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967 [Concubine for the country]

In southeastern India, the area with the most abundant rainfall completely overlaps with the territory of the neighboring Kingdom of Jinji.

As for Tanjore, the annual rainfall is about 1000 mm. It seems to have abundant rainfall, but it has a tropical monsoon climate. Most of the rainfall occurs in summer and autumn, and not in other seasons.

Often prone to drought.2 2

There are two rice sowing times in South India: first, after the rainy season in autumn, when the water level recedes slightly, sow seeds around early winter; second, after the winter plowing rice is harvested, wait a little longer

For a few months, we wait for rain in early summer to sow summer rice.

In terms of temperature, it can be harvested three times a year here.

In terms of irrigation, there are at most two crops a year here.


If you want to have three crops a year, you must build large reservoirs and irrigation canals. This situation will be delayed for hundreds of years and will not be changed even in the 21st century. Ren 8

When Zhang Dakun woke up in the morning, his wife was already cooking. Ren 3]

As a soldier of the Datong Army, Zhang Dakun's exercises were relatively regular. After washing up, he practiced a set of military boxing techniques in front of his home. After practicing for a while, he returned to the house.

Several big families in the village community were uprooted by Sun Kewang. Although Zhang Dakun was just an ordinary soldier, he was also assigned a small house.[4

It is said to be a small house, but it can actually accommodate more than ten people, and it also has a special room for slaves.

Seeing Zhang Dakun return to the house, his wife immediately brought food.

No curry.

The origin of the word curry is the "sauce" of South India, which was borrowed and spread by the Portuguese. It is now an aristocratic dish of South India. Moreover, curry at this time is relatively simple.

Mild, only chili peppers and a few spices, and no butter, onions or tomatoes.[10

What was placed in front of Zhang Dakun was rice and stew.

The wife brought the rice and knelt down to one side, obviously waiting for her husband to eat first.

"Come here and eat together." Zhang Dakun waved.

The wife smiled and sat down carefully. This situation was repeated every day. If Zhang Dakun didn't wave, the wife would not dare to serve. 2 15

Zhang Dakun is from Yunnan. He didn't graduate from elementary school, so he learned carpentry in the village. When he was busy, he farmed, and when he was free, he worked as a carpenter. When he got older, he was recruited as a peasant soldier.

Although peasant soldiers do not receive military pay, they only take care of food during training, and they also take up their leisure time. However, farmers in poor areas not only do not resist, but actively sign up. Three years of farming

After completing their service period, soldiers can go to the city to take the police qualification test. Regular divisions and patrol soldiers are also recruiting people from the peasant soldiers -

Ordinary people can't become peasant soldiers. Zhang Dakun and the village chief are from the same clan, so he got the opportunity to become peasant soldiers. 2 23]

This guy was lucky. He only served as a peasant soldier for two years before being drafted as a civilian husband. At that time, he attacked the Nguyen clan in Vietnam and won the battle without much fighting. He spent the rest of his time pacifying the peasants.

Uprising, and this peasant uprising was triggered by the Nguyen court.

When Zhang Dakun was transporting grain and grass, he encountered a sneak attack by a peasant army. His grain transport team performed well. Zhang Dakun carried a spear and stabbed several enemies to death. He received meritorious service and received a reward.

Go to my hometown in Yunnan.

With his military exploits, his family was even more picky when it came to marrying him, and it took a full year to choose him, but nothing went well.

At this time, the retired soldiers from Guangnan Prefecture changed their jobs and stayed in Guangnan. The new soldiers were all recruited in Yunnan and Guangxi. Zhang Dakun was able to write and calculate, and he had military merit, so he was very smooth.

Li went to Quang Nam Province to serve as a soldier. The marriage was delayed again. Ren 2]

Hearing that he could become a landowner in India and receive a settling-in allowance, Zhang Dakun immediately signed up to go overseas without a wife or children to tie him down.

Now, as expected, I became a landlord and was allocated forty acres of land as I wished. Ren 6]

Zhang Dakun is very satisfied with this. They are all good fields by the river. Even if there are a few acres not close to the river, they still rely on water diversion to irrigate the canals. There is no need to cultivate it yourself, because there are fields attached to the soil.

The tenants of the land can just wait for the harvest of grain every year.

But there is one thing that makes Zhang Dakun very unhappy.

In other words, all Han landlords are unhappy.

The Tamil farmers here actually don’t dig latrines, they litter the ground with their feces and urine, and they don’t even know how to use it as fertilizer. Of course, the farmers here also compost, but they only use cow dung.

Fertilizer, other human and animal excrement are not used at all. Ren 2]

After Zhang Dakun and other Han landlords received the land, the first thing they did was to have their respective tenants dig pits to store excrement. The excrement in the wild,

Also collect them immediately.

The untouchable tenants were very obedient, but the Sudra tenants refused to do it, thinking that collecting excrement was a matter for untouchables. Jen 2]

Zhang Dakun, who had a good temper, was so angry that he beat people, and finally made the Shudra tenants willing to come into contact with feces.

Then there are the Han people who have not taken a wife, and they can give priority to finding a wife.

Those Brahmins, Kshatriyas, and women who were exterminated were all assigned to civil and military officials. Ordinary soldiers like Zhang Dakun could only marry Vaisya and Sudra women with slightly darker skin.

And you cannot marry a woman from the same village, you must marry a woman from a nearby village. Ren 2

Zhang Dakun was lucky. He married a Vaishya girl with fair complexion. The betrothal gift was a silver dollar and several pieces of cotton cloth.

My father-in-law’s family was very happy because they didn’t have to pay a large dowry and could still receive betrothal gifts. It was better to cross caste and marry a Han “noble” – all Han people were noble in their eyes.


His Royal Highness the King of Jin said that the Han people do not respect caste, and the children of the Han people are all Han people. 7 3]

Anyway, when the village communities under actual control by the Han people heard about this policy, people with daughters came to visit like crazy. It doesn’t matter whether they don’t need a betrothal gift, or they can bankrupt their entire family and give them a dowry. They just want to get their daughters.

The son will marry a "noble". Even if he cannot improve his caste, he will definitely be more prosperous in the future and can look down on his neighbors of the same caste. Ren 1]

After breakfast, Zhang Dakun said to his wife: "I'm going out. "

His wife was giggling and saying some words that he didn't understand, and kept sending him outside.

Zhang Dakun is very satisfied with his wife. Although Shudras and untouchables have dark skin, his Vaishya wife is fair and beautiful, even whiter than Zhang Dakun's own skin.

If you are obedient and have good hands and feet when doing housework, you will see that you are good at running a household.[ 12

When we arrived at the door of our house, there were more than ten people kneeling outside.

Zhang Dakun couldn't figure it out at first, but then he gradually learned that they all came to look for jobs. As a noble in the village, he didn't have any servants, and many of them worked as part-time workers.

The villagers who were born are eager to become his slaves.

It's most cost-effective to hire untouchables. They don't get paid and they just take care of the food.

Even the untouchables are happy with the leftovers, and they don't care if they are beaten or scolded. They are so happy that they kneel down on the spot and crawl over to kiss the ground in front of their masters when they are even given a piece of rags.

As for kissing the master's boots, untouchables are not qualified, that belongs to the privilege of the Sudra class.


If the untouchables dare to have any contact with the nobles, or even step on the shadow of the nobles, they deserve to be beaten to death.


Someone has already hired slaves, but Zhang Dakun doesn't dare to do so for the time being. He has a newlywed wife at home. What if he goes out and his wife has an affair with a slave? Ren 5]


Zhang Dakun was carrying a fire gun on his back and a stick in his hand. He swung the stick and hit him.

The person who was hit did not dare to dodge, so he gave Zhang Dakun a hard blow, and then grinned at him.

This smile made Zhang Dakun panic. In the first two days when he came to the village, he treated the local people as human beings. Gradually, he discovered that these guys looked down upon themselves and did not treat themselves as such.

Be a human being.[10]

"Xiao Zhang!

Liu Datong from next door shouted.5 3]

Zhang Dakun ran quickly, stood at attention and saluted the military, saying: "Commander of the Sentinel!" 2 2]

Liu Datong returned the military salute and said with a smile: "There were people from the village last night. If you need anything or want to send a letter to your hometown, please report it to me. If you want to

When the family came to pick him up, he was free of charge for food and lodging, and all the money was paid by His Majesty the King of Jin.

Zhang Dakun said: "I have two brothers at home to take care of my parents, so there is no need to bring them here. I just write to them and tell them that I have also asked for a wife, and I have forty points divided here."

acres of paddy field.”1

"Then you write a letter tonight and I will hand it over for you." Liu Datong patted him on the shoulder.

Liu Datong is from the Yi ethnic group in Yunnan, and was born into a Yi slave family. At first, he didn’t even have a surname. He asked the Han people to help him get his surname and given name. He was promoted to the post of commander entirely based on his military merit.

, currently equivalent to the village chief of this village community (not formally appointed).

Moreover, Liu Datong's skin color is very dark, similar to that of the untouchables here.

When he first arrived, the villagers regarded him as a pariah, and instead went to please other soldiers. Liu Datong was so angry that he punished several offenders and finally let people know

He has the highest status in the village. { 10

Liu Datong allocated a hundred acres of land, got a wife, and owned a large number of tenants. His whole family is in Guangnan Province, and he already has a wife and children, and he plans to take her here this time

The King of Jin will send a boat to pick up the family members.

Here, the King of Jin encouraged concubinage and having more children. As long as the children were not born to untouchables, if they lived to be twelve years old, they would be given land. If the land was not enough, troops would be sent to develop it -

Qian Datong's army left five hundred to guard the city, while the rest returned to the countryside to supervise the tenants' harvesting of grain.

The rice harvest season has arrived, and food will be produced soon.

Liu Datong not only has to be responsible for his own farmland, but also has to help his comrades who stayed in Taiwu City manage land and food. He is very busy all day long now, but he is very motivated and has a hundred acres of land.

The fields are all his own, and they can continue to increase in the future.

I just don’t understand the language and it’s too tiring to manage, so I can only give orders with gestures and sticks. Ren 6

Fortunately, the villagers are very honest and will not resist if they are beaten or scolded. The disadvantage is that these guys are very lazy. Even if they are asked to dig toilet compost, they are willing to do things in person, but then turn their backs and start chatting together.

God. If more than ten people dig a toilet, they can dig it for several days. If they don’t have sticks to serve them at all times, they probably won’t be able to dig it for half a month. 2 11

There is no need to teach composting techniques, Tamil farmers can do it themselves, but they only use cow dung. Now they have to slowly adapt to human and animal excrement, and it may take two or three years to change their mindset.

In the farmland all around, tenant farmers have been busy for a long time.

There is no need to rush when harvesting grain. Everyone is hardworking and they also know the importance of the harvest season.

As for the land rent, the Han people do not plan to change it, 80 for paddy fields and 50 for early fields. After the landlords got the grain, they handed over part of it to the king of Jin. They were too lazy to care about the life and death of the farmers. They followed a principle that the Han people had more children and let the locals

The natives will die slowly.6

About a month after the harvest, Liu Datong, Zhang Dakun and others received orders to gather troops.

But it was one that was closer to the Han village community. Several village communities managed by Brahmins handed over the wrong amount of grain, and the tax account books were obviously smaller than in the past. Ren 2]

These Brahmins, seeing that the Han people did not understand the language, wanted to fool the people. Villages further away had not paid food due to the distance. This trend must be killed.

There were also Tamil officials under the King of Jin who could speak Chinese, and they often went to Nanyang to do business. They were invited to serve as officials, responsible for translating official documents, and were often sent

Go and mingle with the locals.

Most of these people belong to the Vaishya caste.

The King of Jin promised that as long as they became officials and three members of the family could speak Chinese, they would be Han Chinese from now on. These Vaishya officials who could speak Chinese became very motivated in an instant.

Because after becoming Han Chinese, the whole family was lifted up the caste.


Liu Datong went to Taiwu City to report that the battalion commander took them to collect taxes by force, and he also brought a Tamil translator with him.

[ 8]

I rushed into several village communities along the way, and the noble managers there were exempted from punishment as long as they paid taxes honestly. Anyone who made a few quibbles would be directly exterminated, and uukanshu www.uukanshu.com assigned the female scrolls to the Han people as concubines.

Then, use these heads to collect taxes, and the remaining village nobles will be honest.

Village communities in areas under actual control still have many fields that have not been divided, and the grain from these fields belongs to the public. Ren 11

Zhao Kuangbiao sent a ship back this time, and had to go to Chittagong and Malacca to borrow a ship. Emperor Zhao said that in the first year after capturing Tanjore, he would give King Jin material aid up to the limit.

You can have whatever you want inside.


Zhao Kuangbiao had to hurry up and bring in the families of officials and soldiers. He also got some more farm tools. There was no shortage of cattle here, but there was a shortage of iron plows, hoes and other items. Many tenants were

Can't afford a plow.

Next, immigrants were recruited along the coast. When they arrived in India, they immediately divided the fields. Starting with ten acres of paddy fields per person, the number doubled when they were assigned dry fields. 1 11]

Chamin and citizens who do not know how to farm can also come here. Those who are willing to divide their fields can do so. Those who do not want to divide their fields live in Taiwu City. As long as they are literate, they can serve as officials.

This policy is very attractive. Although you are far away from home, you can become an official when you go there. You can become an official even before you graduate from elementary school!

Moreover, regardless of whether you have a wife or not, you can marry and take concubines when you come here. The more children you have, the better. Taking concubines and having children is a contribution to the country. 2 11]

Even Zhang Dakun, an ordinary soldier, took a concubine after the rice harvest.

He revealed the intention of taking a concubine, and the people from the neighboring village came over one after another with their daughters. Instead of a betrothal gift, they gave a dowry instead, hoping that their daughter could be married to a Han noble.

Zhang Dakun carefully selected with a smile, and finally chose the one with the fairest skin and the best appearance, and lived a happy life of a wife and concubine in India.

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