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Chapter 948

Chapter 948 944 [The monarch and his subjects run away]

The cabinet ministers have always opposed the expansion of the army, and Zhao Han has always agreed for the sake of finance. However, as the territory continues to grow, the number of troops will inevitably continue to increase.

There are 18 infantry divisions, each with 12,000 people. Among them, 10,000 are combat soldiers, and the remaining 2,000 are civilians, engineers, and logistics personnel. The temporarily recruited civilians are only responsible for transporting grain and grass, while the regular engineers and logistics personnel have corresponding duties.

Such as gunpowder, artillery shells, tens of thousands of enemies, etc., will not be handed over to civilians for escort. Even if the moat needs to be filled, engineers will lead the civilians to do the work, and the efficiency is much higher than that of pure civilians.

There are 5 cavalry divisions, each with 15,000 men. Among them, there are 12,000 combat soldiers, and the remaining 3,000 are civilians and logistics, cooks, doctors, veterinarians, art troupes, horseshoers, and saddle repairers. And those 12,000 combat soldiers,

After several adjustments, not all of them are cavalry, but chariot troops and artillery units. Chariot troops can lead the accompanying soldiers and civilians to form a vehicle formation.

The infantry division has cavalry, the cavalry division has infantry, and both have artillery. They are all multi-arms coordinated forces. As for what to call it, it depends on whether it is mainly infantry or cavalry. Several large cavalry divisions are all piled up on the northern border.


This is no longer a division, but should be called a legion.

At this time in Europe, a mixed army of three to four thousand people could be named a certain legion.

The original Coast Guard was all incorporated into the patrol force system. This kind of existence similar to the armed police force numbered 270,000 people nationwide.

In addition, there are 5,000 imperial guards.

There are 3,000 Datong troops stationed in Luzon, 1,000 troops stationed in Baozhou, and 500 troops each in Coconut City, Palembang, Malacca, Pattani, Yangon, Nihai (Bangkok), and Chittagong (the 500 troops stationed in Bintong Lungna have been abolished).

Therefore, including the patrol armed police force, the total strength of the army at home and abroad is more than 570,000.

If you include the urban police force, it will be even more terrifying, let alone the peasant and soldier reserves in the countryside.

When the envoy Dang Chongjun returned from North Korea, the imperial court immediately ordered preparations for war.

The troops stationed in Shanghai plan to dispatch 6,000 soldiers, including all the artillery, and the cavalry will stay at home until the summer storm period is over before setting off.

We didn't prepare much military rations, and we didn't recruit civilians. We only let the regular logistics troops and the navy take charge. We took a boat from Shanghai to Hanyang and took the sea route back and forth. We mainly used intimidation. We really had no intention of going deep into the Korean mountains to fight.

Summer storms were frequent, and the Navy had been waiting for the right weather.

The North Korean monarchs and ministers were not only worried about the Datong army coming to kill them, but also had a sense of luck. At the same time, they continued to be busy with the cause of party struggle.

There was a young man in the Western Party named Park Se-chae, who declared openly: "Although the chaotic party is abominable, the new ideas of the Celestial Empire should also be learned from. The emperor of China ruled the world by holding the "Datong Collection". Although it is not in line with Zhu Xi's righteousness, it is

There is also its essence. We, Korean Confucian scholars, should eliminate the waste and retain the essence of Chinese scholarship. First of all, we should face Yangming's Xinxue squarely and stop denouncing Xinxue as an evil way."

Song Shilie, who was also proficient in Yangming's theory of mind, immediately refuted it: "The study of human nature and rationality is what Zhuzi Zhengshuo taught, and the study of human nature is a heretical practice. There is a Chen Que in China today who talks about the unity of Qi, Li, and mind, which is even more left-wing.

The right path among the paths!"

Pu Shicai said: "The stars have changed and the world has changed. Zhu Xi's learning is naturally correct, but we Confucian scholars should also look at the current situation. You have never been to Nanjing, but I have been studying in Nanjing for four years. Jinling Prefecture and even the entire Celestial Dynasty can fully benefit from the rapid changes.

to describe.”

Song Shilie sneered: "During the Ming Dynasty, China was orthodox and Korea was Eastern Yi. Now the Datong court has tampered with Zhu Xi's sacred learning and promoted barbarian Western learning. Today's China has changed from Xia to barbarians, and Korea has turned barbarians into Xia. This is

The supreme principles of Zong Zhou cannot be changed lightly."

Song Shilie wanted to defend Cheng-Zhu Neo-Confucianism and said that China had become barbarians and that Korea was the orthodox Chinese Confucianism.

Park Se-chae went to Nanjing to study for four years and was deeply shocked both physically and mentally, so he wanted to promote cultural and ideological liberation in North Korea.

At the beginning, the two were still having an academic dispute, but as officials continued to join in, it quickly evolved into a factional struggle. The officials surrounding Song Siyeol advocated the steady implementation of the Datong Law and were called the old school; while the officials surrounding Park Se-chae advocated the

The completion of the popularization of Datong method nationwide is called Shipai.

The North Korean Datong Law is the North Korean tax system reform. Historically, it took hundreds of years to complete its promotion.

Although today's North Korea is engaged in the practice of allotment, it is only local small landowners who are implemented. And the real yangban aristocrats, even policies similar to the one-whip law, are secretly obstructed and resisted by them.

The King of North Korea supported the Datong Law. The old school could not overturn the results of the reform, so they tried to slow down and destroy it. The current school was more complicated. Some wanted to cater to the king, and some wanted to revitalize North Korea. They united to quickly spread the reform throughout the country.

The old school soon gained the upper hand, and most of the nobles were unwilling to expand the scope of the reform. It was okay to let small and medium-sized landowners share their land, and it was okay to let other people's land be whipped, but the reform could never be applied to oneself.

In the conflict between parties, not only the king and the current faction were suppressed, but the restrictions on new ideas became increasingly strict.

Any bookseller who dares to print evil theories will have their homes confiscated and thrown into jail!

When the small ships of the Datong Navy arrived outside Hanyang City, the Korean monarchs and ministers were still engaged in party disputes and had no intention of preparing troops.

"The heavenly soldiers are really coming?" Li Di was frightened in the palace.

Zheng Taihe, the leader of the North Korean government (chief assistant), and hundreds of officials lay down outside the palace. After the king showed up, the officials shouted: "Your Majesty, please kill the original party, so that you can apologize to the heaven!"

"Didn't you say that you can just expel me from the court?" Li Chen said in shock and anger.

Zheng Taihe said: "This moment is the same as that moment. Now that the soldiers have arrived outside the city, no matter whether they are guilty or not, the country must apologize. The heaven is like a father, and the North Korea is like a son. It is unreasonable for a father to blame his son, but it is also reasonable. A son serves his father,

It is reasonable but also unreasonable. Execution of the original party now to apologize is not only showing loyalty but also showing filial piety!"

Li Di has always wanted to keep his original party. He has only been on the throne for more than half a year, but he has had enough of these guys in power.

In his extreme anger, the new king of North Korea actually broke the jar and smashed it on the spot: "Since you ministers want to be loyal and filial, they might as well be loyal and filial to the end. From now on, North Korea will annex China!"

"Absolutely not, your Majesty, think twice!"

All the ministers were frightened and kowtowed one after another to persuade him.

When Japan invaded Korea, the king at that time was also ruined.

The king threw his second son to the battlefield to resist, and ran all the way to the border between China and North Korea, requesting that North Korea be annexed as a Chinese county. This strange move confused Emperor Wanli, and even secretly had someone paint a portrait of the king, thinking that North Korea was

The king is fake.

There are many Korean scholars who admire China, and some of them hope to be attached to it, but the powerful ministers are absolutely unwilling to be attached to it.

"Boom boom boom boom!"

Warships were already shelling the city walls, and army artillery began to set up positions.

Li Di, who had just been clamoring to be annexed, was frightened by the sound of the artillery, and his face was panicked and ferocious: "The original party will be killed. All the people living in the city will be killed, and their heads will be sent out of the city to apologize!"

It is a pity that after the original party was expelled from the court, many of them returned to their hometowns or lived in mansions outside the city.

Li Di conducted a round of arrests in the city and only beheaded two original party members.

The envoy hung a basket out of the city and presented two human heads, which were thrown directly into the Han River by the soldiers.

"Boom boom boom!"

The shelling continued.

North Korea's pitiful navy had long retreated to the Han River and fled all the way upstream to escape. The North Korean army guarded the city cautiously, but was beaten by artillery and did not dare to take the lead. The timid ones simply ran away.

North Korea also had artillery, but they did not dare to fight back because the king and ministers did not give orders.

Once they fight back on the city wall and accidentally kill a few Datong soldiers with artillery fire, what if they are beheaded as a scapegoat in the future?

"Your Majesty, the heads of the former rebels were thrown into the river by the heavenly soldiers!"

When the news came, the North Korean monarchs and ministers were ashen-faced, staring blankly with big eyes and small eyes.

"Zheng Qing, tell me what to do?" Li Fen managed not to be scared away and looked at his civilian leader.

Zheng Taihe bit the bullet and said: "Since the emperor wants to protect the state, he should offer to protect the state. If a father wants to ask for something from his son, the son should offer it. This is a filial piety."

This is a ceding of territory. After the crisis is over, Zheng Taihe's position as chief assistant will definitely not be guaranteed.

Li Di asked: "Baozhou is already in the hands of the Celestial Empire, how can it be possible for the Celestial Army to withdraw?"

Zheng Taihe also said: "The army expanded by the late king should also be completely disbanded to prove that Korea has no rebellious intentions. Then we will compensate... and then compensate 10,000 taels of silver, which will be used as military expenses for the heavenly troops to cross the sea."

As if Li Di had grasped a life-saving straw, he immediately asked Zheng Taihe to write a letter of credence asking for surrender and apology.

Even now, they are still engaging in party disputes, and the king himself is the one to end it.

Zheng Taihe was the head of a hundred officials and the leader of the Western People's Party. Li Di asked him to stand up and take the blame. Zheng Taihe had to take the blame. Afterwards, he could take the opportunity to remove Zheng Taihe - allowing other factions to impeach Zheng Taihe and cede territory for glory.

That’s it.

The letter of apology was sent outside the city and was torn up again.

"Boom boom boom!"

The sound of cannons became louder and louder. Not only were naval guns firing, but army artillery also joined the battle.

The kings and ministers of North Korea were really frightened this time. They didn't know how many troops China had sent, and they thought Zhao Han wanted to destroy North Korea directly. So, surrounded by ministers, King Li Di took the royal family and ran away, taking only the palace guards with him, but let

Other troops continued to defend the city.

The Datong Army did not want to destroy North Korea, so they did not bother to surround Hanyang. The North Korean monarchs and ministers fled easily.

When the defending army saw that the king and ministers had escaped, they began to surrender one after another.

"Is this the case?"

The commander-in-chief is Jin Yanjun, who joined the Datong Army in Hunan and has now been promoted to deputy division commander.

His mission was to intimidate the Korean monarchs and ministers as much as possible. However, he did not expect that after a few volleys of artillery fire, the Korean monarchs and ministers abandoned the city and fled, and the defenders in the city also laid down their weapons.

What the hell is this?

Jin Yanjun ordered: "Send half of the soldiers into the city and not harass the people."

Three thousand Datong troops entered Hanyang City, and the Korean people were terrified. Some fled from the north gate with their wives and children, while most hid in their homes and shivered.

Not long after, a notice was posted stating that the Korean monarchs and ministers had conspired to rebel. This crime had nothing to do with the Korean people. The Holy Emperor was kind and ordered that the people should not be harmed in the slightest. Everything in Hanyang City remained as before.

Gradually, some merchants had the courage to open stores, but no Datong soldiers came to harass them.

On the contrary, it was North Korean rioters. Some people took advantage of the chaos and looted, and were caught and beheaded by the Datong army.

All these things made the people in the city happy, and even some Korean scholars took the initiative to promote the benevolence and righteousness of the Celestial Dynasty.

(Only one update.)

(I had two wisdom teeth pulled out today. After the anesthesia was over, I was in so much pain that I didn’t want to write. Moreover, Lao Wang had pharyngitis and would gag when there was a foreign object in his mouth. The dentist was speechless. The whole process was tragic and heroic.)

This chapter has been completed!
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