and went to Baozhou to seek protection from the Datong Army.

An Jingyuan, who commanded three hundred troops outside Hanyang City, escaped so fast that his wife and children could not even care about him, and hid in Baozhou City shivering. Such a thing, and those helpless people.

If you give birth to a son from a powerful concubine, let them rebel for a hundred years and they will not be able to succeed.

Dang Chongjun, the envoy of China, came to Hanyang and saw the chaos. He secretly sent his men to inquire about the situation, while he ate and drank with North Korean officials.

By the time the matter was clarified, King Yi Di of North Korea had already finished bathing and changing clothes, and was waiting to receive the edict to confer the title of king.

North Korea held a grand canonization ceremony. The king and two groups of nobles were all present, lined up in order, waiting for the envoys of the Celestial Dynasty to appear.

"Greetings to the angel!" Li Di personally stepped forward to greet him.

When Dang Chongjun saw Li Di, he stood still and looked at him with a gloomy face.

Li Di felt uneasy and angry. After all, he was the king of a country. How had he ever been treated like this?

Li Di forced out a smile and said, "Angels, please come in."

"I think there is no need for this," Dang Chongjun said. "There is a righteous citizen in North Korea, Liu Shunqing, who went to Nanjing to report that you and others were engaged in rebellion. The Holy Emperor did not believe one-sided words and sent me to inquire about the details. If there was no such thing,

Then I will still be canonized as usual. If this happens, let me go back the way I came and let the Datong Army come to hold me accountable!"

The North Korean monarchs and ministers were shocked, and Li Di quickly said: "This is absolutely not the case!"

Dang Chongjun raised his voice and scolded: "If this was not the case, why did Liu Shunqing have his family exterminated and his family confiscated? What on earth are you trying to cover up!"

Li Di was speechless and didn't know how to defend himself.

Zheng Taihe, the leader of the government, came out and said: "So that the angels will know that a group of rebellious parties have emerged in our country, intending to kill the king and commit rebellion. Liu Shunqing is the leader of the thieves. He fled to Nanjing in fear of crime. He is by no means a righteous man."

Dang Chongjun angrily reprimanded: "You said that a rebellious party is a rebellious party? For example, if some people sue the government and accuse the bullies, they will prey on the people. Without waiting for the government to investigate, the bullies will kill all the people's families and accuse them of being gangsters. What do you mean?

Will the government believe such nonsense?"

Leading Dunning and Li Jingshi came out and said: "Angel Rong Bing, there is more than one of these gangsters. They have already confessed. Liu Shunqing is indeed the leader of the gang. If you don't believe it, you can read the files. The confessions of the gangsters are consistent with each other."


"How do you know you didn't surrender? How do you know you didn't arrest a group of volunteers?" Dang Chongjun asked.

The monarchs and ministers of North Korea were speechless for a moment.

They have confessions and they have evidence, but what if the Chinese envoy doesn’t believe it?

Dang Chongjun put his staff on the ground and asked sternly: "Liu Shunqing, a righteous citizen, is reporting you for expanding the army by three thousand. Is this possible?"

Li Di opened his mouth, swallowed his saliva and said: "There is indeed a matter of military expansion, but it is not against the Celestial Empire, but because North Korea is not at peace and needs more soldiers to maintain urban and rural areas."

Dang Chongjun raised his halberd, pointed at Li Fan's nose and asked, "Are you clamoring for the Northern Expedition?"

"That's absolutely not the case!" Li Di's voice sounded like he was crying. He was really scared.

Dang Chongjun said: "The last North Korean leader was dishonest, expanded his army wantonly, and even built firearms. The Holy King of Heaven was kind and ignored your little actions. You guys don't know how to repent. You, the leader of the country, have just succeeded to the throne, and you haven't even seen it yet."

If you are canonized by the Celestial Empire, you dare to expand your army by another three thousand. There is no civil unrest in Korea. Who are you going to deal with when you expand your army? Tell me!"

Song Shilie came out and said: "Angel Rong Bing, there is indeed civil unrest in our country, hidden in the countryside."

"That's nonsense, just wait and explain to Artillery!" After Dang Chongjun finished speaking, he turned and left.

The North Korean monarchs and ministers wanted to stay, but were stopped by the soldiers of the mission. No one dared to use force against the guards of the mission and could only watch them leave Hanyang City.

Li Di was almost paralyzed with fear. He looked around and said, "What can Ruzhi do? What can Ruzhi do?"

Song Shilie shouted: "Execute the Yuan Party, they are the ones who are making noises about the Northern Expedition!"

"Yes, kill the original party and send their heads to Nanjing to apologize!"

"The original party should be punished to thank the people of the country!"


It’s started again, it’s started again, and it’s still playing partisanship.

Of course, the former party officials would not sit still and wait for death. They also stood up and said: "Your Majesty, it is easy to kill us. But if you kill us and send our heads to Nanjing, doesn't it confirm that our country is planning to launch troops in the Northern Expedition? This is a serious crime of treason!"


Li Di was stunned immediately, and the other ministers could not refute, because what he said made so much sense.

Song Shilie added: "The original party does not need to be killed, but it must be punished for the crime of bewitching the emperor. Please, Your Majesty, expel these original party from the court and never use them in this life!"

"Please expel the original party!"

One minister after another knelt down.

Li Di originally planned to use the original party to suppress the powerful faction in the court.

But Li Di couldn't control this scene at all, and said with hatred: "Drive, drive, just follow your wishes, expel all the original party! But what should we do when the Celestial Army comes?"

No one answers, no one can answer.

This chapter has been completed!
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