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968 [Big Gold Mine]

The rainy season is coming.

Zhao Kuangbiao stood on the palace balcony and used a telescope to observe the temple in the distance.

The Brihotin Shivara Temple, which means "the great lord", is used to worship Shiva. There is a huge tower in the temple, 63.41 meters high, which is the third tallest building in India.

Both temples and temple towers are built of large pieces of granite without the use of any adhesive. Over the past hundreds of years, they have experienced many earthquakes, and not only have they not collapsed, but the walls have even been damaged.

No obvious cracks can be found. The top of the temple tower is carved from two complete pieces of granite. Each piece of granite weighs 30 tons. It is difficult to imagine how it was transported up in the first place. 7 9

Because there is an open square inside the temple, it was requisitioned by the British army as a military camp and used for more than 30 years before it was returned to the King of Tanjore.

After taking back the temple, King Serphoji II immediately cleaned the temple and held a grand celebration ceremony.

At that time, the British Viscount of Valencia happened to be visiting Tanjore and was invited by the king to attend the celebration.

The Viscount of Valencia was a friend of the king. He expressed doubts in his notes: "This king was forced into exile since he was a child and was raised by British missionaries. He was familiar with Western literature.

He is proficient in various European languages ​​and has extraordinary talents in philosophy, poetry, mathematics, and dance. If he were in Europe, he must be an excellent scholar. How could he become a superstitious man in India?

Where are people?

c 3_

The Viscount of Valencia concluded from this: This ignorant land conquered by civilization has never given birth to any flower of civilization worthy of careful study and praise! Ren 2]

Zhao Kuangbiao put down his telescope and said: "The Chola Dynasty hundreds of years ago was indeed quite powerful. It not only dug irrigation canals along the river, but also built such majestic temples and towers."

Wang Chongxi, standing nearby, said:

"This was true hundreds of years ago, and it is still true hundreds of years later. It can even be said that it has been going backwards. I heard that the irrigation canals along both sides of the river have become almost

It has not been repaired for a hundred years. Only when there is serious damage, each village will repair its own section. Even if repairing a small section of the irrigation canal can be completed in two or three months, it will still be delayed.

Several years." 5 1

Zhao Kuangbiao said: "I think it is due to the caste system. The nobles in each village do not regard the land as private property, but only manage it for the king. Their thoughts are used to enrich themselves.

But the people are even less perseverant, and no one is willing to repair the public property.

"But during the Chola Dynasty, there was also a caste system, and the irrigation canals were built at that time," Ma Li said.

Wang Chongxi said: "It's because the imperial court has lost its ambition. Anyway, the life is getting better, so it doesn't bother to build water conservancy projects. In fact, it is easy for village communities under the well-field system to collect corvee services.

There is no need to pay wages, just provide some food.” Ren 2]

Zhao Kuangbiao nodded and said: "Indeed."

The dilapidated water conservancy facilities here in Tanjore, in another time and space, had to wait until the more than a thousand remnants of the Green Sect seized power and established the country before they could be repaired. Regardless of high or low,

Entire villages were demoted as slaves and then whipped to repair water conservancy projects.

Guan Xian said: It will rain in a few days. Tamil officials said that after the first light rain, it is time to sow summer rice and wait for the rainy season to come. In the real rainy season, unless there is a heavy rain

The water floods the farmland, otherwise there will be no top dressing during the heading period. It is easy to grow rice here, not like the exhausting work in Tianchao.

Wang Chongxi said: "So, the farmers here are too idle. And during the slack period, the diligent ones can only do some part-time work, while the lazy ones just lie at home every day and wait until the sun comes out.

Come out and lie down. Farmers here are farmers and cannot do carpentry work, because carpentry is a profession of another small caste."

Ma Li smiled and said: "If there are more and more Han people in the future and there are not enough acres of land to divide, will Han farmers become carpenters and bricklayers? If they become carpenters and bricklayers, these two castes will


Do you think the Han people have taken away their jobs?

"Definitely," Zhao Kuangbiao nodded. "As the number of Han people increases, conflicts will inevitably intensify. Maybe the indigenous people will unite to rebel."

Wang Chongxi said: "Your Highness, I do have a way."

"Tell me about it," Zhao Kuangbiao said.

Wang Chongxi said: "Steady expansion bit by bit. If the expansion is too fast, all the Han people will become big landowners, and they may not have much ambition. If the expansion is too slow, the Han people at the bottom will become

If there is resentment, it will also intensify conflicts with the indigenous people. It will slowly expand, leaving hope for the lower-class Han people, and allowing the lower-class Han people to fight with the indigenous people, but the fight will not break away from the imperial control. Then

With the expansion of land and the increase in the number of Han people, the conflict between the Han people and the indigenous people has been intensifying for a longer period of time."

Zhao Kuangbiao laughed and said: "It's just about cooking fresh food and learning how to control the heat." 1

He has already sent a ship back to bring Princess Jin from Nanjing.

Since they live in school all year round, the princess and her concubine have not had many children, and currently they only have one son and one daughter. The two children will stay in Nanjing for the time being. They must at least graduate from middle school and accept

Only with enough education can one come to India. Jen 4

In addition, he visited Babaiyao, where his grandfather lived, once when he went south.

Grandpa was in good spirits and promised to help Zhao Kuangbiao recruit people. The Yao people and local Han people who were willing to go to sea would register with the government. They would also come to Taiwu City by boat this time. Or

Maybe not one or two thousand, but a few hundred people should be able to make it together, after all, there are more mountainous areas over there.


There are too few Han people under Zhao Kuangbiao, including civil servants, military generals, technicians, infantry, cavalry, and marines, there are only more than 2,000. Some will bring their family members, but there are also many

Some are wives and children, and few parents and brothers are willing to go to sea.

Anyway, when these ships come back, it will be good if the number of Han people can reach 4,000.

This is unprecedented in India. Take the founding emperor of the Mughals as an example. This man was beaten into a dog in Central Asia. He came to India with more than a thousand remaining soldiers and conquered some Afghans on the way.

The Afghans will not exceed 3,000 troops even if they are fully attacked. Ren 1]

Three thousand troops were the original foundation of the Mughal Empire, and they belonged to different races. When they came to India, they could only integrate into the caste society and then recruit local troops.

The team is expanding.

The Portuguese, Dutch, French, and British came to colonize India just like that. After hundreds of years of colonial port development, the Europeans could only breed two to three thousand people.

And most of them are of mixed-race descent.

In comparison, Zhao Kuangbiao's immigration speed is completely unreasonable, and he directly managed to obtain 00 Han people in just one year. Ren 11

As Zhao Kuangbiao establishes a foothold in Taiwu City, more and more Chinese merchants will come to trade in the future. He has already contacted coastal merchants and asked them to help spread the news and pick up people.

, the boat tickets and meals along the way can be reimbursed.

If you can read, you can become an official, and if you come here, you can divide the land. I think the mountain people and the Cha people can't resist the temptation.

Zhao Kuangbiao didn't think too much. He was already content with hundreds of new immigrants every year. After all, Nanyang was also absorbing immigrants. 7.8

And those merchants, if the trade is stable, will also open a trading company in Taiwu City, leaving the branch's cabinets and clerks to buy Jin's cotton and other goods, and at the same time take over the management of the Dutch.

Shipping issues.

While immigrating and having children at the same time, Zhao Kuangbiao hoped to have 20,000 Han people within 20 years. Ren 3]

It would be best if the population were larger.

When the number of Han people reaches ten thousand, Zhao Kuangbiao will expand and conquer the neighboring country of Madurai! Ren 20]

"Da da da da!" 01 ]

There was a sound of horse hoofbeats, but it was Sun Kewang who led the troops to collect taxes by force and returned.

In villages near the river, infantry can go to collect taxes. Further afield, cavalry must be used, and they must be beaten this year, otherwise the local nobles will not be honest when paying agricultural taxes.

"Your Highness, General Sun wants to see you!"

"Bring him in."

Sun Kewang went out for a sweep and killed more than ten nobles. He was in high spirits and had already ushered in the second spring of his life. Ren 3]

"I will see you at last, Your Highness!" Sun Kewang said in military salute.

Zhao Kuangbiao asked: "Are there still people who are dissatisfied with Wang Hua?"

"Kill more than ten people and let the cavalry carry their heads and go to various villages, and those nobles will become honest." Sun Kewang suddenly whispered, "Your Highness, there are people near Camme City.

The gold mine is in the hands of a few Kshatriya nobles!"

Kanmei City was renamed by Zhao Kuangbiao at the request of the ministers. Its original name was Alicamedu. It is the second largest city in the country. It is located not far from the border between Jin State and Jinji State, and is close to the sea.

It is a port city, and the city lord there is nominally submissive, but he is proud of his troops and is unwilling to hand over commercial taxes.

The entire South India is the gold mining area of ​​the Indian subcontinent.

But Zhao Kuangbiao's Jin State only had one large gold mine, not far from Camme City. The rest were scattered small mines, and not much could be mined in a year. There was no need to do it for that.

Gold goes to war.

Mysore, our neighbor to the northwest, has four large gold mines!

Wang Chongxi said: "Kanmei City is the second largest city. uukanshu.com www.uukanshu.com The city lord is not very obedient. Sooner or later he will capture it. Now that there is a gold mine, we must conquer it. But it cannot be done for the time being.

Worry, we have too few Han people, and the place has not been completely stabilized."

Guan Xian said: "The most urgent task is to wait for the rainy season to pass and repair the irrigation canals along the river. Even if we want to attack the city of Camme, we have to wait until next year to send troops, and we have to find a

A suitable excuse to send troops."

"The excuse for sending troops is ready. The city of Camme does not obey the king's orders and is unwilling to hand over the city's commercial taxes." Ma Li said.

Zhao Kuangbiao asked: "How many troops are there in Camme City and its surrounding areas?

Sun Kewang said: "I have inquired clearly. There are only a few hundred soldiers in the city. Once we want to fight, we must do it quickly. We cannot let the nobles go to the village to gather troops. Otherwise, it will not be a fight with a few hundred soldiers."

Instead of fighting thousands of people, the nobles of Camme are very influential and control at least one-fifth of the villages in the country."

Zhao Kuangbiao nodded and said: "If we send troops, we will go by boat and surround the city. We will not give the enemy a chance to gather troops in the countryside. Even if they can gather troops, they will not be allowed to enter the city."

When fighting in the wild, no matter how many enemies there are, you are not afraid."

Zhao Kuangbiao now not only has insufficient Han people, but also insufficient Han officials.

Even many official positions in the city are held by Tamil nobles. A large number of soldiers are also literate, but the army cannot be dispersed - half is stationed in the city and the other half is left to take charge.

Li Cunshe. Just wait until next year. As long as you can read, you can become an official. The number of Han officials will gradually increase, and the country's documents will be written in Chinese characters.

Now I have no choice but to work bilingually, otherwise the Tamil official history in the city cannot be understood. Ren 4

This chapter has been completed!
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