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Chapter 966 962 [Another one who is reluctant to think about Shu]

Prince Hai of Wandan Kingdom was sent to Nanjing to seek an explanation.1

This guy was dazzled by the bustling Nanjing before he entered the Forbidden City. He had no interest in visiting Xuanwu Lake. For several days in a row, he went to Washe to watch performances of magic, acrobatics, and dance.

The dances were all so lively and interesting. If he didn't have enough money, Hai would even want to live in Nanjing for a few years.


The Hawaiian prince in history was a traitor to his country. He used the help of the Dutch to kill his own father, and then he quickly settled down and enjoyed himself. The king of a country essentially became a Dutch canon.

In the end, he was even inferior to a chieftain, and his political and military power was completely lost.

When he was summoned by Zhao Han, Prince Hai was already so happy that he almost forgot about his mission.

Of course, what needs to be done still needs to be done.

After meeting with the Chinese emperor, Ha Yi did not reprimand the governor of Palembang for his atrocities. Instead, he cried and said: "Your Majesty, Wandan is a vassal state of the Celestial Empire and has not committed any crimes."

Wanden is like a slave, and China is like the master. The slave has not made any mistakes, so why should the master whip him? The governor of Palembang appointed by His Majesty killed many Banten people and occupied

Wandan has been around for nearly a year - Wuwuwuwu, under the border, you must make the decision for your slaves!" 2]

Zhao Han smiled and reassured: "The Lianhe has severely reprimanded the Governor of Palembang, dismissed him from his post, and sent a benevolent governor to Palembang. Don't worry, Palembang and Banten

There will be no more conflicts in the future.”56

Prince Hai was stunned. He was just greedy and indulgent, but he was not really stupid.


Palembang's territory on Sumatra and Banten's territory on the island have all been occupied by the Governor of Palembang. Of course there will be no more conflicts in the future. The Governor of Palembang has been in office for several years.

It's time to return to Beijing to report on my duties. What the hell is this called dismissal?


The Emperor of China is obviously talking the right nonsense.

Prince Hai continued to cry: "There is also the governor of Yecheng, who indulged Chinese farmers, reclaimed the land belonging to the Wandan Kingdom, and expelled and killed the Wandan people on the land. Your Majesty, Wandan people

Dan is a vassal state of the Celestial Empire, and the people of Wandan are also His Majesty’s subjects. Please, Your Majesty, please make the decision for us!”

Zhao Han said: "I already know about this matter. But it is not an order from the governor of Yecheng, it is just a spontaneous behavior of Han farmers. I have asked the governor to severely reprimand those

Mob. After you return to Wandan, tell your father and ask him not to pay too much attention. The governor of Yecheng will manage the farmers more strictly." Ren 4

Is this the end?

Prince Hai looked at the emperor blankly, suddenly not knowing what to say.


"You have come all the way across the sea, and it is not easy to travel all the way. Let's go back to Zhongshan Temple and wait for the reward." Zhao Han saw the guest off directly, not wanting to waste too much time. He was very happy to meet the prince.

A clock is enough.[8

Prince Hai returned to Zhongshan Temple in confusion, feeling that no matter how much he worried, it was useless. Since he had come to Nanjing, he had better take the time to enjoy it.[2]

He came to the higher-end Xunwashe and wanted to try out Chinese women. Unexpectedly, he changed several prostitutes, all of whom were Hu Ji from overseas. Finally he got a Chinese prostitute.

However, her appearance is mediocre, which makes Prince Hai not interested at all.[2]

He also heard that the painted boats on Xuanwu Lake were the ultimate enjoyment for wealthy Chinese, so he wanted to board the most famous boat...

I managed to get on the boat, but I was not even qualified to enter the boat. I could only drink tea on a nearby boat and listen to the Chinese prostitutes (maids of famous prostitutes) playing and singing. As for the famous prostitute,

Prostitutes do not entertain barbarians at all, not even overseas princes. { 11

Prince Hai felt deeply discriminated against, and besides being angry, he felt a little inferior.5 3]

He hated that he was not Chinese. In Nanjing, he had the status of Prince of Wandan.

Not even as good as the ordinary rich people. Jen 3]

On the way back to Zhongshan Temple, a carriage passed by him. The driver of the carriage was cautious in front of the Chinese people, for fear of hitting passers-by. But the carriage approached

While he was there, the driver whipped his whip and shouted: "Where are you barbarians? Get out of here!" 18

Prince Hai narrowly avoided the danger, and then listened to the driver slow down his speech and said to the Han people on the road: "Excuse me, give way, give way." 2 33]

Prince Hai wanted to cry. Not only was he not as good as the rich Chinese, he was even worse than the Chinese common people. Ren 5]

With the increase in the number of foreigners, Nanjing people have long been accustomed to it. In the past, they would watch around, but now I only have contempt in my heart, thinking that these are all country bumpkins. Ren 1]

Only foreign faces wearing Chinese official uniforms can still gain respect, and the rest of the barbarians should go away. Ren 6

Back at Zhongshan Temple, the Ministry of Rites and officials from Honglu Temple finally brought him his reward - a brocade robe, a few jadeite items, and then things like clocks.

Prince Hai put on a brocade robe and jade jewelry. He stood in front of the mirror and looked at it. Suddenly he felt that he was much nobler. He began to hate his Wandan clothes and felt that

He must be so ugly, and dress like a slave.[18]

That night, Prince Hai stayed up all night, thinking hard about his way out. Ren 2]

With the continuous loss of territory, there are only more than 100,000 people left in Banten, and it is sandwiched between two Chinese governors. His father is now rich and powerful, and he will definitely not live for twenty years.

The question is, what kind of situation will I face when I succeed to the throne as Sultan twenty years later? Ren 3]

Maybe just after taking the throne, China will take advantage of the change of power to quickly launch a war of national annihilation. How will it resist then?

After thinking about it, Prince Hai finally figured it out.

Enjoy when you should enjoy, and live when you should live. If China sends troops to attack after he succeeds to the throne, he will immediately contact the Chinese general and promise that he can surrender at any time.

I just want to keep some gold and silver, and then move to China to become a rich man.

If his father is still alive and China has plans to send troops, then he will go directly to the governor of Yecheng and lead the way to overthrow his father, and then donate his country and move to China.


As for the life and death of Wandan’s subjects, how can Prince Hai care about it? Ren 4

After thinking about this, Prince Hai became happy again. He didn't like to listen to famous prostitutes singing, but magic and acrobatic performances were more exciting, so he went to Wase every day to watch the excitement.


I also heard that Meizizhou has been built as a "ten thousand people's field", and people are rushing to go there, and Prince Hai also rushes there quickly. Ren 2]

There were so many people on the riverside that the government had to send police to maintain order and ordered the people to queue up to wait for the ferry to the island. There were not enough ferries for a long time, but the government was watching, and no one dared

Overloading, otherwise you will definitely be fined...

Prince Hai was also in line. He brought a Javanese translator with him to know what the people next to him were talking about.

Meizi Island is Nanjing Jiangxin Island. It was still very small in the Song Dynasty, but now it is large enough. However, there are not many people on the island. They are all sand people who have taken the risk of reclaiming land, and there are no

If you build a dike, it will be easily flooded if there is a flood.


There were floods a few years ago, and hundreds of sand residents drowned on the island. The government was unable to rescue them unless they sent helicopters to pick them up. Ren 8]

There were only more than a thousand people on the island, and one-tenth of them drowned in one fell swoop, and they were still under the emperor's feet. Emperor Zhao personally ordered the reconstruction of Meizizhou.

The government provided some money, and the merchants provided some money to build a dike around Meizi Island.

Merchants who paid the money were granted licenses to purchase land on the island and build commercial facilities. The entire land on the island was still cultivated by farmers, but an open-air stadium was built in the center, and then surrounded.

Build shops and roads around the stadium. Jen 3

After several years of construction, it is finally ready for use.

The stadium also has stables. If you want to ride horses or play polo, you don't have to go to the Royal Racecourse. After all, the Royal Racecourse is open for a limited time. There is a track here for horses to compete.

It can also organize polo matches, Cuju matches, gateball matches, etc., and operate on ticket revenue. In addition, gambling is allowed under the royal court's license, but it can only be done in the stadium. Off-site gambling

When disputes or lawsuits arise, everyone is arrested and treated as gambling. { 10

This is also the compromising policy adopted by the imperial court when gambling has been repeatedly banned in Nanjing, allowing those who want to gamble to bet on horses and sports, leaving those guys with a channel to vent their anger. Ren 9]

The islanders on Meizi Island can also increase their income by picking some fruits, making some snacks, and selling them to those who come to visit.[3]

In addition, the ferry business can also increase employment.


Prince Hai finally landed on the island by boat and found that the roads on the island were well built. On the inside of the embankment, there was a circle of dirt roads around the island, and there was a stone road leading to the stadium in the center of the island.

The ticket price of the stadium is not expensive, it is about the equivalent of five kilograms of white rice (ordinary ticket), you can play in the stadium for half a day, and ordinary people can come and spend it.

There is a large flat ground in the center of the stadium, and the surrounding auditorium can accommodate three to four thousand people.

Prince Hai sat down, and there was a buzz of people around him. Today's opening was full. The wealthy Nanjing citizens all wanted to come and see the strange things. The huge urban middle class group needed entertainment.


The first one is a riding and shooting performance.

Several folk riders drove their horses back and forth, making various thrilling moves, and even pretended to be military generals of the Three Kingdoms in a duel. Ren 1]

In this one game, sports stars were born. Ren 1

A certain rider wearing a red helmet and red armor won the applause of thousands of spectators due to his outstanding performance, and gave him the nickname "Little Lu Bu".{13]

The second game is a polo match, and spectators can spend money to bet on which team will win.

Next is the Cuju performance, which mainly shows the skills of playing ball. As early as the Southern Song Dynasty, Cuju developed two routes, one is mainly to show the ball skills, the other is to score the competition.


Emperor Zhao personally improved the rules of competitive Cuju. The volley goal was enlarged and placed on the ground, and a full-time goalkeeper was added. 2 8]

After the Cuju performance, it is the competitive Cuju competition.

The audience had never seen this kind of Cuju and they were completely confused about the rules. But they fell in love with it because the competition was so fierce, and the audience was very unhappy when they were offside a few times.

Why was a foul called when we were about to score a goal? 7]

Prince Hai also fell in love with Cuju. He was also very lucky and made some money from gambling.

Nanjing is so comfortable. There are so many fun things. Prince Hai doesn’t want to go back to Wanten. He has great power in Wanten, but that kind of life is too boring compared to Nanjing.

This chapter has been completed!
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