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Chapter 668 The future is not a dream!

Wu Tian talked with his father until very late before going to bed. After the heart-to-heart talk with his father, Wu Tian no longer felt empty in his heart and began to be full of unlimited expectations for the future.

This time Wu Tian did not just stay for one night and leave like before, but stayed at home for several days. Although his parents had to go to work during the day, the long-lost family atmosphere still made Wu Tian feel very happy. With three days left before the end of the vacation, Wu Tian left home, returned to the laboratory, and began to sort out the research data for Project A. He wanted to compile several floors of data into a paper, which would be published in the World Medical Journal He believes that no matter how high-standard a medical journal is, as long as it sees this paper and is sure it is true, it will be published in the most prominent position as soon as possible. The reason is also very simple, because this It is a research that can change the destiny of mankind. Even if it cannot cure cancer 100%, it can at least make mankind no longer fear cancer as before. Humanity has won another victory in the war against cancer. And with that, With the success of this research, I believe there will be many other studies derived from it, and human research on cancer will also enter a new stage.

Wu Tian stayed in the laboratory for three days without ever leaving the company gate. Now everything he needs is in this building, so there is no need to leave.

Since everything was in Wu Tian's mind, although Project A took Wu Tian several years, Wu Tian finished everything in three days. The paper was not long, only tens of thousands of words, and the laboratory Compared with the boxes and boxes of information stacked inside and the countless tons of information in the computer, these tens of thousands of words are really nothing.

Soon, the vacation was over, and all the researchers in the laboratory returned to the company. After more than ten days of rest, the people who were originally tired were now rejuvenated, and they were all in high spirits and full of energy. What's more, Wu Tian sent them The bonus is enough for their family to travel abroad, except for other planets. Such treatment is not available in every company, and not every boss is as willing to spend money as Wu Tian.

A new compound entity has been discovered. The next step is to convert this compound entity into an anti-cancer drug. This process is not difficult. With the current strength of Tianzheng Company, it is more than enough to do this job.

After everyone arrived, the first thing Wu Tian did was to hold a meeting. He distributed the papers compiled in the past few days to everyone present. The power of one person is limited, but the wisdom of the collective is infinite. They are all parties involved in Project A. Wu Tian hopes that when everyone reads this report, they can give him more comments and suggestions to make the entire paper more substantial and understandable at a glance.

This is the work that Wu Tian arranged for everyone on the first day of work. However, everyone did not go back to their respective offices. Instead, they discussed the content of the paper in the conference room. Anyone who had questions could ask it, and then everyone studied it together. .

Because there were many things that needed to be revised and added to the paper, it was not until the third day that the paper was finalized. Then it was sent to a well-known medical journal and awaited the results.

This waiting may be a long process, but for Wu Tian and his team. They still have a lot to do, including synthesizing drugs and clinical trials. These are also very important. This is a step to transform discoveries into Results, and then the process of turning results into benefits, Wu Tian and others did not stop at the joy of the success of Project A. Standing still will only make people catch up. What's more, Wu Tian is also a businessman, and he needs to turn the results into For profit.

Ten days later, Wu Tian received a reply from a medical journal, hoping to publish the report Wu Tian submitted in their medical journal. You must know that this is a world-class medical journal with a very powerful position in the medical industry.

Many of them are world-class experts and professors, and every report they publish must go through intense discussions with these experts and professors before it can be published until it is confirmed to be correct and no one objects. Their replies explain that

These old experts recognized the success of the research on Project A, and their hope to publish this report was also an affirmation of Project A. They even hoped to come to China and conduct an exclusive interview with Wu Tian and his entire team, but this was

Wu Tian declined. It was okay to publish it in the newspaper, but not for interviews. Firstly, because he still had a lot of things to do now, and secondly, because after the report was released, there would be more interviews, so why rush it? Moreover,

The more people do not accept interviews, the more mysterious they will be, and the more reports on Tianzheng Company will be, and they will even compete for reports to win the public's attention. This is also a good thing for the company. It will increase its international presence.

Exposure on the Internet without spending a penny on advertising.

The next day after receiving permission from Wu Tian's reply, the medical journal published the research report of Wu Tian's team, and in an unprecedented way, a large amount of space was used to publish the report, including all international experts' comments on the research.

The affirmation and evaluation almost became a special issue, which even Wu Tian himself did not expect.

Medical publications were sold to various countries through various channels. In just one day, it caused a sensation in the medical community around the world. All experts joined the discussion. What no one expected was that in all major research institutions

When I was doing this research, it was actually successfully researched by a little-known company, which is really surprising. After reading the reports in the publications countless times, many people called the medical publications, hoping that

Can get more accurate and detailed information.

Of course, some people have expressed doubts about the authenticity of the published content. After all, there are too many people engaged in this research and they all know the difficulty of this matter. It is obviously impossible to believe it based on just a few reports.

Convinced. After all, as long as you open your mouth, you can say that your research is successful.

While the medical community around the world was debating this matter, Wu Tian and his team did not suffer any infection from the outside world and were focused on working in the laboratory. After half a month of hard work, the drug was formed.

Immediately afterwards, it was invested in clinical trials. Because of my mother's help, and Tianzheng Pharmaceutical still maintained all the original relationships with Kangli Pharmaceutical, including clinical aspects, it didn't take much trouble and quickly entered the first clinical phase.

This is a very long process. Anti-cancer drugs are not like cold medicines that can show effects in a short time. Inhibiting the spread of cancer cells requires slow efforts. Let’s not talk about the effects of drugs. Just those who study the human body’s response to drugs

The level of discomfort, drug metabolism, as well as the absorption, distribution, elimination of drugs in the human body, adverse reactions, etc., etc., are definitely not something that can be completed in a month or two. And as a research and development team, Wu Tian and others

You must always pay attention to every detail of clinical trials in order to improve the drug. Although it is also very tiring, it is much easier than working in the laboratory day and night busy researching before. At least you can have a normal


During this process, Wu Tian still did not accept any interviews. Although many colleagues and reporters crowded outside the company every day, Wu Tian did not decide to deal with these people.

The company's website selectively publishes some project details to attract attention and at the same time address public suspicion.

People's concern about this matter exceeded Wu Tian's expectation, because on the first day of the announcement, the company's website was immediately overwhelmed. If Liu Min hadn't brought her people to the company urgently for support, the company would have quickly

After recovery, Wu Tian and Tianzheng Company would be disgraced internationally. Then, everything became much smoother. Every report Wu Tian published could cause a great sensation in the world.

Discussion, and this matter gradually extended to the medical community, extended to various fields, and became a national topic. Everyone is discussing whether human beings are really capable of fighting cancer, and whether they can successfully escape from the clutches of cancer.


Under the constant exaggeration of the media, Tianzheng Company has gradually become the nemesis of cancer and the savior of cancer patients. The customer service of Tianzheng Company is busy 24 hours a day. People are asking about the drugs derived from Project A all the time.

When will it be available on the market? If the clinical trial has not been completed, then they will use it voluntarily and become volunteers. Customer service was originally a very easy job, but now it has become the busiest job in the company. When faced with inquiries, they just

Can repeat words like this over and over again.

In order to let the public know better, Wu Tian will update the progress on the official website every day. This can also be regarded as a marketing method. Of course, the premise is that someone sees it. As a pharmaceutical company that has attracted the attention of the world, Tianzheng has attracted

A lot of people are paying attention, and even the media are always staring at the website page, waiting for updates, so it didn't take long for Tianzheng Company's reputation to spread all over the world and become the object of many people's attention.

There is no doubt that, except for Tianzheng Company, no one thing can attract the attention of the world now. People's desire for disease, health and life far exceeds other things. Just imagine, if cancer cells

If the spread can be effectively limited, how long can human life be extended? How many people will benefit from this? Will those celebrities who died of cancer still be alive? Will the world change as a result? The answer is yes

.However, all this could not be realized before, but there will definitely be a chance to be realized in the future. And Tianzheng Company gives everyone such an opportunity.

"I said that Project A can be realized, it is not a dream." Wu Tian said to Chen Chen beside him, remembering that the other party stopped his project and forced him to leave Shengtian Company. Now Wu Tian can finally

Feeling proud.

"Yes." After hearing this, Chen Chen looked at Wu Tian affectionately and said, "Actually, you should thank me. If it weren't for me, would Project A have been completed so quickly?"

"You can say this kind of thing? You are really a top performer."

(Complete book) (To be continued...)

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