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Chapter 667 Just So Arrogant

More people came than Wu Tian expected. Except for a few older people, almost everyone else came. The originally empty living room was now packed, with only the older generation sitting.

The younger generation all stood quietly, not even daring to speak loudly, and looked completely different from when they were outside.

"Uncle, second uncle...!" Wu Tian greeted everyone who came to the house. After this circle, he asked more than a dozen people, not including the young ones. Wu Tian, ​​who was of the same generation, nodded directly and said, "No one is."

Outsiders, there is no need to be so polite.

"Xiaotian, you are finally back. We have been waiting for a long time. Come and sit down." The uncle said enthusiastically to Wu Tian. He looked very happy and kept waving to Wu Tian. In fact,

, everyone else is the same, with smiles on their faces. In contrast, Wu Tian's father looks much calmer, and his eyes when looking at Wu Tian are full of pride and pride.

After Wu Tian heard this, he walked over. His eldest cousin brought a chair over in time and placed it opposite the elders. Wu Tian looked at the position of the chair and then at his eldest cousin who was winking at him. How could he be so kind?

How does it feel to have three trials? Don't be so scary. He would be scared to face so many people at the same time.

But in the end, under the watchful eyes of his elders, Wu Tian still sat down, but he looked a little confused. He couldn't figure out what these people wanted to do when they suddenly gathered in his home. When his mother called in the morning,

I didn't say there would be so many people coming at night.

"Is something wrong?" Wu Tian asked with some guilt. Is it a problem with his lifestyle?

"Xiaotian, I heard that your project A has been successfully researched, is it true?" The uncle looked at Wu Tian and asked anxiously.

Who is Wu Tian? As soon as he heard his uncle's words and saw the eyes of the people around him who were eager to know this question, Wu Tian immediately understood the purpose of everyone gathering here tonight. It turned out that they were all concerned.

Project A. Maybe from the outside, Project A can save their lives, but to the Wu family, this is huge capital.

"If it's not a dream, I think it should be real." Wu Tian said.

"Are you sure?" the second uncle asked.

"Sure." Wu Tian didn't understand why his eldest and second uncle asked repeatedly. Do they not believe in his ability? Or he still felt that so many powerful research institutes and pharmaceutical companies in the world had not developed it, so he couldn't believe that he was like this

Will a small company succeed in research? But having said that, if this matter was put last year, he did not think that he would be able to complete the research of Project A so quickly. At this time last year, he still felt that it would take at least several years or even more than ten years.

What about time.

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure." Wu Tian said loudly, "Uncle, even if you don't believe in me, you should believe in my team. My team has gathered the best talents in the world. If I say that I am dazzled, they

We can’t all be dazzled, right? So, don’t ask any more questions about whether Project A has been completed, because I can tell you responsibly that it was really successful.”

Hearing Wu Tian's confident tone, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and the worry in their eyes disappeared without a trace. It was replaced by excitement, especially excitement.

"Xiaotian, you did a very good job." The uncle looked at Wu Tian and said, "It's not that we don't believe you. It's that Project A is of great importance and we must confirm it repeatedly."

"I know the matter is important, so I have checked it countless times, and it is definitely not wrong." Wu Tian said after hearing this. "You know, I spent countless time and effort on Project A, so in Project A

In matters, I am more careful and cautious than you."

"Xiaotian is right, we are all laymen, Xiaotian is an expert, and now even the experts have confirmed it, what do we laymen still have to doubt?" Wu Tian's sister-in-law looked at her brothers and said, then turned to

Wu Tian asked, "Xiaotian, now that Project A is successful, what are your next ideas?"

"It's very simple. Conduct clinical trials first. After confirming the effect, the drug can be produced and put on the market in batches." Wu Tian said, "The domestic market is not a problem. I have already begun to lay out the international market. As long as it is not with me

For those who have a grudge, or those who think they are against it, I think the medicine will soon be sold all over the world, which will not only change people's understanding of cancer, but also change all related industrial chains in the entire cancer industry."

"Good! You have ideas and courage."

"I know this."

Faced with the compliments from the uncle and the others, we were not modest and accepted them all. In the past, he would not have dared to accept such praise, but now that Project A is a success, Wu Tian feels that any praise should be placed on him.

, is not an exaggeration. Because he is a successful person, history seems to be written by successful people, so successful people should be praised. Wu Tian even feels that a few words from Uncle Guang and others are nothing at all.

As soon as the paper is published, it will definitely cause violent shock and repercussions in the community. For his contribution to cancer treatment, any medical award today should belong to him, even the Nobel Prize is no exception. Autumn

It's harvest season, and it's time for him to receive the goods.

After understanding the concerns of the uncle and others, Wu Tian calmly answered various questions raised by everyone, including many professional things. Although he knew that the uncle and the others certainly did not understand, in order to make himself look more

Awesome, Wu Tian still said a lot.

Perhaps realizing that they did not understand, or perhaps knowing the answer they wanted, these elders quickly let Wu Tian go and all entered the study room, wondering what they were discussing.

After the elders left, all the young people present became active, and even the sounds of breathing changed. The eldest cousin hugged Wu Tian and whispered, "Okay, you guys dare to be like the elders."

Have you spoken? I didn’t even dare to breathe just now.”

"Look at your potential." Wu Tian glanced at the other person and said with a smile.

"You are the most popular person now. No matter what attitude and tone you use towards them, they won't care now. When this time passes, let's see how arrogant you still are." The second cousin said after hearing Wu Tian's words.

"Hey, it's a pity that I won't be able to get over this matter for a while. At least for a few years, I can continue to be arrogant. Just envy me. Just be jealous of me. Hahahaha."

Wu Tian laughed arrogantly, and several cousins ​​around him stared at him in anger. In the end, no one knew who pinched Wu Tian first. Wu Tian suddenly turned into dough, and countless hands beat him again.

Again, if Wu Tian hadn't run so fast, his whole body would have changed color. It seems that he still can't arouse public anger.

The purpose of tonight's gathering is very simple. To congratulate Wu Tian on the completion of his project A research, so throughout the night, Wu Tian is like a star holding the moon. It has always been the focus of people's talk. Wu Tian has never been so tall in his life.

Although he knew that he deserved it, he was still a little flattered in the end and felt like he was in a dream. It was not until midnight, after everyone left one after another, that Wu Caicai gradually regained consciousness. Only now did he understand,

Why do some people change after becoming successful? Faced with such a storm of praise, it’s strange not to change. Wu Tian now feels that he has changed a little. He has become so happy.

When Wu Tian came home this time, she originally wanted to reunite with her parents. After all, she had been in seclusion for several months, and she had been working in the laboratory continuously. She had not been back for a long time, but the result turned out to be

At the big party, he not only reunited with his parents, but also reunited with the entire family. However, despite being happy, Wu Tian always felt that something was missing. He returned to his room and lay on the bed for a long time. He tossed and turned and couldn't fall asleep.

Finally, he came to the bedside and lit a cigarette, only to find that the light was still on on the first floor, which was in the direction of the study. It was already past twelve o'clock, wasn't his father still asleep? Wu Tianmeng took two puffs and then put out the cigarette.

Turn it off, open the door and go downstairs.

"Dang Dang Dang."

"Come in."

Wu Tian opened the door and walked into his father's study. As a child, Wu Tian always felt that this place was a very mysterious place. When he grew up, he realized that there was nothing in the study itself, but the people in the study that made him admire. No.

I know if every child’s idol at the beginning is his or her father, at least that’s the case for Wu Tian.

"Dad, it's so late and you haven't slept yet?" Wu Tian said, looking at his father sitting behind the desk with documents in his hand.

"There are a few documents that I fell asleep after reading. What about you? Why didn't you sleep?" Wu Guanzhi asked.

"Can't sleep." Wu Tian told the truth.

Wu Guanzhi was slightly startled when he heard this, then smiled, pointed to the chair opposite and said, "Since you can't sleep, let's sit for a while. We haven't talked for a long time."

"Wouldn't it delay your work?"


Wu Tian sat down opposite his father.

"Why can't you sleep? Are you busy day and night in the laboratory and are not used to the normal schedule?" Wu Guanzhi took off his glasses, looked at his son and asked with concern. In the past, I always felt that it was a pity that my son did not pursue an official career.

Although he respects his son's choice, he doesn't feel very comfortable in his heart. But now, seeing that his son has a successful career and has accomplished things that others have not accomplished, and also attracted so many people's attention, this makes him feel

I am very happy and very proud. As expected, gold shines everywhere.

"For those of us who are engaged in research, there is no normal routine, and we can sleep whenever we touch the pillow." Wutian said after hearing this, "I just don't know why, but I suddenly feel a little empty. The research on Project A is completed.

, I should feel grateful, I don’t know why I feel this way.”

"It's normal." Wu Guanzhi said after hearing this, "For a long time, you have pinned everything on Project A. Now that the project is completed, while achieving the goal, you will naturally feel confused because you have no goal. Back then,

Have I also gone through this stage? It doesn't matter, you are bored because of one person now. When you get involved in the next work, that feeling of emptiness will disappear, and your life will still become fuller."


"Let me tell you, when I was your age...!"

Due to work, father and son rarely have such heart-to-heart talks. Now that he obviously has time, Wu Guanzhi told his son some of his past things, hoping that his son could understand something from it and not remain confused. This is just a part of life.

a necessary stage.

Wu Tian listened carefully, just like he did when he was a child, and his expression did not change. After achieving success in his career, the care of his family was also very important to him at this time.

...(To be continued...)

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