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Chapter 967 963 [Second Prince]

Prince Hai expressed his desire to become a vassal, but received a rebuke from Zhao Han, saying that the Celestial Empire would not covet the territory of a vassal state. 78]

When he returned to Zhongshan Temple, he soon received another reward.2 4]

Officials from Honglu Temple came to convey the decree, saying that although the imperial court did not want to annex the vassal country, Prince Hai was commendable for his loyalty and was given a special reward of ten gold coins and one hundred silver coins. 1 10

Prince Hai held the gold and silver coins in his hand, pondered them carefully for a long time, and roughly understood what they meant, and then went to play happily. 2 10]

A Yangtze River Navy ship came quickly from the downstream, and ten soldiers landed ashore one after another.

Judging from their clothes, you can tell that they are naval reserve officers.

He was wearing a uniform of canvas and a navy hat, but the shoulder straps were blank.

The second prince, Zhao Kuangbiao, is about to turn twenty-one.11 ]

He first graduated from Huangcheng Middle School and then went to Jinling University for four years. Without any suspense, he did not get his diploma. At this time, he could be crowned king or extend his studies for one year (after adjustment)

According to the policy, college students can repeat studies for one year), and after getting their diplomas, they can take the imperial examination.


The royal family and clan have set rules, and there are only two options - one is to obtain the title honestly, get a dead salary, and don't rebel, and the rest is up to you; the other is to

The first option is to pass the imperial examination and give up the title, but there is an upper limit to the level of an official, and you will never become an important cabinet minister. 1 13

Zhao Kuangbiao wanted to try the third way. After graduating from Jinling University, he went to Chongming Naval Academy. Ren 8

This military academy was built on Chongming Island. Some officials suggested changing the name of Chongming Island. Zhao Han responded: "There was a saying about Chongming in the Tang Dynasty. Did the people of the Tang Dynasty know that there would be a Ming Dynasty?"


{ twenty two

Now, Zhao Kuangbiao has successfully graduated and can serve as a naval officer while being a prince (the upper limit is that he cannot enter the Navy Governor's Mansion). Ren 4

Eight of the people who returned to Nanjing with Zhao Kuangbiao were his bodyguards, and the remaining two were classmates who had returned home after graduation. They had been assigned jobs and would go there after the New Year.

Reports from respective ships.


"I didn't expect that this wealthy car has already reached Nanjing." Zhao Kuangbiao rubbed his hands and exhaled. This winter was not bad, and the Yangtze River actually did not form ice floes. Ren 5]

Classmate Cui Wenmao stamped his feet and said: "The weather is getting colder and colder. I haven't heard that the Yangtze River has frozen for several years in a row." 2 2]

Classmate Wang Chongxi laughed and said: "What is this? I heard that more than a hundred years ago, the sea outside Chongming Island was frozen."

Zhao Kuangbiao teased: "Cui = what are you afraid of? The Qiulong you will serve next year will be stationed in Malacca for a long time. The winter there is very warm. Don't be afraid of the cold. You can get the sun every day."

Where is Yang.

_2 ]

Cui Wenmao was quite speechless: "I would rather serve as a soldier in Guangzhou, Malacca is too far." Ren 2]

"Your Highness, why don't you go back to the palace first?" a guard reminded.

"Let's go shopping, I haven't been back to Beijing for a long time." Zhao Kuangbiao had already gone wild and didn't want to go back to the Forbidden City to hold back.

As for these eight guards, although they accompanied the second prince to the naval school, they are no longer responsible for protecting him as long as he officially enters the service. They can continue to serve as guards in Nanjing.

You can also obey the arrangement and go to the navy to become an officer. Ren 8

Zhao Kuangbiao didn't even want to enter the city. He walked from Wharf Road to the base of the city wall, and then wandered along the city wall.

Walking to the northeast corner outside the city, Cui Wenmao covered his nose and said: "It stinks!...

Wang Chongxi became happy: "There must be a store that sells Jinling Double Stew. I haven't eaten it for a long time. Let's go and try it."

Jinling Double Smell is pig intestines and stinky tofu, which can be fried together, boiled together, or steamed together. The negative is positive, the stinky is fragrant, and it is a delicacy that belongs to the middle and lower class people.


Zhao Kuangbiao became interested: “I’ve heard for a long time that Jinling is famous for its double stinks.

I haven’t eaten it before, I want to try it today.”

Cui Wenmao came from a powerful family. He shook his head repeatedly: "Your Highness, you'd better not eat it. Pig_--well, I lose my appetite just talking about it." Ren 8

"Try it before we talk." Zhao Kuangbiao said with a smile. 2 1 ]

Everyone left looking for the smell, only to see many roadside stalls set up on the riverside outside the city. This place was quite remote, not only far away from the dock, but also far away from the city to the north and east.

But judging from their standard appearance, these stalls have probably been renovated, and stall fees are required.

It was almost noon, and coolies kept coming in batches, and there were even people pulling rich cars over to eat. 1

"Isn't it Jinling's double smell?"

When Wang Chongxi walked to a stall, he saw a steaming big pot simmering some kind of soup.

The soup noodles are full of red oily flowers, and there are also some cheap spices floating around.


Several coolies sat around the table, and the strongest one shouted: "Old rules, two ounces of water and three bowls of white rice!"

Two ounces of water and three bowls of white rice are enough for one person.

If you don't eat so much, you won't be able to bear the hard work.

Wang Chongxi was quite surprised: "Can a coolie have enough money to eat three bowls of white rice?"

When the stall owner brought the food over, I realized that it was just a nice way of saying it.

There is indeed rice, but it is all yellow and black old rice. Most of it is old grain from the official warehouse, which is almost uneatable and sold to the people at a low price. 77

In addition to old rice, it is also mixed with chopped corn and cooked together to make rice.

As for those cooking methods, they are similar to Malatang and Maocai.

Here in Nanjing, there is no feast without ducks. In the Ming Dynasty, the lower class people would eat ducks in the water. Needless to say, pigs in the water have always been the favorite of the common people. 2 13]

In the two years when Zhao Han just took over Nanjing, the city consumed more than a thousand pigs every day. Now it consumes 4,000 pigs every day (including the Forbidden City), and about 300 people eat one every day.


This made Zhao Han very surprised. How did the author of "Tokyo Menghua Lu" calculate that Bianliang consumes tens of thousands of pigs every day? { 23

At the same time, the first Portuguese book describing China calculated the daily food consumption of Guangzhou city, and the number was five to six thousand pigs and eleven thousand ducks. This data

It’s also strange. Could it be that Nanjing during the Datong Dynasty was not as good as Guangzhou during the Jiajing Period? Ren 7]

No matter what, Nanjing has 4,000 pigs, thousands of ducks, hundreds of sheep and a small number of cattle every day, so the animal offal resources are very rich.

Some people boil the excess fat from pig intestines into lard after repeated cleaning. This oil has a foul smell, but they are reluctant to throw it away, so they add seasonings such as chili pepper and Sichuan peppercorns.

Mix together to make a soup base, add various offal and stinky tofu and cook together. 2 11

Well, it's still smelly, but it's delicious. It's heavy in oil, spicy, and cheap. It's very popular with the people at the bottom, especially those dock coolies.[15]

But I saw the coolies holding big bowls of old rice and corn rice. They didn't eat the offal first, but poured the spicy soup into the bowls to mix with the rice. There was very little water in the two ounces, and three bowls of rice were not enough...

But the soup also has a taste, it's salty, spicy, oily and very comfortable.

In the cold winter, a bowl of pork intestine stinky oil soup mixed with rice is enough to keep the coolies warm. Not to mention there are two ounces of offal, these are good things, save the last one.

Bowl of rice.

The coolies hurriedly emptied the three bowls of rice and licked the soup around the bowls clean. Ren 1


A coolie let out a long belch, stood up, stretched his body, exhaled white air and said: "It's a comfortable day, and I have the strength to go to work!" 11

These coolies left and hurriedly went to the dock to work, while the other coolies sat down again.

Cui Wenmao looked at the table full of oil stains, the dirty cauldron, and the complex-colored soup, and then smelled the strong stench in the air, feeling nauseous: "Your Highness,

It’s better not to eat this, I’m afraid you’ll get upset after eating it.” Ren 2]

Zhao Kuangbiao laughed and said: "Why don't these coolies get upset after eating them? I saw that they eat well, I'm afraid it tastes very good." Ren 4

"Store, half a catty of offal per person and a bowl of rice is enough!" Wang Chongxi had already shouted.

The stall owners were a couple. Seeing that they were military officers, the proprietress said with a smile on her face: "Dear ladies, I'm really sorry, the tables are all full, even Maza has not sat down.

Wang Chongxi glanced around and saw many diners squatting to eat, so he smiled and said:

"We also squatted.

As soon as these words came out, the coolie next to him stood up and said: "Fellow military lords, you sit at the table, and we will squat down."

"I'm so sorry," Wang Chongxi smiled and cupped his hands, "Thank you very much!

Zhao Kuangbiao said: "I'll treat them to this table."

The coolies who gave up the table were even happier and even borrowed rags to help Zhao Kuangbiao clean the table.

Zhao Kuangbiao asked: "Is there any wine?"

The landlady said: "Those who come here for lunch have to work hard in the afternoon, and no one usually drinks.

Zhao Kuangbiao said to the guard beside him: "Go and buy a pot of wine. It doesn't matter whether it's good or bad. The sooner you buy it, the better."

The guard left quickly and trotted off to buy some wine.

The rest all sat down around the table. There were not enough benches, so they stood at the table. The guards also ate at the same table as the second prince.

Zhao Kuangbiao fished into the soup, picked up a ball of duck intestines, and nodded repeatedly: "It smells bad, but it tastes good, just a little spicy." Ren Dao

It can't mask the taste without being spicy. The oil in the soup is all made from pig intestine oil. Ren 8

Chili peppers used to be very expensive, but with the expansion of planting area, they are now a cheap condiment. In the early Ming Dynasty, peppers that were more expensive than gold can now be consumed by ordinary people.


But Wang Chongxi knew how to eat. He learned how to eat like a coolie, poured the soup into the rice, mixed it well, took a bite, and immediately smiled: "Good stuff!" Ren 2]

Cui Wenmao didn't want to eat offal, and he didn't want to touch the soup. But he had to give face to the second prince, so he picked up a mouthful of rice with chopsticks, chewed it twice and almost spit it out.

Not to mention, the rice is not clean and is still mixed with rice bran husks.

"Isn't it delicious?" Zhao Kuangbiao asked with a grin on his face, the smile on his face full of malice. Ren 11

"It's delicious, it's delicious!" Cui Wenmao swallowed it whole and quickly took two more bites into his mouth.[2_]

Zhao Kuangbiao said: "What did the teacher at the naval school say? If you encounter a storm when you go to sea and live in a desolate place without supplies, you will have to use everything to fill your stomach. Eat.

If you are not used to bad food, don't join the navy." Ren 2]

Cui Wenmao said quickly:

"What His Highness said is absolutely true.

It's a pity that he comes from a wealthy family, and his cultural classes were not very good, so his father threw him to the naval school. He has suffered enough for several years, and now he still wants to eat this kind of pig food. 5]

The guard who bought the wine came back soon. Since the second prince required speed, he only bought a pot of ordinary wine.

"Come, come, come, celebrate our graduation!" Zhao Kuangbiao raised his glass and shouted.

This second prince was pampered and raised in Nanjing. After a few years of studying at the military academy, he is now full of recklessness. He eats dirty food, drinks bad wine, and talks and laughs at roadside stalls.

This chapter has been completed!
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